Me n My Sister Part 4 (From Sister’s POV)

It started earlier this year. We were seniors and the prom was only days away. He had the hots for my friend Clair who looked like she could be my sister. She was just over five feet tall, brown hair and eyes, her frame was small. She had a small but defined chest and her long legs were usually on display under the skirts she normally wore. She always told me to dress sexier but I never could. I was too self-conscience. I knew Clair liked my brother too but he was too shy to ask her to prom. I knew I wouldn’t be asked so I accepted my fate.

For weeks leading to prom I urged her to ask my brother. She kept refusing but as time ran short, and no other boy had asked her, she finally gave in. I set the scene perfectly. She would ambush him between classes at his locker. Prom was only days away as we executed our plan. He was swapping books in his locker when she approached. They greeted and I could see his was nervous. I was creeping at the corner just in ear shot of the conversation.

She smiled at him and he seemed to melt. She nervously asked him to go to prom and his whole posture shifted. He stood taller, his anxiety creaking his voice as he jumped at the chance.

“Clair, yea… umm absolutely… I would… yes.”

She smiled, he would have his date. Then he shifted nervously. She asked what was wrong.

“It’s just… you know… my sister…”

She looked bewildered at him.

“She doesn’t have… you know… a date…”

Clair reassured him she would be okay. Even softly stroking his arm a bit with her hand.

“Clair, I really… you have no idea… how much I want to… go with you…”

Clair’s face began to shift. He was rejecting her. I had promised her this would work.

“I can’t… just leave my sister… by herself on prom while I go…”

She was angry. I was shocked…

“It’s just not right… I’m sorry.”

The warning chimes for next period filled the hall, the students began to rush towards their classroom.

“I have to go…”

He walked off, away from Clair with his head low. She stood there in shock for a few minutes and then walked past me. She was embarrassed and blamed me. She stormed past me without a word. We haven’t spoken since.

Shocked myself, I watched my brother turn the corner towards his class. The hallway was nearly empty now, he never saw me. His shoulders looked stronger, his gait longer. He was looking like a man. A man that just passed the opportunity of a life time so I wouldn’t feel bad.

My feelings for him changed that day. I don’t know why but I saw him in a way a sister should never think of her brother. Each morning I would make sure I was in the hallway when he woke. I would paddle down the hall to the shower in just his basketball shorts. I watch and admired his body in ways I should never have done.

His chest became more defined, his arms began to bulge more. He was becoming more of a man each day and each time I saw him in the hallway I couldn’t get the idea out of my mind. I was thinking of him in a sexual way. I wondered how big his member was. What his ejaculate would taste like. I was consumed to the point it was driving me crazy.

Every morning, I woke early, my parents moving around downstairs getting ready for work. My hand would be working my clitoris. I would pleasure myself each morning thinking of his body, of him from the previous day. Silent in my manipulations of my sex. I wanted him to know, he was so close through the wall. I would orgasm silently, keeping my body still thinking of how his morning wood would press against his boxers as he passed me in the hall. I knew from length of his shower if he was masturbating. I was powerless to say something, to do something. I knew the door wasn’t locked, I wanted to walk in, naked, and give myself to him. I couldn’t. I was too scared.

PS: This part of story is fiction the first 3 part was real. I thought of adding lil bit of fiction to my real story so here it is.
