The Book of Love [F22]

*This is my first go at writing a coherent story, it’s probably rubbish, but I’m hoping to get better with comments from you lovely people. If you know of a better place for feedback on erotic writing please let me know in the comments. Not sure how to tag fetishes, but in part one the main one is nudism, though its not explored explicitly. I’m not entirely sure where the story will go, I have ideas that would be more suited to a transformation RP subreddit, so again if there’s a better place let me know.*


Her nipples pressed against the glass table under the weight of her breasts, one resting against the arm holding her head up as she stared at her phone. She sighed, then leaned back against the bench seat slowly, dropping the phone to the bench beside her. Sugar crystals stuck to her areola as she stirred the 3rd coffee of the evening. Rachel decided to call it a night, and looked over towards the waitress behind the counter and motioned for the bill. After a minute of absent minded scrolling through her phone, the waitress appears with the bill and places it down on the table.

Rachel glances up and thanks her, forcing a smile as she compliments the sky blue plunge bra doing well to hold firm the likely low thirties bust, with EE cup breasts. Rachel pays with her phone and as the waitress turns around, Rachel peels herself from the plastic bench and stands up, wiping the crumbs from her ass and thighs as she does. She looks outside into the cold, slowly focusing on the reflection of her naked body, puts on her coat and heads out into the winter.

The coat shields her from the biting cold, allowing only a chilly breeze to reach her bare skin. “Why was I stood up?” She repeats to her self, thinking less of herself with each repetition. Her nipples start to stiffen and her areola wrinkle, her skin covered in goosebumps as her shoes crunch through the snow to the bus stop. The only light coming from the few dimly lit streetlights and her phone. Her texts leaving no replies, the last blue ticks appearing hours ago. Rachel sends one last message, ‘It was nice to see you tonight.” and turned off her phone.

The headlights of the bus raced round the corner and came to a halt in front of her. The doors hissed open, she greets the driver and heads up the bus. She finds an empty row, pulls off the disposable cover and sits. Her coat falls open, allowing the warm bus air to bring her body back up to temperature. She rests her head against the window and lets the soft vibrations of the bus caress her bare lips and give her some hint of comfort.

“He told me he was so excited to get to know me!” She thinks, “He said he had to much to show me!”, Rachel was replaying the conversation in her head again and again. He stood there on the other side of the bookcase, we could only see each others faces, which in this world was a rare thing. He took one look at her face, so deeply into her eyes, and a conversation sparked up immediately. They loved ancient history,

But that was just a memory now, Rachel had been stood up, and once again needed to go home with just the company of her and her toys. The bus pulled up to her stop, allowing her to leave. She did the courteous thing and took the moist disposable cover with her, though doing nothing about the small wet puddle in the foot well. For the brief minutes from the bus to her flat, she didn’t bother pulling her coat towards her. She reached her door, and without taking her eyes off the floor she put her keys in the door. She tried to unlock it, but couldn’t. “I must have forgotten to lock it”, she thought to herself.

She stared at her self in the full length mirror, taking in the view she was so conscious of. Her face spectacularly framed and contoured with what must have been hours worth of make up. Her skin so soft, pale and smooth. Her breasts hanging by her belly button, almost as wide as they are long, plump due to the luck of genetics. Her areola, wider than some dicks are long, still sparkling in the mirror from the granules of sugar. The rest of her slender frame unappreciated both by her and anyone else for a long time.

She headed straight to bed, needing desperately to finish what the bus seat started. She dropped onto the bed, bouncing her way to the pillows. Her breasts bouncing and swinging side to side. She eventually comes to rest, lying face up, her breasts falling either side of her chest, nipples millimeters away from the soft covers of the bed. She reaches under her pillow for her favorite toy.

With the other hand she places it underneath her breast, slowly massaging her breasts, her areola stiffening, poking through her fingers as they move. She let’s out soft exhale and turns on ‘billy’ in the other hand. She glides the purple tip up and down her lips, still moist from the bus. She slowly teases her vagina, pushing harder and harder as she does. As her lips are pushed apart she let’s out a moan, squeezes harder and plunges the cock into her, the plastic veins rubbing against her. It doesn’t take long for her to reach climax, the vibrating rabbit ears of the dildo pressing hard into her clit. As she stifled the orgasmic moan, a flash of light engulfed the room. The dildo sliding out of her as she uses both hands to hide her breasts.

She pants, heavily, looking around the room for the source. Only to find an old book resting in front of her in the wet patch she left in the bed. She panics and pushes her self up the bed against the wall. After the panting had slowed, she gets closer. The book looked familiar, a deep bark brown. She moves to touch it, each finger that touches it removes a thick layer of dust that reveals a deep purple cover. A note falls out from under the cover. She picks up, a hand written note is left.

“Keep this safe, and run.”
