A chance encounter (18+) Part one…

‘Okay, what to do now?’ I think to myself as I finish packing away the last items of my suitcase into the hotel room wardrobe.
It’s another long flight out for the US office, but at least they’ve given me the courtesy of an overnight stay before the 10am flight to Houston.
After flicking through endless reality shows on the telly, I sigh and decide to button up my shirt and make my way down for a drink at the ground floor bar. Better to have some kind of fun while I’m here…
I walk down to the bar and scope it out. It’s late but the room is humming with activity with travellers coming and going through the lobby.
I ask for a Coke from the bartender, but decide I’ll add a shot of rum to it. ‘What the hell’, I wonder. ‘Why not enjoy myself before the busy week ahead?’
I take the glass in my hand and sip. It’s stronger than I expect. My mates always say I am a lightweight and I’m glad they’re not around to prove me right. As I sit nursing the drink in front of me, part of me wishes that some of them were here, just so I could have someone to talk with…

I then notice a curvy brunette, her head is down, for some reason but I am still looking at her, entranced with what I see.
Suddenly, her eyes are locked with mine, she is stunning, my breathing hitches a little, a jolt of electricity pulses through me.…

I look away the moment my eyes meet.

‘Oh fuck,’ I panic. ‘Did she notice me staring?’

My heart starts racing as I think about her sultry curves, gorgeous flowing hair and deliciously curvy body. I freeze, scared to look back in case she catches me looking a second time.

I nervously take another sip of my drink, feeling very exposed sat here at the bar. I try to scan the bar for any reflective surfaces I could use to sneak a look at her safely, but it offers nothing.

I take a deep breath and then, with great caution, turn my head slowly back around in her direction…

Her eyelids flutter up as if by cue, she is raising her glass in my direction and smiles, ‘’rum and coke’’ she mouths at me.

‘Fuck! She’s talking to me! What do I do?!’ My mind races.

She is so relaxed. She oozes confidence. I can’t help but gulp slightly as I scramble to try and play it cool.

“Yeah, haha!” I mouth back, holding up my own glass in a panic and letting some of it spill over and onto my black jeans.

‘Yeah, real smooth…’ I think to myself.

She has clearly detected my obvious nerves, but it seems to be engaging her more. I think she felt something when our eyes met and her blood is pumping. I see her quickly straightening her dress and running her hands through her curls…she finishes the rest of her drink in one. I watch her throat as she swallows…

I stare, transfixed, as this curvaceous vixen finishes her drink in one. She tilts her head up and I can see her throat muscles gyrate as she drains the liquid down into her stomach – a clearly suggestive motion.

I can feel something twitch deep in my groin as I watch. The silhouette of her body in her dress, the curls of her hair and her obvious suggestive nature have me unable to remove my gaze from her even if I wanted to.

I pause for a second, unsure of how to react.

After a moment, I grab my glass in my hand and hold it up. I mouth in her direction ‘another?’

‘Yes’ she mouths back immediately. I order the drinks and as i turn back I am are floored. Another man has joined her, his hand is on her thigh. A million thoughts are racing through my mind…the man then notices me and winks, something in this gesture is making me take the drinks from the bar and head in their direction…..

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/w144h3/a_chance_encounter_18_part_one