We got fucking sloppy in Atlantic City [FM]

Idk man, shit got weird.

I dated a dude for a while and we got rough. We weren’t quite “together” and didn’t have strong feelings but we were certainly fucking, and the sex was hella good. For the sake of this story, I’m calling him my boyfriend.

*His wife reads this blog which is… interesting to say the least.*

We were long distance and it had been a minute so we randomly decided to meet up in Atlantic City because it was halfway between where we were both living. His friends came with him and my very innocent sister joined… They were in for a ride.

I texted him what I should wear and he told me to dress like I was his “cheap whore.” I don’t want to brag but I dressed slutty as fuck. So much so that my sister took one look at me and was like, “Viola, you can’t wear that!”

*Anytime I horrify my sister I know I’m doing something right. She’s a gem.*

“Do I look like a slut?” I asked.



We went down to the bar and the inappropriateness of my outfit was confirmed. It takes a lot to stick out in AC but I accomplished it.

*I know I passed the bar exam and everything, but this remains one of my shinning accomplishments.*

When my boyfriend got in and texted me his room number I quietly left my sister with our other friend at the bar and went up to meet him. When he opened the door he looked me up and down, laughed, and pulled me into his room with a yank of my hand.

He put his hands under my ass and lifted me so my legs wrapped around him and walked me to his bed. “I don’t even know how to peel this off of you,” he laughed as he started trying to stick his hand down my top.

*Aright. I don’t usually describe physical appearance in any way, but I was literally in skintight leather.*

“I need you inside of me,” I moaned as I stuck a hand down his pants.

He flipped me over and tried to hike my skirt up. “Not until I eat your ass,” he breathed as he spanked me once and got on his knees.

Then we heard the familiar sound of a key going into a hotel door and jumped away from each other. He turned away as he tried to tuck himself into his pants and I sat up and pulled my dress down quickly.

His friend entered, took one look at us, and got a childish smirk on his face. “I hope you’re Viola.”

“I am indeed.”

“I’ve heard… great things about you.”

“I heard you’re an accountant.”

“That’s it?” He laughed. He threw a look at my boyfriend. “I’ve known this asshole since we were 8 and that’s all you know about me?”

“I know you once fucked a girl in a bunk bed above him. Does that count?”

We all laughed and had a drink as we introduced ourselves properly. My boyfriend was a tad sulky and announced we had to go “check out the view.”

“What view?” Accountant asked.

“We’re going to go fuck in my room,” I responded as I grabbed my boyfriend’s hand.

“Wow, you just say things,” Accountant smiled. “Hold up though, love birds. What’s the ONE thing I was promised when I agreed to this trip?”

My boyfriend rolled his eyes. “Go without us! We’ll be 5 minutes behind you.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Five minutes, eh? You’re REALLY pulling out the big guns.”

His friend stared at my boyfriend. “What is the ONE thing I asked? You promised me we would go to my cousin’s restaurant and I had to literally bribe them for a reservation this big.”

“It’s AC,” my boyfriend complained. “No one had to bribe anyone.”

“Can my sister and friend come?” I asked.

“Yes,” Accountant looked annoyed, “I put them on the reservation because your boyfriend was adamant about that and was supposed to tell you plans.”

“It sounds like fun,” I shrugged. “Let’s go.”

My boyfriend scowled at me. “V, we can be late.”

“Men are so weird about erections. You act like it’s an emergency every time you get hard. Relax.”

His friend blinked a couple of times and then turned to my boyfriend. “I kind of thought you were exaggerating.”

“She is very real.”

“Sorry, I’m drunk,” I said.

*Not horribly drunk, but I was tipsy off of two drinks. Why was I tipsy? I had barely eaten because… well… I wanted to do anal, ok? That was the original plan that I had not told him about. I’d like to be upfront about that because my level of intoxication fueled some interesting behavior in this story.*

*Also… don’t skip meals or get drunk for anal. That’s an easy way to get hurt during sex. Trust me on this- there are better ways to prep.*

So we go to dinner. I only had one drink but I was still limiting food so I get fairly drunk. This results in my hand reaching under the table towards my boyfriend’s crotch. I settled there and started stroking him as my sweet, oblivious sister asked him questions about his work.

*I am notoriously bad at handjobs but he was fun.*

“Yeah it’s… rewarding,” he gulped. “It feels really good… The work, I mean. I like what I do.”

She blinked at him as he tried to steady his breathing. “Don’t you work for the IRS? Like a prosecutor for the IRS?”

*Lol, I usually change shit up but my ex was literally and IRS attorney.*

I sped my hand up and watched him grip his fork.

“Yeah… it’s a great job,” he croaked. “It’s such a great job. It’s the best job I’ve ever had.”

My sister was not catching on. She went off about how she was fascinated by government work while my boyfriend shot me a pathetic look and bent over slightly with a whimper.

He came in his pants because I’m ruthless. I smiled as he awkwardly ran to the bathroom. When he returned his friends were talking about going to a strip club and he politely explained that the two of us had plans.

“No we don’t,” I snorted. “What plans?”

“The plans from earlier, V. We can meet them later.”

“We have all night to fuck. Let’s go with them!”

“Viola!” My sister moaned. “Don’t just say that. Use a euphemism at least.”

“Ok… We have all night to read books together. Let’s go be in Atlantic City.”

“I doubt your sister will want that,” he said through gritted teeth.

“No, no,” my sister said. “Oddly enough a strip club will probably keep her out of trouble. At least we’ll be on one location so she can’t disappear.”

This is how my boyfriend begrudgingly agreed to go to a strip club, which was kind of adorable in itself. He lightened up after he saw enough naked ladies.

*Side note: I actually don’t love strip clubs. I find them fake and boring. But you know, when in Rome…*

My boyfriend went up to the stage at one point and his friend leaned over. “You don’t care he’s looking at other girls?”

My sister snorted. “Seriously? I’d be more worried about V and other girls.”

“You’re into girls?” His friend asked me.

“Yeah, I’m bi.”

“He’s dating a bisexual and he hasn’t bought you a lap dance?” His friend spat.

*I will accept this subtle bisexual objectification and embrace the implications.*

This is how my boyfriend bought me a lap dance with a girl I picked out because she reminded me of my ex. She took us to a somewhat private section and for a while were quite normal.

“You remind me of someone,” I drunkenly slurred.

“Someone very hot?” She asked.

“My ex girlfriend! She was the most beautiful woman in the world. She was great in bed too.”

She stopped and smiled at me. “Really?”

“Yeah, you look like her and she was so fucking hot. If I was as hot as you I probably wouldn’t have gone to law school.”

She looked around and kissed me very quickly.

*I’m not an idiot, y’all. I know the elusive feeling of strippers making you feel special. This was different. I’m not quite certain what her intentions were, but this went beyond a normal lap dance.*

My dance lasted far longer than expected and she got very into it. My boyfriend stared from a couple of feet away.

“He’s cute,” she said. “He looks like he could throw you around.”

“Oh, he does,” I smiled. “We get weird.”

“How weird do you get, Viola? Do you fuck women with him?” She put my finger in her mouth and pressed her hips so hard into me I got actually turned on (*not just pretend strip club turned on*). She kissed me then as she pushed herself toward me. “Hey they’re about to break this up, but what hotel are you staying at?”

“They” broke it up very quickly and we all were kicked out immediately. Because of course we were.

“That’s just great, V,” my sister complained when we were outside. “You just HAD to make out with a stripper.”

“She was making out with me! I’m fairly certain she wanted more. That was weird.”

“Not everyone is obsessed with you.”

I started laughing and pinched her cheek. “You’re pretty mad for a straight girl who just got kicked out of a strip club. I’ll gamble with you if you forgive me.”

“We’re going gambling now?” My boyfriend asked with an anxious glance in my direction. “Maybe we should go take a break.”

“Fuck that! Let’s go gamble.”

So we went to gamble and that was a shitshow.

The good news is my sister won big which softened the pain of me being kind of a bitch. The bad news is that I kept losing to the point that my boyfriend took my purse.

*I was very, very broke.*

At one point when he was at the bar a man approached me and started “flirting.” He has a mistaken impression. We chatted for a bit until I realized what he was thinking and then leaned into it.

“So, Miss Viola, how does this work?” The random man asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Like… if we were to spend more time together?”

“I bill by the hour, I need at least a third upfront, and I require a signed retainer.”

My boyfriend came back over then and looked appalled. “Hey V, what’s going on?”

“Is this guy your… boyfriend?” The random man asked.

“Nah, he’s just a man that’s currently holding my money.”

“Oh,” the random man looked relieved. “We were just discussing an arrangement.”

“Fuck off, dude,” my boyfriend said.

“She… she said she was by the hour.”

“Yeah, she’s a fucking attorney. She’s messing with you.”

I started laughing but the random dude was quite angry. “Well she’s not dressed like an attorney.”

“Objection!” I said. “I am an attorney in a dress.”

*This argument made sense at the time. I went to law school for these zingers.*

“We’re out,” my boyfriend finally said. “You are done.” He grabbed my hand and led me to the elevators.

“My sister just went to bed which means we can’t go to my room. That means anal is out,” I slurred.

He stopped. “Huh?”

“Anal… it’s a private act. I can’t do it in a room you’re sharing with your friend. It’s just a shame. I’ve been planning it all day.”

“God damn it, V,” he hit the wall with his hand.

“Did you just get hard from me saying that?”

He huffed and grabbed my hand again as he led us to the front desk. “We need another room,” he said as he threw down his credit card.

The guy at the front desk narrowed his eyes and looked between the two of us. “Another one?”

“Yes, another one.”

“I’m a lawyer,” I slurred as he looked me up and down.

*The front desk man gave me a very sad “sure you are, hon,” smile.*

I survived a very judgmental stare from my sister as I gathered my things and then we headed to our new accommodations.

When we got inside he slammed me against the wall and pushed my skirt up. “You’re not wearing underwear,” he breathed.

“Those were discarded a couple hours ago,” I smiled.

He stuck two fingers inside of me and watched me tense as he curled them up. I gasped and put my hands in his hair as he roughly pressed into me. “I need you,” he whispered as he pulled his hand out and marched me to the bed.

“I have to change first.”

“No, I want you like this,” he protested as he spun me around and tried to bend me over the bed.

“Bro, you just paid a lot to fuck me in the ass. Don’t you want to do it right?”

“Dear god, please just be fast.”

I was not fast. I spent a lot of time prepping, putting on lingerie, and throwing my hair up into something slightly more manageable than the mess it has become throughout the evening.

I walked out and threw him lube. I smiled but he gave me a horrified look. “I’ve never done this before.”


“Yeah, I never got around to it.”

“It’s a lot like vaginal sex but slightly north.”

“Ok I get the mechanics but I’m afraid of hurting you. Are you drunk?”

“A little. I’ll be fine.”

“Are you positive?”

“Will you take your damn pants off?” I finally asked.

He did and flipped me over as he started rubbing me. “How much foreplay do you need?” He asked.

“A lot. Finger me and use twice as much lube as you think.”

He was shy at first.

*Anal is weird, y’all. This is why I rarely write about it. It’s surprisingly emotional for both parties…

*And yes, I have fucked dude’s in the ass.*

It took him a very long time to warm up to it, which is probably for the best. He fondled me, spanked me, and finally fingered my ass with lube. This went on for at least ten minutes until I told him he could go for it.

“Are you positive?” He asked again.

I moaned and nodded my head. “Just go slow.”

“If it hurts tell me,” he whispered.

“It won’t. Just go slow…”

He went very, very slow and it actually did not hurt.

*Anal has never hurt when my partner has been decent about it. It just takes a lot of warm up and more lube than you think you need.*

I cringed a little as I adjusted but told him he could keep going. I took in a sharp breath as he thrusted once and landed with his chest to my back as his hands wove into mine.

“It feels really good,” he whimpered. “Are you ok?”

I turned to kiss him and we made out for a bit. “Go hard,” I finally breathed

He grabbed my hips and started gently rocking in and out, slowly building faster and harder with each tiny thrust.

“Fuck,” he finally yelled. “Fuck it feels good.”

“Go harder,” I breathed, but he stopped suddenly.

“Touch yourself,” he said.

“It’s fine,” I said. “Just focus on you.”

“No, I want you to come with me inside you like this. I want to feel it.”

I started touching myself… which also means I had to put my head down to the mattress to reach my clit. He put his palm on my face and shoved it into the bed as he told me to feel it all.

I moaned as I started building and felt tears in my eyes as he started gently trusting again.

“What does it feel like?” He asked.

“It just feels like a lot. It’s overwhelming.”

“Too much?”

“No, it feels good.”

“I can’t last long but I want you to come,” he gasped.

I sped up the speed of my fingers and moved them directly over my clit until I started building. I groaned and whimpered as he thrust again.

He couldn’t last.

He pulled out and came on my ass, but watched as I kept going with my hands.

“This is a nice view,” he said as he slapped my ass. “I’m going to be thinking about this for a while.”

That did it. I shuddered and came so hard I fell forward and collapsed onto the mattress. He fell beside me and smiled

“You’re kind of insane, V.”

“You love it.”

He pinched my nipple once and watched me shudder. “I love that you love this.”

I slapped him then. “Alright, let’s clean up so we can fuck again.”

Aaaaand this is why I don’t go to AC.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/w05qvz/we_got_fucking_sloppy_in_atlantic_city_fm


  1. Well, that was quite the adventure lol. What a way to introduce anal to a partner. So wild! o.o

    >“Objection!” I said. “I am an attorney in a dress.”

    I’m not sure if this suave as fuck or corny as hell lol…

  2. I think I just woke up my sleeping wife while reading the dialog with the dude at the bar. That was funny af.

  3. “Objection! I am an attorney in a dress” is probably my favorite line of any of your stories 💀💀

    Also it’s really impressive that drunk you was able to instruct a newbie on how to do anal considering drunk you has also broken things during sex 💀💀

  4. You sound like a fucking blast in AC!! This story is truly a terrible reason to avoid it lol

  5. I feel like I’ve read a lot of these, but this one might be the funniest. Well done you.

  6. Ah yes for quite literally everyone else in this story, the day Viola Fontaine graced Atlantic city was the most important day of their lives. But to you it was Tuesday.

    > “Men are so weird about erections. You act like it’s an emergency every time you get hard. Relax.”

    In way it kinda is an emergency, you have no idea what it’s like getting a random boner during recitation or popping a semi during a funeral, god forbid you get one while on a playground. It really is quite the *handful* (get it heh).

    Probably your funniest sorry so far!

    Stay classy and awesome! Cheers to you Ms. V!

  7. “You act like it’s an emergency everytime you get hard ”

    The body tells us what’s important with where it sends blood. If my body tells me it’s important enough to send all the blood there, then it must be an emergency 🤷‍♂️

  8. Lol apparently when you drink yoy become a fun loving tease 😂 and jerking him under the table was great especially when he had to clean himself after lol. You are definitely ruthless V

  9. >“It’s AC,” my boyfriend complained. “No one had to bribe anyone.”

    As someone who could walk down to the end of the street and see Atlantic City across the water when I was growing up, this is the single most hilariously inaccurate statement I have ever read in one of your stories. It is possibly in my top 10 of all time.

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