Stay at my side Ch.19 [M/F] [Friends to lovers] [cuddling] [(failed)BJ with banana]

Chapter 19: It’s not impossible to understand women, you just have to be a genius.

[Chapter 1](

Cuddling felt different after we kissed. It wasn’t just the comforting warm feeling I got from this. I needed it. I just wanted him as close as possible to me.

He was already cuddled up close to me. I could even feel his heartbeat on my back. His legs laid behind mine and there was clearly space for improvement. I lifted mine and spread them a little. Luckily Matt quickly understood. We locked our legs, which felt way more intense than expected. I slightly pressed my legs together and it almost felt like we were holding hands. Just with our legs instead.

I doubted that we could get any closer. Well, maybe if we wore less and got more skin-to-skin contact it would be more intimate but I just wanted to enjoy this level of relationship first. Relationship? We weren’t even in a relationship, or were we?

“Matt? What are we now? I mean officially.” I asked him. He seemed to think for a moment. “Our official status is still best friends. I didn’t ask you to be my girlfriend. I think when I do this, it will be a bit more romantic than this.” The word ‘girlfriend’ made my heart make a little jump. And there was even more. “You said ‘when’…” I wanted to know whether this was by accident. His answer was pretty clear: “Yeah, I thought it would fit better than ‘if’.”

I already had this warm feeling in my whole body, but this sentence felt like a firework in my chest. I pressed his hand tightly against my chest and tried to scootch even more into him. I didn’t notice what happened to Matt until he told me: “Case, as much as I love you… but your hair is annoying.” I chuckled a bit, but I already got an idea. I scootched up a little, his face was now on the height of my neck and I had put my hair up so that it didn’t interfere with our cuddling.

Now I was the one being tickled. Not in a usual way, but Matt’s breath tickled a little on my neck. “Stooop, that tickles!” I wound myself in his arms until we were facing each other. “Sorry, didn’t mean to tickle you.” He smiled at me and I couldn’t resist giving him a short kiss. We kept our mouths closed because we learned from the last time. Looking into his eyes I felt the urge to eat something. It wasn’t stronger than the urge to stay with Matt but I could easily satisfy both of them.

After we went down into the kitchen I noticed how hungry I really was. I saw a banana ripe on the counter. “Can I have one of those? Please.” I leaned a little against him and tried to look cute. It seemed to work. He smiled and handed me one of the fruits. He had a skirmish look on his face. “Don’t hurt yourself on it, my dear.” I thought for a second and decided to play along. I peeled the banana and made sure he looked at me. Then I gently kissed the top of the fruit and then started licking around it.

When I looked up, I saw how Matt got a little red. I wasn’t mad, I did this on purpose and it was hard to not think about the thing he thought about right now. I decided to go even further and slowly put the banana into my mouth.

Some of my friends had talked about giving blowjobs at sleepovers before and it always sounded somewhat easy. Let me tell you one thing… that was a false impression.

I shoved the banana just a bit too far into my mouth and it slightly tingled my throat. I gagged and rapidly pulled it out. Matt laughed out loud. He almost started to cry because he laughed so hard. I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t make him go red and I haven’t been sexy at all. I probably was now the only one of the girls that had something like a boyfriend, who was too dumb to give a blowjob. This relationship started really well.

All the thoughts about him leaving me suddenly rushed back into my brain. I could hold it back for a while but when I looked at my laughing best friend the emotions channeled into a mix of panic and a little bit of aggression. How could he laugh about this? Didn’t he see the possible consequences of it?

“Stop laughing! You wouldn’t laugh if it had been your dick instead of this stupid banana!” Both of us were shocked about me shouting at him. He immediately stopped laughing and looked at me. I started talking: “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to…” but got interrupted by him hugging me really tightly. He spoke very calmly to me. “No need to say sorry. You just worry about us.” Did he really know what I thought about? “It’s almost scary, how well you can read my mind. Your IQ is surely over 140.”

He sighed once. “164, and I just know you really well.” 164?! It was a wonder he was still in a common high school. Before I could wonder more about this boy he already continued: “But I really wouldn’t laugh if this would happen with my dick instead of a banana. I would probably be sorry and hug you. I don’t wanna hurt you and I would never demand a blowjob from you anyway.”

I was so overwhelmed by all this information that my next sentence was very rash.
“You would deserve even more, just for the things you already did for me.” It was very spontaneous but the more I thought about it, the more I realized how right this sentence was. I couldn’t give him anything back except for this.

Matt thought a little bit different about that: “Stop it, Casey, please. You shouldn’t force yourself to do things like this. You didn’t even explore your own body. You can find out what you really think about stuff like this. I can wait.”

After I realized what he just said, I almost cried out of pure joy. This boy was perfect. No one would be enough for him, no matter what. I could just try my best for him every day and pretend to be the person he saw in me.



  1. Why do you make this couple so wholesome?!?! They are perfect! I cant wait till they make it official and do it!

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