I [M] have gotten 3 [F] married coworkers to share pics and vids

I enjoy flirting and I sometimes try with my coworkers. I haven’t done more than flirting and sharing pictures and videos but I could of. Something about seeing a coworker naked is just hot to me.

The first one I was able to see naked was in office. She is who trained me. We had cubes next to each other. She was married and very religious. I basically just made flirty comments and watched her reactions to see if I can continue. It was probably about a year in before I was able to get pics. She wasn’t someone I ever thought I would be able to get nudes. I remember it well though. We took a break together and hung out in my car. She showed me a picture in her swimsuit. I was very impressed and of course I wanted more. I offered to show a picture of myself in a swim suit in which I did. It was at that point I knew we were both attracted to each other.

Over the next few days we texted and I was finally able to get a topless photo. I was instantly hard and excited. I complimented her and asked if she wanted to see me naked as it was only fair. I provided her one and she liked it. After that, we would exchange nudes and flirt all of the time. Crazy thing is she ended up getting divorced and moving away. She asked me to delete all of the pics of her. I told her of course I would. I never did though and I don’t think I ever will. I don’t share them with anyone either. I mean nobody would ever believe me if I said I had nudes of her. But I still won’t share them. I will just look at time once a year to remember.

The next F was probably the hottest and wildest. I should of hooked up with her but I never did because I am always paranoid about being caught. We worked in different offices and would only speak occasionally in team meetings or on team chat app. One day my manager asked me to come visit the office in which other team members were located. I have been work from home always. It was an hour drive and I went down for one day After I saw her for the first time I was attracted. We really didn’t talk much in person that day.

Over the next day or 2 I messaged her on the work app and we chatted. I would push the limits until I knew it was safe to go fully into flirting. When I went for it, she was ready and we spoke very dirty on the work chat application. Thankfully HR never read it. I mean we were talking about sex non stop on the work chat. It was a like a dirty romance novel. We eventually went to texting and sharing pics. Her body was amazing and still is. I get hard still thinking about our chats and pics we shared. After a year it died down and she actually got a new job so we lost touch. I still have the pics saved though! I guess they are my trophies. I wonder if she kept mine?

The 3rd F was actually the easiest. I started a new job and we had pictures of ourselves now on our Teams chat. I am guessing she found me attractive from my pics cause she would message me every day. She wasn’t in my department so we really didn’t have a reason to chat. After about 3 weeks I was like I would love to see more pics of you and we swapped SC. Right away she started sending me nudes. She was definitely the dirtiest one. She sends vids of herself masterbating to me all the time. This was 2 years ago and we still share pics and vids every few weeks. I still can’t get her to go live with me though.

I would love to find someone else now to flirt with but working from home makes this very hard to see if someone is into me.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vyulsj/i_m_have_gotten_3_f_married_coworkers_to_share


  1. My long standing fantasy is to have a work hookup. My office is completely private and perfect for it. Finding the right partner has totally eluded me

  2. I’ve gotten nudes from married friends before. It’s always fun to see someone naked that you never expected to.

  3. Not sure if this is real or fantasy but you should definitely not have anyones nudes if they’ve asked you to delete them – that’s a breach of consent my guy

  4. I have a former coworker I’ve been working on but despite all the flirting and sexting she won’t…

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