Reuniting with [m]y best [f]riend

There is some background to this story before it gets into the good stuff, so feel free to skip ahead if you need to. Also on mobile, LTL FTP, blah blah blah. Forgive me, I’m better at writing fiction.

I had a tumultuous upbringing. Raised by a single narcissistic mother with an addiction problem and a string of less than stellar boyfriends that, for reasons, messed up my views of men. I never knew anything of my dad except my mom’s version of him and her snide remarks that my love for cars was so much like him. So it’s rather shocking that my one and only friend throughout school was a guy named Steven.

I was the nerdy/geeky bookworm who preferred cars to dolls. Steven was the awkward guy and a middle child, but we just clicked. He was the literally the only male as I grew up and admittedly I had a huge crush on him. Especially through puberty and adolescence. I lost track of him at 15 when shit went down that resulted in me being moved with my dad. There’s a lot more to it, but it’s not relevant to this story.

Life was so much better under my dad, though it was crazy at first. He and his wife Wendy are so wonderful, but the transition was crazy. Time passed and I was afraid to even reach out after my sudden disappearance despite thinking of him everyday. Dad was able to send me to a private, all girls school for college.

Flash forward to junior year and I was running to Target in my college town. A car pulled in next to me that brought me pause. An old Volvo 240 wagon just like Steven had. A rare sight but I didn’t think anything of it until I got out and heard a voice exclaim “Mackenzie?!”

“Steven?! Oh my God!” I ran and hugged him tightly. “What are you doing here?”

“Running errands. I moved here for school. What are YOU doing here?”


We walked through Target together chatting and catching up. I wanted to apologize for disappearing and abandoning him but couldn’t find the time or words. Everything felt so natural on that late afternoon Target run, it was like time had never passed. My heart fluttered as we strolled the store. We had to have lapped the store five times. Neither seemed to want to end the time together, as evidenced by Steven suddenly stopping.

“Hey, Kenz…do you want to go get dinner or something? I’m not ready for this reunion to end. There’s a great place right by my campus. You can park on campus since it’s a weekend and we can go from there.”

All through our walk, Steven kept acting like he was going to say something but couldn’t get the words. I was convinced it was about my exit from his life, but I couldn’t just blurt it out in the middle of Target. Even when getting in our cars, he kept starting and stopping.

Arriving at campus, Steven pulled into a parking deck and met me just outside. He pointed out that the school owned the apartments above it and that’s where he lived and then led me to dinner. I knew that would provide my chance to get everything off my chest.

“Steven, I’m sorry” I said after the waiter took our orders. “I never intended to just disappear and aban…”

“Don’t apologize” he interrupted. “It all came out. About your mom. Small town and all. I’m just glad that you got out and you’re ok.” He paused. “I’ve never stopped thinking about my best friend. I always had such a crush on you.”

Steven caught me off guard. I never believed he liked me more than a friend. I was emboldened by this to explain my feelings. To tell him how I imagined us together, wrote stories about us, and how despite finally being in a normal home where I felt safe and loved, losing my best friend was like losing a part of me.

I never had a lack of attention from guys, but I never liked it either. Steven was easy to overlook to most, though I know girls have found him cute in school. And most importantly, he could make you laugh and being with him was just so easy whether we talked life or cars.

Finally, as we left, I told him I wasn’t ready for the night to end. He invited me back to his apartment as a group would pregame before parties there, he’d do beer runs, and though he normally stayed to enjoy the time to himself, he would go if I wanted to. I opted, as a fellow introvert, for the alone time. And to see where these feelings that were now in the open would lead.

I rode with Steven to grab beer for everyone using the time to give my roommate a brief rundown on what happened (she’s heard about Steven for years) and to expect me back late. I didn’t want her to worry about where I was and she was my best (female) friend. Upon our return we chatted while everyone played drinking games and then head off to the party.

I helped Steven tidy up and then curled beside him on the couch. His arm wrapped around me and I laid my head on his shoulder, draping my arm across his waist. I looked into his hazel eyes, seemingly looking right into his very soul. His eyes met mine and our heads grew closer until our lips touched. My first kiss at 20 years old quickly became a second, then a third.

Before I knew it, I was straddling Steven’s lap kissing him deeply. My hips began to grind against his lap, and I could feel him growing hard. For the first time in my life, I was excited by the thought of a man being turned on and I could feel a wetness in my own pants.

Steven’s hands began to roam my body as we kissed. His hand slid under my shirt and cupped my perky b cups over my bra.

I gasped and then whispered “take me to your room.”

Steven led me to his room and laid beside me on the bed. His hands roamed my body again before finding their way into my pants. I rubbed him through his pants, trying to get the zipper down. I lost all track of what I was doing when his hand found it’s way to my clit.

As Steven fingered me, alternating between rubbing my clit and sliding inside of me, I wriggled out of my jeans and panties to give him better access. My hips bucked and I moaned under the teasing of his skilled fingers.

“Fuck!” I shouted louder than intended. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!” My body tensed and back lifted off the bed as I experienced my first orgasm.

I went back to fumbling with Steven’s zipper as he pulled my shirt over my head and I quickly unhooked my bra, letting it fall. My mom had body shamed me for years. My nipples were puffy, I was a b-cup with ski slope shaped breasts. Even at 5’1 and 116 lbs, I felt ugly. I began to close in on myself until I saw Steven grinning like a child on Christmas morning. His mouth went straight to my right nipple and began kissing and sucking gently while his hand ran through my pubic hair.

It was finally my turn and I pushed him away and pulled his shirt off and got into his shorts. I pulled them down with his boxers. It was my turn to stare at the firmness that laid against his body. His head just reaching his waist, glistening with precum. He commented on it being small, but I told him I had no comparison. I took his dick in my hand, playing with his precum and coating the head. Steven moaned lightly as I played with him. He fit perfectly in my hand. By the time I got to his balls, I could feel a tension in his body. He moaned out my name.

Steven surprised me by turning me over and kissing down my body. He kissed all around my thighs. I wriggled under his lips and he moved to my pussy. Steven began to lick me, moaning into it. When his tongue brushed against my clit, I moaned. His tongue was like magic as I bucked and cried out his name. He began to thrust a finger into me as he licked me. I felt a different feeling come over my body and when I screamed out, liquid shot out of my body, coating Steven’s bed.

“Oh my God. I’m sorry. I don’t know what happe…”

Steven climbed on top of me and kissed me, stopping me in my tracks. Our bodies were pressed against each other, our tongues explored each other’s mouths. I wanted him more than anything, but I had to come clean.

“I’m a virgin. I’ve never even had a boyfriend.”

“Me, too” he panted. “But girlfriend. Do you want me to stop?”

“Make me a woman.”

Steven positioned himself at my entrance and pushed in. He broke through my hymen and I screamed in pain then started to cry. Steven quickly pulled out and started to ask if I was ok and that he didn’t think it would hurt that much, but I reached down and guided him back to me. He went back in and took me gently. It took a few minutes, but the pain gave way to pleasure and my cries turned into moans.

Steven picked up his pace, and my hips began to match his thrusts. I could feel him filling me and stretching me in ways I couldn’t imagine. He began to rub my clit and I came again. Steven stopped as my orgasm squeezed him. I’d later find that my body literally held him in place.

I took over using my fingers while Steven thrusted. He bent down to alternate teasing my nipples with his mouth and kissing me. Steven began thrusting faster and his moans joined mine. As my body tensed, I could feel a tension in his.

“Oh…God. I’m cumming. Steven. Don’t. Stop. Aaaaaaaaggggghhhhhh”

As my body tensed and my stomach curled, I felt his dick pulse inside me and a warmth flowing in me.

“Shit. I’m sorry. I couldn’t pull out in time” Steven said between pants.

“It’s ok. I wanted the full experience.”

Steven got up and grabbed new sheets and I went to my phone and texted my roommate.

“Yeah, I’m not coming back tonight. ;-)”


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