The Jar [Rape/Non-con] [Yandere] [Inanimate TF] [Comeuppance]

[Features: Non-con, inanimate tf, yandere, covered in cum, smell, cum bath, Sabrina and Alex]

Ivan was having a particularly bad day. He couldn’t shake the feeling that all day he was being watched. It felt like insects crawling on his skin and he kept looking over his shoulder but never actually saw anyone. It was driving him *crazy*.

He had even sprinted home while walking there and it was still daylight out! He had no idea what was going on, but he felt like he was being stalked or something. He was probably just imagining it or something. Just got some nerves that got tricked by someone or something and his anxiety just kept increasing afterwards or hell, maybe a car had just been going the same way he was walking and his subconscious had freaked out. Either way, now that he was *home*, he felt fine. The sensation around him, however, still felt bad, like he was in danger or something. He just shook his head and decided to get into the shower. He was probably jumping at ghosts.




*Ivan.* ***Ivan Ivan Ivan Ivan Ivan.***

Amy was, just, a teensy little bit, obsessed with Ivan. She wanted him, she wanted him, ***she wanted him.*** It had started innocently enough, really. Ivan had just been so nice to her! She remembered it like it was yesterday…

*“Hey, you okay?”*


*“Uh, you probably shouldn’t lay out in the middle of the street like that. A car could come by or something.”*

*“Uh uh uh uh uh”*

*“Well…. Anyway, I’m just going to go now…”*

And she had never forgot that day! That day he had saved her life, when she wanted to end it all. Who knew it’d take so long for a car to drive by though?! Don’t cars cross roads all the time?

Either way, he had saved her! So, she had wanted to find him, to thank him and have him be ***Her’s***. It was easy enough to look at every single facebook profile online for two weeks until she eventually found him! She would never forget that face. Then afterwards, she had followed him to his work and saw that **Bitch**. He had some female harlot at his work trying to get into his pants. Poor Ivan couldn’t see it but that nasty, horrible stain was trying to take him for herself. No. Ivan was **Her’s**. Sure, the harlot was pushing 60 but that only made it worse. To see such depravity and evil at such an old age. She had to resist the urge to end her. Only because getting away afterwards would take some planning and she couldn’t be caught! She had to be with Ivan, **Forever**. Still, she was idly planning it when she had caught Ivan leaving work to go home and had followed. He seemed worried and even started running away at some point! She had to run to catch up, worried he might be being chased by someone she couldn’t tell was there.

He seemed to make it home just fine, but her heart was beating in her chest. He wasn’t safe. No no no no no no no no no no no no. He wasn’t safe. Not safe. Not safe at all. He would only be safe with ***Her*** and nobody else. She needed to, to make sure he was safe. Get him somewhere where nobody could find or hurt him.

*But what if he runs away?! What if, what if he doesn’t understand what I’m trying to do for him?!*

That was a big concern after all. Ivan hung around that **Bitch** already, could she really trust him to make the best choices? No, no no no no no no. Ivan was, amazing, the best, the most wonderful in the world, but he clearly needed a helping and guiding hand to keep him safe. He couldn’t be allowed to do whatever he wanted, he was going to get himself hurt. He had already been made to run away today for some reason! Had someone been chasing him?! Had someone been after ***Her*** Ivan?!

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no No No No No No No NO NO NO NO NO NO **NO**.

That was not allowed. Ivan was her’s and no one else could be allowed to hurt him. She had to take him away. Her beautiful, amazing Ivan would just have to understand.

And if he didn’t, well, who really needs their arms and legs anyway?




Ivan had taken a shower, he had slept, he had even gone ahead and smoked a little bit of weed. Nothing had really helped. He felt, restless. Incredibly, impossibly restless, like his soul was screaming to him that he was in a lot of danger.

This had never happened before. He had no idea he had, whatever this weird 6th sense was, and he had no idea how to feel about it. There was only one conclusion that really made sense to him. He had never been in danger before.

That’s not really surprising but the fact that he apparently was in danger *now*, scared the fuck out of him. Was someone after him or was it something more, internal? He was due for a doctor’s visit soon…

All of those thoughts vanished as that feeling of danger was suddenly accompanied by the feeling of being watched, the second he left his house. He gulped. There was being paranoid and then there was just being in danger. They were not the same, after all, and this was definitely the latter. *Someone* was watching him. But why?! What did he ever do to anyone? He barely interacted with anyone in high school before he graduated a year or two ago, he worked at a small time store with 1 old grandma as a coworker, and hell, he barely even got into any arguments online. He was basically a modern day wise man, separated from the rest of the world, just the way he liked it. How on earth did he make any enemies?!

On his way to work, with those feelings of being watched and in danger lingering around him, he thought it through rapidly, trying to figure out who would want to hurt him. And he was just coming up blank every single time. Was he just randomly selected? He had only felt the feelings yesterday for the first time after all.

His heart broke a little when he realized something.

*‘Am I going to have to deal with this all day?’*

And this proved true. For his entire shift at work, he felt watched and it only stopped when he went into the bathroom or backrooms. He was more than tempted to just hide out there for the rest of his shift but he couldn’t do that to granny and he’d probably be fired if he tried that.

By the time he was walking home, he felt like he was going to explode with nerves and die of a heart attack. He forced himself to casually walk, to not alert his stalker and when he got home, he immediately rushed to lock every single window and door. He had received an actual, honest to god house with his inheritance. He was slightly regretting that at the moment as he would’ve felt a lot better being on the 3rd story of an apartment building with just 1 door and maybe 1 window to worry about.

Still, that feeling of danger lessened and lessened, and the feeling of being watched went away entirely. But the danger was still there in the background, like a warning hum. Ivan had no idea what to do about this, at all.

And like that, a week continued on.

By the end of it, Ivan was contemplating whether a human being can explode by pure stress. Was that how they were going to kill him? Even granny had recognized it by the 3rd day and by the 5th had demanded he not come into work and to get some rest.

He hadn’t left his house in two days and he wasn’t sure what to do, at all. This had to end somehow but he was worried he wouldn’t come out on top. He had tried watching anime to get his mind off of it, and even ordered a new figurine. Literally, anything to distract himself. He had quite a collection at this point, along with a bunch of manga, anime posters, etc in his room. It was one of his favorite hobbies after all, but even still, it just couldn’t take the edge off.

He honestly should’ve gone to the police but what was he going to say? “I’m feeling watched.” What were they going to do about that? Also, they were the police. Can’t trust those people with anything. Fuck them.

He had wanted to contact his friends but didn’t want to get them involved in his mess. They might be in danger too. That said, he hadn’t done nothing for a week straight. His house was secure, he started walking with a knife, he had tried to put up camera’s around his house when he felt he wasn’t being watched but hadn’t caught anything on them, etc. So far, useless, but he was going to be ready for whatever shit storm was coming for him.




It had taken way too long to set everything up! A week, a whole *week*. Amy felt beyond irritated at that. Her Ivan was in danger and it had taken her so long to prepare for him. He needed water and food and a safe place to sleep. She had gotten a basement she found ready for him, with proper straps and chains. It was a bit gloomy but anything for his safety. Soon, he would be her’s *and* finally safe. She felt herself squirm at that. She couldn’t wait! After he was safe and they were together, it would be like they were married. She could hold him and ride him every night. After all, a young man needs relief! What type of wife would she be if she didn’t provide it? She would always be on top, but that was only going to be natural.

It’s hard to be on top without arms or legs.

She had yet to find a doctor she could trust yet though! It was so frustrating. Unknown to her, Ivan was also feeling incredibly frustrated at that moment. And as they both prepared, one for the unknown, one to abduct her future husband, they both made similar but different wishes.

“I just wish this was over/Ivan was safe already.”

“Oh thank *god*. I thought I would actually have to intervene or something. God, that would have fucking sucked.”

Amy turned around, hearing a voice behind her, and pulled out the knife and needle she had planned for Ivan.

“Nope. Not dealing with this, bye bitch.”

And with a snap of her fingers, Amy was gone. Well, kinda. In her place, resting on the ground, was a figurine. Amy wasn’t exactly unattractive, despite her many personality flaws, but the figurine seemed to amplify even those. Her boobs were slightly bigger and perky, she was in a bit of a pose, she was wearing a bathing suit of all things, etc. Although she was a real person, no one would think twice if it was from some obscure generic anime.

Sabrina the genie was inwardly relieved. The rules got a bit spicy if no one actually wished for anything. Not that she particularly cared, she was a mother fucking genie after all, but still. That would have been fucking *exhausting*.

In a fit of poetic justice, the best kind of justice, she grabbed the crazy woman and carried her over to Ivan’s doorstep, knocking lightly and leaving a note she magicked out of thin air. Alex was on her shoulder and hadn’t said a thing the entire time.

“Uh, helllloo? This earth to alex, why you not talking?”

“…don’t like it.” Alex grumbled.

Sabrina grimaced. It was fine right? She hadn’t even done anything that awful or horrible this time! She was just a figurine, not a sex toy like the last guy. What had she done wrong *now?*

“She’s gonna be like that forever?”

Oh. Duh.

“Nah, I only set it for like, a month. I ain’t a fucking monster. Well, not that much of one. Woman be cray cray as fuck though. No amount of magic is gonna help that. Well… maybe some could… anyway, yada yada, after it wears off in a month, she’ll just teleport to a psych ward or something. Those idiots don’t even let sane people out, let alone crazy people. They’ll keep her locked up at least. Maybe even help her, though I doubt it. Those places don’t really help anyone except normal people not get murdered in the streets.”

Alex seemed to noticeably brighten, now that she knew the woman wasn’t going to literally be a figurine *forever.* Come on, Sabrina was a bitch, not Satan himself.

Though she couldn’t remember something. It had been for a month right? She might’ve forgot about a zero in there somewhere. Hmm, nah, it was probably fine.




Amy was trapped. She had been trapped the moment that woman had snapped her fingers and her heart was only pounding harder and harder. She was… a toy? Or something like it. It didn’t feel like she was a toy though. It felt like she was stuck and couldn’t move. And that she had shrunk. All she could see was the bottom of a door and a white note to her right. She didn’t even know what the note said! No, more importantly, what on earth had happened to her?! Who even was that and what had she done to her?!

She tried to move and nothing budged a single micrometer. It wasn’t like being stuck in something; the motion itself didn’t even begin, there was no force outwards! She was utterly trapped, unable to move or scream or anything!

(A wiser woman would have reflected on how this was similar to what she would have done to Ivan but crazy people are hardly ever wise.)

Minutes passed and Amy was seriously starting to get worried she would be stuck looking at the bottom of a door for the rest of her life, when the door finally opened.

All she could see was someone’s shoes as they bent down to pick up the note but she’d know those shoes or any part of them anywhere. It was Ivan! She was in front of Ivan! The idea seemed ludicrous to her, but perhaps, was he going to help her again?! All this time, trying to keep Ivan safe, and he was still the one helping her even though he was so vulnerable! Her heart soared.

Waiting with bated breath, Ivan eventually scanned the note and picked her up. She practically squealed. She *knew* she was shrunken but this was, crazy! She could feel his fingers wrapped around her and she felt like she was going to pass out from the simple rush of wind as she was yanked and pulled up and up and up. Until she was face to face with Ivan! He was, a giant to her!

“A figurine? I didn’t order this one, did I? How weird.”

As Ivan carried her, bringing her into his room, her heart started to sink and when she saw his room, it sunk as low as it could go. She wasn’t incredibly stupid, she could recognize reality. She was a figurine, just like the one’s on Her Ivan’s shelves! She swallowed the hatred of him looking at other girls, even if they were just shitty toys. That meant, he just thought she was a toy! No, worse, she was! She was a tiny little, statue woman thingy.

Ivan placed her on a shelf and went back to focusing on the note. She wanted so badly for Ivan to save her somehow, to let her escape from this imprisonment but he had no idea she was a real person! All she could do was remain there, stuck and trapped, staring at Ivan.

Well… as far as being trapped went, it wasn’t the worst view, at least.

Still! She needed to get free of this. Hopefully, hopefully Ivan would figure it out and he’d do something amazing to free his future wife from this!




Ivan was incredibly confused. He had heard knocking at his door and waited to see who it was, heart hammering in his chest, freaking out that this was gonna be it, that this was going to be the big one where he had to get into a fight with his life on the line with whoever was stalking him and probably going to try and kill him. Yet right before the knocking had begun, the buzzing sense of danger that had followed him all *week*, suddenly seemed to just, go away. To vanish into thin air. When he went outside, cracking the door open only slightly and moving it slowly, he had only seen two things on his doorstep. A note and a cute figurine of a girl that looked extremely vaguely familiar.

He reached down to read the note and it was plain and simple, written as if by a pen.

“Hey, dealt with that woman stalking you. Noticed her around and decided to do something before it got bad or something. She should be at a psych ward sooner or later. Anyway, here, have this figurine. Noticed it nearby and figured it was yours.

– Sabrina and Alex.”

He had no idea what on earth to make of this note. He was being stalked by a woman this whole time? Well, gender doesn’t really matter when it comes to being stalked he guessed. But *why* was he being stalked? Who even was doing it? Who were these people that apparently noticed and saved him from any trouble? There was a point in his head questioning the figurine, but that was more out of the timing than anything. He has ordered plenty of figurines before and not all of them had actually shown up. It wasn’t crazy to think one had somehow ended up in his bushes and hell, it was vaguely familiar. Probably from an anime he had watched beforehand and forgotten about now. It did look pretty generic.

He actually tried to push that out of his mind. He felt like it was a red herring for his brain. A certain part of him actually had the thought that there was a bomb in it or something and that was when he knew he had crossed into paranoid territory.

Finally, he put the note down and just relaxed on his bed for a second. The most *important* thing, was that he had been right. He *was* in danger. He *was* being stalked and watched. And now? Now he didn’t feel any of that at all. He was going to trust that equally as much as he had trusted it beforehand. So, so he was safe now.

He was safe.

The pure and utter *relief* that filled him after a fucking week of this, was almost enough to make him pass out right then and there. He was safe! No more worrying about the damn unknown. Hell, who cares who these people were or why they hadn’t really stuck around or whatever. The ultimate point was that he was finally safe.

He slept peacefully that night, while a figurine watched on. Ivan’s senses not reacting to things that aren’t human.

A night and day passed and Ivan was feeling better than ever. He had gone on a walk, had called his parents, had talked to his brothers, had even joined a few dating apps. Life was way, way too short and he wanted to make the most of it.

In that vein… he had a really stupid, whim he had put off doing. It was gross and stupid. He had, horribly, seen a certain image while crossing the darker side of the internet. Someone had put a figurine in a jar and well… gross. But he had always wanted to try it. For one, it hadn’t actually been an anime figurine and for two, how long did it take to fill a god damn jar like that? Wouldn’t it dry? It was gross and just, ew, no. But. But. He was probably going to die one day and it could be to random stalkers, so, why not go for it? He probably wouldn’t do it long term, a night or two and then he’d stop and clean it up.

Still, he had to decide what figurine and his eyes landed on the most recent one. He couldn’t say he really cared too much about the one he had been given randomly and it just felt fitting. Plus, its clothes clearly came off so, that was something.

When he went to detach the clothes, he was pretty surprised. Sure, some figurines got naked, but not many took the time to add nipples and a vagina. Most were just like barbies. That would make this a little better actually.

Ivan put it in the Jar and got started on his relaxation.




Amy was having a terrible day. It had the silver lining of getting to watch Ivan but then he left for work! Not only could she not make sure he was protected, but she was also stuck here, doing absolutely nothing, for hours. It was utterly boring. At the very least, she had found she could sleep in her new form, so there was that. Finally, Ivan had come back home and the joy of watching him did soothe her soul somewhat. She still wished she could escape and that he was safer, but, well, this was nice too in a way.

Then he had come over and picked her up.

She was startingly reminded that although she was some plastic toy, she certainly didn’t feel like one. She could feel Ivan’s fingers curl around her body as if she wasn’t made of plastic. As if she had just shrunk down. It was wonderful and then! He started to undress her! Was he so attracted to her that he even wanted to see her in this form? Her heart began beating faster.

Then he put her in a Jar.

Admittedly, she didn’t quite understand why.

Until he got naked and stood in front of her.

Wait. Wait! NO NO NO NO NO NO. Amy *loved* Ivan, deeply, but that was that and this was this. She most certainly did not like the idea of being covered in cum.

*‘Don’t cum on me Ivan!’*

Her wishes went on deaf ears, as Ivan continued to stroke himself, more and more, until finally, he came all over her. It was with such force, that if she wasn’t a figurine, she would have been knocked to the ground. Amy didn’t really like cum, not one bit. Not on her, for sure.

She was covered in it. Her hair was entirely coated, it was dripping down her back and front, it had even gotten a little bit into her eyes and that was irritating in this form. She could feel the thick sticky liquid dripping down her entire body. She wanted to gag as she realized smell and taste were also senses she could feel. The *taste* of it, was, not great at all but only a little had managed to get into her mouth really. No, it was the smell that really bothered her. It was overwhelming, an incredibly thick, overpowering scent of semen, coming from everywhere. Her eyes would have been watering from that alone if they could.

She didn’t even notice Ivan putting the lid back on the jar at first. But when she did, she realized something horrible. She was going to be stuck with his cum on her all night at least. He didn’t seem like he was going to clean her off. She was stuck, feeling the slimy cum slowly go down her body and puddle around her feet. Stuck, having her entire world smell like cum. She would’ve given anything to have the damn smell go away.

Hours passed and somehow the smell only seemed to be getting worse. The cum on her skin had dried but not all of it. She didn’t exactly know everything about cum but she figured by now, it all would have dried. That it hadn’t was concerning.

She eventually forced herself to sleep and woke up only a few hours, desperately trying to escape. The smell had reached a new worst-smell-ever point and it was now deep in her lungs. She would probably smell it in her nightmares after she got out of here. More cum had dried but some still hadn’t and she was starting to worry it wouldn’t at all. Dried cum on your skin was gross, true, but having it still be liquid and around you was worse. And it was all around her body. She could feel it on her chest, her legs, her hair, her back, pooling into crevasses around her vagina and ass. She felt utterly slimy and she hated it.

She was not miraculously cleaned off in the morning, as Ivan went to work and she tried, desperately, to push what was happening to her out of her mind. Surely, Ivan would clean her off tonight or sometime soon. She missed when her days were boring. Now they were torment. Her nose and the feeling of being dirty would probably stick with her for ages. Time passed strangely for her, now that she had something to “focus” on. She swore it couldn’t have been 5 minutes but Ivan was already back from work. Had 8 hours really passed already? She practically blinked again and now Ivan was grabbing her jar.

She felt relief, for two reasons. The first was simple, Ivan was going to clean her off and undo this mess he caused. Bleh. She couldn’t wait to be free of feeling like she was dipped in a swamp and with the smell of one too. The second, was that time seemed to go by much faster if she just focused on something else. She didn’t know how long she would be trapped like this but surely not forever right? Somehow, somehow she would be free of this!

Yet, as Ivan put her down and undid her lid, her heart froze in mortal terror as he was naked once again. And with his dick facing her.

*‘Nooo. No no no no. No, you can’t be doing this Ivan! NO! STOP! NOOOOO.’*

But her thoughts went on deaf ears, as he came, again, onto her. The first time was bad, and arguably, the second time was less bad since she was already slimy and the smell was like adding a fresh coating rather than just doubling in strength or something. But it was the terror that really made it unbearable. She had thought last night was a one time thing but if he kept doing this…

She put that thought out of her mind as the waves of nausea and gagging from her situation increased. She couldn’t help but focus on it. It was disgusting and overpowering and all around her. She practically *blinked* and felt herself being cummed on again. She hadn’t felt the jar be picked up, she hadn’t felt night and day pass, she hadn’t seen Ivan leave for work, she honestly thought for a moment no time at all had passed and he had just masturbated twice while she was distracted but no, no the reality was much more horrible than that. Sure, time passed effortlessly while she was focused on something else but that meant only the next thing to ‘jolt’ her out of her focus was what ended it.

She tried, she really tried, *not* to focus on 3 days worth of cum clinging to her and coating the bottom of the rather tiny jar, of the scent that had started horrible and now grown to a point a regular human probably couldn’t actually breathe it in, but it was hopeless. With every time, her situation got worse and her focus was *forced* back on to it. In what felt like seconds to her, she felt Ivan cum a 4th and a 5th time.

Her Jar was, to her, rapidly filling up, already past her feet. She could feel the slimy coating and the fact that she had actually spent days in this, struggling with it, disgusted her. That was a small benefit, that the intense concentration shielded her from the worst of the time period, but not all of it.

Her nose and mouth and throat felt like she was choking on the air. There was no air, it felt like. Just cum. She blinked and it got, worse? Better? She couldn’t say.

The feeling of cum on her grew and she no longer felt like she was coated, she felt like she was drowning in it. Not like it was on her, but like she was in it.

It all came to a stop and when her concentration edged off a little bit, she wanted to scream in terror as it had gotten so, so much worse.

She was floating, lightly, in a *Jar full of cum.*

There literally was no air, her lungs and mouth and throat had been and were choking on semen. She could feel it, completely having taken over her mouth and lungs and stomach. The *only* saving grace was that she didn’t feel like she was drowning but the other feeling wasn’t much better. She felt like it was practically part of her. She could feel how it engulfed every single part of her insides that had space to give. Even her vagina wasn’t spared and she felt it seeping in like water.

On the outside, things were arguably worse as she was essentially in a pool or bathtubs worth of the stuff. Forget feeling sticky or slimy, she was submerged in a gross liquid like tar. She had the feeling even if she could move, she wouldn’t be able to through this.

The smell was laughable because it had combined with a sense that had gotten spared earlier. Taste. Now? Now her entire spectrum of smell and taste was just this and nothing else. To say it was overpowering was like saying the sun was a little bright. Her poor, amazing, awesome Ivan had ruined her. Condemned her to this. What had she ever done to deserve this?!

(She had completely forgotten she wanted to cut off a man’s arms and legs and keep him her prisoner.)

Time seemed to slow, which she despised. Now, it was slightly harder to focus and have this all skip ahead but she managed. It still wasn’t that hard after all.

When she finally came to, Ivan was caring her.

“I can’t believe I did something so disgusting. Now that I have a girlfriend though, I can put this shameful past behind me and never speak of it again.”

Those were the final words in the coffin and Amy screamed and screamed. A psych ward soon found a naked woman, covered in what appeared to be cum, screaming in the middle of their hallway. A lot of questions were asked, few answers were given.

Ivan had a wonderful girlfriend and tried to forget his awful past.

Amy got some help and was held at a psych ward for the foreseeable future.

Sabrina and Alex continued to help(???) people throughout their journey.

All’s well that ends well. How the future would go though, who could say?

[More can be found at /r/WarixViviana]
