Three Mom Night [M22, F40-ish] [FFFM] [MILF]

“BEER RUN!” the guys shouted in unison.

“Who’s going?”

Before I could respond, my five guy friends piled out of the beach house and down to a little Ford Ranger truck.

I tried to race after them, but I was way too late. By the time I reached them, they had already packed inside and were doing donuts in the driveway.

“Oh c’mon guys, let me in!” I yelled, flailing my arms for them to stop.

“Sorry, no room!” one of them yelled.

“Snooze, you lose!” came another.

And then, they were peeling out of the driveway, tires screeching as they headed into town.

“Awww shit!” I cursed, and headed back up to the house.

Inside, three older ladies were crashed out in the living room, drinking beers and watching TV.

“Ohhhh baby, the boys left you behind?” It was Rhonda, the mom of one of my friends.

She was a bigger lady with big, brunette curls that were in complete disarray in her half-drunken state. She had a throw blanket tossed over her, but it had slipped down so low that her breasts were almost completely exposed.

Was she naked under there?!

Either way, she didn’t seem to notice. Maybe because it was kind of dim, with only the light of the TV and what little light made its way in from the nearby kitchen.

“We’ll take care of you!” sang out another lady teasingly, another mom of my friends. She was a big, round chunky gal with her hair tied up in pigtails.

Peggy, I remembered suddenly.

She was sitting next to Rhonda and wore a pair of jean shorts and a red and white striped bikini top that in no way came close to containing her heavy amount of cleavage.

“I’m sure they’ll be right back,” a third, skinnier woman said from the adjacent couch.

Sally. The last of the moms. She was a straight-laced no-nonsense lady with glasses and her hair put up in a bun so that she very much gave off the appearance of either a secretary or a librarian.

She was wearing a one-piece swimsuit that concealed much of her features underneath.

How did I get stuck with the damn Mom-squad?! I eyed the door, wondering if I should wait outside for my friends to get back.

“Oh no, you don’t!” Peggy, the blonde, called out to me. “You’ve got to stay and keep us company now!”

She stood up quickly, dwarfed me in her arms, and pulled me down to sit between her and Rhonda on the couch. Squeezed in between the two chunky older ladies, I was extremely uncomfortable but tried to distract myself by whatever it was they were watching on the TV.

The reception was not good. The sound was terrible. I couldn’t follow the show. I only hoped my friends would be back soon with more beer.

Peggy leaned across me suddenly, grabbing at Rhonda’s exposed feet.

“Girrrrrrl! I love that color on you!” she growled in what was meant to be a squeal.

Rhonda’s toenails were painted a marbled green color. She had fat feet, fat toes, and large toenails so the green surfaces looked like armor plating next to me.

“Aren’t her toes gorgeous?!” Peggy asked me, pushing Rhonda’s feet my way so I could get a better look.

I smiled and nodded, trying to be polite, really just going along with whatever til my friends got back.

“Mine aren’t as cute,” Peggy said, turning on the couch so she could drop her feet onto my lap.

What the hell was this?!

Her toes were equally fat baby blue boulders pressing dangerously near to my crotch.

“Um, maybe I oughta see if they’re back yet,” I said, starting to get up.

Rhonda swung an arm around me though and pulled me into her.

“Oh, don’t go yet baby!” she called. “We’ll treat you right, I promise.”

My face was smashed up against her, right where her breasts disappeared into the cover.

“I betcha he’s cold!” Peggy said, and grabbed at the blanket suddenly, tossing it over me a little too high so that it momentarily covered my head.

For a fraction of a second, I saw that Rhonda was stark naked under the cover. My eyes bulged at the sight of her Amazonian curves, my face burning red and hot as I remembered this was my friend’s mom!

And then, the blanket fell back into place and the ladies were acting as if nothing had happened.

“Oh, I love this old show!” Sally said from the adjacent couch, seemingly oblivious to the three of us.

Peggy curled up closer to me on the couch and placed her hand firmly against my chest.

“Sooooo….” she said in a sly voice. “Do you have a girlfriend baby?”

I nodded yes, a little too quickly and the two ladies laughed at my obvious nervousness around them.

“What’s her name, sweetie?” Rhonda asked, squeezing up closer to me, trapping me between the two of them.

“Is it Peggy?” Peggy teased. “I bet it is. It’s Peggy, isn’t it?”

“No, it’s Rhonda,” Rhonda said, playing along with the blonde’s game.

The two of them moved in even closer to me, leaning their mouths in toward either side of my face.

“Which is it, Rhonda or Peggy?” the brunette whispered in one ear.

“Choose wisely,” Peggy said into my other ear, and suddenly her fingers were slipping under my shirt, running up against my bare chest.

I tried to leap up, struggled against them, but they grabbed me and held me in place. And then, suddenly, I felt a hand on my crotch under the blanket.

“Choose very wisely,” Rhonda whispered again, giving my ear a lick with her tongue.

“Hey, um…..” I tried to say. “Maybe we shouldn’t do this, seeing as you both are my friends’ moms and since, you know, they could be back any minute.”

Peggy shot me a pouty expression.

Rhonda only squeezed me tighter, her other hand working on undoing the fly of my shorts.

“Let’s not be selfish now,” the brunette said. “Your little guy-friends all went off and left you behind. There’s no reason we can’t have some fun til they get back.”

Peggy nodded emphatically and lowered her mouth to my neck, working her lips and tongue into the tender parts of my flesh and causing me to moan involuntarily.

“Seeeee…..” Rhonda said. “We’ll treat you good.”

She finally succeeded in undoing my pants, and then, suddenly her hand was reaching past my underwear to caress my dick.

“Hey!” I cried out in surprise.

It was loud enough to get Sally’s attention. She glanced my way questioningly, and the other two ladies immediately turned their attention toward the TV.

“Do you need anything from the kitchen?” she asked, still completely unaware of what was going on. “I’m getting so hungry!”

“Yes, please!” I said, and started to pull myself away from the other two moms.

“Oh don’t get up!” Sally ruining my escape plan. “I’ll get it for you honey. What do you need?”

“Get him something sweet,” Peggy purred in my direction.”

“Yes, some candy,” Rhonda agreed. “Something to suck on……

She gave my meat a meaningful squeeze at this, and I practically leapt off of the couch, but the two still held me fast.

Sally wandered off into the kitchen, and the two moms descended on me like vultures.

Rhonda grabbed my face by my chin, turned my head to face her, and planted her mouth on mine, immediately pushing her tongue past my lips and wrestling mine with hers.

Her hand set to work on my meat, pumping up and down on my shaft til it was rock hard.

Peggy, in the meantime, pushed my shirt out of the way, then dropped her head to my exposed stomach where she began sloppily kissing her way up towards my chest.

I moaned and groaned as they worked me over, tried in vain to slow them down. But then, Peggy was at my chest, biting and sucking at my nipples, giving whatever one wasn’t currently in her mouth hard pinches and pulls with her free hand.

“I hope these are alright,” came Sally’s voice, and the moms casually came away from me.

Sally was holding a bag of peach flavored gummy rings.

“It’s all I could find, sorry.”

“Perfect!” Peggy sang out and took the bag of candy from her.

Sally returned to the couch, but stretched out into a laying position, then resumed watching the TV.

Peggy shot me a mischievous, hungry smirk, then disappeared under the throw blanket. Almost immediately, she jerked my shorts downward, my dick springing free of the clothes.

I grabbed for her, intent on using her body to scoot myself away from the two of them, but then Rhonda was grabbing for me, pulling my head into her chest…..her very naked, exposed chest!

My face was swallowed by her tits, and she maneuvered my mouth onto one of her thick, brown nipples. I instinctively clamped my lips down on it and began sucking, running my tongue over it and flicking at it in my growing excitement.

Peggy, meanwhile, had opened the bag of peach gummies and had begun working them down onto my cock. They were tight, and my meat strained against them as she continued adding more and more.

“Give him a look,” she called to the brunette, and Rhonda released me from her breasts and lifted the blanket up for me to see.

Peggy was staring up at me lewdly, her mouth hovering over my dick which was almost completely encased in peach gummies.

“You want some candy, baby?” she taunted me.

Before I could respond, she lowered her mouth to my candy-coated cock and began devouring me.

I groaned intensely at the feel of her mouth on me, her tongue lapping at my meat stick, aggressively trying to eat all the candy off my dick.

Sally looked our way quizzically, and Rhonda quickly threw the cover over my head, smothered me once again in her tits, hoping to muffle any sounds I made.

I couldn’t keep quiet though, moaning into her huge melons, and she had to think quick.

She pushed my head downward, down her belly, and toward her crotch.

Oh no!

“I’m sorry baby,” she said, then pulled my mouth to her pussy, compressing me to her pink, wet fuck-hole.

My lower half had slid off the couch, but Peggy was determined and had maneuvered herself between my legs so she could continue feeding on my cock.

Rhonda did her best to keep the blanket over the two of us as she held me in place between her thighs. Her big, beefy hands were locked together behind my head, keeping me from getting away.

My mouth and nose were immediately soaked in her juices. Her fat pussy lips moved rhythmically up and down all over my face as she humped herself on me.

She was hot and musky, but the smell of her was working me up, driving me crazy. Without realizing it, I began pushing my hips, thrusting my cock into Peggy’s hungry mouth-hole, fucking her face involuntarily.

The blonde was all for it. She took as much as I could give, eagerly downing my sausage with each thrust.

I could no longer resist Rhonda’s all-consuming pussy, and I buried my tongue inside her, began feeding on her ravenously as if her pussy were one giant peach gummy.

She cried out at the feel of me tasting her, eating her, moving my mouth and tongue and nose in all the right places to get her off.

Peggy grabbed my balls and squeezed them lightly, and it was more than enough to send me over the edge.

I came hard and sudden, feeling instant guilt as I realized I was cumming in her face, in her mouth, down her throat.

The blonde was unfazed though, and continued licking and sucking on my penis tip until it felt like I’d shot a second load down her throat. Still, she ran her tongue all over my meat, hungry for every drop I could give.

Rhonda was cumming too, grinding my nose tightly up against her clit and working herself over with such intensity that she was crying out as her orgasm washed over her.

She humped herself dry, then slowly ground to a halt, enjoying the feel of my breath, hot and moist against her pussy lips.

“Can…..can I try?” a voice came from the adjacent couch.

Shit! Sally!

Rhonda released me and at the same time that Peggy crawled out from under the blanket. The three of us looked guiltily toward the other woman, unsure of what to do.

Sally was holding up her phone.

“The boys texted. They’re not coming back tonight. They found another party across town.”

Rhonda and Peggy started to make excuses for what we were doing, but Sally cut them off.

“So, since we’re all here anyway…..could I have a try?”

She looked over at me sheepishly, and the other two moms beckoned her over, laughing as they descended back upon me.

How the hell did I get lucky enough to be stuck with the Mom Squad?!
