The Ways of Lust Ch. 03 [M30s/F30s/F40s]

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***All characters in this story are 18 years of age or older***

I felt a stirring against the front of my body as I slowly regained consciousness. My eyes opened slowly to find I was still on the couch in my office, laid out on my side across its length. An arm and a leg were draped over a still-sleeping Senna, who was playing the little spoon. Her back pressed against my chest and my cock rested nestled between her asscheeks. It was almost pitch black as we cuddled under the light blanket, only the city lights streaming through my window providing any illumination.

Senna’s heavy breathing indicated she was still in a deep sleep. Her thick, curly hair tickled my face and my hand lay gently on her flat stomach. It was cool in the room but we were sweating under the blanket from our combined body heat.

As I took all of this in my cock stiffened in the crevasse of her ass. My hips moved involuntarily, ever so slightly, our sweat allowing my cock to slide easily along her asscrack.

Senna’s breathing became lighter and she yawned. She was waking up too. Would she tell me to quit? Would she leave?

No. As the realization of where she was and what was happening dawned on her, she backed her ass into me, inviting me to continue. My hand drifted up from her tummy to her chest and I lightly teased her nipple with my fingertip. She cooed approvingly.

I slid my hand between us to reposition my cock, wanting to bury it between her thick thighs. She understood and lifted her leg, then brought it back down to squeeze my cock against the soft flesh of her inner legs. The top of my shaft rested against her pussy lips and the dried cum that caked it.

I returned my hand to her tit and resumed my grinding. Her pussy began to moisten as the top of my shaft rubbed against it, mixing with our sweat to provide a nice lube. Senna toyed with her clit as I fucked her thighs.

“This is hot…” she mumbled in a sleepy daze.

“I’m gonna cum between your thighs,” I replied.

“Yes…please,” she approved.

The pace of my thrusting sped. I took her earlobe between my lips as I kneaded the flesh of her tit. She pressed harder against her clit as she massaged herself to orgasm.

She climaxed quickly and her pussy juices ran down her legs to coat my cock, making it even slicker against her skin. I bucked hard against her as I pulled her hips into me.

I groaned as I came. Some oozed between her thighs. Some sprayed across the floor as my cock peeked from between her legs.

I left my cock nestled between her messy thighs as we both drifted back to sleep.

The next day was a Saturday. Senna and I woke early and, cleaning up as best we could, went our separate ways. I ordered a cleaning service for the mess on my rug.

Sitting at the small table in my kitchen, I sipped a cup of coffee as I drafted my email to Suzanne at her Living Lust address. I detailed the events of the previous day and early morning, leaving out only Senna’s identity. I hit send and went on with my day.

After a workout, some grocery shopping, and a few other errands I sat at the same table to eat lunch. My phone dinged, indicating I had an email. It was from Suzanne.

There was nothing in it except a link that said “Activate Account.” I clicked it and it opened my browser to the Living Lust page. My username was already set to my first and last name but I was prompted to make a password. I did and I was granted access to the site.

A profile page popped up. It was my own. My name and the picture I used on some other social media sites headlined the top. Underneath this, my information was displayed in a list format. Among the data points were:

Category: Stud

Status: Probationary

Level: 0

Specialties: Unknown

It seemed odd that a profile had already been filled out for me. I could only guess what it meant. But the last couple of items made my jaw drop in disbelief.

Background Check: Cleared

Medical History: Cleared

Had they been able to get my medical records in a few hours? How? Wasn’t this a felony-level invasion of privacy? And what about the background check? Why?

As if on cue a box popped up on my screen: “Suzanne wants to video chat.” I clicked allow. Another window opened with Suzanne on the other end of the camera.

Today she wore a black blouse with a deep “v” to draw attention to her ample cleavage. I could see she was sitting in an office, decorated with modernist taste. It looked expensive.

“So, you had a good night?” Suzanne chimed.

“Suzanne, what’s going on?” I said, confused and a little annoyed despite enjoying the view. “How do you have my medical records?”

“Oh, don’t worry,” she reassured me. “It’s just us doing our due diligence. That information stops with us and we take privacy very seriously, despite what it might look like. You’re clean, by the way.”

“But why the hell do you need it?” I shot back. I wasn’t one to call the police over anything that wasn’t an emergency but this seemed to meet those criteria.

“If you’ll calm down for a sec,” she said, also annoyed, “I’ll explain what’s going on.”

I was about to respond when I caught myself. I forced myself to relax. The more I knew about what Suzanne and her group were doing with my sensitive information, the better.

“All right…” I reluctantly agreed, settling back in my chair.

“Ok,” Suzanne started. “Simply put…well, do you remember what I told you about lust? How it’s a good thing if it’s used correctly?”

I nodded.

“It takes a specific kind of person to live that way,” she continued, “At least in terms of making it a lifestyle. Because of that, we need to be very selective about the people, especially men, we let into our network.”

“Is that what ‘Living Lust’ is?” I asked.

“Yes, but the name’s not important. It’s the people in it and what we do.” She raised an eyebrow. “You following so far?”

“So far,” I said. It wasn’t that hard to understand now. This was a sex ring.

“Good, because that’s about all I can tell you at this point.”

I didn’t feel like she had told me anything.

“But,” she continued, “If you’ve gone as far as you want to go just say the word and I’ll delete all of your information, including your personal records. You’ll never hear from me again.”

That was probably the right call. Better safe than sorry.

But how often does a guy get invited to try out for a sex…community, network, cult, whatever?

What she said next made my decision a bit easier. “And if you decide to continue, just know that you can leave at any time and, of course, we’ll wipe all your information from our database.”

So, my choices were to leave now and perhaps never get this opportunity again or test the waters and still have that option.

“Alright, Suzanne,” I said, my voice betraying that I wasn’t completely convinced this was legitimate. “I’ll stay in it for a bit to feel it out. But I have no problem with walking away if anything feels…nefarious.”

“I understand,” she nodded.

“So, what happens next?” I asked.

“We’ll set you up with some of our approved evaluators so they can make sure you’re a good fit for our network. Just wait for them to contact you through the website.”


“As for right now,” she said as her voice became a little softer. “I’ll be your first evaluator…First I want you to back up a little so I can see your lap.”

I scooted my chair back until she could see from the top of my head to my knees.

“Now take out your cock.”

“What?” I exclaimed. “Here? Now?”

“Mark, if you’re going to be so reluctant all the time maybe you’re not cut out for this…”

“No,” I stopped her. “I’m sorry. This ‘give in to lust’ thing takes some getting used to.”

Suzanne giggled, “Yes, it does. But it’s so worth it.”

I stood and pulled my shorts and boxers to my ankles. I sat down again, my flaccid penis drooping pathetically.

“Since this is your first time doing something like this, I gather,” Suzanne said, “How about some help?”

I liked the sound of that. “What do you have in mind?”

“Why don’t you call me Mommy?”

That was one I’d seen in porn but I’d never tried myself. “Mommy?” I wasn’t sure I liked it. “Ehhh…”

“No?” she said. “What about…Babygirl? Why don’t you let your Babygirl watch you touch yourself…Daddy?”

That did it. I felt my cock begin to stir. I began to stroke it with my fingertips as it rose in my lap. Suzanne smirked, knowing she had just unlocked one of my kinks.

“Yes. Why don’t you touch yourself while your needy little Babygirl squeezes her titties together for you?” Suzanne leaned over and, with her hands on the outsides of her tits, smushed them together under her shirt.

“Oh…you like it when your princess plays with her titties?” she cooed as she shook her breasts for the camera.

“I do,” I replied. “Daddy likes it when you play with your big, fat titties like a good girl.”

“What do you imagine doing to my milky tits, Daddy?” she asked.

“I imagine laying my princess on the bed and taking her shirt off, then having her smush her boobs together like a good girl so I can fuck them with my hard cock.” At this point, I was fully erect and well into my fantasy.

“Mmm…you’re such a loving Daddy,” she approved. “I would love that. Maybe I’ll stick out her tongue so I can lick the tip of my Daddy’s big, strong cock.” She stuck out her tongue and slowly ran it around her deep red lips.

“You’re doing such a good job, Princess. You’re gonna make me cum for you,” I said as I edged closer to orgasm.

“Oh, Daddy…it would make me sooo happy if you’d cum for me,” she squealed. “It would make me feel soooo pretty.”

I leaned forward to grab a napkin off the table and sat back. I focused on her wet lips, imagining them kissing the tip of my cock as the head peeked out from between her tits.

“That’s right,” Suzanne encouraged. “Cum for me, Daddy. Cum for your Babygirl…”

My testicles tightened and cum sprayed into the napkin, much of it dripping down my cock and balls onto the chair.

“Good job,” Suzanne said as my cock still spasmed. “I’m even a little wet. We’ll be in touch.”

With that, the window closed. She was gone. It was just me and my exhausted cock in my hand.

I looked at the clock. Almost midnight. And I was nowhere near tired enough to fall asleep.

My sex drive hadn’t been this extreme in a long time. I had already jerked off two more times that evening, but that “conversation” with Suzanne had shaken something loose in me. It was like my entire nervous system had been reprogrammed for one purpose: to find a woman and to please her.

I picked up my phone and texted Michelle: “You awake?”

“Yeah,” came the response. “Just reading. What’s up?”

I was about to text back but, changing my mind, hit the dial button instead.

“Hey,” came Michelle’s voice on the other end. “Can’t sleep?”

“No,” I admitted. “I’ve got a lot on my mind.”

“Like what?” she asked.

“Like…you.” There was silence on the other end. I imagined she was bracing herself for a confession of love that would derail our platonic arrangement. I needed to assure her that’s not what this was at all.

I continued in a slightly deeper, slower voice. “I’ve been thinking about how good you tasted yesterday. How your juices tickled my chin as you leaked into my mouth. How your excited clit protruded, begging my tongue for affection.” I paused. “Shall I continue?”

A moment of silence elapsed, then a whispered “yes” from Michelle. In the background I heard the buzzing of a vibrator click on. My hand found my erect cock and slowly began to stroke.

“Let me start by describing how your pussy lips taste when my tongue slides through them…”

[Find the next chapter here](
