Chapter 1: Redefining marriage

I met my wife in 2008, she was engaged to her bf, but there was incredible chemistry between us when we met. We met in Connecticut at a mutual friends place, she was mischievous and hot, and I was “all in”, she was attracted to how committed I was to making it work between us. She broke up her engagement and we started dating, it was long distance I was in CT and she was in NC (Charlotte).

Eventually by 2013 we got married, there are some stories about our time between 2008 n 2013 – we fucked in the car, fingered on the plane, groped each other at restaurants, got caught fucking by my roommate, she sent her nudes to her ex that almost broke our engagement, many more, but that’s for another time. We were crazy about each other, we had our first child in 2015, that was the first time in since 2008 when we had not had sex at least twice a week.

Arrival of the child changed that, she went into a depression and anxiety cycle, and did not want any physical intimacy. For about a year, I gave her the space to deal with her emotions and recover.
In 2016 we thought we should try to have a second child so the first has company and if possible we wanted their age gap to be short 2-3 years. We had tried for about 2 years before she was pregnant with the first child, so we wanted to start trying when my son was a year old. To our surprise, she got pregnant again within about a week after we started trying.

Between the year old child and her being pregnant and her mom frequently visiting to help her out, our sex life pretty much stopped. In 2017 we had our second child.

My wife n I got busy handling 2 kids, she was again not receptive to any of my advances, it would always be that she is tired or has a headache or just not in the mood for it. In the blink of an eye, it was 2020, the distance in our physical connection spilled over to our marriage and we started to have fights about the most trivial issues. I felt wronged that after 3 years of having space she was still not ready to reconnect/start our sex life. She felt that I was only always thinking about sex. There was a huge baggage, with sex becoming as rare as about once a year, there was so much negativity that it was not enjoyable when we did have sex.

We were cohabiting parents, in that I finally started to accept that my wife may not ever be interested in sex again and I let it be, I wanted her to come back to me if she ever felt like it again, I had attempted too many times and getting rejected repeatedly doesn’t help my ego. My wife used to stay irritable most of the time. My indulgence in porn started to become an addiction.

In 2021, we started to have deeper conversations that were not emotionally charged. She started to say that marriage as a concept is out dated, it doesn’t work, there’s nothing new to be explored with a person after living with them for over 10 years. She said there’s no excitement in conversation, no excitement in touch, no excitement in having lunch/dinner together or in going on dates. She said it would have been nice if there was a 10 year expiry to each marriage by default.

This is the same time when she started to spend a lot more time at work, she started to be very disciplined workout routine, she gradually changed her wardrobe, started to dye her hair. She started to go to the parlour for facials, manicure and pedicure, waxing, eyebrows. She also got promoted at her work, in general everything started to look brighter for her. This also helped her mood at home. The only part that didn’t see a change was our physical intimacy.

I considered divorce multiple times, but never did anything about it as we both love our kids beyond anything else. To split time between us or to lose access to the kids (courts maybe more favourable to the mom) was not an option I was willing to take. Nor do I feel like making the divorce lawyers wealthy because of our marriage problems. The word marriage therapy was brought up, n everytime I uttered it, it resulted in an extensive severe fight n drama (all words, never physical fight)

To be cont’d



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