A Sexual Chronicle chapter 9: Hard and exposed in the mixed showers [MFF] (Exhibitionist/Voyeur/public)

[Chapter One](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/vbugjd/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_1/)

[Chapter Two](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/ve20v0/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_2/)

[Chapter Three](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/vgd9oq/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_3/)

[Chapter Four](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/vjenig/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_4_the_longawaited/)

[Chapter Five](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/vlkva4/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_5_embracing_the/)

[Chapter Six](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/vnumfp/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_6_showing_off_on_the/)

[Chapter Seven](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/vqv0x2/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_7_photos_on_the_sand/)

[Chapter Eight](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/vty4ln/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_8_making_new_friends/)

The showers were a surprising piece in infrastructure for a beach that was otherwise so isolated and secret. Near the stairs was a square marked out by seven-foot bamboo walls, with no roof and a single gap to enter through. Of course, this was a clothing optional beach, so the designers had seen no need to divide the facilities by gender, or add any partitions at all. The walls were lined with benches and hooks for our things, leaving the middle space wide open. There were six tall poles that held up four showerheads each, going off in different directions. There was no privacy in this place in general, but particularly not from the person using the showerhead opposite your own, not with only the narrow post separating the two of you. We did have it to ourselves, however.

Katie and Sarah got under the same showerhead and squealed as the cold water fell over them. The stream was narrow, so they had to be all over each other to stay under it. After a full day of this, even after Katie helped me out in the surf, I was close to breaking point, so I tried not think about their naked bodies, all wet and slippery and sliding over each other as they jostled for the best part of the spray.

Despite my better judgement, I took the head next to them (after putting down our bags, which I’d been saddled with, on a bench). I went with next to instead of opposite, just to give me a chance of making it through this final trial.

Dani took the shower opposite me and Emma the one next to her, filling up one pole and forcing Lily and the two boys to take the next set along. Dani had, obviously, ditched the sunhat that had been her only garment besides that little side-tie thong bikini bottom. The cold water drove me into shivers despite the lingering heat of the day. I made eye contact with Dani and she smiled sympathetically at my shaking. It was an unexpected moment to have, considering my hands were on my balls (purely to help wash sand out of the wrinkles) and hers were running up and down her tits. Then she did something I wasn’t expecting.

Her hands went to her waist and pulled open both the knots of her bikini at once. She grabbed the front of it and simply pulled it out from between her legs, quick easy and casual. There was a fiery, heart-shaped patch of pubic hair (matching the drapes exactly) on the prominent mound above her tight little pussy, which I got to have a good look at as she rinsed her bikini in the spray.

I shouldn’t have been so shocked, considering everything else I’d seen today, but part of me had figured that Dani had left the bottoms on purely because that was her line. That was all she was comfortable showing. If she wouldn’t get it out on a freaking nude beach, it wasn’t for me to see. But I guess the tale I’d spun to Sarah on that first afternoon about context had more truth in it than I’d thought. Dani was adapting to where she was. A beach like this one could accept everything from a bikini to going nude. She’d chosen the point that felt right to her in that range. But this wasn’t the beach anymore, it was the shower. And most people showered nude. What was the point if you weren’t going to properly clean out all the cracks and crevasses?

My breath caught. I realised I’d been staring too long. After all day assuming the curiosity her little bikini inspired about her cunt would never be stated, Dani so coolly and casually getting naked in front of me was too much. I glanced sideways. Sarah had asked Katie to wash her back and Katie was going above and beyond the call of duty. No good. Other way. Emma at least hadn’t been game to strip all the way down in front of me…

She’d rolled her bathers down to just above her knees to freely wash out the inside. The need to get the garment in the water without her torso blocking it meant she was leaning back with her whole lower half thrust toward the post. That gave me and everyone else at our shower a great angle to her sharp hip bones, the scant tuft of bush she hadn’t shaved away, and a surprisingly large, prominent set of labia topped with an attention-grabbing clit piercing. I couldn’t believe the amount of naked skin around me, and the variety of tits and pussy I was being blessed with, shown to me so casually like they didn’t know or didn’t care that I was a horny bastard of a man who was trying to memorise all the detail he could to jerk off to later.

It pushed me over the line. I’d tried so hard to keep my libido at a publicly appropriate level today, but this was too much. That is to say, I popped one of the most massive, throbbing boners of my life.

I couldn’t cover it with my hands. It would have been obvious what was happening even if it did work. I couldn’t roll over and sun my back or hide in the surf either. Basically, there was no hiding it. All our new friends were going to see me completely erect and know it was because I looked at them. Katie and Sarah noticed my predicament, and looked at me hungrily. But they were cool. They knew and loved my boners. It was Dani, now staring at my crotch with her bottoms dangling in one hand, that I was worried about. With some apparent effort, she raised her eyes to meet mine and smiled.

“Relax, dude. I know it’s your first time here. Only surprising thing is that it didn’t happen sooner.”

“Thanks,” I said sincerely, my stomach settling. “I’m glad it’s only happening here, not where the whole beach could see. I guess there’s not much I can do but power through until I’m dressed.”

“Probably not in here,” Dani agreed, watching me.

I embraced the moment, stepping forward into my shower to wet my hair. I cleaned the top of my head with both hands, the motion getting my hard cock wagging back and forth for all my new friends to see. Up until now, I don’t think anyone I hadn’t been intimate with had seen my erection, but on the beach I couldn’t put up even that barrier between me and these almost-strangers. Knowing that naturally made it even less likely this thing would go down on its own.

“Classic first time jitters,” said a male voice. I opened my eyes to see James greeting Dani with a quick kiss on the neck. He was hard too, pointing up with a bit of a curve. Given he was a nude beach veteran, that surprised me. At least for my ego’s sake, he didn’t get much bigger as he hardened, just increasing the firmness of what he had.

“Babe,” she scolded him, gently and noncommittally cupping his cock and balls from below.

“Easy to control when you know the rules are not to do it,” he explained. “You know how awkward it’d be. But the moment it’s all cool and there’s people walking around hard like it’s nothing, the atmosphere changes. And you’re here looking like *that*…”

He hugged his girlfriend from behind. I saw her jump and move her hips forward slightly as his erection pressed into her ass. Katie reached out of the tangle of limbs she’d formed with Sarah and smacked my ass. “Look what you’ve done, perv.”

“Not you too.” Emma’s voice brought our attention to Todd, leaving his shower with a perfectly horizontal cock. He reached a good size, considering how stubby he’d looked flaccid.

“Well when you’re all talking about it…” he objected.

But it was Lily who surprised me most. The girl had kept her bottoms on the whole time, but I was now seeing a telltale bulge in the front of them, making completely apparent the reason why. She sighed and shrugged. “At least I’ve got no excuse not to de-sand my nethers properly now.”

She rolled her bikini down until the penis I never would have guessed she had sprang out. It was small by the standards of the room, and noodle thin, with the balls hanging underneath not adding much to the equation. She was totally shaved, her instrument dainty enough not totally overpower how well she pulled off the feminine upper half. She let it point the way as she stepped back into her shower.

I cringed a little realising how hard she must have been tucked in all day for me not to notice at all. Even accounting for her size and the distracting elements of the bikini, that can’t have been comfortable.

Now, I was cool with this kind of thing. Katie and I had transgender friends we’d made in uni and were still in contact with. But I’d never seen any of them in the nude before, and I’ll admit she was testing my ability not to stare. I hadn’t expected the girl and the cock to catch my curiosity this way, but despite the unexpected fixation, I wouldn’t have said I wanted her. I’ve never felt the urge to play with any dick other than my own, male or female. The idea just didn’t energise me the way thinking about a good, wet pussy did. But obviously I do have my own dick, and therefore enjoy watching fun things happen to dicks in porn and the like so that I can imagine my own tool in their place. As an exhibitionist, I can also appreciate a scene of a cock been shown off and appreciated by the women seeing it. So I’d be lying if I said there was nothing for me in it, seeing Lily’s movements bounce her little cock around in front of her while she remained uncaring of her exposure. And when my attention panned up, she had a set of wonderful, puffy tits bouncing as the water trickled through their peaks and valleys, and they were just as nice to look at as they’d been with her bottoms on.

There, two totally separate and compartmentalised reasons to look that require no further introspection or sexual reassessment on my part. She had my attention for a moment, but I was quickly drawn back to my girls and our new friends’ pussies in the showers around me.

No one had flagged an inch by the time we left our showers. Even more, the girls were showing their more subtle signs of arousal as well, all hard nipples, hot pink cheeks and little glistening signs of slickness around their pussies. Emma had ended her shower by letting the bikini fall to her feet and walked back to her towel as nude as the rest of us, labia dangling between her legs as she moved, piercing shining in the sun.

Towelling off was not a sexless act. Drying face and hair meant covering your eyes and spending time with both hands up over your shoulders, a position of supreme vulnerability for the naked and aroused. We were putting ourselves in the hands of our friends, completely uncovered. Someone pinched my ass. I would have put all the money in the world on Sarah being the culprit. We also had a good time drying backs and asses, a process that inevitably involved a lot of shaking bodies back and forth with no way to cover the front. Every single one of us got more into the dance than we needed to, making boobs sway and bounce in every direction and hard dicks smack against thighs. The girls dropped things and bent at the hips to pick them up, flashing the room their all. We were showing off and loving it.

We stood around our bags naked and laughing, no one wanting to actually get dressed and end the fun. The couples (and my trio) were bunched close together, naked hips rubbing against each other, fingers twitching, desperate to start feeling around. We were all such attractive people. I wanted to see how they fucked each other, and I wanted them to watch us.

“There’s no one else in here,” I ventured, my dick throbbing blatantly at what I was trying to put in motion.

“There were still a lot of people on the sand,” James noted. “They could come in whenever. That gets pretty bad.” He seemed to be speaking from experience.

A general grumble of disappointment went around our naked, horny group. Dani spoke up. “My folks’ place is close to here. They’re on holiday, so they said it’s cool if I use. There’s a pool and jacuzzi and everything. I don’t wanna assume what you guys are interested in, but if you want to hang out a little longer, follow my car. No pressure either way.”

I was starting to think the universe liked me. How else could you explain all of this?

Katie, Sarah and I communicated silently, all agreeing quickly on what we were going to do. Then we heard voices moving toward the door, and all covered up our arousal in a flurry of motion and giggling. It was strange being the clothed ones for a change, as we passed a completely naked older couple on our way out.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vwx4ds/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_9_hard_and_exposed_in