I met a Swedish girl at the hotel pool and fucked her in it later the same day [MF]

When you’re a guy from the UK and at university, it’s a bit of a rite of passage to go on a “lad’s holiday” – most people will go abroad with their friends to somewhere like Ibiza or Magaluf in a bid to have as much alcohol and sex as possible in a week or two. Pretty much everyone will have a tale to tell about their own lad’s/girly holiday and so this is mine…

As ever, before we get truly stuck in, obvious things out of the way first. Yes, this is a real story. Yes the names are changed to protect identities. No I won’t send you any pictures of the women in question. And yes, although real, I’ve had to take some artistic license as this was a while ago and there’s no way I could remember conversations verbatim. Apart from one key sentence which is etched into my memory, and you can find that, along with the details you’re *really* here for, after the:


Oh, and one last thing, this one spiralled out of control as I felt like being particularly detailed, so it is long! However you’ve made it this far so you may as well keep going, right?

My first ever lad’s holiday (yes, you have to do more than one really!) was to Ibiza and didn’t really go down as well as my teenage mind would have liked. In hindsight, we probably went a bit too big too quickly by picking the “number one party destination in Europe”. The holiday itself created plenty of memories with the guys, and we still reminisce today, but when I returned home about a grand lighter and still a virgin, I was a little disappointed still. If you want a bit of a visual aid here, I’d suggest watching the first Inbetweeners film. Hell, you should watch that anyway – it’s great!

So, when a few of my old university friends suggested going on a lad’s holiday in my early 20s, I did not hesitate to commit to going very early on in discussions. I was a much improved person in many aspects compared to the lost teen in Ibiza. Older, wiser, in better shape physically and, probably most importantly for this, no longer a virgin. That said, I was still very much up for getting drunk every night for a week and trying my luck at sleeping with women.

Once everyone was on board and dates were agreed, we touched down in Ayia Napa just a couple of months later in the height of summer. For those of you unfamiliar, Ayia Napa is a tourist resort in Cyprus and a hotspot for Brits abroad. It has the three S’s in abundance – Sun, Sea and Sex. At the time it was definitely still in most people’s top 10 destinations in Europe for sex and all-nighters at the club. Our seedy taxi driver told us how we were “in the best place for lots of good fucking tonight!” as he picked us up from the airport – a line I’m sure he repeated every trip he made.

“Let’s hope he’s right!” my mate Matt said to me.

He’d been gunning for Magaluf as his destination of choice, which was in the spotlight not that long before this for the infamous “24 blowjobs competition”, where a British girl won herself a £2 bottle of Cava for sucking off 24 men on the dancefloor. Just another incident that helped to fuel hatred of British tourists really. I’m fairly sure you’ll still be able to find the video of this somewhere.

When we got to the hotel, we checked in and listened to our holiday rep Max bang on about the “craziest” clubs and try to sell us some deals on drinks. Most of it went over our heads (wiser and older remember?) but the foam party sounded fun so we signed up to that. At this point in the day, it was sweltering so all we wanted to do was head down to the pool. Once Max “the mad man” (a title he gave himself) was done with his speech, we dumped our bags in the room, changed into swimwear and headed straight for a dip.

That’s when I first saw her. Katrin. A certified Swedish bombshell. If someone was to say to you “hot Swedish girl”, she’s probably the image you’re conjuring in your head. Long blonde hair, blue eyed and fair-skinned (thought admittedly you’d probably call it “sun-kissed” at this point). Tall. Slim. Ample chest. I wouldn’t like to embarrass myself and guess the size but they certainly looked large on her slender frame. And I can still vividly picture a trail of butterflies tattoo that sort of wrapped around one of her hips.

Mad Max had mentioned something about a Swedish “contingent” around the hotel during his induction speech, and this was my first encounter with them. Katrin was sunbathing with her girlfriends at the edge of the pool, sipping cocktails. I could not help but notice that her friends were mostly topless but Katrin was a little more reserved, opting to keep her bikini top on. Quite a contrast to how this story ends. I had to stop myself from gawping but thankfully you can always rely on your mates to do something stupid, and I was snapped out of my trance when Matt pushed me in the pool.

I think I caught the Swedes looking over our way at this point, probably saying to one another, “Oh great, the Brits have arrived…”

Throughout the day I kept sneaking glances over at them. They were all beautiful to be fair, and like carbon copies of each other. You know how you get groups that look the same, dress the same and act the same? This was them – 6 clones. Apart from Frida who bucked the trend with brunette hair. I was probably perving too much, checking them out as they re-applied sunscreen to one another and made frequent trips to the pool bar to top up their drinks. Thank god for sunglasses to hide wandering eyes. Eventually though, we left the poolside to get some dinner for the evening and hit up the local bars.

As per, the meal progressed to a couple of drinks, which progressed to hitting the local club, which progressed to a 3am stagger back to the hotel. First nights of holiday are always the same! I didn’t get lucky but I didn’t care. It was just great to be abroad with my mates again. Rob, who had settled down earlier than the rest of us, was a particular highlight that night. Something about him getting away from the wife and kid really unleashed his wild side. He’d reached his limit early on in the night and we had to carry him most of the way back.

At one point as we got closer to the hotel, Rob decided for the fourth time he was going to fall into some bins, which caused some giggling nearby. It was the Swedes! They were clearly amused by my friend’s inebriated state. One of them said something in Swedish and the group laughed again, and then they were on their way. Before they left, I flashed them a smile and I could have sworn Katrin’s eyes lingered on me just a fraction longer than needed.

After a night of suffering with a spinning room and my mate’s snoring, I was up early, ready for our first full day. I like to make the most of my holidays and so I was downstairs for breakfast on my own at about 10am, while the rest of the group either slept or nursed a bad head in darkness until they could face the bright Cypriot sun. After indulging in some questionable bacon, I made my way down to the poolside again.

I claimed my sun lounger and got myself ready. Feeling pretty confident about myself after hitting the gym almost every day so far that year, I stripped off down to my swimwear and applied sun cream, being watched by a couple of onlookers. I’d get some attention here and there, which was always nice. I stuck my headphones in and laid down for a post-breakfast snooze in the sun.

I woke up to the sounds of a lot of splashing right near me. Expecting to see my mates messing about in front of me, I was pleasantly surprised to see the Swedish girls had gravitated in my direction. I took this as a bit of a sign and I decided now was time to get into the pool myself, so in I climbed. The 6 of them were just chatting near me and occasionally splashing one another, until they splashed a little too much and got me. This was my in!

“I’m sorry!” said one of the girls.

I feigned being injured from it and did some over-the-top reacting, “I think you’ve blinded me!”

“Oh oh, are you ok?!” she said wading towards me. It was the more reserved girl from the day before.

“Oh God!” I said holding my eye.

“Oh no, I’m so sorry. So sorry!!” she got a little closer.

“‘I’m fine really, I’m only joking!” I said with the cheekiest smile I could give.

She gave me a very confused look. Sarcasm is like a second language to British people, maybe not so much Swedish. Still, the ice was broken.

“No, really I am fine. I forgive you. But if you wanted to make it up to me, you could buy me one of those cocktails?” I gestured towards her friend’s drink.

“Hey, you can buy me one for making me think I blinded you!”

“Maybe I will…”

From here, we started chatting. Her name was Katrin, from a small town in Sweden. She also introduced me to her friends. They were all from the same school, best friends, all 21 years old and it was their last day of their holiday. My budding holiday romance was almost over before it had begun!

The conversation was actually flowing pretty easily. Her English was superb, bar a couple of cute quirks that came out here and there. Her accent was also very sexy. As with a lot of people who learn English as a second language, it was probably better than most people who have it as their first. This was great as it meant I was able to flirt with her and it not be completely awkward.

Once the other guys had finally made it out of the room and down to the pool, we kind of all mingled as a group. This worked in my favour as it meant that I could talk to Katrin 1-to-1 and not have to worry about taking her away from her friends. We did get each other those cocktails and were day-drinking for most of the day, getting a nice little buzz on. This also meant things between us got more and more friendly and flirtatious. I think we both knew where things were headed.

And this was compounded when she asked me to help apply sun cream to her back. She absolutely knew what she was doing and I struggled to hide the rapidly growing bulge in my swim shorts. I would not be surprised if she felt it up against her as I got close, as much as I tried to conceal it.

“Can you just get this spot up here?” she asked. I’m sure she licked her lips as she said it…

After several hours of getting to know her (and trying to suppress an erection at the same time) we had to part ways. Thankfully she’d mentioned how they were going to that foam party later that evening as well, giving me her number and asking me, “Meet me there?”

Who was I to say no?

Same deal as the night before. We drank in the room for a little bit, headed out for food and drank some more until it was time to get to the club. Now… The idea of a foam party may sound like a lot of fun. Loads of drunk people dressed in little clothing, good music and foam pouring from the ceiling? Sign me up! The reality of it is not so much fun. You end up getting soaked, bumping into everyone because you cannot actually walk anywhere without sliding, and as soon as the foam comes down, you’re rendered incapable of breathing for about 30 seconds.


So you can probably picture it at this point. There’s me stood at the bar, drenched from head to toe, white shirt is completely see-through, floral swim-shorts are hugging my legs and the flip flops I was wearing at the start of the night are now lost to the foam forever. Perhaps not looking my best for the moment Katrin appeared in front of me. She was similarly soaked but looked amazing. She had a slightly different bikini top on this time, a deep blue one that pushed her tits together nicely, and a short sarong, that was as see-through as my shirt, revealing a matching bikini bottom.

“Hi Benny!” she said. A cute nickname she’d adopted for me earlier on.

“Wow.” I couldn’t help myself, I just blurted it out. I absolutely love the wet look on a woman so I was getting instantly turned on.

“Cocktail?” she asked.

And so we headed to the bar, got a couple of drinks in and slinked off to a couple of free seats. After a bit of chat, she asked me, “So, you like bikini?”

“Erm, definitely!” I pretty much shouted at her.

She smiled at me and squeezed my arm. *Fuck it, I’m going in.* Wasting no more time, I leaned in and kissed her. We made out hard for several minutes before she said, “Dance?

“Erm, definitely!” I basically repeated in the same exact way. My dick had decided, contrary to my brain’s less than favourable review of the foam party, we were going back.

She took my hand and led me to the dance floor, and we resumed our make-out. I held her in close to me, making her large boobs press into my chest. My hands ran down her back and to her arse, cupping and squeezing it, while at the same time I started kissing her neck. She arched her head to let me in a little more, and with that same “*fuck it* I’m on holiday” attitude, I started kissing down to her chest.

Almost perfectly timed, another round of foam erupted from above us. I suppose one pro of the foam is that it will hide you quite well. Katrin obviously had the same thought as she snaked her hand down to my shorts and grabbed my cock. There was no hiding the bulge this time and she started jerking it over my shorts in the middle of the dancefloor. Feeling my confidence rise (among other things), I exposed one of her breasts and started sucking her nipple.

If it wasn’t for the foam, this would have looked trashy as hell and I would expect to be rightfully ejected from the club and have everyone’s judgement. However, mass amounts of foam meant that we were able to continue this for about a minute or so. When the foam subsided, I readjusted her top for her and pulled her in close again. I was rock hard now and needed to hide it given my cover of bubbles had disappeared.

“I think we need to get out of here!” I said in her ear.

She nodded excitedly and we headed for the exit. I’m certain that multiple people caught a glimpse of my bulge as I was pitching quite the tent but I didn’t care in that moment. Our hotel wasn’t far away so it didn’t take us long to walk back (yes, I walked bare foot) but when we made it, the realisation that we had nowhere to go set in.

“Your room?” I asked.

“No, Frida is there. Yours?”

“Can’t, Rob drank too much again and is probably in there throwing up right now.”

I could see the disappointment in her face. She could probably see just as much in mine. But then a light bulb moment occurred. We were already dressed for swimming, so why not head down to the pool?

“Come with me!” I told her, and this time it was *me* leading *her* by the hand. I took her to the pool we were at only hours earlier and we started making out on the same sun lounger I was relaxing on that morning. The pool was slightly away from the main bit of the hotel, with only a few rooms overlooking it, and at 3 o’clock in the morning, most people would be either passed out in them or fucking in them. I deduced our chances of getting caught was minimal.

As things were getting hot and heavy between us, I pulled the strings on her bikini top to release possibly the most perfect tits I’d ever seen. I was in awe and probably stared for a good minute or so. It was one thing sucking on them on a crowded dancefloor covered in bubbles, it was another seeing them fully exposed, basked in moonlight.

“Fuck” I muttered under my breath. An involuntary reaction.

As I did earlier, I went in to kiss these perfect boobs all over. Soft kisses, hard kisses, swirling my tongue around and flicking her nipples with it, the most delicate nibbles, pinching with my thumb and fingers. Whatever way you could play with her tits, I did it. They had the most sensual jiggle to them, like *damn*.

Katrin was arching her back in pleasure, lifting off our sun lounger slightly. She clearly loved having them played with as her moans grew in frequency and volume. She only stopped the moan to push me back and tell me, “Stand up.”

I did so, taking a couple of steps back from her.

“Mmm, take off.” she said. I couldn’t work out if it was a question or an instruction but either way the answer was yes.

I took off my shirt that was still soaked from before and threw it to the poolside. I was now stood above her in my shorts, pitching a huge tent, that was pointing right in her direction. My cock was begging.. *aching*.. to be freed. Katrin thankfully obliged and delicately got to her knees, gave both sides of my shorts a tug and let them drop to the floor. She grasped my dick with one hand and, in my standout moment from the holiday, gave me a very happy look.

Holding the base of my shaft, with plenty still showing past her grip, she looked up at me and said, “So it is true about the British boys.”

I took it as a compliment and, honestly, I could have blown right there. If it wasn’t for a few days of continuously topped up alcohol flowing through me, I may well have done. She placed me in her mouth and sucked the head oh so delicately. That first moment she took me in was bliss. She then proceeded to bob up and down with rhythm, making a lot of slurping sounds as she went. I began moaning softly but it wasn’t long before I was moaning that bit louder.

“Oh god…”

She slurped a little harder and ran her hand up my leg. She took hold of my balls with it and squeezed lightly.

“Oh **GOD**.” I moaned louder still.

She released my balls and popped my cock out of her mouth for a second, making a literal audible ‘pop’ sound.

“Not so soon, Benny!”

She giggled, and I opened my eyes long enough to see her looking up at me. I could only describe her smile as wicked in this moment. I should have seen what was coming but my brain had completely given way to my dick. With both hands, she pressed hard into my body, forcing me backwards a couple of steps and into the pool with a large splash. As my head came back out from the water, I could see my trunks floating off in one direction and as I swivelled my head back round, I could see Katrin still giggling.

I gave her a not-so-serious unimpressed look and then shouted up at her, “Get in then!”

She stood up and untied her sarong, casting it to one side, and stepped towards the pool. Her legs looked so long from down below. She lowered herself to the floor, dipping her feet in and then letting the water come up to her knees.

“Wait!” I said, as I felt inspired in the moment.

I’m much more of a giver than a receiver and so about 99% of the time I’m going to want to make my partner cum before I ever do. I waded towards her and started lightly kissing up her inner thigh. I pushed her legs wider apart and pulled her bottoms to one side, exposing the most beautiful bare pussy. I took a second, having a bit of a “I can’t actually believe this is happening” moment and then proceeded to part her lips. She was unbelievably wet and not from the pool.

I must have given her the tongue fucking of my life right there! Long slow lashes of my tongue from bottom to top, top to bottom. Kisses all around her pussy both hard and soft. Hard flicks of the tongue over her clit, gentle sucking on it too. Circular motions all around it. I left no part of her unattended to and I intended to make her feel like a goddess.

I achieved this when I combined sucking and swirling my tongue around her clit with sliding one finger inside her. Her hips started bucking and her back was arching further and further. It was a bit like she was a woman possessed as she began rising off the floor. With my free hand I tried holding her in place but like her orgasm, I couldn’t contain it.

At first she was moaning and repeating “Yes” over and over but I knew I’d done good when she started wailing out in Swedish. To this day I have no idea what she was saying but it was like I’d flicked her switch on her. She came hard for me, clenching around my finger and screaming something out loud. Her legs were quivering as she came down from the high.

She continued babbling in Swedish, so I just asked, “Good?”

“Yes, yes, yes! Yes, good!” she yelled excitedly.

If we were going to draw anyone’s attention, that was the moment. Thankfully we were still alone and when Katrin had recomposed herself, she pulled her bikini bottom strings to take it off and slipped into the water with me. I grabbed it and threw it in the water so it was floating away with my own swimwear. Then we resumed making out hard and she started jerking my cock under the water, which felt amazing. I’ve always had a bit of a thing for water, it kind of makes everything a bit sexier. So this was part realising a fantasy for me.

I scooped Katrin up and held her close to me as she wrapped her legs around my waist. Part of the beauty of being in a pool is the ease in which you can lift someone up and hold them. We continued to kiss hard in this position for a couple of minutes before I walked with her to the gradual steps that led out of the pool. I loved the way her boobs moved with the water as we walked. I placed her down in front of me and she gave out a little giggle again – she was a very giggly person!

“Fuck me doggy?” she asked. Or told. Like I said, I could never quite tell.

She turned around, partly in the pool and partly out of it, bent over and thrust her wet arse in my direction. She looked so inviting with her round butt in the air and her pretty little arsehole just winking at me. I didn’t need any time to think about this, my cock was achingly hard and ready to blow. The alcohol coursing through me had improved my staying power quite nicely for the evening so far but I was ready to really fuck now.

I grabbed both of her hips firmly and slid the full length of my cock into her wetness, and fuck me did it feel good. Her lips really gripped me tight – the sensation was overwhelming. I just went for it and fucked her so hard. She must have had to really work to stay in position on the slippery pool floor and, while I’d usually be considerate to the extreme, my mind was set on cumming now. Her tits were bouncing all over , her arse was jiggling with every thrust and my cock was swelling up ready to cum.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” she yelled.

“Fuckkkkk” I yelled.

Then the Swedish came out again. God I wish I knew what she was saying. In a weird way I think this flicked my switch this time and I started cumming hard. I kept thrusting as long as I could, riding the wave of the orgasm, feeling a huge build up of cum flowing out of me. I was shaking with pleasure and I kind of forgot where I was for a moment. Once my mind was back with it, I let out a big exhale of breath and fell back into the water with a smile on my face.

I gave her a jerk of the neck motion as if to say “come on” and started swimming backwards. She joined me and together we collected our floating clothes, making our way back to the sun lounger. We laid on it for a while and eventually fucked on it once more – sun lounger sex can be quite awkward FYI. After that, we just chilled out chatting until we had to part ways. She gave me her social media pages and I vowed to add her, which I obviously did.

She left the next day to go back home and I didn’t get to see her again. When I went down to the pool the next morning, and every subsequent morning, I had to avoid that sun lounger as I got turned on just looking at it. I think I walked around the pool like an absolute king for the remainder of the holiday. I never told my mates about any of it but when they asked if I hooked up with her as we all sat around the pool, I just answered “maybe we hooked up right here…”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vwqjcf/i_met_a_swedish_girl_at_the_hotel_pool_and_fucked


  1. Legen-wait for it-dary!

    This exact story has always been a fantasy of mine. Euro party trip. Foam party. Swedish girl. Pool. Sadly I live in central US, oh and also I’m old and married now.

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