[MF] Met someone through this subreddit

It is bizarre as it seems.

My stories have a common theme: I am attracted to and like to fuck older Black women.

I have been contacted before and just assumed it was gay guys looking for dick pics or women, who after reading their comments, I have no interest in meeting, so I don’t respond. This message was different because it was well written, clever, curious, and when she described herself, at least physically, she was similar to previous women that I have had relationships.

Why did she write to me?

1. She liked the stories.
2. She wanted to know if the stories are true (they are).
3. She was curious about my attraction.

I liked her immediately and was amazed that she was reaching out and is so honest. Shocked really. I made the mistake of assuming (please accept my apology in advance) this subreddit is filled with people that are…

1. All men
2. Men who are young randy
2b. Men who have a sex addiction
2c. Men who are maladjusted

As usual, I was completely wrong. I learned in the best way possible that some women do read the site. Smart women, too. I asked her backstory, she worked in marketing, raised a family, got divorced, got a bunch of money from her divorce, so after 20 years in the corporate world became a flight attendant to see the world.

It turns out, while waiting for flights in the airport, she gets bored and reads the subreddit. One of my stories caught her eye and then when she got turned on by another one, she decided to reach out. Good move.

We exchanged messages, then phone, and then began to FaceTime. She is smart, funny, and very straightforward. After a few Facetime talks I discovered that she is incredibly proud of her body, setting aside being over 60, she routinely sheds her clothes while talking. Her Black skin is very dark and her body is good shape, especially her thighs and ass. She said it is from tennis, not sure, but I guess.

We both live on the East Coast in cities less than 100 miles away. Meeting up was challenging because her 30 year old daughter lives with her and she is traveling constantly, so it took awhile to get our schedules aligned after we decided meeting up was a good idea. Eventually, she gifted her daughter a weekend trip to NYC to clear out her house.

Two weeks ago we met up. The benefit of meeting someone through a sex story subreddit is there is not a lot of mystery what you are going to do when you meet up. We had both shared stories, talked about our attractions, shared our bodies through video, the only thing we had not done was fuck. There was not a lot pressure.

We started off eating a Jamaican Curry dish, talked a little, drank a little, and then we when she giving me a tour of the house we almost made it to her bedroom. We first started on the stairs— kissing, taking off her pants and shirt, she replied and I was naked— and I eventually pulled her panties to the side and after I entered her she moaned in my ear, “bedroom, bedroom, take it to the bedroom”. I pulled her up from the stairs and she led the way. The problem is a beautiful Black women walking in front of me with nothing but black panties and a bra, ass literally swaying back and forth, sweat dripping off of her, my own dick hard, was too much. The hallway was too long. I grabbed her by the waist. She paused and smiled, we kissed, she dropped to her knees, I got behind her and pounded.

She told me that she no longer reads this subreddit. I am testing her out.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vwowla/mf_met_someone_through_this_subreddit