Her New Room, Part 6 (fdom) (bdsm) (real) (F34/M41)

He felt the burn on his back. It felt like with each blow from the flogger, more blood pumped to his cock. It was standing straight up and showing how he truly felt about the current situation. She reached up and unzipped the hood again, she realized he could hear her more clearly when it was unzipped. She reached down with her leather-gloves hand and gripped his cock; she started at the tip, getting all of the precum he’d leaked and rubbed it all over it. She then reached that hand under her skirt and ran her hand over her dripping pussy, covering it in her juices. She took hold of his cock again with her gloved hand, rubbing it all over and stroking again. “You better not fucking cum,” she said in a very sexy, commanding tone, sucking in air and biting her lip as she did so. “If you cum, I double everything, even the one we just finished.” She shuffled her legs creating some friction between her thighs, her own words and his reaction to each of them were driving her wild. She reached up, zipped the hood and walked over to the other wall. She took down a riding crop, a leather paddle, a menacing looking single-tail whip and a cane. Honestly, she didn’t even know if she could use the last two, but they had came together many times watching Dommes brutalize subs with canes and whips, so the thought was always in her mind, and most likely his. As laid out the implements on the table, she took a minute to admire everything around her. She looked at the cell in the corner and thought about riding his cock on the metal-framed bed inside. She thought about how that was part of her original plan before she found out he had broken a major rule multiple times and now deserved to be punished for it. She picked up the crop and stroked it with her gloves hand before cutting it through the air making that swishing sound. She walked up behind him and dragged it over his fully exposed ass, still white and untouched since all of the lashes from the flogger met his back; she stopped for a moment to admire that work just one more time. She sized up her distance from him, and struck him with her crop. He instinctively squirmed, but then presented his ass again to her; she took that as a challenge. She brought back her arm and hit him with a force she felt was twice as hard – he did the same, first pulled away and then seemed to be asking for more, begging for more is how she took it. She pulled back and hit him with a series of blows at the same force – she honestly wasn’t even keeping track of how many times she had struck him, but each time she did, he presented his ass once again and she tried to hit it harder. Suddenly she stopped and approached him, she rubbed her body against his, reached up and unzipped the hood again. “I didn’t hear you counting,” she said with a big smile. “I was Goddess,” he responded. “Listen to my words slut, I didn’t say you weren’t, I said I DIDN’T HEAR YOU. NOW START AT ONE TO TEN!” She was pleased with herself, and how firmly she just did that, and it carried over into the force she used on her first strike. “One! Arghhhhhh!!” he cried out. She quickly stopped and approached him to make sure he was okay, even she thought that that blow might have been a bit too hard. She asked him if he was fine and he said yes, but his voice was broken. As she looked down, she noticed that his cock was telling an entirely different story – she had never seen his cock like this – it was standing straight out and throbbing. “Don’t lose count slut,” she tapped his cheek with her gloves hand and hit him nine more times with the crop, each as hard as she could.

She finished with the crop and reached for the leather paddle, she felt as this would be a little break to calm herself down, and maybe not be as forceful with the whip and the cane. She gave him 10 blunt strikes with the paddle, and each time he took it and stuck his ass out waiting for the next. While she was truly turned on by her new role in carrying out these punishments, she was annoyed at the fact that even after more than 50 blows with three different tools, he still seemed to be begging for more, or more like telling her she couldn’t break him. It was with that thought that she picked up the single-tail whip, without any warning to him, she pulled back and struck him with full force; his body shuddered and he barely got out the word ‘one.’ This time, instead of walking up and checking on her slave, she continued the punishment without mercy. She stopped when she reached 10, even though she wasn’t sure he was counting. When she came off her amazing high, she looked at what she had just done, long red marks all over his ass, you could really see why her friends online suggested practice with it before use. She rubbed her hand across his ass and he pulled away. There was drool coming out of his mouth and he could hardly speak. She actually began to think about not moving further with the last part of the punishment before his cock betrayed him again – still rock hard and it had formed a messy puddle on the floor below. “I never knew my cock could get just as wet as my pussy. Guess I know the secret now slut,” she gripped his shaft and slid her hand all the way up and over the tip covering her glove in his filth. She sucked on her pointer and middle finger getting his juices all over her tongue and them immediately kissed him deeply through the unzipped opening of the hood. “Such a slut. Turned on by the taste of himself. Maybe we need to see what happens if we were to fill that mouth with some cock,” she spoke in a sexy, commanding tone before turning and walking away. He know that tone, there was absolutely no ‘maybe’ at all, she already had a plan in mind. “Let’s try out this cane. I remember one time you told me how hot you thought it was; I guess now we’ll find out what you really think,” she stepped back and cut the cane through the air a few times. She moved the way it felt. After seeing a few videos and talking to a friend, she chose to go with one that was a little thicker. The feedback she got was that the impact was more blunt, and there was less of a chance to break the skin without an excessive amount of hits. When she first made contact with his already battered backside, she felt the instant feedback in the impact. Where as the crop, whip and all other tools flexed, this was unforgiving. This felt like a real punishment, and in the moment, she decided to make it that. With each stroke, she repeated the fact that ‘his cock belonged to her, and touching it without permission was not acceptable.’ By the fifth stroke she had already seen a bruise forming and she dialed it back a little bit. She then caught a glimpse of his cock again, she always had a fear that she might really be hurting him and he was afraid to tell her, but that was not the case. She stepped back and struck him five more times in the same way. With that, she stopped. She put down the cane and approached him. She reached down and I clipped his ankles and then did the same with his wrists. He anticipated her next taking off the hood, but she surprised him by saying, “now you’re real punishment begins slut,” and she zipped the mouth shut.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vwl4m3/her_new_room_part_6_fdom_bdsm_real_f34m41