The Dinner Date

“We’re doing something different tonight. It’s date night… a nice romantic dinner.” Her Master said waking up his slave girl from her nap. It was surprising decision that he had made, they normally stayed in. They were in a comfortable rut. She would generally get home first and change out of her business ‘costume’. Her work was not her true life, service to him was her passion. She would wait for him, sometimes nude, sometimes harnessed, and sometime in a lacy barely there bit of lingerie. He seemed to like the harness best. When she was lucky he would fuck her, sometime vaginally, sometimes anal, and sometimes her willing little throat. It was only in the last few years that she always took a short catnap after. Normally, He would instead busy himself with whatever book he was reading, occasionally he would watch the television or play on his phone. She would serve him a drink and a light supper, but more than that she would service his cock. Kissing, licking, and sucking as he went about his evening. Until he sent her to go shower, then she would clean herself quickly and wait for him to join her. She would take her time and wash all of him; it was ritual. And so, she was excited at the change of evening plans.

“Oh Sir,” she responded, stretching out so he could see her bare cunt. Curiously she asked, “Where are we going? Is there something special you’d like me to wear?”

He patted her head gently, “Oh, I think you misunderstand me, I am having a dinner date. My date will be here in about an hour.”

She was visibly upset; but maintained her composure. Was she being replaced, was this a test, a game? Was she getting a sister slave, a mistress? Her head was confused and hurt. Her cunt betrayed her, it was soaked and tingly. “Sir,” she had more questions, “do I need to make myself scarce, am I…” her voice cracked, and her eyes welled up, “am I… am I… leaving?”

He continued to pet her head, “Of course not, who will cook the dinner if you leave? Who will set the table? Who will present dinner? And, of course I still expect my evening service. What I need from you is to be ready and presentable at 7:00, the black heels, with the dress collar and cuffs. While your at it put in the princess plug with the black jewel, you know the big one. Your make-up can be simple, you don’t want to draw too much attention to yourself. And, for you to prepare the meal. We’ll start with a salad of baby spinach and strawberries with a balsamic vinaigrette, and then a mixed grill of filet, scallops, coho, and shrimp in a butter white wine sauce, and there is a slice of Mississippi mud from Giancietti’s that we will share for dessert. Don’t worry, I already picked up all the ingredients for you. And, be on your best behavior, this is a special girl coming over.”

The slave girl moved quickly to get dressed and prepare, she hummed nervously as she cooked. It was not a complicated meal, but she wanted to get it right. Lapsed attention could easily lead to overcooking.

Her Master had dressed himself neatly. It was not his usual unbuttoned shirt and boxers. He wore a dress shirt and black leather slippers. The pants he had on she knew well. They looked like normal pleated dress pants, but there was Velcro in the pleats and she would be able to easily service him without the hazard of a zipper.

Her Master’s date arrived promptly at 7:00. Not a minute early, not a minute late. Her hair was wavy, and she had loose Dutch braids. She was dressed in a blue sundress with yellow flowers and pink butterflies, the colors were muted. The top was cut low showing ample cleavage.

He instructed his date as soon as she arrived, “Come in, welcome to my home. You look lovely spin so I can see you.” He glanced approvingly as she spun. “Did you follow all my instructions?”

“Sir! Yes, sir!” His date giggled. “I am on time, not a minute late, not a minute early, sir! I have on only a dress and heels. No bra. No panties. My… my… my cunt is clean shaved and… and my… and my ass is plugged. I’m on… I mean… I’ve never… um… this is my first ever date with my ass plugged. It was uncomfortable… driving. But, this is exciting – I’m excited to see what surprises you have in store for me.”

He escorted his date to the dining area where his slave was waiting at attention. He snapped his fingers and his slave girl pulled out his chair. He sat. He snapped again. The slave girl pulled out the date’s chair. He addressed his date, “Will you have a scotch with dinner, perhaps white wine, or just water?”

The date could not take her eyes of the slave girl. She knew this man could take command of a situation, but she had not dreamed of such commanding such devotion. It was to her simply the sexiest thing. Her voice was distant and airy, “Oh, um… whatever you suggest.”

“Two scotches, two waters.” He said with a lazy wave to shoo his slave girl.

The slave girl walked in with each item before disappearing to the kitchen for the next, first with his scotch, then his water, then her scotch, and her water. The slave girl brought his salad, and then hers. But, instead of disappearing, she settled between her master’s thighs, lightly sucking his cock, making little noise as to not disrupt the date.

The date spoke as he enjoyed both his salad and his blowjob. She queried, “Is it… I mean… do normal… should I… is it weird I’m not offended that you are getting you cock sucked on our first date, I’m not supposed to find that as sexy as I do, like it should be rude?”

He responded, “I think most women would find it rude, yes. But, you are the different sort, the special sort, the delicious sort. It is only truly rude, if you find rude. And, you do not, so it is not. Go on try the salad. It is also delicious.”

The slave girl delighted to hear this complement, gave him a quick peck on the inner thigh, before returning her mouth to his cock. She sucked listening to the light banter above. Until of course, she her the two clinks of her master’s fork on his salad bowl. She then removed herself from the glory she had been worshiping. She stiffened as she stood, brushing her hand down her own thighs as though she was straightening her non-existent apron. Surveying the table, she stacked both plates, he had never trained her in the etiquette of removing dishes. Her master noticed this and made a mental note to teach her this. The date seemed oblivious to the faux pas. She returned with water for him. His date’s had not been emptied, and then rushed off.

The slave girl needed to cook everything quickly at high heat. When she served the first course it was again, her master first, his date second. And, then the slave girl returned to between her master’s thighs.

The date’s curiosity took over, “Is… is she a good cocksucker?”

He answered every question in turn, “She is fantastic, a real natural. It’s her passion.”

“I don’t hear any… any… um, gluck gluck. Does she… she not deepthroat?”

“She’s being polite, she doesn’t want to interrupt our date. She is a very considerate little thing. But, yes her throat is well trained. And, what about you? Is your throat trained?”

“I… well… it could use a little more training. I really do try though. How long did it take to train her throat?”

“I suppose it took about 6 weeks to really get everything perfect.”

“Only six weeks, that isn’t long at all. Do you think… do you… do you think I could learn everything in just… just six weeks?”

“I don’t see why you couldn’t learn it even faster. Now that I know how to train the skill. Less trial and error.”

“So… um… does she always suck her way through dinner? Or, is this a special occasion on account of… of… of little old me?”

“Every night, I’m a lucky man.”

“I don’t know about luck, I think you just have… have… shall we say a certain set of skills. But if she’s good, and… and… and sucks all the time, why do you need me? Why date?”

“I don’t of course need you, but I want you. You are special. I’m drawn to you. And, of course, I’m a little greedy. Beyond that you need this, don’t you? This is the date you never knew you wanted?

“Yes… yes, it is.”

“And of course, there is her. She thrives of the humiliation. She is most likely enjoying this evening more that either of us. They are good scallops though aren’t they?”

“Oh, yes perfect… I… I… I never make them so well… always… rubbery.”

“Ah, yes, that’s why you need to be here, you’ve never been trained. You have all the desire, the will to learn, but no one ever took the time to train you.”

“I… I… I don’t even know where to start?”

The slave girl tapped her master’s leg. He looked down at her, “Yes,” He said, as a statement not a question – but with a noticeable pause, “permission to speak freely.”

The slave girls voice was unbroken, she was so much more sure that the date. “She should sir, start down here. With me. It’s a lovely cock sir. I’m sure she is a good girl and will enjoying gagging herself on it.” She turned to the date, “It is a lovely cock to gag on. Join me.”
