I [M] am a masseuse and love it when my recurring clients [F] start to build sexual tension

I [27M] always enjoyed giving massages to partners and lovers, and eventually started taking formal training in massage. I now work half the time as an LMT, and have some recurring clients that have started to get somewhat sexual. I am interested in tantric massage, and have experimented with some previous relationship partners, but I’ve kept that separate from my professional massage.

If any one is interested I can expand fully, but I have a few basic ground rules that so far I haven’t broken:

1. My client has to be the first one to ask or request any form of sexual touch. No matter how much sexual tension I may feel, I can never be the one to initiate.
2. I will only indulge a sexually charged request if I have seen this client 3+ times.
3. I will not receive any direct stimulation – no matter how much they ask or try, they are not allowed to touch me under my clothing.

I know it is definitely morally wrong, but I made these three rules in my head after my first recurring client, Sarah, started building sexual tension with each visit.

Sarah is a beautiful woman in her early 30’s. She’s a nurse, who like most nurses works long hours under high stress. She definitely carries that stress physically in her lower back and glutes.

I was the first person to ever give her a proper licensed massage, and boy did she need it. I always tell my clients to undress to their comfort level, and for the first massage she opted to leave on a pair of short spandex shorts. While that’s not a problem, I could definitely tell how tight she was from her hamstrings up through her lower back, and knew that she could use some glute work.

Still, I did my best to loosen up the tension in her legs and back, and after the massage talked to her about where I thought she was carrying tension and gave her some stretches to work on.The second time she came in, before the massage while we were talking about how she was doing, she asked me somewhat shyly if I would be willing to massage her glutes/butt. I told her that there’s no reason to be shy in asking for that, and explained how lots of people carry tension there without even realizing it.

I then went on to explain how I could work that area – she could leave her shorts on and I could do some deep pressure work over them, she could go to her underwear and I could work the sides of her glutes and hips with some more oiled strokes, or she could go nude and I could do the most versatile range of deep pressure, kneading, and gliding work.

I left to give her some time to get set under the sheets, and then came back and started with my normal flow – grounding touch/breathwork, then some gentle strokes along the spine and back, then shoulders down to the lower back.

If any of you have gotten a true massage before, you know that we’re trained to only uncover certain parts of our clients bodies at a time as to never expose them. I maneuvered the sheet to just open up her right leg, and was happy to see that she had chosen to go fully nude. While part of that happiness obviously came from being able to see her very cute/petite butt, most of it came from knowing I could really get to work on her glutes and relieve some tension.

She was responding really well to my touch, and started talking a little, telling me how good it felt, saying things like “oh wow”, “oh right there”, and even moaning gently a few times. After working both of her glutes and legs, we proceeded with the rest of my standard flow – feet, then flipping over to the front, working the quads, then hips, followed by the neck and the tops of her pecs. I also like to end each massage with a short scalp massage. At the end of her second massage, she scheduled a third for the following week, and if I’m honest I was looking forward to it all week.

When she came in the third time she was definitely a little more open and bubbly, and it was great to see some of the shyness drop off. During the pre-massage chat, she said she would love if I spent more time on her glutes and hips – more than okay for me.

During this massage, she was a lot more chatty than previous, and she started to open up a bit about her personal life. She’s a very fun and intelligent woman, and I honestly lost track of time a little while working her back and shoulders. I told her that since I had lost track of time and didn’t have another client that afternoon, I’d be willing to go another 30 minutes to give more time on her glutes and hips as she requested.

While I was working her glutes, she suddenly got pretty quiet, and I could feel her body tense up a little. I asked if it was too much pressure, but she responded in the cutest breathy voice, saying “no, it’s perfect. This feels so good it’s just so deep.” I continued working out some deep points of pressure in her glutes up towards the sides of her hips, and hit a spot that made her moan fairly loudly. She giggled a bit, then in a somewhat embarrassed tone apologized.

I tried to reassure her, saying it happens all the time, and to just let her body respond how it needs. As a short aside to this already very long story, I have a bit of a personal philosophy that the body holds tension as a way to guard from all sorts of anxieties and stresses. I think sometimes you need to just let the body respond how it needs, whether it be moaning, laughing, crying, etc to help break down those walls and release the tension. I explained this to her, and this opened the floodgates – every touch she started moaning or whimpering slightly. Nothing too loud, but just beautiful sounds as her body fully relaxed.

After a bit when I was confident that I had done as much as possible on her glutes, I got her to flip over onto her back. I adjusted the sheets to just expose one leg and had her bend it out slightly to give me a little more access to the front of her hip. This is always a delicate area to massage as a little bit of pressure goes a long way.

Just as before, she was soon breathing deep, sighing, and moaning lightly to my touch, and I could really feel her hip starting to relax. As I worked though, she started to rock her hips ever so slightly, almost in a grinding motion up and down. I’ll be honest – seeing that got me aroused slightly.

She had her eyes pinched shut fairly tight, and as I continued to work in rhythm with her subtle motion, I noticed that the sheet that I had wrapped between her legs was pulled fairly tight against where her vagina would be. Regardless, I continued on with the massage, switching to the other side and repeating the same sort of motion.

After the massage when I was cleaning up, I couldn’t help but notice that the section of the sheet that was between her legs was slightly damp to the touch. Safe to say that the next two weeks went by quickly awaiting her fourth visit.

This is already crazy long, so if anyone is interested in hearing more I’d be happy to continue on. Sarah was the first client who built up this sexual tension and I still see her about once a month. I have three regulars now besides Sarah all with similar situations, so I have plenty to share if there’s interest.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vvlrxz/i_m_am_a_masseuse_and_love_it_when_my_recurring


  1. Fantastic story, you don’t usually see this level of focus put onto the building tension.

    About your rules: I immediately understand why you’d have rules 1 & 2, but what’s your reasoning behind #3?

  2. I really enjoyed this one, a really nice build up and nothing of that “deep raw fucking” of many of the other stories, it makes your mind paint the pictures :)

  3. I’m not one for reading, I leave that to the intellects or what have them but this right here, made me want more! You sly devil IM A SUCKER FOR BUILD UPS 🦌lord why do I keep sinning

  4. Great story, How did you become a masseuse? Im 22 and having been contemplating doing it, it’s something I am good at.

  5. Does a male massage therapist refer to himself as a “masseuse”? Isn’t it “masseur”?

  6. I definitely would like to read more! Man I need to get into this line of work.

  7. Thank you not just for a sexy stories but for opening a window on the world of massage. I was not only turned on but learned a lot. Please keep going

  8. More please. There is a thin line between sexual and sensual tension. You keeping boundaries and being aware of your own bodily experience makes it a safe environment. No need to cross boundaries. I admire your healthy approach to the physical experience both for you and your clients.

  9. As a fellow LMT… appreciate you more or less acknowledging that what happens behind closed doors between consenting adults is their business. 😉

  10. F here who has received similar massages over the last year or so on occasion. I doubt you are my therapist, but do you happen to be in Virginia? He has the same rules you do and the same approach and vibe. .

  11. I never really understood why its considered morally wrong.

    I understand why professional masseuses want to keep that separate from their business, but when it comes to someone giving a massage and ending it in such a way, it shouldn’t matter at all. Its just a natural bodily function that someone is paying for. Who the fuck cares?

    Of course if the sexual tension is growing that quickly, you could get into some issues with male clients thinking the line between profession and relationship is blurred and they may try pursuing you outside of work, which could become dangerous.

  12. This writing is wonderful. Please don’t rush to any more intimate parts, this slow build and tension is brilliant. As long as you are willing to keep detailing the rising tension I am sure there will be many of us more than willing to read!

  13. There’s no moral dilemma here. If both parties consent then it’s fine, massage school just hates sex workers.

  14. Great story, and I honestly enjoyed reading it not even for the sexual tension but more for the description of the massage. That sounds so relaxing and you seem very knowledgeable about your job

  15. Well written and definitely had me interested in what happens next.

    Looking forward to more.

  16. Lol this is hot but as a man who suffers from so much hip and IT band stiffness I honestly most enjoyed the massage details

  17. What an amazing story!

    As a fairly frequent visitor to massage parlors, I really appreciate what you and other masseuses do. Life is hard and we stressed-out human beings need our entire bodies rubbed for relaxation. Of course, happy endings are a beautiful bonus.

    I can’t wait for my next visit! 🤩

  18. Beautifully written!! Read through from first line to last line without missing a beat or getting distracted. I really want them to know your rules so they know they need to initiate if they would like to start getting happy ending with every visit.

  19. Haha. I’m in a very similar situation here in Dublin, Ireland. I do Swedish massage as a part time gig for women and couples. Occasionally also ending with full tantric massage. It’s so much fun. I’ve even had women’s and couples fly me abroad for it.

  20. Wow. I hope you are my massage therapist here in Seattle 😈😈. He first made sure over many sessions that I was comfortable and we did 3somes with my husband and him (no PIV from him). Now I visit him alone and have full sex after he does his amazing and magical massage

  21. I would love this but idk how on earth I would ask the LMT for that. Do you work independently or are you at a spa/salon?

  22. Man sexiness aside, one of the things I miss most since the pandemic started is my monthly massage. Really hoping I can get back to that one of these days. This story made me remember how relaxing they can truly be.

  23. Ngl this was an exciting read. I’d love to hear more of the same experiences and a continuation

  24. Great writing and hot story, please post more of this saga and others!

  25. 1. Honestly, based on your rules it sounds like you’re pretty ethical about this. You’re looking for consent and interest and not taking advantage of anyone. Go you!

    2. That was fucking hot and there wasn’t even sex.

    3. Yes, please moar.

  26. I always wanted to be a massge therapist cause how good and calming I can be. But 2 things that made me not following it.
    The biggest reason was the sexual tension. If it comes down to the client wanting more than what they pay for, I would kinda freak and tell them to polity to leave cause how things can turn.
    The regret afterwards, feeling used and so on.
    And how I would feel cause I didn’t want it go that way, violating trust even if they give consent or I’m in relationship and such.

    But reading through your post, your rules and reasoning is something I’m okay with. Cause it’s not any form of sexual activity just stress relief and only thing sexual is just the moans.

    Really got me thinking maybe it’s not too late.

  27. My RMT has a a paper requiring a signature before he takes you on as a client that he will not tolerate anything sexual from a client and will not do anything sexual. 😆😆😆

  28. This is my kind of story! First of all, I love giving massages, so this is such a fun read.

    Secondly, I love a story that truly focuses on the sexual tension building, which to me can be just as, if not *hotter* than the actual sex. I hate when a good porn video has some good tension going and then hard cuts to the fucking immediately. It can actually be a turn off.

    I’m really digging this story and all the little details, building up to what we know is coming, but we don’t know *how*. I hope to hear more about Sarah and the other Client List!

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