Moonlight Rainfall Chapter One (MF, BDSM, Rough, Romance)

Note: This is intended as an audio story so there are indents made for recording purposes and may not flow as well when read. Hopefully there is something of value in here regardless. I would appreciate any feedback on it.

The sun began to set on the city, the air turning cool, and replacing the heat of the long summer day, a soft breeze flowed through its streets. As my feet met the pavement, I noticed more of the surrounding area; the scent of the bakery permeated the air and the rich combination of spices from local restaurants fused to heighten my senses.
Rain arrived shortly after, creating a light pitter patter with every advancing step, allowing the lights to dance on the floor in the reflection of the now lightly soaked pathway. My shirt slowly clung to my skin, starting at my shoulders and gently proceeded down my back as it encroached onto my body. I would soon be drenched if this continued, so I pushed forth, increasing my pace, with only one ambition for the evening.

After a number of twists and turns through the streets, I arrived at the end of the terrace. In my mind I knew the smart move would be to proceed to the door and knock immediately. However, I felt as if I needed a little longer in isolation with my thoughts. I disappeared down an alleyway to seek shelter and light a cigarette. With the first inhale, I allowed my mind to wander freely for a moment.

What will she be wearing tonight?
Who will break first?
Am I going to hurt her?
Is she going to hurt me?
Why am I still standing here?

I felt the sharp sting on my fingertips as the cigarette reached the filter, my mind occupied as the embers singed the tip.

As these thoughts flowed through my mind, I leant against the wall and felt my back light up in a sweet, yet subtle pain. The rain had caused my shirt to tighten, exposing the various scratches and bites from our last encounter, allowing them to almost touch the rough surface of the exposed brickwork through my shirt. Instinctively, I bit my lip in a vain attempt to quell the rush of adrenaline that was coursing through me. Ultimately, I could not stay here all night, and proceeded to the door. After what felt like an eternity, and with a sharp inhale, I tightened my fist and wrapped three times against the solid door.

I stood at the door and fervently waited for her to arrive. I could hear music from the other side, and then came a confident stride as her footsteps clicked against the hardwood floor.

My heart raced as I waited with bated breath, and as the door slowly opened, I saw her wondrous silhouette as the light behind bathed her in a warm, inviting glow. She looked incredible, one hand pressed against the passageway, the other rested against a cocked hip. My eyes adjusted to the gorgeous figure before me. Her dark grey heeled boots in conjunction with the steep step of the doorframe allowed a slight advantage in height as she peered down at me. As my eyes drifted upwards, her black jeans clung to her petite frame and a slim leather belt gripped her waist, which gave way to an elegant lace top, hiding enough, but allowing a tantalising close idea of what lies below.
Finally, I looked upward towards her face as her dark, chestnut hair cascaded over her shoulders with a slight shake of her head. Our eyes locked as I sank into the wondrous, enigmatic lustre of her gaze. I knew there and then; I would do anything for another night with this ethereal beauty.

I noticed a wry smile creep across her lips as she playfully asked with a slightly mocking tone.
“Did you get a little wet then?” She inquired.
“Hmmph, just a little. Should we get a drink?” I mused.
With that, she turned on the spot and proceeded toward the kitchen as her heels clicked and clacked down the hallway once more. I approached the couch and sank into it. The warm leather provided a wonderful juxtaposition to the sharp angles of the alleyway I had leant against earlier. The ever present marks on my back had a moment of reprieve. I sat and pondered how the evening would play out. I did not want to break first and give her the satisfaction to laud over me, but I knew in my own mind that I inevitably would.
As I sloped further into the sofa, I had to fight the overwhelming thoughts that relentlessly pounded in my mind.

Will she go easy on me this time?
Not a chance
I’m going to wrap my hand around her throat. That should work, right?
Because if I let my guard down, I am in trouble.

As easily as I fell into my own head, I was snapped from it as the re-emergence of footsteps came ever closer.
“Thank you so much Freya” I responded to the drink that was pushed into my hand. It was a vodka and coke that happened to be in favour of the vodka rather than the coke. “Any time.” she smiled.
Freya slinked into the arm of the other end of the sofa after removing her boots and socks and brought her glass to her lips, her eyes locked on her prey. I took a long sip from my drink and planned my next move. It felt as if we were playing a game of chess in our minds, each nudging the other towards checkmate.
Every little movement the other made, confirming or denying suspicion in our own minds, pulling us ever closer to victory or defeat. Unfortunately for me, her eyes disarmed me with little effort, knowing full well her gaze would have me exactly where she wanted.
Her eyes pierced me. I blinked. She won. Simple as that.
Without uttering a word, I finished my drink and strode over in front of Freya. I dropped to my knees and lowered my head. A simple act of submission.
“You win… You win” I admitted, defeated.
“I know.” She shrugged.
I felt a light scratching at the nape of my neck.
“Fuck” I muttered.

As it transpired, she knew a number of my weak spots. The back of my neck is effectively a shut off switch that renders me little more than a melting pile. As her nails glided gently across my neck, I fell further and further into that space. The tension I felt in my body melted away as my eyes closed. This unfortunately was not to last, as five sharp points dug into the base of my neck.

I could feel her breath close to my right ear as she shifted slightly to truly make herself clear to me. As each second passed, I felt her breath as a pulse against me, growing closer and closer, enrapturing me further. Like a spider ensnaring it’s prey. “Well done.” She drawled.
I longed to stay in the place I was, it was a place of tranquillity that would soon be replaced with agony. I felt a grip against my hair as her fingers weaved their way through and tightened atop my head, dragging me upwards. Her eyes locked with mine as she beckoned.

I rested on my knees for a moment as she prodded me with her foot to move backwards. My right knee slid against the hard, wood floor to be followed swiftly by the left. As Freya stood, her eyes disappeared from view so I became level with her crotch when fully stood. Her grip had not left my head as she yanked me closer.

“I said, come with me” she said, and strode away with the earned confidence of putting me on my knees in an act of malicious dominance. I rose, and inhaled deeply. The light of the living area faded as I was led through intense darkness up the stairs. Each subtle creak reinforced the fact I would soon be at her mercy, though in time, I would turn the tables eventually. But it would take a long while yet to earn that right.

The door to Freya’s bedroom opened and a dancing light shone from within. This surely would be my last chance to hold whatever dignity I had left before it was beaten from me without reprieve. Without hesitation, I followed and the door closed behind me with a solid turn of the key.
