Theme: Graffiti. [Femdom] [Non-con elements] [Neon] [Ferocious Sex]

[Features: Rough sex, ferocious sex, non-con elements, femdom, art, post-orgasm torture, over doing it, graffiti.]

There was paint on the walls. I don’t know why but that’s what stood out to me at first. It took my brain an extra second to kick in why that was what I noticed. The paint was neon, bright, someone had spray painted it all around the wall and completely haphazard. Sure, that was all normal in say, an alleyway, but this was inside a building.

It was the incongruity of seeing something outside on the inside that had gotten to me.

My friend Dave was already schmoozing along, talking to everyone he saw like they were an old pal and more than a few were giving him happy looks and nods and fist bumps. Which would all be normal, somewhat, at other places but not when everyone looked like they had decided the 80’s and the 90’s needed even more rockstars.

Dave had taken me to a rave, even though he kept saying that it was “less a Rave and more just a club with bright lights.” If this was his idea of a club, we needed to have a talk.

Lights weren’t just pounding, they were flashing and mesmerizing and coating the walls in their displays. I had been to concerts with less artistic flair. Combined with the freely spray painted walls and the quite literal underground nature, it gave everyone and everything an alien vibe where at any moment a flash of light could roll over you and change you.

Now, this wasn’t my scene, this wasn’t my crowd, this was almost the exact opposite of everything I normally did. People were head banging and dancing to something that sounded like a mix of techno and what I swear I had only heard while playing sci-fi video games. That kind of low futuristic melody mixed with a pounding pop.

There were bodies everywhere, glitter, I could smell the fumes from people spray painting the walls at this very moment, determined to add their own mark. In seconds Dave had been noticed, found, and slowly taken away, the damn socialite. He waved me off saying “Enjoy yourself!” and then he was gone.

God damn him, I’ll never find him in this mess and hell, I don’t know if I’ll even be able to find the exit at this rate. I should’ve just left at this point but Dave had dragged me here and as badly as I wanted to leave, it also felt wrong to do so the moment I walked into the area. Still, about 5 minutes of pumping music, being shoved against dancing bodies, and being rocked by a mix of light and shadows was plenty enough to tell me that I wanted to get the hell out of here.

I eventually ended up free from the crowd. It was like I had survived the ocean and found myself on a beach. This was the back area, where there were a few people, well, by comparison, doing art or chilling more casually, less hard rock and head banging and crazy movements and screaming and more nodding their head and relaxing against the wall. Like they were in their element but had decided to stop for a smoke break. That was literal in more than a few cases and be it weed, cigs, or drugs, they all looked mellow.

This didn’t actually calm me much. I felt like I had been dropped by the ocean into a lair full of predators. The place was only lit up by people and the lights and the lights had a nasty way of not always being everywhere. So there would be times where the only sign of the people here were the lit lights coming from their blunts, the reflection from everything or nothing at all, and when the light passed over they would suddenly appear from the darkness.

It was terrifying, like going from surviving a hurricane to ending up in deep dark waters while all the predators are slowly noticing the completely average guy that can’t swim. Some were smiling in amusement, some were frowning in annoyance, most didn’t care, but others were looking at me with malicious glee and I for the life of me couldn’t figure out why. Was I about to be robbed or something?

Then, as one, all of them looked my way for a second and then away the next moment and I knew that this was it. I could feel whatever “this” was had just gone from a category 1 to a category 5 in an instant. I had been the weird, noticeable outsider, and now someone “big” had taken notice of me. It felt like high school all over again but way bigger and way scarier.


I turned around and for a moment was struck dumb as I looked directly at a neon alien. Light was oozing and moving around her body, she was lit in runic patterns, she was wearing a mask that covered the bottom half of her face, and the half that wasn’t colored was somehow, lit up, and featured a fierce fanged look. Her hair was glowing with a deep dark purple light, her hands were leaking white energy, maroon spray paint marred her stomach in patterns I couldn’t begin to guess the meaning of, and she was wearing nothing besides what looked like light Gym wear. It was the eyes that struck me dumb really. I wasn’t aware that it was even possible to have glowing yellow eyes. It was like the goddess of spray paint, graffiti, and raves had appeared in front of me.

I remembered, briefly, in my dumbstruck mind that everyone had looked at me and then quickly away from me once they saw her. That boded poorly for me in a variety of ways. A slight tickling sensation from my survival instinct told me that I was looking at a predator.

“Hey, what’s your name?”

The question was so mundane after seeing something so fantastical that I nearly fumbled the answer. Well, worse than I already did.

“N-name? Jack?”

“Got a lover?”


“A boyfriend, girlfriend, etc.”


“Good enough.”

She grabbed me by the arm and began to drag me off.


I tried to pull away instead of letting this crazy woman take me wherever but she was far stronger than she looked.

“I’m getting you out of the crowds” She said with a casual indifferent attitude.

That might have even been true but that didn’t mean that where I was going was going to be any better. I pulled back hard, again.

“W-wait, wait.”

But it was utterly no use. It seems I had vastly underestimated this woman because I was positive she had to lift weights or something because she outclassed me in strength with no issue.

As I was dragged along, there was a door and we were through it. Before I had even fully understood where we were, a bunch of guys rushed us like a tide of water. My heart momentarily stopped and then it froze, when I realized that they were rushing around us, getting the hell out of the way, back through the door we had just come through.

I caught a look from one of them and I really wished I hadn’t as it was one of pure terror. The dude himself looked like he a punk rocker cannibal and yet he wanted absolutely no part of whoever was currently holding my arm.

Eventually, the guys cleared out and I realized we were in the men’s bathroom for the club.

“Come on.”

She pulled me into a bathroom stall and I was getting rather concerned what this apparently fearsome monster wanted.

She ‘lightly’ pushed me forward and I felt like I had been shoulder checked by a linebacker.


There was, of course, a toilet in front of me. Public toilets, were a bit…


There was a feeling of absolute power in that statement. I now had the certainty that if I didn’t listen to her, I was going to probably be broken in half. I’m not a coward but I’m also not a brave idiot either. I sat down, facing her.

It was a weird situation, sure, but I had no time to really come to that thought. From an outsider perspective, yes, a guy sitting fully clothed on a toilet while a woman looks at him, was a bit odd. From my perspective, I had barely registered I had even sat down before she pulled down her gym wear and realized that the markings she had went all the way down.

“W-What? What are you doing?”

“Pull down your pants.”

“What?! I’m not just gonna…”

And she just stared at me. With her glowing eyes like a tiger. No, now… they were more reminding me of a dragon’s.

My heart was beating in my chest, was I, really going to be…?

“Are you, are you raping me?”

The look in her gaze was both unamused and as if I was pathetic.

“Weak.” Was all she said.

But, that was also all she did. She was staring me down, she was, she was expecting me to pull my pants down and I had a terrible realization. She wasn’t putting up a front. She wasn’t, she wasn’t expressing herself. If a man is going to rape someone, that’s not his natural personality. If a bouncer intimidates someone, that’s not who they are at all points in time. They sleep, have breakfast, maybe go for a jog or something other just that. This woman was scary because this was who she was 24/7. This was her neutral, her sitting at the table and eating breakfast, going to bed at night, going for a jog or work, self. An utter predator from beginning to end.

She wasn’t raping me, she just utterly expected me to do as she told me, because she was utterly fucking terrifying and everyone just did what she said before they were ripped to pieces. Hell, how often had people even had the balls to tell this woman no, on anything?

That’s why my own voice surprised me.

“No. I don’t want to.”

Oh, it wasn’t steady, or strong, or nearly as smooth as I’d like to think it went. The only saving grace is that I technically didn’t stutter. But it was enough.

The light in her eyes, almost literally, utterly changed.



And now I saw something in her posture, face, position, everything, like a switch had been flipped. It nearly hit me like a physical force. Before, she was wanting, but now? Now she was interested and wanting. Like a tiger on the prowl, I was getting the distinct feeling she wanted to attack me and not in a violent way.

I gulped.

“I’m going to fuck you.”

It wasn’t a demand, it was a statement of pure fact. A, the word felt alien in my brain and tongue, but an edict. Like a god had decreed that was simply how reality was going to be. I may have found the strength to say no before but, but this was like trying to deny that the sun was hot or that the earth was round. Utter insanity to seriously say to another person.

I saw her walk closer to me and, I have to admit, having a being like this want me. Well. I was rock hard and realized that her Edict was true. We absolutely were going to have sex because God Damn.

I felt my own hands on my legs, pulling my pants and underwear down to my feet. It felt, it was not a great position if I was being honest. Pants down, sitting on a toilet? Still, I hadn’t exactly chosen the venue.

She hovered over me, looming, staring at my cock. Her shorts and underwear were going to be an issue, they were only down a little past her waist, showing herself off. They’d need to come off for the positioning to really work.

“Your shorts-”

And then my mouth was gaping open.

She reached down to her shorts with both hands on either side of her.

And ripped off. Tore them in two. Like a wet paper bag.

Thoughts were gone after that as she had clearly had enough waiting after I had turned her on earlier.

She was on top of me, riding me, already balls deep before I was even aware of what was going on. I don’t know what I was expecting but definitely the pure ferocity with which she fucked. My role in this, was not at all to actually participate, oh god no, it was to try and resist cumming for as long as possible.

Something that was insanely hard to do.

She gripped my shoulders with each hand and I thought they would shatter. She pulled herself up and used her legs around me and my impromptu seat to burst onto me. It felt less like a human being and more like a crashing meteor was slamming into my crotch, over and over again.

If that was all, insane forces my mind couldn’t comprehend, perhaps I’d have survived for more than a minute but no, this woman was more than just strong and fast and ferocious. She was unrelenting. Sex was not a thing that you get into a rhythm for her. It wasn’t a point where you got comfortable and decided to do X or Y. It was a constant activity like being in a fight. She would shift, turn, ride, grind, grab, pull, force, it was constant movement.

It really was like fucking a wild animal. No, more like fucking an absolute beast of a monster.

Her nails (when had her hands gotten behind my back?) drew lines down my back. Heavy, painful, probably bleeding, scratches. I grimaced and looked up after having just sorta been staring at her front with my mind preoccupied and I knew I had made a mistake. She was looking down at me, and for the first time, slowed half a beat. I could feel the wide grin of pure lust seeping through her mask, even if I couldn’t see it. It was closer to the face of someone psychotic in the throes of a blood lust though.

She had never been holding back, but now it felt like she had really kicked it up a notch. My dick felt it was gonna break, I actually positive it already had suffered some damage in the short period of time we had been going. My body was slowly being torn with every scratch and bruised with every grab. At one point, she had grabbed my wrists, hard, and I was half positive one was fractured.

I was immensely grateful we weren’t on a bed, or I worried she would have started biting me.

We couldn’t have been having sex for more than a single minute and already, I felt myself unable to hold on. I came, deep, deep inside her and she didn’t even acknowledge it. She was already going full blast, faster or harder wasn’t exactly an option, and she didn’t show any signs of slowing down. Hell, she might not have noticed it.

I might have said something, if my brain could even understand. At the moment, I was literally continually cumming as a woman fucked the absolute shit out of me. I had never, ever, considered that it takes a while to cum. Maybe a total of 5 seconds. Maybe a bit longer if you keep stroking or fucking, but now? Now that time felt like an eternity. She could, did, do a lot in that time.

I was so sensitive and it was painful to continue. Pleasurable, beyond words, but also painful and she was still going. Before long, to my shock, I felt myself explode again. I didn’t know if it was somehow possible for men to cum twice that fast, or if she was just ramming me so hard that she was draining and pumping the cum out of me.

Either way, I did feel absolutely emptied after that and she showed no signs of stopping. I was now far, far more sensitive and wanted to tell her to stop but I was insensate. I was barely able to groan. She had quite literally sapped the life out of me


She might not have even heard me for all the good that did. I tried to grab her by the sides but she just grabbed my arms and held them up. I was trapped.

I had been tired after cumming and after sex before but this was, something else. I felt exhausted. It was only the blaring signals of pleasure and pain that kept me awake. But as she kept going, all three feelings started to grow and grow. The pain? Enough to make me want to start screamings. The pleasure? Enough to make me to never want this to end. The exhaustion? It was the real winner, as even though I wasn’t doing anything except getting my cock drained, I was growing tired to the point of nearly falling asleep, even through everything that was going on.

It was like, sleep deprivation. I would blink, and time would pass, but I was still being screwed. A tiny voice in the back of my mind, through all of the haze, told me an interesting fact as that happened two more times.

‘You’re blacking out and she’s still fucking. She isn’t going to stop.’

I looked up at her, one final time, and realized she had stamina for days.

Then I was out.




I woke up, in a bathroom stall, and there had to be a word past ‘sore’. Maybe ‘agony’? My dick was in agony. I didn’t want to move. I looked down and was shocked. Honestly, I had just figured I was in the bathroom stall. I hadn’t exactly known for sure.

But the woman from earlier was still on top of me. How… how many… hours had it been? How bad was my dick that I noticed before the fact that I was still inside a woman and that someone was on top of me? She was a little out of breath.

“You woke up. Funny.”

I didn’t like how she made it sound like I might not have.

I tried to say something but she shifted slightly and I had to hold back a scream.

“Still weak. Get stronger.”

She got off me and I actually think I fainted from the pain for a second. My dick was redder than any dick ever should be. My body felt like someone had taken a bat to it and I was abruptly reminded by myself that it would have been even worse had I been on a bed and we were in a less awkward position where she could really reach all of me.

And with that, she left. With no underwear or shorts on and dripping. I had a strong feeling she would be just fine.

I, on the other hand, was still exhausted and nearly died pulling up my pants. I had heard about people not being able to walk after sex but I was fairly sure I wouldn’t be able to crawl.

I called Dave.

“Jack?! Where are you? I couldn’t find you buddy. Did you go home?”

“Dave. Help. Bathroom stall. Can’t move.”


It wasn’t too much longer after that before Dave showed up and came to his rescue, dragging him out of the stall and into a car. The sun was up.

“Jack, what happened to you?”

“Woman with a, neon. And, mask. Glowing yellow eyes.”

“HER?! Holy shit Jack. She and you, uh, damn.”

“Know. her?”

Dave grimaced.

“Yeah, she’s known to just grab someone and” Dave looked over at me. “Well, anyway, yeah. She just shows up at different raves and does whatever she wants. Most guys were happy to go along with it, cuz duh, but she’s, well, you know.”

God did he know. He was going to be sore for weeks.

“She’s banned but, well, like she cares. Heard she broke more than a few bouncer’s arms that got in her way. She’s like a walking natural disaster. You okay Jack?”

“Tired. Sore.”

“Yeah, but like, mentally.”

“Was great. But. Owwww.”

“Yeah, that sounds about right. Well, let’s get you home for some rest. Good thing it’s the weekend but you should probably call out for work.”

Jack did manage to rest up, but his dick was sore to the point that he almost considered going to the hospital. If the pain wasn’t slowly, slowly going away, he would have. He was currently walking along, still bruised and scratched to the point he was wearing a long sleeve shirt in summer, going for some light groceries. An utterly normal day and exactly what he needed.

When he saw her again. Oh, she didn’t have any neon lights or markings, that he could see. She was wearing a T-shirt and gym shorts though. And her yellow, nearly glowing, eyes hadn’t changed one bit.

And her personality? Exactly the same. She radiated the natural-born energy of someone or something at the absolute top of the food chain, and had shown it over and over again.

She turned and saw him. He didn’t know what to expect, but that blood lust like lewd grin that spread across her face as she started walking towards him was answer enough. He ran away, as fast as he could, back to his car. He was not faster than her and she cared little for social things like not running in a store or chasing a man down.

She caught up and looked right at him.

“Please god no, I’m still healing!”

“You’re still weak. But not for long.”

She grinned, and in the middle of the parking lot, grabbed his still healing crotch.

She looked more serious than she had ever been, even with the grin on her face, and the combination of those two things nearly broke his brain. Then she spoke another edict.

“We’re dating.”

And he knew that he’d have to quit work and up his hospital insurance.

[More at /r/WarixViviana]
