I [F] lost a bet to the college students I supervised and had to wear a bikini top for them while doing field work for a week

For several years I worked for an organization that did Environment/wildlife research, basically I was a field lead which means I was out doing field work all day supervising students. Usually these college students were guys around my age range (20 at the youngest) and didn’t appreciate being told what to do by a little 5’3″ gal. For reference I usually was leading two students at a time

Most of the time it was hard to get them to listen and follow my instructions, instead they found ways to mess with me and my authority. Eventually it just became normal and playing around – usually at my expense – made the days a little easier. My group usually performed one of if not the best while other groups had constant conflicts and I think it was because I let them get away with so much inappropriate stuff.

One summer the students I was supervising liked music I did not and we listened to a lot of music in the car/field. So I came up with a bet/challenge, if I won I’d get veto powers over the music and they decided if they won they’d get something. Eventually they decided that if I lost I would have to wear a bikini top while working for a week. I was a bit hesitant but went with it because I was so confident. The bet was who could get the most work done in a day, usually it was me being more experienced.

Anyways, the day came to an end and the guy I was competiting with won by a very small margin. I tried to back peddle out of it or switch it up but they were adamant about it. On the Friday they brought it up at the end of the day, I told them I would hold up my end of the deal and wear one. That’s when they brought up the wording:”of their choice” which I completely didn’t pay attention to. So they started asking about what tops I had and looking through my Insta at some of my pictures. Very embarrassed and frustrated I told them I’d show them later

Eventually on the weekend they messaged me, not letting me forget about it. We had a SC group chat so I used that to send pictures to them as I tried on my various top. They debated which they preferred in the chat and decided to go with a different one each day. This was very humiliating, showing off my body for them as they decided their “prize”.

Monday came around and I met them at the building our work was based out of and eventually started driving out to the site. One of the guys was quick to comment on the fact I wasn’t wearing the top they selected. Embarrassed I told them I’d change once we got to the site, I think I was hoping they wouldn’t push it. But once we got there they told me to change quickly, so I begrudgingly got the top out of my bag and walked a bit away from the truck to change, back towards them. I could feel their eyes staring at my bare back as I did so. As I walked back over to the truck they took the opportunity to stare at my chest, unsurprisingly. As I went to put my t-shirt and bra in my bag one of them grabbed them from me, jokingly saying they’ll take care of them so I don’t chest. I was very annoyed at that but decided it was better to just get the week over with than try and make a big deal of it. But it was hard as I watched them thoroughly check out my bra as I got some stuff ready.

Throughout the day I noticed them checking me out quite a bit, especially when I had to lean over to do something. They also tried throwing things down my top and squirting me with their water bottles. The humility wasn’t helped by the fact a lot of the time my nipples were pretty visible through the top.

At the end of the day they gave me my shirt back which I put over the top and gave me my bra, one of them teasingly commented that “34c is a good size” obviously having examined the tag. Needless to say there was a lot of blushing from embarrassment and anger at being disrespected like this.

The rest of the week I just wore it under my shirt at the start of the day and had to take it off as soon as we were driving away. Otherwise it was a lot of the same.

On the last day we were taking a break before leaving a site for the day and I could see the two were up to something. Which they were, they came up either side of me and told me they wanted a picture to remember the occasion as they were wrapping their arms around me and one was taking a selfie. I tried to move but they tickled me about so I started squirming and laughing as I told them to stop. But they kept going, one subtly moved the strap of my red bikini top down my arm as the other tickled my stomach, then lightly squeezed one of my breasts as he told me they were just playing around.

Eventually I squirmed free and told them seriously that was enough.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vv9bft/i_f_lost_a_bet_to_the_college_students_i


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