Stay at my side Ch.16 [M/F] [Friends to lovers] [teasing] [romantic] [pushing the boundaries]

Chapter 16: Friends can be jealous, right?

[Chapter 1](

“Many would say that this is already a relationship
thing. I mean cuddling and the other stuff we do.” She was right. I could understand why others thought that this kind of stuff was not for friends. They were all the same. Either players, with a new girl every month or virgins who never even touched a girl. Both of these groups could only see physical contact as a sexual thing. There were some people who understood the comforting part of cuddling but they were pretty rare.

“They got no idea. It’s their problem they only know the sexual aspects of this.” I felt Casey smiling a little on my chest. “Well, not everyone can be as lucky as we are.” She shortly lifted her head and kissed my chest through the fabric of my shirt. It was more jokingly than a real kiss but it still was nice. “Why do we kiss each other that often?” She was almost laughing about it. “I don’t know, it got more in the last time but I think it started when we were like 13 or 14.” She thought for a moment and then remembered. “Yeah right, fucking truth or dare. Didn’t Lily have a crush on you, so she let Daniel dare you to kiss her on the cheek but he let you choose between her and me?” I was surprised about, how well she remembered that. “Exactly, the problem was, that I couldn’t stand Lily at that point and you didn’t want me to kiss her, too, right?” The last part just came out of my mouth. I was pretty sure that it was true but I never told Casey I knew that.

“YOU KNEW THAT?!” Casey sat up and looked at me. I had to explain myself quickly: “Yes… you should have seen your face when Daniel dared me to do that. I never found a good time to tell you that but we are close enough that you can be a little jealous, don’t worry.” I didn’t even know, whether I wanted to tease her with this or if I really meant it. Casey blushed either way. “I wasn’t jealous! And even if I was… this doesn’t have to mean anything.” She looked away.

Casey really wasn’t good at hiding things. She sat beside me, my arm laid around her waist, with her back towards me. I had to force myself not to cheer. It couldn’t be more obvious why she reacted like that. ‘This doesn’t have to mean anything.’ and blushing in combination was like a giant sign that said: “Of course it meant something!”

I was surprised about how happy this made me. I probably knew no more about Casey’s feelings than about my own. No… I knew what I felt, I just didn’t accept it, because I didn’t know her feelings, but now this wasn’t the case anymore. The only question was, how to use this knowledge.

I also sat up and now was next to her, a little more behind. I laid my arms around her waist and my hands almost instantly locked with hers. I pulled her sideways so that she landed in front of me in my arms. My right hand was still on her waist, but our locked left hands had slid up to her chest-hight. Her shirt got pulled upwards too.

I never knew that stomachs could be sexy until now. Casey was pretty well trained, not to the extent of having abs, but pretty close. She was breathing more heavily than usual and the movement of her core was almost hypnotic. In addition to that, her shorts were loose enough to leave a space between her skin and the fabric. I had to force myself to look away. You couldn’t see anything, but it felt wrong somehow. It was a little too early for thoughts like that.

I moved my view to her face. She was clearly not knowing what was happening. Still, she wasn’t scared. She trusted me and in her eyes laid an expecting look. It felt like I had to do something new. I gently put her hair behind her ear and leaned down to whisper to her. “Sure it didn’t mean something? I would lie if I said, that I wouldn’t get jealous in this situation.” Before she could think of an answer, I leaned down to her neck and hovered for a second over it.

Her grip tightened as soon as my breath touched her skin. I was overwhelmed at first too, because of the intimacy of this situation. I was almost touching her and my lips were shaking a little, which lead to an unwanted touch way before anyone was ready. She pressed my hand really tight against her chest. She wasn’t uncomfortable. She was just as overwhelmed as I was, but I couldn’t pull back after touching her. I gently laid my lips on her neck. Her scent was even stronger here and she was also sweating a little. I gently kissed her now as I felt her breath getting faster. Some more kisses followed. I didn’t care that this was way too erotic for friends, we wanted this and no one could stop us.

I tried to prevent a hickey, which is why I only kissed her and didn’t nibble or suck. I wished I could see her face while doing it. I imagined her with her eyes closed, her mouth a little opened. With this picture in my mind, I pressed my lips tightly against her skin. I accidentally poked this part with my tongue, which lead to Casey tensing up. “Matt please, I give up.” It sounded a little like she was moaning these words. “I admit it, I was jealous.” I looked her in the eyes. She switched from my eyes to my lips and back again. She was breathing slowly to calm down. Looked like it affected her even more than expected. “Still, you had no reason to torture me like that.” She was still out of breath. “Torture? It seems more like you liked it.” Was I teasing her too much? “Ohh, I liked it way too much, that was the problem. It will be better if I just show it to you.”

Now I was the one irritated. She turned around and pushed me down by my shoulders. Additionally, she straddled me and interlocked our hands. I was breathless. She looked absolutely stunning from down here. Her hair was messy but was still in shape. The shirt was some sizes too big for her but I could see the shape of her body. She had a fire in her eyes which I usually only saw when she got competitive unless this time it seemed to also express a certain… desire.

I also noticed that she sat right on my crotch. I was hard to a certain extent and there was no way she didn’t notice this. I could feel my hardness pressing into her womanhood. She either ignored it or was really good at hiding her reaction. She only grinned a little and leaned down to my neck. When I felt the first breath on my skin, I knew how she must have felt. The following kiss forced me to concentrate not to tense up and just be cool. In contrast to me, she didn’t hold back. After a while, she started nibbling at me and probably gave me a hickey by sucking a little bit. She also used her tongue to poke me a bit.

However, my biggest problem was, that she was constantly moving her hips which was why I had a full boner after some minutes. It even twitched once and Casey stopped for a moment. Then she placed one last kiss on my skin. It was more a loving one and less sexual than the others. Afterward, she looked down at me.

Her hair surrounded my face and she leaned her forehead against mine. We were both breathing heavily and I could even feel her breath on my skin. I lost myself again in her eyes. They seemed like two deep lakes to me and her look was even more lovingly than usual. At this moment we both knew, that we wanted each other. We wanted to be with each other, and love each other.



  1. This was a perfect balance of sweet and sexy
    OP you’re a genius at writing

  2. Best story that I’ve read. Masterful. Erotic. Toiuchimg. Very well done. The entire series.

  3. This is the backstory porn is missing. The part that makes you care about the characters. Not just that i fucking hate reading but i look forward to these chapters. Lol great job

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