A pet diary – Pet in the Pod [caution][bd][ds][F32][M38] Part 4

Previous parts:

A pet diary – Pet in the Pod [bd][ds] Part 1 from eroticliterature

A pet diary – Pet in the Pod [bd][ds] Part 2 from eroticliterature

A pet diary – Pet in the Pod [bd][ds][F32][M38] Part 3 from eroticliterature

The shower felt really good. Not having to wash myself with the feet tap was really appreciated considering I was completely covered with a mixture of vomit, spit and cum.

So much had happened already this sixth day, and it was only 4 pm there were several hours left until my bed time and Master Nene clearly didn’t intend to lose any time.

– Are you horny Pet? – He asked once we were settled in our usual positions in the living room.

This felt like a trick question. The short answer was no. I guess vomiting and feeling you are about to pass out suffocated in your own drool would do that to you. Yes, the shower was nice, but more in a calming way. Far forgotten was the eagerness from last night, before Master left when I would have done anything for the slightest opportunity to cum. But could I answer No. I’m his pet, am I not supposed to be horny for him all the time? Responding ‘Yes’ wouldn’t actually be lying. I wouldn’t turn down a good fuck with Master at any time, I don’t think. Could he even, he just dump a monstrous load in my not fifteen minutes ago.

– Not specially Master – I decided finally – but I always want to be fucked by you.

– Lets fix that – he said promptly – Lets try some edging.

He came back from the entryway with a fabric bag and made one more stop in the bathroom. In his hand the butt plug from two days ago.

Unceremoniously he pushed it into my mouth and asked me to lube it while commenting on how I better had properly cleaned it off.

My teeth broke open to let the plug and I was happy to not noticing any weird taste or smell on it. He thrust it in and out several times until he seemed to be contempt with its wetness. Somehow this started to turn me on.

He put me on my fours and press my back down until my chest and forehead laid on the carpet. One of his fingers started toying with my pussy which instantly got moist. He’d just circle his finger around my vagina without ever putting it in. Then two fingers. He moved them from my pussy to my ass and he started pressing slowly, letting them open my butthole around them. He went halfway with them before pulling them to the tips and then back in. He did this several times, going a little deeper each time until he was all the way in and his other knuckles pressed against my butt cheeks.

He took them out; I felt the rubbery hard but tender tip of the buttblug pushing in. This was so much wider than his fingers. My sphincter struggled wrapping around it until it finally passed the widest part and slided right in. I breathed. It had been a bit uncomfortable but it felt good now.

We moved into the fitness room. Crawling with my ass filled in was actually quite nice although my mind was wondering what kind of machine we were going to use now. My arms and legs were still exhausted since this morning.

He uncovered machine 12

Machine 12 wasn’t really a machine. It was basically a wood plank maybe half my height and a bit wider than my body. It had several hooks and bolts around it and shackles in the corners.

– Here we go – I thought as he helped my wrists and ankles into them

The bag was now half open on the floor. He pulled a little padlock and used it to secure my collar to the plank.

A magic wand emerged from the bag with some kind of support. I couldn’t see what he was doing because my boobs obstructed the view but I soon learned he was fixing it to the table and then pressing it against my pussy. My ass clenched and I felt the plug wiggling inside me. I was completely locked in.

He plugged one of those comdevs to the wall and put it right in front of my face.

– Remember, you are not allowed to cum

– Yes Master

– Read the sentences out loud as they appear on the screen

He pushed play and turned on the magic wand. He really found a good spot to set it

Sentences started to appear in the screen

I am Master Nenes property

I have no desire other than pleasing my master

I am an object, a thing.

I am grateful to be Master Nene’s Pet

I am a cocksleeve to be used as Master Nene sees fit

I am a cum rag

I am a cum dumpster

I exist only to serve my master

I am fuck meat

I am fuck holes surrounded by flesh

I had kept quite a good cadence, I have to admit.

The last sentence made me chuckle which was promptly met by a paddle hitting my butt, hard. I yelped. My cheeked stung real bad

– Read!

I hold no opinions, I do as Master Nene orders

I make no decissions other than blindly following my Master

My master knows what is good for me

I don’t know anything, I’m just a stupid fleshlight

I am grateful for the pain Master Nene inflicts on me

Then they started repeating as I continued reading.

Emotionally this was hard for me as I’ve never received name calling any further than slut. I didn’t agree with the sentences and I sobbed as I read which in a way nullified the effect of the vibration on me. My pussy was getting sensitive, but I was not enjoying it.

As I read the sentences once and again something clicked in my mind. Going to zero, cleaning the canvas, breaking down to building up. This was more of the same. I had slowly given away my humanity. I was meant to be a thing, a blank slate in which I could build a better me. Do I want this or do I leave. I just have to ask, he will release me and I’ll be able to leave all this behind me.

I would fail, I would come back to the world with nothing to show for my time here other than a bald eyebrow-less head and a whole bunch of regrets. Why would I do that. I had trusted this man, and although I knew it would be hard I believed he’d make it worth it. He would make me worth it. Worth my own opinion of myself.

The sound of my own voice still bothered me, but slowly I started to accept my place, the place that I had chosen and I was going to stick with.

The sentences stopped.

– What are you Pet? – Master said from behind me

– I am your property Master

He paddled my butt again.

– Why did I hit you?

– I don’t know Master

He hit me again, piling up on an already stinging flesh

– And why do you not know

– Because I don’t know anything, I’m just a stupid fleshlight – I cried while preparing for one more

– Exactly right Pet. So why did I hit you?

– Because you know what is good for me and I’m grateful for the pain Master

The struck me again, but thankfully in the other cheek. Seconds passed and a question didn’t come. Another smack.

– Thank you for beating me Master – I sobbed

– Good Pet – he answered patting my raw cheeks softly making me shake

The vibration in my pussy was all but non-existent at this point. I had even forgotten it was there. A few more seconds passed and the pain in my butt cheeks slowly faded without completely disappearing. As the wand came back into my awareness he pulled the plug out of my ass (which I had also forgotten about) with a dull pluck. I gasped

I was slowly coming back to my senses. Trying to absorb all that happened and learn from it

– Do you prefer I fuck your mouth, your pussy or your mouth – he asked as I could hear the paddle hitting his rhythmically.

I opened my mouth to answer, but caught myself. There was only one correct answer, I knew now.

– I have no opinions. I am to be used as Master sees fit

The paddle dropped to the floor. I sighed

– I think your pussy is tender enough – he said, and I realized he never meant for the vibe to make me edge, just to make me sensitive

He got on his knees behind me and started pushing two fingers in my ass. This time, he used lube and my but was stretched from the plug, so he got no resistance. I felt a third one, then two from one hand and two from the other gaping my hole open. He spat in it and it held it with his fingers the tip of his cock came in. I noticed more cool lube falling in the area as his dick rhythmically went in and out. Just the tip at first, maybe and inch, then two… He continue slowly allowing my ass to reshape for his cock, enveloping it as a glove. It did not hurt and after a while it started to be pleasant. Not the kind of pleasant that makes you cum, but for sure the kind of pleasant that turns you on.

He grabbed the wand again and now handheld he pushed it in my pussy, with the slowest vibration speed. He moved it in circles, slowly following the beat of his thrusts in my ass. My pussy was soaked in seconds which make the gliding of the wand feel even better, and now I had the other kind of problem. I’m not allowed to cum. Part of my thought that I had been a good pet and answer his questions satisfactory, but then I remembered he said he would make me edge.

He removed his dick from my ass, all the way out making a loud pop as it exited and kept the vibration rotating on my oversensitive clit. My legs were shaking and I was using everything I had to not exploding in an apotheosic orgasm. Then the vibe moved away, and his cock went back in my ass all the way to the balls in one fast single movement.

He continued thrusting and we would alternate butt-fucking and pussy-torturing every few seconds. It was as if I had and LED on my back that told him when I couldn’t take it anymore and was going to cum.

I have no idea how long this lasted but lastly he increased his thrust speed inside me grabbing me from the hips with one hand while keeping the wand on my pussy with the other until finally with one last push that felt like reorganized my intestines he came. Cum shot off his cock like a squirt gun, I could feel it warm and wet far from his tip. The feeling was new and exciting as his pulsating member dropped the last of his seed and he bent over me putting his chest on my back. I couldn’t take one second more. I had no energy left

Between gritted teeth I yelled a muffled – Master – as I readied myself for the wave of brutal pleasure that was to come. Instead the wand dropped, his cock pulled out assisted but my clenching pre-orgasm ass and his fingers pinched and pull my nipples backwards so hard that I felt the stretch all the way in my neck. The pain kept me from cumming and left me with an ardor built in my pussy as I had never felt before. As if something was inside trying to get out, a pressure, a heat that could cook me from inside. But I knew what I had to do.

– Thank you Master – I said I soon as I was able to speak – I almost failed you.

– Not yet – he replied walking around me as he freed my neck from the machine – Clean it, Pet.

Another new thing, and not one I was looking forward to. I don’t think anybody ever wakes up thinking, tonight I might taste my own shit for the first time.

Well, I didn’t. I didn’t wake up thinking that, I mean. I tasted it alright. And it was bad.

At first glance his cock seemed clean, at least there wasn’t any…coloration. But even from a distance I could smell the difference. I did my best, but before it even touched my lips as my head pushed forward, I gagged profusely and had to recoil, holding down whatever was left in my stomach (mostly cum, I’d think) by inches.

I swallowed more and more saliva as I garnered strength to try again. I put it all the way in my mouth, rip the band-aid and all that. And started swirling my tongue around his dick. I pulled out and swallowed, gagging again with the smell and bitter taste it had left in my mouth. The second go wasn’t that bad, and by the third one there wasn’t much remaining from my ass’s taste, or I had gotten used to it. He caressed my head with his hand and kissed my forehead.

Master left me to clean and tidy up. Crawling around was keeping my throbbing pussy… well, throbbing and my need to cum completely alive in my mind. It got even worse because it was almost 7.30 PM (dinner time) so I had to hurry up, which did me no favors.

Dinner was served. Master had started with his and mine was waiting on my bowl. He was still naked which was a welcomed sight, but at this time anything that reminded me of sex or could excite me the least was not good.

Would it surprise you to know, dear diary, that I was so horny, so desperate that the emotional break-down and the… butt beat down had been put completely out of my mind?

I was not hungry, mind you, as I still had the smell of my own shit stuck in my nostrils and reminiscing in my taste buds, but maybe eating would help it. It didn’t. I could not wait to brush my teeth.

Master left as soon as I was done with dinner leaving me around two hours of alone time before I had to go to bed. After brushing my teeth with fury and washing myself in the shower I didn’t had much to do. The one thing I wanted to do I couldn’t.

I checked the schedule for the next day. I had two hours free in the morning then exercise, then.. Master time? Nice, subtle.

– 4 PM orgy time – I mumbled. Orgy of two? I rather not think about it and torture myself with the possibilities.

I laid in my blanket before my bedtime. I was absolutely exhausted. My pussy still felt heated between my legs and keeping my hands away from it was not easy. The worst part is, I could touch it, I could play with it, but I couldn’t give myself the relief that so wholeheartedly wanted.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vur1jr/a_pet_diary_pet_in_the_pod_cautionbddsf32m38_part