Groped, Betrayed, Blackmailed…A New Chapter [non consensual] [humiliation] [oral]l

Part 3

Vicki and Bruce

School would be starting in about a week and a half. Thankfully the first week was a short one, giving the teachers a chance to make last minute preparations and adjustments. Vicki had everything ready in her classroom. Having gone through the ritual so many times she pretty much knew what to do, and how to get ready for the new class. She also knew Lisa would be at school, still working, making sure everything was perfect. Vicki wanted to see her and let her know she was back and okay. At least she would tell her she was okay.
The next day she stopped by and Lisa was in her room. She put on as cheery a face as she could, so she wouldn’t be frightened when she saw her. She told her she didn’t want to go into any details, maybe later she’d feel like it, but not now. She said she was ready to start back to school to take her mind off things. She then changed the subject, trying to make small talk with her friend. Lisa caught Vicki up with things going on in the school system, including the startling news that Bruce Wilson, the school system attorney had abruptly taken a leave of absence and may resign, citing mental and physical exhaustion. He had also closed, at least temporarily, his law office. Vicki said nothing, acting surprised. As she left the school that day, she determined she needed to talk to him.

Vicki, like all teachers, actually had an emergency cell phone number to contact the system attorney if needed. Something to do with possible abuse cases, or their own protection in a litigious society. Under the circumstances she had no idea if he would respond. She decided to text rather than call. “This is Vicki. I need to see you right away”. She knew he’d know who it was, and what it pertained to. To her surprise, he responded almost immediately.

Bruce thought his heart would stop when he saw the text. As despondent and hopeless as he was, as a possible last act he felt he should apologize for what had transpired and seek forgiveness. Her family and his had been friends from way back. Her mother and his father were both teachers, and had tried to get them together when each was in school. That hadn’t gone well. Bruce was a red neck, she saw herself as a hippie chick. When Mr. Earl had convinced him he could fuck her he didn’t believe him. But she had seriously deflated his college freshman, macho ego so many years ago and he’d never forgotten it. Talk about nudist resorts and swingers really piqued his interest and he found himself hiring an escort to accompany him to Florida. Early on it was even better than he’d dreamed, but then…he couldn’t bring himself to think about it. He knew he’d seriously fucked up and it was his fault.
He texted her back and asked if she’d come to his old family camp. He’d give her the code to the electronic gate. It was where he had holed up, licking his wounds. Vicki, for her part figured it was as safe as anywhere. She told him she’d there as soon as she could drive the short distance to her old hometown.
Like Earls shop, the camp was situated along an out of the way county road. She turned down a side road, out of sight of the main highway, drove to the gate, entered the code, and the gate swung open. She hadn’t given much thought to what she was gonna say. As she walked up the steps to the porch, the door swung open and Bruce stood there. He looked like hell. As he led her inside, she noticed the bottle of bourbon. He reached for it and asked if she wanted a drink. She answered no, and asked him to hold off too

“Ok, you know why I’m here, we have some things to talk about” Vicki started. “Vicki, I’m so sorry” Bruce weakly answered. “Yeah, I’m sure you are. “You being there was no coincidence was it, right?” “No, it wasn’t”. It was Earl’s doing, right?” Bruce nodded his head yes. “What did he tell you”. Her tone of voice was not questioning, it was demanding. When He hesitated, she repeated the statement, even more forceful. “He told me what kind of place it was. That you would be there with him, and he could guarantee I could…have sex with you. “That you could FUCK me, right?” “Yes”. “So, tell me, why would he come to you and say that?” Bruce looked away and said, “I had told him some time ago, that we… had a history”. Vicki didn’t try to stifle the laugh that escaped her throat. Bruce went on explaining that he had met Bruce and Colleen there, and that whole thing was his own doing. And then it got out of hand. He was humiliated and left, leaving his escort, Dani, there to fend for herself. Then after he got home, Earl stopped by and threatened to blackmail him if he ever bragged to anyone about Vicki. He was sure he had ruined his life and wasn’t sure what to do. Over the next couple of hours, Vicki told Bruce how she happened to be there, leaving a lot out, but leaving no doubt that she was being coerced herself. They both agreed exposing Earl would do them more harm in their small towns any good they would ever realize. They would have to leave snd start all over somewhere else. She assured him if he kept his mouth shut, she could see to it thar Earl would never try to blackmail him. Bruce chose to believe her. Still, as he sat listening to her, he was envisioning her smooth, hairless cunt, remembering his dick between her, much larger than when she was in high school, tits. After talking to her, he felt much better. So much so, that the next morning he called the school board and told them he was much improved and was ready to resume his duties. After talking to him, Vicki felt better, for some reason, herself.
Bruce watched her closely as she walked to her car. He could feel his cock twitching.

Arthur and Friends

Arthur hadn’t forgotten about Earl’s promise to “arrange” a get together with Vicki. He hadn’t heard back, but he knew what he wanted. It was gonna be perfect. He had several friends coming in from all over for a local golf tournament and they expected him to entertain them while they were visiting for the weekend. It was an annual ritual. They’d have cookouts and get so drunk and rowdy that his wife would leave town for the beach every year, leaving them to do as they pleased. What Arthur had planned for this year was gonna be really special. He gave Earl a call to go over his idea.
On the phone he listened to what Arthur had in mind. He liked it. He told him he felt sure he could set that up. Just needed to give Vicki some advance notice so she could get away. Arthur hung up the phone shaking his head and chuckling. He still couldn’t his believe his old friends wife was behaving so slutty, but the thought was turning him on immensely. He could hardly wait for the tournament, which was coming up next week.

Earl knew it was short notice so he gave Vicki a call. Teachers were already attending meetings, going over new textbooks, making roles. It was exciting and exhausting. One meeting had just ended and another was starting in about 10 minutes. When her phone rang she picked it up to decline the call. Then she recognized the number. She felt the now familiar knot in her stomach as she turned her back to answer.
“Hey pretty lady, somethings come up”. She whispered into the phone in an angry tone, “what are you talking about?” glancing over her shoulder to make sure no one was looking. Lisa was. She noticed the frantic look on her face and knew something was up.
Vicki left the conference room and stepped into the deserted hall to continue the call.
“Arthur called, he needs someone to entertain some out of town friends this weekend, after the big golf tournament Saturday.
Vicki couldn’t believe what she just heard. “You said you would handle him!” “And I did. This is what he requested. What did you expect me to do, hire a hitman?” Earl was loving this. “God!, I can’t talk now !” “Of course not. Just wanted to give you a heads up. To keep from raising eyebrows and maybe getting caught, instead of meeting somewhere to discuss details, why don’t you text me tonight. Maybe while you’re taking a bath. I’ll be available anytime”. She could feel her face getting red with anger and embarrassment. She wanted to scream into the phone, you bastard !, but she knew better than to anger him. When the call was over she went into the restroom to dry her eyes and calm down. In the conference room her’s and Lisa’s eyes met… Lisa knew immediately who the call was from.

That night at home, Vicki decided during her bath might be the best time to text Earl. The idea of lying in a tub naked while conversing with him didn’t appeal to her, but there would be no prying eyes or questions about what she was doing. As she lay there, she noticed her body, seemingly tor the first time in quite awhile. Over the last few years she had been constantly dieting and exercising and never noticing much difference. Now though, most likely because of the stress and tension she had been under, she was looking at a slimmer version of herself. Maybe she should start going back to the gym, tone up her abs and chest a bit, tighten up her saggy ass. At least thats the way she saw it. Her husband, and Earl, told her otherwise.
She picked up her phone and entered his number.

Are you there ?
Of course, been waiting to hear from you
Friday evening would be better for me. Easier to get away
Hmm, understand, but he said Saturday after the tournament
Wouldn’t be much of a party without me though would it ?
Lol…no it wouldn’t. I think you’re gonna be the main entertainment.
So, whats he expecting ?
He didn’t get into any specifics. Don’t think there’s going to be any fucking. I know he won’t fuck you. Some kinda weird morality thing he has. He wants it to happen out at my shop.
I can get Lisa to vouch for my whereabouts Friday if anyone was to ask questions. Any other time would be impossible.
Well, impossible is a strong word. I’ll see what I can do though. Don’t make any other plans. I’ll be in touch

Vicki’s hands were shaking so bad she almost dropped her phone in the tub. Looking at the water, she wondered if she could drown herself… but I’d better delete that text first, she thought.

Friday would be another day of meetings at school. Teachers traditionally got together that evening at a popular restaurant out of town and enjoyed themselves together before the school year started in earnest the following Monday. It would be the easiest time for her to get away for the evening without any eyebrows being raised at home. She was afraid Will was beginning to suspect something. Lord knows she didn’t need any more stress in her life.
She leaned back in the tub with her knees up and closed her eyes. Absentmindedly, she began to draw tight little circles with her finger around her clit. The stubble was irritating but she decided to wait a few days before she shaved it. Till maybe Friday morning. The next day at school she told Lisa what was going on and asked for her help. She tearfully agreed to whatever she was needed to do. She was secretly glad she wasn’t expected to participate any other way.

That evening she got a text from Earl:
Had your bath yet ?
She wondered what was up now,
No, not yet
Good, text me from the tub, gets me hard knowing you’re lying there naked 😋
She didn’t respond… till she was lying in the tub.

Ok, I’m here
He texted her right back:
Good ! I have some specific details to go over.
Good news, Arthur said he could work with Friday night. He checked with his friends and they’ll all be in town early Friday.
We’ll be going to my shop. It’s the safest place.
I know about all you teachers little party for that night. I talked to Lisa and told her to bring you out early afternoon after schools over. Leave your car at the school. She’s to go on to the party like she’s expected to and make excuses for you. When she gets back to town, if everyones through, she’ll pick you up and take you back to your car. If she needs to wait, she will.
My god, she thought, just what are they planning ? He continued…
You might want to bring some supplies to clean up after. Of course there’s no shower facilities, but I can hose you off outback after everyone leaves. I will be there keeping an eye out for you so things don’t get out of hand like before.
What?… hose me off?, what the hell, she thought. She wasn’t liking the sound of this.
I don’t like any of this, she texted back…
Just whats to stop him from blackmailing me afterwards like you’re doing?
Don’t worry about that. I already have my cameras set up to record the whole thing. Like Bruce, Arthur won’t run his mouth. See you Friday
Again, she wondered if she could drown herself in the tub. She decided not to try.

Vicki and Arthur

Vicki got up maybe a little earlier than usual Friday morning. She always rose earlier on school days but she wanted a little extra time today. She grabbed her razor as she stepped into the shower. The stubble between her legs was driving her crazy. That was the only reason she was shaving. While she was at it, she went ahead and took care of her legs too.
She had an overnight bag that she left packed with travel sized bottles of body wash, shampoo, lotion and such. Also toothbrush and toothpaste. She dropped it into the oversized purse she often carried to school, along with a hairdryer. Gonna “hose me off” afterwards, ran through her head. Last minute she added makeup. She didn’t know what to expect. She’d never been “hosed off” before. As she pulled into the parking lot at school she noticed Lisa just ahead of her. She parked beside her and both exited their cars. Lisa had been crying.
“So you’ve talked to Earl?”, Vicki asked. Lisa, sobbing, shook her head yes. “Its ok, get yourself together. It will all be over soon. You know what to do?” Again she shook her head yes. “Ok, let me put my bag in your car so I don’t forget it”.

The Friday meetings were a pep talk conducted by the school board, principals, superintendent and other administrative staff. Vicki hadn’t noticed him being there before, but the last speaker was none other than Bruce Wilson. He walked to the podium and looked out on the crowd assembled before him.
“I am so glad to be here today. As I’m sure many of you heard, not many days ago, I was unsure I’d be standing here today addressing you. After a long, busy summer I was simply suffering from extreme exhaustion. But thanks to the support of many, and encouragement from a special few, looking right at Vicki then, “I’m here today refreshed, and ready to get to work”. Vicki wanted to throw up. Instead she applauded along with everyone else.
Too soon the short workday was over. It was hard to say who was more nervous Vicki or Lisa. As plans were made to go to the steakhouse later, Vicki said she hoped she could make it, as her stomach had been queasy all day. She wasn’t making it up. Making more excuses, Lisa asked her to come with her to her house to look at something, then they’d ride together to the restaurant. Not the first eyebrow was razed. As they pulled away, headed to Earls shop, tears welled up again in Lisa’s eyes. Again Vicki told her to stop. “I don’t know how you are able to he so calm and strong”, Lisa looked at her and said. “Vicki looked straight ahead and said, “because I have to” The queasy feeling had moved lower, and felt more like a tingling.

By contrast Arthurs day couldn’t have been going better. His wife had left for the beach mid day. His out of town friends started arriving about the same time. three friends from different parts of the country, and one old friend from Vicki’s home town. Charles had been a part of the rowdy group years ago when Will had been close friends with Arthur. Although they all were to a degree, Charles was easily the crudest and most perverted of them all. Arthur was a close second. Arthur was serving up Bloody Mary’s for the mid day brunch. All had had several when he started talking about what he had planned for later. All were extremely interested and excited about what they were hearing. Charles was the only one who knew who Vicki was. “You’ve got to be kidding me! Will’s wife Vicki? The one with the nice ass and tits ? The one we used to kid all the time and ask Will if we could fuck? Right in front of her? She’d get boiling mad at us!” Arthur laughed and said, “thats the one, and you can fuck her if you want. I’m gonna get her to suck my big ole dick.” Charles still couldn’t believe it. They both had to fill the others in on who they were talking about, and how they knew her. Arthur filled them all in on what to expect when they got to Earls shop.

A short time later Lisa pulled in at the back of the shop. Vicki got out, remembering the bag of “supplies”. At the last minute she had added a couple of towels, to dry off with after being “hosed off”. She looked back at Lisa, took a deep breath, and said, “I’ll see you later. All Lisa could think to tell her was “ok, bye”. As she walked towards the door it opened and Earl let her in. He told her a little more about what to expect. In the middle of the freshly swept floor was a huge pile of clean sawdust. This was where “things” were to take place. “Thats according to Arthur’s instructions. He said when he walked in on us and saw you sprawled over the bench covered in sawdust, it just did something to him” Earl laughingly told her. “He saw me bent over the bench?” She didn’t know that. She thought she had ducked out of sight. That meant he saw Earl fucking her from behind. She felt herself blushing. She had no idea why. “You’re to be laying in the pile of sawdust naked when they get here. And blindfolded”. “Blindfolded?” “He said his friends he’s bringing with him aren’t from around here, but they are “upright” citizens of their communities and they’ll be in town a few days. They don’t want you to recognize them, or know who’s doing what tonight.” “And just what do they expect from me?”
“Don’t really know. As I said, I don’t think Arthur wants to fuck. He may just watch. The others I can’t say. If they get out of hand I’ll put a stop to it”. She had no idea what he would consider out of hand, based on her experience with him. But it was strangely comforting knowing he would be there…watching. “Its getting close to time, we need to be getting you ready. She felt butterflies in her stomach as he told her to remove her clothes. “I need somewhere to lay them.” Remembering the condition they were in the last time. “Hand them to me, I’ll lay them in my truck”. She stood before him and looking him in the eye, she pulled her blouse over her head and handed it to him. He carefully draped it over his arm. Next she removed her shoes. Earl bent over and picked them up,laying them on the workbench. Next she unzipped and stepped out of her skirt. He took it and placed it on his arm. He looked at her and smiled. Now in only her bra and panties, he was surprised ti see she was wearing the sexy bikini panties and sheer lace bra he had bought her the first time he’d fucked her. He wondered if she wore them for he husband on special occasions. He watched as she reached behind her back and fumbled with the clasp. “Here, let me help you, gently laying her clothes on the bench. She turned around and shivered when she felt his hands against her skin. With the clasp unhooked she slipped the straps from her shoulders and turning around handed him the bra. He noticed her nipples were fully erect, poking out much longer than he’d ever noticed. She stood there, hesitating, seeing if he was going to remove her panties for her. When he didn’t she placed her fingers beneath the waistband and tugged them off her hips. Stepping out of them, she held them out to him, making him take them from her. Gathering everything together he said, “don’t go anywhere,”as he stepped out the back door. She thought this was funny and laughed out loud. He looked back her. She couldn’t help noticing his erection.
When he came back inside he had a long, narrow, strip of black silk in his hand. “Turn around”. He put the blindfold over her eyes and tied it tight enough to hold it in place. Then he led her to the sawdust pile and helped her lie down on her back, legs spread. She had been sweating profusely since they got there, as was he. He turned what fans there was on,helping some in the late afternoon heat. She knew they would be there soon. The sweat rolling off her body, she understood. The wetness between her legs she didn’t.

Arthur and friends had loaded up in his SUV and were on the way. After finishing a couple of Arthurs strong Bloody Marys, Charles had turned to his preferred beer. He still couldn’t believe what was about to happen. He kept telling Arthur, you’ve got to be shittin me, I don’t believe it. Your lying out your ass aren’t you?” “I don’t believe it”.
Arthur looked in the rearview mirror with a big smile on his face. “Well, you’re about to find out”, as he turned down the narrow road that led to Earls shop. “God, I don’t believe this” Charles continued.
Earl heard them as they pulled in at the back of the shop where the car couldn’t be seen. He stepped out the door to lead them in. Vicki thought her heart would beat out of her chest. Her breathing heavy and fast,she felt like she was having a panic attack. Even after all she had recently been through, this was different. How many would there be ? Would Earl join in? Or just watch? Keeping her safe.
Earl opened the door and let five, drunk and horny middle aged boors inside. Vicki heard their voices but didn’t recognize any. Her breathing got faster. Her heart beat harder.
Settle down, she told herself, relax, you have to relax. This had always worked in the past. Relax and let it happen. Her breathing slowed. Her heart began to ease up on the thumping. She could feel them standing over her. They were strangely quiet after their boisterous entrance. She could feel movement off to one side. She heard muffled laughter. Then the sound of a zipper being ripped open. She kept her breathing slow, measured. Minutes later she felt a body hovering over her, then lowering down, resting on her chest. The next sensation she felt was a hard cock moving back and forth over her lips. She knew what was expected. She parted her lips, and felt the bulbous head push inside her mouth. She began the expected act. Rolling her tongue around the intrusive object. Flicking it around the tip, probing the tiny slit. She felt it get even harder as she used her well practiced skills. She felt his shaft push deeper. She muffled laughter was louder. She could hear whispered “Damn! Look at that”. She felt the body resting on her chest reposition, then hands on the back of her head,lifting it slightly. The hard hot cock in her mouth pushed in deeper. The hips on her chest began to move back and forth, faster and faster. The hands on the back of her head pushing her head forward, pushing the cock deeper down her throat. As this was happening, as she struggled to control the hot shaft pushing itself further and faster down her throat, four other guys were now standing around her, naked, hard cocks of their own, stroking as they watched the assault. About the time she felt the throbbing dick in her mouth swell and start releasing the thick, creamy liquid down her throat, she felt gobs of the same covering her exposed pussy , stomach legs and face. Audible sounds of ahh, ahh damn! Was heard all around her.
The now deflating cock in her mouth slowly withdrew. She gulped air into her lungs, her chest heaving as the weight lifted off her. She felt lips on each breast,sucking wildly on her engorged,swollen nipples. She felt ad if they were being chewed off. For some reason she felt goosebumps popping up on her chest, arms, and inner thighs. The sensation on her tits painful and exhilarating. In just minutes she felt another torso lowering itself on her chest. She moved her head from side to side, trying to deny entrance into her mouth to the partly limp cock trying to force its way in. When she tried to use her hands to fight him off, she felt him lean forward, pinning her hands down with his own stronger fingers. Giving in, she opened her mouth and repeated once again, for a different cock, what she had done for the first. As it hardened in her sore mouth, she felt a pair of hands spreading her legs apart,then fingers rubbing her exposed lips, then one and another being inserted inside her. The voices around her were louder and more expressive now… would you look at that puss…put a couple more in, she can take it. She felt herself being spread and filled as requests were carried out. Then she felt the offending digits begin to move in and out faster and faster, deeper and deeper. She knew she was getting wet, as the cock in her mouth went deeper towards her tonsils, the owner repeating what the first had done with his hands behind her head. As he had gotten harder, she could tell he was larger, much larger, and determined she would take it all. Inching further and further, then withdrawing a bit,allowing her to breathe, before pushing back to and beyond the previous depth. Each time her throat relaxed more and more, becoming acclimated to his size and length. Suddenly, she felt his balls on her face, his cock pushed full length down her throat. Her windpipe was totally shut off and he was making no movements to withdraw. Holding it there and moving it furiously as if he was fucking a pussy. But instead, it was rammed down her throat. She tried to force him off, struggling wildly, not able to even gasp for air. The only sound from her throat a guttural, rasping, attempted scream. Where was Earl ? He said he would be there, protecting her. She could barely hear the laughter around her as the others urged the assault on. She started to black out, no noise now, just silence, she was fading. Then her airway cleared and she fought to breathe as hot liquid covered her face.A voice said, “roll her over, I’m gonna fuck her and I want to watch that ass being pounded while I do. I’m not passing up this chance to get some of that”.
It was the first voice she vaguely recognized. She’d heard it before sometime in the past. Then she remembered.It was Charles and he had taunted her relentlessly years ago when he would come to her house with Arthur. He was a disgusting excuse for a human. She heard him again as he pushed his cock inside her till his balls were slapping her ass “ahhh, your gonna like this Vicki, hang on !” Over and over he pounded her, almost knocking her over in his fury. Showing no mercy or concern for her. Finally he started to slow, she could feel his cock swell, and then her orifice was flooded with his cum. At that moment she felt violent spasms building inside her as her orgasm erupted. Over and over the rushes traveling up and down her spine, traveling to her loins and back. The exhilarating sensations overpowering. When they subsided she was total disgusted with her body. The thought of who had just been inside her, and the thought os despite her disgust at what he did to her she still felt waves of passion rippling through out her body.
But Charles wasn’t through yet.
He pulled her back up on her knees and started rubbing and kneading her butt cheeks. Then she felt his hands caressing her hips, as he moved up closer behind her. She could feel his cum covered dick moving in her crack. His hands continued to explore her body, rubbing her stomach now, a finger slipping in her belly button, dropping lower and finding her slit and slipping inside her wet, cum filled pussy. After massaging her swollen clit briefly, his hands were back on her ass, spreading her cheeks apart. Vicki groaned, thinking she knew what was coming next, but instead she felt his tongue licking up and down her crack in long slow strokes, then slowly licking both cheeks all over before moving back to her spread open ass hole. The next thing she felt was his tongue flicking all around her puckered rosebud. Lightly tickling the sensitive tissue, then more pressure at her opening trying to force its way inside. The unaccustomed feeling caused her to reposition her legs slightly, giving him better access, opening her up wider. This caused Charles to bury his head against her butt,?his tongue probing deeper, in and out, faster and faster. She could feel another orgasm building inside her, and when she suddenly felt his fingers inside her slippery cunt almost wrist deep, she let go, unable to hold the beautiful sensations back. Charles had caused her to have several explosive orgasms, as bad as she hated it.
Charles finally rolled off her, to the cheers of the others standing over her watching. His limp dick flopped between his legs. He grabbed his balls in one hand, and lifting them, declared them empty, totally spent. This brought on another round of laughter.
Vicki, totally exhausted lay where she was whimpering. She didn’t know it, but there was still two hard cocks above her waiting their turn . She could hear the guys encouraging the ones that hadn’t taken a turn to go next. “Go ahead man, get you some of that pussy while its still warm” followed by cackling. “Hey, you haven’t had your turn, you ho next”. Then, “you go ahead, I’ll watch”. It was the first time she’d heard Arthur’s voice. There was no mistaking it or his laugh. That she had heard many times during the evening.

She felt hands beneath her stomach, lifting her, rolling her over. There was excitement among the audience watching. “Alright, you about to fuck her?” “I’ve got to see this !” “ Fuck, what a cock, wish I had one like it” more boisterous laughter. “Don’t worry man I got her good and lubed up for you”. Charles unmistakeable voice again. Then she felt someone crawling on top of her and a huge mushroom head working its way inside. Then two pair of hands lifted her legs back and held them. She wouldn’t have had the energy herself. The monstrous organ slowly slid inside her worn, cum filled vagina. Charles didn’t have the size to have made any difference, but the cum he filled her with helped with lubrication. As it disappeared inside her she heard Charles again, “I told you I had her all slicked up for you”. Followed by many expressions of awe at the size of the cock, and her ability to take it. The last thing she heard before he began to furiously fuck her was “ole Will’s gonna knowing something next time he fucks her”. And more laughter.
She didn’t try to hold back. The member completely filled her like no other before. Even as it stretched her wide, it was also in constant contact with her clit. Constantly rubbing it as he pounded her, going deeper than anyone ever had, and she had taken some big cocks in her life. He must have been going inches into her cervix, which hurt like hell, but was then offset by the feeling of her clit being constantly massaged. Unlike some others that came as soon as they buried their big cocks in her, whoever this was had staying power too. Bringing on another expression of awe and admiration from the guys watching. The longer he pumped his oversized dick in and out, the better it felt. Pain gave way to ecstasy, and Vicki didn’t try to hold back her feelings. Moans gave way to guttural growls, which gave way to ear piercing screams as she felt wave after wave of orgasms releasing inside her loins, the nerves in her vagina and all up and down her spine causing ripples all up and down her extremities. Finally after what seemed like forever, she felt his cum start to erupt inside her adding his gusher to Charles’s little dribble. Even as he lay there, collapsed on top if her, she could feel it trying to escape around his mercifully shrinking organ. They both lay there panting. Someone brought her a bottle of water that she gratefully accepted, still not knowing when the punishment would end.

She didn’t know but there was only one guy left that hadn’t taken a turn and now he seemed reluctant to participate. As everyone was back slapping and carrying on about the last performance, Arthur included, now that they were egging him on to take a turn, he was acting disinterested to put it mildly. As Vicki lay there weekly trying to recover from the abuse she had been put through, she could make out Arthurs whispered voice, “fuck man, man I don’t want any of that, look at her”. Vicki couldn’t see, but she could feel what she must look like. Laying in the now scattered pile of saw dust, she could feel it stuck all over her body, glued there by sweat and cum that covered her head to toe. Every time she had been flipped over the sawdust would cake onto any body part that came in contact with it. It was in her hair, her crack, caked between her legs, her tits were almost completely covered as was her torso. Laughing with that god awful demonic laugh of his she heard Charles say “your right man, let me help you out. She heard water running and the sound of a bucket being filled. Presently she felt five gallons of cold water being poured over her. The shock left her gasping for breath, but the torrent did its intended job. Most all of the sawdust at least was washed from her torso. Arthur was running out of excuses. She felt him slowly lowering his pudgy body onto hers. She felt his naked ass settling down just below her breasts as he made himself comfortable. She could also tell that his cock was mostly limp as he positioned it between her tits. As the others cheered him on, he took her hands snd placed them on each side of her breasts and pushed them together, demonstrating what he expected from her. She complied with no complaint. As she pushed her tits together, she could hardly get them close enough to apply any pressure. Her tits weren’t at fault, but Arthurs small limp cock. Nevertheless, as he humped her tits she could feel it begin to get hard.
The blindfold covering her eyes had gotten jostled out of place, and she could now see his face as he worked his cock slowly back and forth with a look that said he was thoroughly enjoying humiliating her in front of everyone. Indeed, he wished Will was there, bound in a chair watching, while everyone took a turn with his wife. As his cock finally started to get hard, he withdrew it from between her tits and scooted forward so he could fit it in her mouth. As he rubbed it across her lips,trying to get her to accept it, she clenched her mouth shut, refusing. She felt someone move beside her, and then pinch her nostrils closed. It wasn’t long, gasping for breath, before she opened her mouth and Arthur stuffed his cock inside. Then, as she had always done, she gave in to the inevitable. Rolling her tongue around the head of the cock in her mouth, clamping down and bobbing her head back and forth. She had no trouble taking him all in her mouth. His size, coupled with her recent experience made it a breeze. Regardless he put his hands on the back of her head and fed her his cock. It also made it easier to withdraw when he felt he was close to ejaculating. He wanted to spray her face and tits with his cum. Just before he started to shoot his load, he jerked out of her mouth. Ribbons of cum covered her lips and went up her nose and in her hair. He then pinched it off and aimed for her tits, depositing what was left of his load on each tit, concentrating on her nipples. Then he took his thumbs and massaged the cum in over her nipples. He pictured Will sucking her tits, his lips wrapped around her areola’s where he’d worked his cum in. It gave him a perverse satisfaction as he inverted her nips pressing then so hard. He lifted himself off her, and as he did, ribbons of sperm coated her body from all directions. The others had been standing around her jerking off, watching the action. The copious amounts coated the blindfold, her face and her tits along with her inner thighs and pussy. There was nothing she could do to stop it. After participating, snd admiring his handiwork, Charles laughed and said, “Should I get another bucket of water?”
“I think you’ve done enough, and I think she has too” it was the first time she had heard Earl’s voice since the abuse had started. He’d told her he would be there the entire time and stop things if they got out of hand. “I almost suffocated, how much more out of hand would it take” she thought to herself.
I think everyone has had enough. She has places to be and you boys have a big day tomorrow. Lets call it a night. Everyone but Charles was in agreement but he went along with the others.
“There’s a hose out back if you want to clean up a bit before you leave. They all took him up on it, drunkenly laughing and joking as they went out the door.

As they made the trip back to town, the five guys in the SUV were having a grand time discussing the entertainment Arthur had provided. Each one had to describe their experience, how they had “got her good”. Charles kept saying, “Damn, I still can’t believe it. He was determined to fuck her again, but the next time it would be just him.
As things quietened down a bit Arthur piped up, “I wish I’d marked her somehow (he had intended to), give her something to explain to Will”. From the back Charles spoke up, “I bit her on the ass”

End of Part 3

