Begging Ashley’s Forgiveness [FM][Fdom][mc][humil]

I was stretched out on a lounge chair next to Millie’s pool, trying to tan, when I felt something block the sun. Her idiot brother, Nick, was standing over me. I forgot he had moved back in with his parents after dropping out of college. Nick was saying something to me, but I couldn’t hear him with my AirPods in my ears. I took one out, even though I had no interest in listening to him stumble through making a pass at me.

“…you lately. What have you been up to?” he was saying. Nicholas was not subtle about checking me out. His eyes scanned up and down my body and it was honestly so creepy. For a minute, I wished I had on like a full fucking jumpsuit, instead of my tiny bikini. Then I decided I would rather just make him leave so I could get back to tanning without being leered at.

“I’m sorry?” I asked, not even trying to hide how much I loathed him.

“Uh, I just haven’t seen you since you and Millie graduated. We miss having you over,” he said. While he was talking, Nick was drinking in the sight of my body. His gaze tracked down my abs and rested on my string bikini bottoms for a moment. God, I wanted to take a shower when he looked at me like that. No doubt he was saving a mental image to take upstairs to his bedroom after this little conversation. Maybe he liked to imagine me spreading my legs for him and begging him to fuck me with his cock that was probably the size of my pinky finger.

“My eyes are up here, Nick,” I said.

“Sorry, I was just thinking,” his mouth stretched into a grin that he probably thought was charming. It wasn’t.

I made a move to put my AirPod back in. I was done with this conversation and about to tell Nicholas to get lost. He would have to do it, too. Nick would do whatever I said. He didn’t know it yet, but I can compel people to do anything with just a simple command. Maybe it was time Nick learned there are consequences to being a perv.

“Hey, I was looking for Millie. Do you know where she is?” he said.

“I think Derek took her out shopping.”

“Again?” he scoffed, “God, that guy is pussy whipped. He must be spending his entire paycheck on her. He’s been buying her so much shit lately.”

Derek was spending all his money on Millie, thanks to my influence. I had pulled him aside and told him that he should be treating her like a princess. Since that little convo, he had been very well-behaved. And Derek knew that if he put even a toe out of line, we would be having another chat. One that he would find a lot less pleasant. “Your sister deserves a man who spoils her,” I told Nick.

He laughed, “No one wants a man like that. You watch, Millie will get bored and dump him by the end of the month. Women are all the same.”

I looked up at him, a slight smile crossing my lips. I decided not to send Nick away just yet. First, I would like to teach him a lesson about how to treat the women in his life. “What do you know about women, Nick?”

“I’ve seen how they, uh…” he stammered, flailing about for a clever response.

“Here let me show you how to talk to a woman,” I cut him off, swinging my legs off the chair and facing him. Once again he shamelessly looked my body up and down. What a pig, I thought.

“On your knees,” I told him. I made my voice steely and firm and utterly impossible to resist, especially for poor Nick.

Nick’s legs folded underneath him and he dropped to his knees in front of me. He had barely a moment to register what I had done to him when I decided that being on his knees was too good for Nick. “Actually, Nick,” I gestured with one finger at the ground. His body lurched forward, dropping him face down on the patio. “Maybe you better grovel,” I suggested.

With his face smushed into the concrete, Nick started blubbering. It was pathetic. “I’m sorry, Ash! I’m so sorry! I won’t look at you again. What did you do to me? How are you doing this?”

I rested my foot on the back of his head. “I’m doing you a favor, Nick. I’m teaching you how to behave around women.” Beneath my feet, Nick was letting out a low groan. He had no idea what was going on, but he sure seemed miserable. “Quiet, Piggy.” I told him. He shut up instantly.

“You know what women want, Nick? They want creeps like you to leave them alone.”

Nick couldn’t make a sound, so he tried nodding his head from his spot on the ground underneath my feet. I pressed my foot down on his head until he stopped. “Uh uh,” I said, “you’re not getting off that easily.” I took my foot off his head. “Go grab the hose.” Nick leapt to his feet at my command. He looked shocked to find that he was not in control of his own body. A single word or gesture and I could make him do anything.

Nick picked up the hose at the other end of the patio. “Turn the water pressure all the way up.” He bent down and opened the valve with a few twists. “Now hold the nozzle right in front of your face.” I could see from the look on his face that Nick desperately wanted to be anywhere else.

“Good piggy,” I said with a mocking smile. “Now, I’m going to go back to what I was doing before you interrupted me and you’re going to stand there just like that. Every time you have a gross, pervy thought about me or my body, I want you to spray yourself until the thought goes away.”

I swung my feet back up on the reclining patio chair and leaned back. All I did was shift in the chair to get comfortable and I heard Nick blast himself with the hose, sputtering as some of the water filled his mouth. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes. I did my best to relax. Nick’s punishment would work better if he had plenty of time to regret ogling me in my swimsuit.

For half an hour, I enjoyed the relative peace and quiet, which was interrupted by the hose going off every few minutes. I peeked over at Nick and saw that his clothes were soaked through and he seemed to be trying to will his pathetic erection away. By the looks of it, he was losing badly. That was when I had the idea to make his situation a bit more difficult.

I grabbed the bottle of suntan lotion from the patio next to my chair. I squirted some in my hands and started slowly rubbing it on my legs. Almost before I began, Nick started spraying himself with the hose. God, he was pathetic.

I decided to turn the screws a little more, while I was embarrassing him. I stood up and started rubbing the lotion all over my perfectly toned stomach. The hose was barely pausing in between blasts at that point. In the few seconds before Nick had another dirty thought about me, he was desperately trying to catch his breath. Just as he seemed to be getting a handle on his thoughts, I bent over to put lotion on my thighs, giving him a perfect view of my tits. He sprayed himself without relenting. It seemed to go on and on and on.

“Nick! Come over here please,” I called over to him, my voice falsely sweet. The hose stopped. He staggered over to me, soaked from head to toe. He looked embarrassed and miserable. I smiled at him. He was afraid to look anywhere except the ground in front of his feet.

I held the bottle of lotion out to him. “Would you get my back?” Nick obeyed and took it from me, but he seemed reluctant. He probably thought it was a trap and if he did he was right. “I want you to count every dirty, perv thought that pops into your head, ok?”

Nick nodded. I smiled at him and turned around so he could start. I pulled my hair off my back and onto my shoulder. From the sound of his heavy breathing I was sure I had just added one to his tally. He started rubbing the lotion onto my back, tentatively at first. His hands stayed up near my shoulders. No doubt he was terrified of going any lower. I hated the feeling of his hands on me, but it would be worth it to see his face when I doled out the ultimate punishment at the end of this. The best part was that Nick would only have himself to blame for the severity of the punishment. “Make sure you don’t miss a spot,” I told him.

I felt his hands jump down to the lower half of my back. He couldn’t help but obey me, even if he knew that rubbing his hands all over my lower back and getting so close to touching my ass would have him thinking a million dirty thoughts.

“Thanks so much, Nick,” I said, spinning around. I took the bottle from him and he went back to using all of his willpower to studying the ground. “So?” I asked, “Tell me how many.”

“Huh?” he said.

I couldn’t help but smile. This was the best part. “How many dirty thoughts did you have?”

“Oh, uh, seventeen,” he muttered. His cheeks were so red they were practically glowing.

“OK,” I said cheerily, “so that’s seventeen weeks where you can’t touch yourself or do anything to get yourself off.”

Nick’s mouth hung open. He was trying to find words, but coming up with nothing. “So if you want to come you’ll just have to find someone who wants to touch you. That shouldn’t be too tough, right?”

He sputtered, “Ashley, please! You can’t do this to me.”

I raised my eyebrows. Boys can be so dumb. “Did I say weeks? I meant months. I wonder how many women will want to touch your little dick in the next seventeen months.”

He looked horrified, “Ashley, please, please don’t do this. I am so sorry. I’ll never look at you again, I promise.”

I leaned in and whispered in his ear, “If you ever speak to me again, I’ll make it seventeen years.”

It seemed he was finally learning his lesson, because Nick only nodded to indicate that he understood. “Leave,” I ordered him. He scurried off inside, no doubt desperate to find out if he could still jerk off. He was probably going to spend weeks holed up in his room looking for a loophole that he was never going to find. Unless he learned how to be a normal person around women, it was going to be a very long year and a half for Nick.

Once he was gone, I tossed the bottle of lotion on the lounge chair and dove into the pool, happy for a chance to swim without feeling watched.
