My Life As A Host To A Slime Monster 02 – Slime Monster….My Boss? (fiction, F19, supernatural, monster)

I walked into the penthouse using the card I got from reception after being told to be here by 8am SHARP.

As I walked in I instantly stopped as my jaw dropped to the ground as I got to see what a *penthouse* actually looked like as it was MASSIVE.

It was like its own house.h

Scratch that you could probably fit my entire family house in this common area as it easily dwarfed my family’s common area.

The door closed behind me instantly making me jump as I looked behind me to find there was no one at the door.

The moment the door closed, and I jumped, I heard a voice coming from one of the rooms that was ahead of me and off to the left….I think.  The voice sounded feminine as it spoke, “Is that you Megan?”

I nearly shrilled, feeling terrified, “Ummm YES!!!”
 The feminine voice sounded cheery as it replied, “You’re early.  We like that.  We’ll be out in a second.”

I mumbled my reply but corrected myself as I spoke more loudly, “Ok,” like this was completely formal and I wasn’t speaking to a *monster*…..I don’t think anyways as I had never heard a monster before…..or seen one.  So I wasn’t too sure **what** to expect.  Though I did question the whole *we* like there was more than one person back there.  

I stood just beyond the door in the same spot unsure of what to do finding my spot comfy as I was close to the door able to bolt at a moments notice if the *monster* scared me and at the same time felt like I was going to dirty up this gorgeous luxurious penthouse that I’ve only seen on TV and in Movies.

Let me tell you being in the REAL thing is NOTHING compared to what the movies and TV make it seem like.

I looked around thinking that this room should be for royalty or something.  Maybe a big shot.  Or hell even a movie star.

Not a monster.

A monster I still haven’t seen yet as I was beginning to feel like the person at the company was pulling my leg and I was here for an ‘*Research Assistant*’ position instead of being food as a monster’s *host*.

Right when I felt like I was rambling in my head and feeling stupid for thinking so much I watched as a literal *Goddess* walked out of left room into THAT common area before walking into MY common area that I was standing frozen.

I blinked in shock to see a girl that looked no older than me walk out.  She had short wavy black hair and a body that even **I** wanted.

Not saying that I didn’t have a body….well nothing like **her**’s.  It was like every curve on her was right and perfect.  Like what a woman *should* look like.

None of these *flaws* bullshit that I saw in myself as I thought my ass was too flat or my flat stomach didn’t look right or how my left boob hung a millimeter or two lower than my right.  Or how my left nipple looked just slightly bigger than my right.  Or how my shoulders looked too right angled.  Or how my boobs looked off from the rest of my proportions.  Or how my hair always looked greasy no matter how much product I use to undo the greasy aspect and *god* how I would **LOVE** to have it bounce.  

No on this **girl** everything looked *perfect*.  Her light blue eyes looked like it could captivate people easily.

Hell even her fucking makeup looked perfect.

And don’t get me started on her clothes.

Guess my vision of this room being for royalty was right on the money as this woman portrayed *royalty*.

Even her bloody walk as she strode up to me looking like she was flowing and glided along an unseen path.

The woman walked up to me and extended a hand to me, “It’s SO good to *finally* meet you Megan.  Our name is Prime.”

*Did she just say ‘Prime’?*

*And did she just say ‘Our’?*

I held out my hand and spoke, “Uuuuhhhhh…..what?”

Prime smiled as she shook my hand, “Our name honey.  It’s *Prime*.”

*Is this some kind of pronoun thing that people do?*

I shrugged as I looked down expecting my hand to phase through her hand or something but felt nothing other than a person shaking my hand. 

A real life person…..not slime.

*Prime* held out her other hand, “Please sit so we can discuss.”

I meekly spoke, “Um…ok.”

And I followed her direction as I sat in a chair as she stood next to me smiling, “Would you like something to drink?  Water?  Tea perhaps?,” she got semi excited, “No wait!  I bet you’re a coffee person?”

I looked up at her confused at all the energy coming off the woman while I sat there not knowing what to do but somehow my mouth moved as I spoke, “Water is fine.”

Prime smiled at me, “You got it!”

She turned and moved off towards the massive kitchen until she got to the equally massive fridge and opened it.

She looked in the fridge before reaching in and retrieving a bottle of water.  She closed the fridge and walked back to me as her feet seemed like the floor moved just for her as her body barely bounced.

As she approached me she handed me the water, “Here you go deary,” before turning and walking over to the sofa and sat down as she folded her legs to the side and placed her hands in her lap.

Everything about her just screamed *regal*.

I looked down remembering I had been given water as I opened the bottle and proceeded to take a sip before setting it down on the table.

I watched as Prime just sat there smiling and waiting.  Once I put the water down she finally spoke, “So you ready to get this Interview over with deary?”

I smiled and nodded, “Yes please.”

*Prime* nodded and spoke, “So as I understand it your name is Megan Landers.  You were born in Boston, Massachusetts.  You are 19 years old.  Your parents moved from Boston to Zanesville, OH when you were 2 years old where you NOW reside.  You have two siblings George and Nicole.  Their ages are 15 and 8.  Your parents are Raymond Landers, father, age 47, works as a nurse.  Sarah Landers, maiden name Torrance, age 45, stay at home mother.  You’re the oldest and recently graduated from Zanesville High School.  GPA 2.1.”

*What the FUCK!!!  Did she do a background check on me?*

She smiled as she continued, “You applied to 27 different colleges all of whom have rejected you due to grades and bad test scores.  You then applied for financial aid but because your dad makes too much money you failed to acquire that.  So that turned you to looking for a job hoping to make money.  After applying to a total of 37 fast food chains, 19 restaurants chains, 42 gyms, 11 personal owned chains, and 3 movie theaters all of whom denied you employment.”

She tilted her head looking at me quizzically, “How am I doing?”

I blushed in complete embarrassment as *Prime* had listed out all my failures in such a short amount of time as I felt the word ‘*Loser*’ should be tattooed on my forehead or something.  I meekly spoke, “That sounds about right.”

Prime continued, “When your resume hit our system it also included all your failures all of whom that have denied you attached which **instantly** flagged our system and your resume was sent to us as a possible *Host* candidate.”

I blinked as she used that word….*host*.

I gulped, “So it is true?”

Prime tilted her head, “Is **what** true honey?”

I meekly spoke, “That **you**’re a….” I gulped again, “S-s-slime?”

Prime smiled, “That’s right.”

I heard another voice, “Stand up let **US** see what **we**’re working with.”

I quickly looked around wildly looking for the source of the voice as it sounded really really close but at the same time far away causing me to screech, “What was THAT?”

Prime leaned forward, “Relax sweetheart, that was just my sister asking to see your body.  Pay her no mind.”


I looked around to see if I could find Prime’s **sister**.

Prime lightly chuckled, “My my you **are** a twitchy one.  That is good.”

She leaned forward, “But please relax honey you have *nothing* to be afraid of.”

I looked her up and down, “But you don’t look like a slime.  Or even a monster.”

Prime sighed as she spoke, “You mean something like *this*?”

And in an instant Prime went from looking like a human being and quickly turned into a nearly clear being as her body AND clothes were now nearly see through as her body consisted of multiple colors.  Her legs were a transparent red as her groin was a transparent pink.  Her chest was this yellow color as her arms were purple.  And her head was completely blue.

The moment she changed from person to a completely rainbow see through being I jumped from my seat and landed on the seat as I held the back like I had just caught a mouse run by and traveled along my foot as I let out a mixture of ‘*What the FUCK!*’ and my loudest highest pitch shrill all at once.

And in that instant I now knew that there truly were monsters out in the world.  For if this *slime* was possible what other flavors of monsters lurked out there?

I watched as I could actually **see** Prime rolled her eyes in the semi clear blue liquid as she sighed before turning back into a human being and her clothes returned to their color looking completely physical again.  Prime spoke after the change, “Relax Megan.  Like I said **we**’re not here to harm you in **any** way.”

She motioned with her hands, “You can sit like a normal person.”

I shakenly spoke, “Y-y-you’re s-s-sure?”
Prime nodded with a smile, “Yes *we*’re sure.  **WE**want you completely comfortable with the situation before we make final judgement.”

I heard a semi deeper voice speak, “Though at this moment we’ll take a willing duck.”

Prime instantly spoke, “Hush!!!”

I looked at Prime weirdly as she smiled sweetly at me before I started to unfurl myself from my imaginary box I created on the seat to put myself in as I slowly started sitting in the chair like a normal person.

I felt my voice shake, “S-so y-y-you’re a monster?”

Prime nodded, “Sure am.”

My voice continued to tremble, “A-and t-t-t-there are o-o-other m-m-m-m-monsters out there?”

Prime looked at me and nodded, “Yep.”

I looked at her as I was feeling like I was getting control of my voice again, “So like Dragons?  Trolls?  Faeries?  They’re ALL **real**?”

Prime looked at me as she nodded, “Yep!”

I blinked in astonishment, “**How**??”

Prime tilted her head, “How what honey?”

I spoke, “How have we humans missed that monsters STILL exist?”

Prime smiled, “Simple….misdirection.”

I blinked at her answer like it made sense to her but in NO WAY did that make sense to me.

Prime waved at me, “But enough HOW monsters exist, what matters most is **why** you are here.  And that’s to be **OUR** host.”

I sat there wanting to ask more questions but it was obvious Prime didn’t feel like explaining that….at least not now.  What SHE…..Wait!

Is she really a *she*?

I mean **she** did say her *sisters*.  Meaning there was more than ONE of them.

Was that WHY there were so many colors on her body when she went all see through?

I sighed as the complexity of all these questions just made my brain hurt.

I nodded, “Right.”

Prime leaned forward, “Is there *any* questions you want to ask before **we** make our determination?”

Another voice spoke, “You of course get a say in whether you want to be our host or not.”

Prime spoke, “Yes that’s true.”

I shook my head, “Can you please stop having so many voices?  It’s disconcerting.”  I looked at her, “And it’s NOT helping my nerves.”

The same voice spoke, “Sorry.  I’ll shut up now.”

Another deeper voice spoke, “Ditto.”

I shouted, “STOP!!!”

Just then Prime went completely still as I sat there panting.

After a few minutes of me panting I looked at her as she now looked like a statue which made it more creepy.  I looked at her, “What?”

Prime spoke, “You said stop so we stopped.”

I sighed before I remembered she said I could ask questions.  I looked at her, “You said I could ask questions?”

Prime looked at me before her smile was back and nodded.

I spoke, “So let me get this straight **you** want **me** to be your *host*?”

Prime nodded.

I continued, “So you can feed?”

Prime nodded again.

I spoke, “But you’re not gonna feed ON me?”

Prime blinked as I continued, “I mean you’re not gonna eat me completely where there’s nothing left of me?  Meaning I’ll be dead….what’s left of me I mean.”

Prime blinked, “Oh no!  We haven’t done that since we grew a conscious.  I mean yes before we ATE people ALL the way through and anything we could absorb.  But now we feed **without** absorbing the host.”

I blinked, “Ok how do **you** feed?”

Prime perked up, “Oh. I,” she pointed to her head and made herself turn a translucent blue…just her head, “feed on the brain.  Specifically synapse firing.  The more your brain’s synapses fire the more I feed.”

She smiled wildly, “My favorite is when your little human brains fire wildly during coitus is my favorite dish.”

I blinked as I spoke, “So you EAT my brain?  Won’t that kill me?”

Prime spoke, “Oh gods no I don’t eat the brain.  More like drink when you think.  I don’t take away and decline the brain.  If anything I help reinforce it and help restructure it so it’ll fire more so I can feed.  Think of it as when I’m done you’ll be ten times smarter than you are now.”

She smirked, “And when you have coitus during your <O> when ALL your synapses fire is when I really feed.”

I blinked, “Ooookkkk… you won’t eat my brain?”

Prime shook her head.

I continued, “And your….sister’s?”

Prime looked at me, “I thought you told them to shut up?”

I rubbed the bridge of my nose, “But YOU can tell me what they do can’t you?”

Prime perked up, “Oh!  Right!”

Prime pointed to her upper torso as it turned yellow, “This one LOVES your digestion.  So when you eat she eats though I’ll admit she can get rampant forcing you to eat more.”

I sighed, “Great sounds like she’ll make me fat.”

Prime chuckled, “Actually SHE will ramp up your metabolism and will eat with you in your stomach so you can eat a truck load in one sitting. In reality you’ll probably keep 10% of the food while SHE eats the rest.”

She smiled, “She’s a glutton like that but at least you can eat all day long and not gain a single ounce.”

I mused that one over and actually thought that was pretty fucking handy.  I mean aside from eating like a pig from the sounds of it.

Prime pointed to the next body part as she pointed to her groin as it turned pink, “She loves sexual energy so she’ll feed when you have sex.”

I leaned back, “Ok HOW does she benefit me?”

Prime smiled, “You mean aside from also absorbing the fluid when a guy cums in you?”

I rolled my eyes, “Yes.”  Though in my mind the prospect of not really getting pregnant IF this sister absorbed all of the guy’s cum was kind of beneficial.  Though I did have a contraception called the O Plug which is kind of a moot point.  

Plus I actually **enjoyed** when a guy came in me as it felt amazing so hearing this slime will eat the cum means I’ll no longer feel that.  Though it’s been a minute since the last time I had sex so there’s that.  

Prime spoke, “Well she’ll restructure your erogenous zones to be more sensitive so she can drink more of that energy.”

I leaned back, “Sounds like she’ll EAT my orgasms.  Which is no fun so what’s the point of having sex?”

I watched as Prime’s groin jiggled as Prime herself laughed, which by the way looked really **really** weird but Prime got herself under control as she spoke, “Think of her riding the orgasm **with** you.  You experience every bit of it as she’ll also experience every bit of it.”

I sighed, “Ok, any OTHER benefits from THAT sister?”

Prime looked down at the pink as if they were having a conversation before Prime looked up at me, “She tells me that she would be VERY beneficial in ALL aspects of your reproductive organs.”

I sighed as I thought it over.  I mean it would be cool to be smarter after all this.  And be skinny.  And now possibly stronger orgasms.

I really wasn’t seeing the downsides so far.

I looked at her, “What else?”

Prime nodded as she continued as she pointed to her legs which turned red, “She loves blood flow but won’t eat or drink your blood.  She just drinks on the current or flow of your blood traveling through your system.  If there’s any blockage or viruses she’ll quickly kill them faster than your white blood cells can and strengthen your heart so you’ll pump your blood better.”

She pointed to her arms as they turned purple, “She loves your muscle structure so the more you move you muscles the more she feeds on that energy.  So if You were to work out for five hours solid there wouldn’t be any fatigue meaning you could run longer or work out harder.  She will also more or less be strengthening your entire muscle structure,” Prime held her own breasts and moved them up and down, “Including firming these up.”  She smiled, “She’s weird like that.”

So now I don’t have to worry about sicknesses AND I could beef up.  Is that what I was hearing?

And I *FINALLY* get perky tits?

Man all these *Slimes* were more beneficial and were all about the pros.

But there had to be a con.  Right?

I spoke, “Are there ANY downsides?”

Prime frowned, “Actually there *kind of* is.”

I sighed, “I knew it.  What is it?”

Prime spoke, “Well once WE,” she waved at her whole body, “go into you and you become **OUR** host we kind of take over your body while you take the back seat if you will.”

I leaned forward, “What???”

Prime quickly spoke, “But don’t worry **WE** will take GOOD care of your body and seeing how **I** will be taking over your brain as it will be YOU and I will be more or less partners in your head.  We can communicate at all times.  You experience everything WE do to you.”

I sighed, “And what will WE be doing?”

Prime smiled, “Running Skrimsli Inc of course.  We are the CEO’s of the company.”

She folded her arms, “How else do you think WE plan on PAYING you so much money?”



  1. Noice.
    Where does this all come from? I mean with AFS after SSC i was concerned that both storys get neglected a little. But now there are like what ? 5 ?! Storys simultaneously and we still get an update to most of them every few days.

    I draw my (imaginary) hat (dunno if that is correct in english, in german it makes sense)

  2. Another Great beginning to a new story!! Can’t wait to read the next instalment!!

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