[FFFFF/M] Cabin of the Raging Blizzard: Part 1 – Sweet and Sour.

A while ago I messed around with the concept on some other subreddits, but I feel that the idea has lost its power, so I will put it here as memory of a great idea now losing strength. I still like the idea, I just can’t think of anything new to add. If you have any questions or requests, please say so! I would be glad to add them in if they make sense


You were hiking up a mountain. It was the end of December, and you wanted to see the new year sunset from high up. Unfortunately, it took a dark turn, and you ended up in a violent blizzard. Cold and desperate, you kept travelling, your knuckles going white in the expanse of snow.

You finally found your saving grace, a large cabin out in the mountains. It looked cozy, so you trudged through the snow, and finally made your way to the door. However, it was locked, so you desperately knocked in an attempt to get in. If nobody answered, you would be dead for sure. Luckily, somebody did.

“Fuck off. No space for extras.” A short, silver haired girl looks down on you, though not by much, even though she had a significantly higher surface. “We won’t survive long like this, convince me you are worth letting in.”

You fumble in your jacket for something of negotiable worth, and pull out a few bags of cold homemade pasta that your mother gave you before you left. The girl sighs, and lets you in. “Fine, but don’t disturb Ryoko. She would have taken the pasta and booted you down the mountain. I consider life as a statistic, she considers it a nuisance.” She shuts the door behind you and sits in an old rocking chair, dusting off an old book on the side. “Also don’t do anything without me saying so. I plan to survive, and you, having served your purpose, are not worth much to anybody. Sit quietly, make yourself useful, and do not eat anything.”

You nod at her, before glancing the sub-par fire, mere embers on some small twigs. After standing up, you notice another girl outside the window. She was wearing lighter clothing, and she seemed pale, but her scarf was beautiful, and she had a determined look on her face. She stumbled through the door that had not been locked behind you, and lands on the floor, shivering.

The silver haired girl waves you away and drags the scarf girl to a seat, then shuts the door on you. You wait outside for about ten minutes, anxiously awaiting the girl’s safe return. Eventually, she opens the door and limps out. “Hey, sorry I worried you. I apologise. My name is Kenzen. I spoke to the silver haired girl, Aoi was it? She told me I could stay because I was good at making things. My hands are really nimble, but that doesn’t mean much while I am shivering. She told me to help you find some firewood. ‘Make the pair of you useful’ she said. She isn’t very nice.”

After Kenzen had appeared, you felt a lot better. Aoi and Ryoko were intimidating, this girl was a nice change of pace! “Let’s ’ember-k’ on this quest to find firewood!” Kenzen giggled, and took big strides around the house, still shivering.

You find a small room at the back of the house, it seemed to be a storage room, about the size of a small garage. You and Kenzen shuffle around for a bit, trying to find firewood, then suddenly you prick your hand on something. You look at your hand and notice that your finger is bleeding a bit. You let out a small yelp of pain, and Kenzen gets worried. “Oh my god! It’s bleeding really bad!” She looks around worriedly, then tears a neat rectangular shred from her dress, and wraps it around your finger. It was quickly stained red, but it stayed there.

Aoi burst into the room and frantically looked around. “What did you hurt yourself on? I need to see it!” She reaches in to the crevice that Kenzen pointed at. She pulled out a hatchet, which she inspected thoroughly and intensely, then sighed. She shook her head and walked away, frowning, dodging the question when you asked what her panicking was about.

Kenzen sighed when Aoi left, but as you were just beginning to calm down, Kenzen’s face drained of colour once more. She looked behind you at an ominous figure, and when you turned you notice that she was a tall, slender, yet mature looking woman. Her deep piercing gaze could not be mistaken. Aoi had warned you, but nothing she said could amount to the aggressive aura present around this woman. You knew exactly who this was. It had to be Ryoko.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vt1e8q/fffffm_cabin_of_the_raging_blizzard_part_1_sweet