Prom Story 3.1

Part 3 is getting a bit long, so here’s the first half. Hope you enjoy!

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

Will watched Becca approach his SUV again. This time however, she was the Becca he knew well. Her prom dress was replaced with a simple white tank top and short blue jean shorts. As she got closer, Will noted with excitement that she wasn’t wearing a bra, and her nipples were easily visible through the white fabric.

Becca opened the door and hopped in the passenger seat. Before Will had a chance to speak, she pulled him into a slow, passionate kiss. Will’s hands found her neck and back, and his head once again spun as Becca’s tongue caressed his own.

After what may have been only moments, but felt like hours, Becca broke their kiss. “Hey,” she said smiling broadly.

“Hey,” Will replied. He felt lost for words. The beautiful girl he had spent the previous night with was still here. Still happy to see him. “Sleep well?” He managed to ask, after several seconds of pleasurable silence between them.

“I slept like a baby,” Becca smiled and leaned back in her seat as she said it. “Probably something to do with all those orgasms.”

Will felt his cock jump in his pants at her mention of the previous night.

“You?” Becca asked, still looking deeply satisfied next to him.

“Kinda,” Will replied. “I didn’t fall asleep til it was getting light outside.” Becca gave him a questioning look, so Will supplied “too excited.”

Becca smiled broadly again, “you’re so cute. I can’t believe you couldn’t sleep because of me.”

“I’ve liked you for ages,” Will exclaimed, adding emphasis to the last two syllables.

“I’m really glad we figured it out last night then.” Becca’s voice was soft and sweet; Will felt himself melting into the seat at her words.

“Still want to fuck me up the ass?” Becca’s change in tone was dramatic, and Will was afraid he might cum from her question alone. He nodded hesitantly, scarcely believing her enthusiasm at the idea.

“Let’s get some lube then. I found a sex shop called Pleasures. Looks like an interesting place. We can get the lube, and then have some fun shopping around if we like.”

Will quickly found the store Becca had chosen in maps, and moved to put his car in gear before Becca stopped him.

“Pull your dick out, I said I’d suck it on the way,”

“Wasn’t sure you were serious,” Will said with a slightly nervous laugh, quickly pulling his already semi-erect cock out of his pants.

“I would never lie to you about this,” Becca teased, and quickly leaned over the center console and took his shaft into her mouth.

Will took a moment to savor the feeling of her warm mouth around him once more, before finally starting the quick drive to Pleasures.

He was amazed he managed to navigate the city streets during the day with Becca’s head enthusiastically bobbing up and down on his lap. At a long stop light, Will quickly shoved his hand down the back of her pants, and squeezed the soft flesh of Becca’s ass.

Will felt his orgasm approach as he pulled into a parking spot at Pleasures.

“I’m going to cum,” he whispered. To his surprise, Becca immediately pulled her mouth away from his dick.

“I want you so horny you can hardly resist tearing my clothes off in there,” Becca whispered back. Will knew at once she would get her wish. He wanted nothing more than to slide inside her and experience the orgasm she had just denied him.

Without another word, Becca exited the vehicle into the warm sun. Will quickly concealed his erection and followed her.

The parking lot was nearly deserted. The only two cars were Will’s old SUV, and a heavily modified Subaru WRX that he paused to admire for a moment before quickly turning his attention back to his new girlfriend.

“Come on,” she said eagerly. He could tell Becca was genuinely excited to explore the dingy, windowless store in front of them.

Will quickly moved to hold the door for Becca, and took a shameless glance at her ass before following her inside.

The inside of the shop could not have been more different from the outside. Bright colors were everywhere. Vibrant, displays of porn, sex toys, and costumes filled every corner of the expansive room.

“Hey, welcome in,” a female voice called from behind the counter. A young woman with dark blue hair was walking out from behind the service desk to greet them.

She was short and petite, with numerous piercings and tattoos. Will stared for a moment, appreciating the young woman as she walked towards them. She was wearing shorts so short Will was certain they could not possibly cover her ass, and a top of material so thin, it did nothing to conceal her small, pert breasts with obviously pierced nipples.

“I’m Kiley,” the woman said in a deep voice. “Anything I can help you out with today?”

Will forced his eyes away from Kiley’s perky tits, staring instead at his girlfriend as she spoke.

“We’re looking for some lube.” Becca said. Will noticed her breasts bounce slightly as she spoke.

“Well we’ve got plenty of that, what kind are you looking for?” Will allowed himself to look back at Kiley as she spoke. He wondered briefly why she had even bothered to wear a shirt. The thin, pink material clung perfectly to every curve of her tits, leaving virtually nothing to the imagination.

“Uhh…” Becca suddenly sounded less sure of herself. “Whatever we need for anal?”

Kiley smiled knowingly, and said “I’ve got just what you need, follow me.” She turned around, and Will was pleased to see his thoughts about the length of her shorts proven correct. At least the bottom third of Kiley’s ass was exposed, and he watched the slight bounce as she led them to a shelf full of tiny bottles and tubes.

Kiley selected a small, clear bottle and handed it to Becca, who stared at it for a second. “So it won’t hurt with this?”

Will could hear the nerves in her voice, and suddenly became aware that he had done nothing but stare at the two women since they arrived.

“We’ll go slow, and if it hurts we’ll stop.” Will said reassuringly.

Kiley smiled approvingly, and added, “if your partner has that attitude, you’ll be just fine. Just take your time, and don’t be skimpy with the lube.”

Becca nodded, Will could sense her unease, and asked a question he hoped wasn’t too far out of line, “have you ever used it?”

Kiley responded as though he had asked about the weather, ‘oh yeah, it’s my go-to. Always did just fine with this, and butt stuff is definitely not my thing. I don’t even really enjoy a tongue back there.”

“You definitely enjoy a tongue back there,” Will whispered to Becca in a voice loud enough Kiley could hear.

“And a finger or two,” Becca hissed back.

“Oh you’ll be fine then.” Kiley said confidently. If you can enjoy fingers, you’ll enjoy a dick too. I always kind of suffered through anal, but I bet you’ll actually enjoy it”

Becca seemed more confident now. Will felt his pants tightening at the thought of entering the tight asshole he had licked and fingered the night before.

“So, umm… if you don’t mind me asking, why did you suffer through it? If butt stuff isn’t your thing?” Becca asked.

“I was an escort for a few years,” Kiley replied without a shred of embarrassment. Will was staring at Becca and could see her interest pique immediately.

“Hard to say no to a paying client?” Will inquired for his girlfriend. Unsure if his question was out of line.

“I actually did say no for a long time, but one night I was drunk, and a client asked how much to fuck me in the ass. I said $1000, thinking it would shut him up. Instead, he pulled out $1000 cash, and a bottle of lube, so this little butt got fucked.” Kiley grabbed her own ass with both hands to emphasize her point.

Will and Becca both stared silently for a minute, before Will hastily said, “sorry if that was out of line…” he began.

“Not at all!” Kiley quickly cut him off. “I’m not ashamed of my time in that line of work. I had some fun, made a ton of money, and moved on.”

“Do you miss it?” It was Becca’s turn to ask a question.

“Nah,” Kiley began. “I left because I wanted to enjoy sex again. Even sex for fun was starting to feel like work, and that sucked. Plus there’s no way I could charge what I was looking like this.”

“What do you mean by that?” Will was genuinely confused as he found the blue haired woman practically irresistible in his current state of frustration.

“Guys paying over a grand a night don’t want blue hair, tattoos and tons of piercings. They want the girl next door with all hair removed below the eye brows.”

“That makes sense,” Will thought aloud. The fact that men had once paid such a large amount of a night of this girl’s time was undeniably fascinating. “The blue hair works for you, though,” Will added, hoping to seem less horny than he was.

“Thanks, I just did it last night,” Kiley said with a smile, grabbing the ends of her hair and looking at them. “I dyed my bush too,” she added flippantly.

Once again, Will felt his cock spasm in his pants. Fortunately, he was spared the need to speak by Becca who quickly and incredulously asked, “your pubes are blue too?”

Kiley giggled, clearly very pleased with herself. “Fuck yeah they are, check it out.” Without warning, she unbuttoned her shorts, and pulled them down far enough to reveal a dense triangle of dark blue curls. Will could feel his erection straining against his pants as he stared. He stole a glance at Becca, who was just as transfixed by the site before them.

After a few seconds, the store phone rang, “ahh shit, one sec.” Kiley buttoned her pants, and ran to the front desk to answer the call.

Will and Becca shared a look as Kiley ran off. “Holy shit,” Becca whispered to him.

“I know,” Will replied. The two of them laughed together for a moment, before Becca pulled him into a deep kiss. Will’ hands quickly found her ass, and his cock pressed into her stomach.

After a few seconds, Becca broke their kiss, and whispered in Will’s ear, “I’m so wet, I can’t wait for you to fuck me later.”

“I could always fuck you right here, pretty sure that girl would be into it,” Will responded.

The pair laughed together again. Will’s desire to tear off her clothes was becoming overwhelming, but he was forced to admit that the sex shop had proven to be a fun activity together.

After a few more seconds, Kiley rejoined them. “Did y’all come in for anything else?” She asked, “I don’t mean to just linger…”

“You’re cool!” Becca quickly cut her off, “linger as much as you want.”

“Sweet, you two are just the first cool people to come in all day. It’s mostly been dirty old men, trying to subtly ask if a $10 tip is enough for me to show them my tits.” Kiley made a face as she finished speaking.

“Gross,” Will said simply.

“Yeah, like go to the strip club dude. That’s where I’d be if I wanted to make money taking off my clothes.” Kiley rolled her eyes as she spoke. “These tits are just for fun now,” she added, groping herself as if to make a point.

“They do look like fun,” Becca said slyly. Will gave her ass a playful pinch in response.

Kiley giggled, “Thanks. They are fun.”

“I can do a whole lot better than $10 to see them.” Will stared at his girlfriend as she spoke, hardly daring to believe his ears.

Kiley smirked, Will could tell she was enjoying herself, “oh yeah, what’s your offer?” she asked.

“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” Will felt as though he might fall over when Becca spoke.

“Ooh that’s a good deal,” Kiley said, turning her attention from her own breasts, to Becca’s. “Fuck yeah, is your boyfriend allowed to see?”

“Oh yeah,” Becca smiled at Will as she spoke. “I can only torture him so much. I sucked his dick on the way over, but didn’t let him finish.”

Will felt his cheeks burn red. Kiley giggled again before she spoke, “That’s amazing. Wanted to do the sex shop all hot and bothered?”

“That was the idea,” Becca confirmed.

“Well it seems like it worked,” Kiley teased Will, who felt his cheeks grow red again. “Don’t be embarrassed, dude!” she added hastily as she noticed Will blush. “You’re not the only one who’s turned on, I promise.” Kiley leaned close to his ear to whisper “my panties are definitely getting wet. I can’t wait to see your girlfriend’s tits.”

“Definitely not,” Becca chimed in. “So, is that a yes to my boobs idea?”

“I’m down. Let’s go in one of the changing rooms though. You don’t need your boobs on security camera.”

“No I don’t,” Becca agreed.

The three walked the short distance to the row of changing rooms. Kiley opened the door, and motioned them inside, closing the door behind them.

The tiny room was just large enough for the three of them to fit inside. For what felt like the hundredth time in the past 12 or so hours, Will could hardly believe his luck, staring at the two beautiful girls pressed into the tiny room with him.

“I guess I’ll go first,” Becca said, and pulled her shirt over her head, tossing it aside. Though he had seen her breasts the night before, Will was just as dumbstruck to see her perfect tits, capped with those beautiful, strawberry nipples.

“Wow…” Kiley’s voice indicated he was not the only one in awe of Becca. “those are amazing. Becca blushed pink, but smiled nonetheless.

“Do you mind?” Kiley asked, moving her hand to cup Becca’s left breast.

“As long as Will’s ok,” was Becca’s response. Both girls looked at him, Will was lost for words, and could only nod enthusiastically, unsure why he would object to a beautiful girl playing with his beautiful girlfriend’s perfect tits.

Kiley smiled widely as she cupped Becca’s left breast. Becca’s eyes closed and she moaned softly as Kiley kneaded the heavy flesh, and rolled the nipple between her thumb and forefinger.

Will resolved to not be left out, and leaned forward to take Becca’s other nipple into his mouth. Becca gave a high pitched moan as he did.

Out of the corner of his eye, Will saw Kiley move to suck on Becca’s nipple. The two of them sucked and groped his girlfriend as she moaned. Will was certain he might cum at any moment.

After a few more seconds, Kiley at last released Becca’s nipple from her mouth. “I think it’s my turn.” She said slyly. Will quickly removed his mouth from Becca’s nipple, and turned to face Kiley. His hand quickly found Becca’s ass as he stared at the smaller girl.

Kiley smiled as she slowly unbuttoned the top she was wearing. Without hesitation, she discarded the garment, revealing her small chest to Will and Becca. She had an intricate tattoo between her small tits, and a small, bright silver piercing through each nipple. Her breasts were small, and amazingly perky. Will immediately wanted to suck and squeeze her, but stopped himself from groping a stranger.

“Aww, I know they’re little, but my tits need love too!” Kiley chided them. Will and Becca exchanged a look before both reaching out to grab one of Kiley’s tits. Will gently pinched and rolled the pierced nipple between his fingers, and enjoyed the small, perky orb of flesh in his hand.

Will again felt he might cum in his shorts as he saw Becca lean forward to suck on Kiley’s nipple. His girlfriend suckled nervously at first, but then passionately, drawing moans from the small woman with blue hair. Will continued to squeeze Kiley’s tit, staring at the beautiful sight in front of him.

He moved his other hand to caress Becca’s ass, over her shorts first, but quickly sliding his hand into her pants to touch the soft skin of her butt.

“Fuck me,’ he heard Kiley say breathlessly. Will looked away from Becca’s ass long enough to see his girlfriend slip a hand into Kiley’s pants, and the smaller girl moan with pleasure as Becca began to finger her pussy.

Will reluctantly removed his hand from Kiley’s perky tits, and positioned himself behind Becca. He reached around to unbutton her shorts, and quickly slid them down her shapely legs, revealing her soft, pale ass. Will took a moment to caress her, considering his next move. He briefly considered sliding his cock into the pussy he knew was dripping wet, but instead settled for kneeling behind her. Will parted her buttocks, and pressed his tongue to her tight puckered asshole.

He heard Becca moan loudly as his tongue began to slide over her most private hole. “He’s eating my ass,” she whispered to Kiley, who kissed Becca in response.

“We should go upstairs,” Kiley managed to say.

“What’s upstairs?” Will heard Becca reply. He could tell she was still pumping a finger within Kiley’s pussy.

“My apartment…” Kiley began, before she was overtaken by pleasure, “oh god, I’m cumming,”

Will could hear Becca finger her frantically. The sounds of her wet pussy were delicious, and Will licked more eagerly at Becca’s asshole.

Kiley moaned in a deep, husky voice as her orgasm overtook her. “Oh my god…” she said breathlessly. “that was amazing.”

“My first time making a girl cum,” Becca said nervously, as she withdrew her hand from Kiley’s pants. Will stood up behind his girlfriend, his hands still on her hips.

Two of Becca’s fingers were coated in Kiley’s juices. Will pulled her hand towards him, and slid a finger onto his tongue, savoring Kiley’s sweet, musky taste.

The sex shop employee seemed to regain her composure. “My apartment is upstairs. I have a king size bed. It’s a way better spot for a threesome, or whatever else we want to do.”

Becca looked back at Will. She wore the same look of apprehension and excitement that Will knew he felt.

“I’m down if you are,” his girlfriend whispered to him.

“Let’s go,” Will said, his heart nearly beating out of his chest.

“Sweet, let me just close the shop, the owners will never know” Kiley spoke as she grabbed her top, and quickly buttoned it enough to conceal her wonderfully perky tits.

“You sure you’re cool with this?” Becca asked him now that they were alone. She hastily put her clothes back on as she spoke.

“Fuck yes, I am” Will said breathlessly. The smile he saw on Becca’s face was nearly enough to send him over the edge.

“Great. Me too.” Will could hear the excitement in her voice. “Don’t hold back, ok? You should definitely fuck her too.”

Kiley conveniently reappeared, as Becca encouraged him, “yeah, definitely down for some dick,” she said with a wink, “shop is closed, let’s go upstairs.”

Will and Becca followed Kiley, Will’s eyes were fixed on her ass as she led them through a door labeled “Private” up a narrow staircase, and through her front door.

Kiley’s apartment was small, but stylish and cozy. Will scarcely had a moment to look around before he noticed the sight in front of him.

Kiley was quickly and unceremoniously removing her clothes. She tossed her top aside, and swiftly pulled down her shorts, to reveal her tight, smooth ass.

“This is my place,” Kiley said as she turned around. Will stared at her nude body, allowing his eyes to linger on her pierced nipples and her dark blue, untamed bush. “If y’all still want to do this, my bedroom is right through there…”
