[28F, 25m, 30F] Bitchboi Academy: The Doctor, the bitch, the Mistress

The driveway felt cold on my bare feet as I got into the car. I felt a sense of dread. Iknew earlier that day I was less than ideal for my dominant. As she sat next to me, a smile broke out on her face. I noticed her makeup, immaculately applied as always. Something was wrong. I couldn’t deserve an outing after what I had done. My breath quickened as her smile grew wider

She started the car.

I asked “what’s going on Goddess”. Nothing came from her but silence, and a slight wink that made me slightly unsettled. I searched for a way to respectfully find out more, but nothing came. I certainly didn’t want to be more of a bother, especially because I figured we were headed to one of her friends. She would often punish me with manual labor, and I certainly deserved it this time.

Clearly reading my expression, she laughed and said “We’re just headed to a…date”

So there it was, Mistress OWNER was driving us to a date night, which surprised me because i thought i was in trouble for my earlier misbehavior

Clearly her definition of date was something other than mine, I thought, as She turned a corner and arrived at some huge building.

I saw some people approaching, seemingly in some sort of uniform. I looked at her pleadingly.

Her black lips rose in a smirk as some strong tall women helped her out of her car and grabbed me by my leash. When we entered, there was a lounge and waiting area where sissies in visible chastity, hose, dresses and wigs served wine to all the women waiting in chairs

Other guys were there too on the floor next to them. We did the same and as Mistress was enjoying her wine, a lady looking like a nurse called her name and invited her through a locked door, where different rooms opened into a hallway. It looked very clean but very secure as the lock clicked behind us.

They walked her up the steps and dragged me behind into an office where a stern looking but attractive person waited behind a desk. She was wearing a silver pantsuit with black leather boots. Afraid and not knowing what to do, i curl up close to Mistress’ boots. The title on her desk said “Dr. [NAME]”

I sat behind my desk, organizing my papers and files. Miranda came in to let me know our newest client had arrived. “Bring her back at once!” There were others waiting, clearly, but OWNER had a more desperate case on her hands, and I had promised we would fast track the process for her if she came in right away. Though to be honest, her case was not altogether unusual, hopeless, or particularly serious, in the scheme of things. But there was just something about her voice on the phone…and her offer to pay 2 weeks upfront in cash…that had me intrigued. I opened the appropriate file and looked up just as OWNER entered the room. Behind her, and soon at her feet, was a particularly fearful looking sub. “Thank you for coming so promptly! I do hope you enjoyed your brief wait.” I gestured to the wine glass in her hand. Stepping out from behind my desk, I circled around her, eyeing her sub closely. “So this is what you’ve brought us today…I sympathize. This one will need a lot of work.” I tugged on the leash, forcing the face to look at me. “Now you remember the guarantee I told you about? We have the best team in the nation here at this facility, but just in case this one is beyond correction, you will not be left empty-handed.” I laughed at this thought…the thought of us somehow failing. It was a deep, powerful laugh. “We are brilliant…your case is in good hands.”

“Hello… what’s going on…” i looked at the person tugging my leash and was wondering what could have been happening. The smile on Mistress face and the comfortable way she laughed along with this clearly confident, professional looking person led me to believe it was something she had been planning and considering for a long time. Still, the humiliation and reality of her so comfortable with this, not telling me anything and just talking about me to this person was really intense. I opened my mouth and repeated the question to OWNER after this person simply smiled, attached what looked like a battery pack with two prongs to my collar, and slapped my face with a smirk between their lips

She produced a remote from their breast pocket and handed it to Shann

I on to look at. It had a few buttons

Labeled shock, track, and talk, along with a few i couldn’t see.

Filled with nervousness especially when neither answered, i lowered my head as this person began to explain the process of moving me into the academy and everything involved

I smiled as its questions went unanswered and moved closer to OWNER. Pulling out the remote, I handed it to her, my hand lingering just slightly as it met hers. Something about the way she carried herself, the way she spoke, the way she smelled, was quite alluring. And the smile that lit up her face as I explained our process…I was quite glad I had rushed this case through.

“So you’ll have full, 24/7 access to our live feeds…but remember that those are only in certain rooms. We can’t reveal all of our secrets. You will receive a report from me or one of my trainers everyday. … Now you have my phone number and email address…you are free to contact me for updates as you please.” With that last sentence I almost surprised myself. I have staff to field these types of inquiries for me. But something about OWNER made me want to be her main contact at the academy. I was already viewing her case as a special one. She would receive our VIP treatment. Which in turn of course meant her property would undergo our most comprehensive and intensive rehabilitation and reform procedures. I smiled, slyly this time. Secretly I couldn’t wait to get started. “It’s time now to give any last orders. In a moment Miranda will return to take you on a tour of our facility. She will obtain additional information from you about your case and process your payment at this time. Meanwhile…” I looked sternly at her property before me. “…I will begin the intake process with this one.”

I was hoping to receive some information about the situation…but hearing the way things were going i almost gasped. Mistress realized my behavior had been bad, but i never expected this kind of situation. I understood now why she had me sign those papers for “my own good”.

I looked at OWNER desperately to beg her to reconsider, but her face was focused intently on this professional who was speaking, and when the time came to receive any last orders, i was already in somewhat of a haze. While I was still nerve wracked, i couldn’t help but notice in greater detail OWNER’s gaze and the counselor or whoever’s smile in exchange.

And my eyes were, against my better judgement and even my pride, drawn to this person’s black, stylish but strong looking boots, her slightly shiny, silky looking suit…and the commanding posture she adopted, while speaking so sweetly and almost flirtatiously about the many things i would go through

I needed to focus. I tried opening my mouth again but nothing came out.

Suddenly the voice of my Mistress floated to me

“I don’t have much to tell him that you and these amazing people won’t drill into his head, but I wish to see that he’ll do his part and begin respecting the person now deciding his fate. Look at me for a few seconds, then turn around and kiss her ass, bitch. I’ll watch for a while, but by the time she’s said you can stop I’ll be entertaining myself in the control room watching you, or maybe even back home”

I stifled a beg i knew wouldn’t do any good, soaked in a long good look, the longest few seconds I’d seen my goddess. She looked even more beautiful and dominant as she mockingly made a kissing face and pointed to the person behind me

I wrenched my head away, barely able to move it, with so many conflicting emotions. I should run after Mistress and beg her. No… she’s planned this out and this person probably has security and planning for that…

I should try and talk and maybe convince this other person… but they clearly want to do this… enjoy it…

What should I do? Suddenly, almost hating myself for doing so, the thought of that suit came into my mind. Even though Mistress was right there, about to leave me to god knows what that she approves of, wants, will enjoy from the comfort of her couch…

I could still not drive away the image…

Or how strangely excited i felt by this person…

I wrenched myself away, began crawling towards them, and watched a huge smile on their face turn away from me as they bent slightly and i heard a commanding voice say “you heard her. Quite a pathetic and humiliating last task to do for your Mistress” as i began kissing each cheek, savoring the silk, the soft creases in the back pockets, and wishing I could just go home with Mistress and reproaching myself for enjoying the worship which would end in my captivity.

After a few minutes, a hand shoved my face backwards and i found myself looking up at the person, who was now smiling in a very devious manner.

They walked back over to their desk, their boots clicking loudly on the polished floor, and motioned for me to kneel in front. I looked back at the door my wife was standing in just a few minutes ago. It was now closed. Seeing this, the person smiled and said “I think she’s well on her way through the tour by now, probably getting pampered at our servicing suite. You, on the other hand, need to start your intake process with me. As you may have seen in the lobby, we have a strong belief in chastity here at the academy” I instantly became very nervous and made a move to try to get to the door, as the person turned around for a second while removing their suit jacket. I knew escape would be difficult but I had to try. Despite the rush of submissive feelings i experienced…i knew if i had a chance to get back with Mistress before i was led in i should take it

The ass kisses were mediocre at best, but the smile on OWNER’s face as her property submitted to her last orders pleased me greatly. I waved a friendly goodbye as Miranda ushered her out to begin the tour. The door, of course, closed silently, as it had been constructed to do. OWNER’s property had no idea she’d even left. I smiled at that slyly. From now on I’d be interacting with OWNER on a daily basis, while this pathetic being would not even get to look upon her until it was properly and satisfactorily rehabilitated. The kisses grew boring and I pushed the face back. It was time to move on with the process.

After explaining chastity I turned to place my suit jacket on my office chair, knowing OWNER’s property would likely try to make a break for it. After all, it wouldn’t be here if it was an obedient sub. Without bothering to turn back around just yet, I stated in a cold, assertive manner, “There is no point in trying. The door is quite locked and I have the only key…hidden in a place you aren’t anywhere near deserving enough to glimpse, much less touch.” Finally I turned to stare directly at it, with my dominant, and I’ve heard quite terrifying gaze. “But make no mistake, this will be your first and last attempt at that while you are here…or you shall endure more pain and humiliation that you can even imagine. Your only way out is to become a model sub. We’ll see if you are up to that task.” I laughed at this. I didn’t doubt myself or my staff’s abilities, but even the property had to put in adequate effort and I was unconvinced this one was, shall we say, sub material.

Pressing a button through my pocket, without even having to look, I sent a sharp shock through the collar. “That,” I said, “was merely a warning.” Reaching into my desk, I produced our standard chastity device. But then, thinking of OWNER and her great expectations, and of this lowly property that was so far from compliant, I put it away and brought out our deluxe model. The model that required a strategically placed piercing. This model was far more secure, and for more excruciating in the beginning. Perfect for such a tragic case. Smiling what one might call evily, I explained in detail how the chastity device would be secured, and what would need to happen first.

I fell on the floor after the shock and realized with terrifying clarity that this was indeed going to happen. It wasn’t a warning, or a trick to get me to behave. This person, who was now looking at me with a devious but very stern gaze, would not tolerate anything but utter obedience. It made me feel almost resentful, that OWNER could so easily toss me to her, but also a sense of responsibility came to me, that OWNER did care and I was sent here to learn to focus on her pleasure. Of course, I was mainly thinking these things to try and convince myself, but… that all got knocked out the window as this counselor pulled out a scary looking chastity belt. As they explained the process, I noticed their expensive looking blouse had part of a fine chain, almost necklace-like , protruding out of the pocket. I wondered if it had to do with the process of chastity, but was immediately snapped back to reality as she almost triumphantly went through the various steps. “As I’m sure you can understand, you’ll be learning many ways to please your Mistress here, as well as any…company she may choose to enjoy. When a piece of property like yourself is assisting its superior in preparing for a date, or picking out intimate apparel, or even simply in her presence, they deserve to know their property isn’t secretly enjoying themselves… deriving any type of sexual pleasure from their duties…

Given your failures as a cuck, we’ll need to pierce your… appendage and secure it in this belt. You’ll be wearing it 24/7, except when we release you for performance testing. I think you’ll find each test ends in some disappointment, however.

Your Mistress will be given a key before she departs, and I’ll hang on to one as well. Rest assured that no chastity keys are kept anywhere near the property’s area. Your cell and any others are tied directly to your shock collars, so if you somehow do escape or are away without permission, I think you’ll find yourself running back to your cell and begging my staff to lock the door again. By the way, my staff and I expect to be served and serviced by our property along with the considerable paychecks we take home. I think I’ll very much enjoy that aspect of your training. I do have a lot of dirty underwear that needs washing…and suits. “She said with a knowing look” You’ll see a lot of me, and come to this office for training and a sort of therapy and progress evaluation as well.”

This almost completely broke my spirits. This counselor would not only hold my freedom in her hands, but expect personal services and duties. I could see it right now, being completely imprisoned in the facility, washing a suit or underwear they were going to wear out. Them out on a date… maybe even with OWNER, talking, cuddling, enjoying.. laughing at who was responsible for making sure their panties were pristine for their lover…me in my cell, whatever it was, just suffering and longing…

“May I ask some questions…um… I’m not sure what to call you I’m sorry.

First of all…

What exactly is going on? What’s going to happen here? Cells? Staff? Obviously I’m being trained but i…look… I’m not trying to cause trouble anymore but…

At least give me a rundown of all this..”

They smiled, looking at me and clearly understanding my hopelessness beginning to set in. Putting their jacket on again, they applied a thin layer of lipstick as they assumed a relaxed yet confident posture and began explaining the Academy. I marvelled, secretly impressed and somewhat excited at the strictness of the place they were explaining. As they did so, they drew the chain out, showed me the chastity key, and as far as i could tell tucked it under their chest.

They had me stand up and as they were explaining everything, they began the process of getting me into chastity

“You will address me as Doctor,” I stated strictly in a voice that commanded…no, demanded respect. “Be mindful of yourself here…every little thing you say or do. Each little infraction…any moment of misbehavior…it will all be reported back to your Mistress. And it will all be reflected in your file. If you ever hope to earn discharge from this place you will have to be on your best behavior…likely even better than that.” I laughed in almost a menacing way, thinking of how pathetic this particular piece of property was. My spiel about the Academy was well rehearsed. I had given it hundreds of times. But it still sent shivers of pleasure down my spine as I watched the property begin to fully comprehend the gravity of the situation. I gestured forcefully for the property to rise and this time it obeyed without question. Some small bit of progress…nothing to phone OWNER about yet. A small bit of disappointment fell over me in that moment. It was surprising the effect she had on me, and how much I looked forward to our next interaction.

“Remove your clothes” I commanded. An inspection would come first. After all, if there were flaws in the property we needed to know right away. Next would be the piercing. Usually I would have Louise come in to do the procedure, but I was recently certified myself and I knew I would derive a great bit of pleasure from doing the procedure myself to this particular property. After the piercing the first performance test would begin. I was sure it would not last long. Then the property would be locked into full chastity and the mental part of the intake would begin. I grinned deviously, knowing it had no idea what it was in for. With hand signals I commanded the property to turn, twirl, sit, stand, and beg, just like a dog. The expectation was full obedience and understanding of my orders without the need for verbal clarification. During this process I poked and prodded the property with my long cane, forcing body parts into position, moving body parts to get a better view, and generally handling the property like a piece of meat being inspected for quality and grade. Into a small tape recorder I noted, with a deep and unforgiving voice, all flaws I identified, be it in behavior or physique. Then I pulled out a camera from my desk and snapped a few fill body shots and a few closeups. These would be used for identification purposes and to assess progress in the coming weeks…or months.

Putting away the camera, I confidently brought out my piercing tool and gazed upon the property with a menacing stare. “Hold still and don’t make a sound. This will hurt quite a bit.” Grabbing its appendage firmly, coldly, I quickly sterilized the area, then sent the needle through without warning, smiling slyly the entire time.

I screamed out in pain as the needle went through, alone with this doctor and nobody else.

I could barely stand the humiliation of being fully exposed, but this excruciating pain was almost too much to bear.

I looked up and with a gasping breath said the only words that could come to mind “Thank you Doctor”

A mocking but powerful laughter came, as they realized i was fully in their grip.

I was, in that moment, strangely savoring the time with Dr. NAME. I was still afraid and miserable, but my life in this academy wasn’t fully started yet, and i desperately clung on to the last remaining shreds of freedom. I didn’t know what awaited me, but I knew a8s long as i was here it wasn’t real yet

I kissed their boots to thank them, as i thought it might be something to be reported back. I almost shuddered reminding myself that i used to get away with so much under OWNER. Everything she didn’t know about that i was used to sneaking…it couldn’t happen. I got the feeling Dr. NAME would keep a close eye on me, and the thought of other staff probably just as strict as her filled me with dread

I bowed my head and, trying to curry as much favor as possible, asked if i could have the belt now


I was amazed at the vastness and the complexity of the academy as I was led on the tour. Miranda was very helpful in answering any questions. She showed me the room my slave would be sleeping in. “This is one of our cells in the sissy wing. As you can see, it’s entirely pink, and very bare initially. There’s a mattress for him and a toilet. In every sissy cell we also include a box, as you can see, with a hole. This is for our staff’s usage, as we lack bathrooms on this floor. Toilet training is a very important skill we teach. “ I was very impressed at this, and it seemed perfect for him. “So, this is everything he’ll be allowed to have in here?” “Eventually, a wardrobe and vanity will be added when he’s reached that level. For now, he’ll be wearing a hot pink academy-issue bra and panties over his chastity, which feature our name, number, and that $50 dollar amount on the butt and both the cups. In case of any escape, we like to offer anyone who finds a sissy some incentive to return them.”

I laughed, and we continued on. I wondered how that doctor was doing with my bitch, but I remembered what she said about not worrying. Strangely, that really excited me. I hoped the ass kissing would make her laugh, more than I hoped it would teach the cuck a lesson

For some reason I really wanted the doctor to be impressed with me.

As I walked back through the other wings, I noticed a lot of things. Slaves were carrying meal trays on their back, some staff were lounging back and getting oral from a sissy. It looked like an amazing place to work, and admiration for the doctor grew

“Will he be much longer before they put him to work?”

“Generally the intake takes a bit of time, and I think the doctor might have special plans for this bitch, but I don’t think it’ll be much longer. We’ll email you tonight with his first day report, and if anything interesting happens we’ll attach a video from our livestream.”

I was very pleased with the thoroughness of the program and I was excited to see how my bitch does his first day. Although I did wonder why the bitch is special treatment, I guessed because as NAME said he is such a dire case. Nevertheless I was very pleased with this.

“Not just yet,” I replied, almost laughing at how eagerly OWNER’s property was now begging for chastity, and how much it was going to wish that had been the next step pretty soon. “Next comes your first performance test.” I looked it right in the eyes and spoke clearly and sternly. “You are to make yourself fully erect. Once your appendage has reached its maximum length and girth you are to place your hands at your sides and remain like that until I release you. I will be timing to see how long you can maintain your erection without direct stimulation. Once you have been released I will instruct you to reinstate your firmness one more time. This time you will continue with direct stimulation of your appendage as long as you are able to without orgasming or releasing any semen. Should you ‘accidentally’ continue past your threshold you will be met with a most severe punishment…so I suggest you err on the side of caution. Though you will be timed for this exercise as well, and if your results are as pitiful as I expect you will face increased humiliation and be required to undergo additional grueling training under me personally. So I suggest you take these tests very seriously.”

I smiled slyly, thinking of the pain the property would be experiencing during this test today, just moments after receiving a penile piercing. This was always my favorite part about using our deluxe chastity devices.

Placing a hand over my watch to begin timing the property, I firmly instructed “begin test 1.”

Almost exactly after the doctor began to speak i felt a wave of different emotions. I wasn’t sure what if anything would happen due to the pain i was still in from the piercing, but i was so desperate…the chance to even touch myself would soon be taken away and it seemed almost a stroke of luck I’d be given this chance before chastity. Quickly i began to stroke, then screamed in pain and started a little where i stood. The skin was still so very tender from the piercing that i was almost overwhelmed from the conflicting sensation. I looked at the doctor, who simply tilted their head slightly and smiled patronizingly at me. I knew she was silently informing me that the pain was a big reason for these tests and they were in no way for my benefit. Desperate to at least succeed somewhat, i tried to focus on their beautiful appearance. Eventually i achieved a fairly solid erection, though the soreness was excruciating and i screamed more than once. as instructed placed my hands at my sides.

It couldn’t have been longer than a minute, a minute of desperately craning my neck to try and see her boots. But both her boots and pants were concealed by the desk… eventually the pain outweighed the excitement and i began to soften

The doctor seemed almost pleased at my miserable performance, and stated “if the next test is as pathetic, we’ll be seeing a lot of each other” in a sweet but mocking way


I tried my best to ignore the pain, and this time i had better success. That may have been due to the fact that Dr. NAME got up and made a point of keeping their boots visible and their posture very dominant.

They raised the leg of their shiny silver suit pants to reveal amongst the dark leather of their boot, an intricate gold buckle, to which was attached a single key. Smiling at me in that mocking way, knowing i was in for it but unable to resist…a huge load burst forth and I was almost immediately on the floor kissing those boots in an apology

As expected, OWNER’s property performed pitifully for the first test. And it wore the pain and conflict all over its face. I smiled and laughed quite satisfyingly, though I knew this would mean I’d have quite a lot of work to do with this particular piece of property. I recorded the first time in the file, then called for the second test. This time I purposefully stepping out from behind my desk. I could read this property like a book and it was clear my suit and boots had quite the effect on it. I was going to make this test especially challenging. If it had any self control it would stop early, but I doubted very much this was the case. And sure enough not even five minutes into the test the property failed to contain itself.

“You’ve failed, and made quite the mess. Lick it up…all of it. I want you and my floor spotless. Quickly!” As the property licked itself and my floor clean I retrieved a few of my punishment tools…a flogger, a whip, and a cane. When it was done it looked up in surprise at the items I had collected on my desk. I smiled in an evil sort of way and ran my hand over each one softly, seductively, acting each time as if I was about to pick it up and watching carefully for its reaction. I wanted to get a sense of which tool was most terrifying to this particular property. When I saw the wince I knew I had found the best tool for the job.

As my tongue ran around the polished floor, licking up all the mess i had so foolishly made, I felt a strange sense of finality wash over me. I knew i wasn’t going back anytime soon and I was running through my mind all the possible things that could happen to me

When i finished and looked at the desk, a wave of fresh fear arrived. The doctors hand carefully stroked each of the three tools. I was used to physical pain, and did not much worry about the pain as much as what would happen to me. Knowing I’d likely suffer the same fate every day with whatever toy the doctor picked for me. Knowing my helplessness and powerlessness

The Academy itself was the most frightening to me, and as the doctor placed their hand on the cane, I could not help but flinch. The thought of being tested for my fears and the fact my own body would give me away…i was totally in their power and they knew it

I looked up, half hoping to be caned right now so i could further postpone being fully enveloped and settled in the Academy

“The cane…an excellent choice,” I stated slyly, knowingly. The wince I saw made my choice clear, but it just wasn’t enough to implyi great fear. Clearly I had not found the key to this property’s terror just yet. But I would…of that I had no doubt. I put the other two items away, but left the cane sitting in full view on the desk. Slowly, carefully, I slipped on black latex gloves. Then I walked back behind my desk and took a seat, keeping most of my suit and my boots from the property’s gaze. I wouldn’t put it into chastity just yet. For one thing, it had no where near earned even that designation. But also, I had a strong suspicion that being fully naked in front of me was especially humiliating for the property. If this was indeed the case, this next part of the intake would be most uncomfortable for it.

“Tell me about your first memory, the very first one you can recall.” As I spoke I ran my hands, with their black gloves, over the cane. Standing awkwardly in front of me the property looked quite confused. I smiled. This was always my favorite part of an intake, and one of my specialities here at the Academy.

I read the expression of superiority on Dr. NAME’s face as they reached into the drawer. Taking the opportunity to look around a bit, I noticed that everything seemed much quieter now. The lights had been dimmed, the door behind me seemed almost invisible. Behind Dr. NAME’s desk, her bookcase had slid back to reveal a second, heavily secure looking door through which a strong looking window let in some light, though it looked very reddish. Looking back at Dr. NAME i started.

My cock sprang to attention immediately as the gloves were pulled on. Then suddenly a strange relaxation came over me as i watched their fingers become enveloped in the latex

A haze fell over me, and I succumbed swiftly

Her voice came to me, almost floating into my head

My first memory?

I usually spend a lot of time thinking about what my first memory was , as it’s often a jumble

The gloved hand stroked the cane. The tingles got more intense as i forced myself to focus… eventually the relaxation allowed me to recall.

“Stepping into the preschool classroom and being upset because my mom left me there” i said with an effort. Dr. NAME smiled and nodded as i stood there deepening into a trance. “there was a rectangular room with toys and a bunch of other kids. I don’t remember much more”

I yawned, visibly and audibly. Picking up my phone I checked the time. Determining it had been just about long enough I stepped out from behind my desk, picked up the cane in one hand and my phone in the other, and dialed. I walked around the room, swinging the cane as I went, giving absolutely no eye contact. A moment later my face lit up in a smile. Talking into the phone I exclaimed, “OWNER! I trust you have had your tour? What do you think of our fine facility?” Every so often I walked closer to the property, still swinging the cane, and allowed the cane to almost hit it. Almost, but not quite. I kept my back and side to the property, walking around it with no regard for its personal being.


After the tour of the facilities I was taken into another room where i would be pampered by the slaves there, they pleasured my pussy by licking it, gave me body worship in the forms of kissing my body and massages and gave me a manicure and pedicure. I’ve been here for about an hour when i see Skylar call my phone.

“Hey how’s it going with the bitch?”

“OWNER! I trust you have had your tour? What do you think of our fine facility?”

“You guys here are very thorough and I am very pleased with it”

“I’m very glad to hear that, the bitch is still in onboarding and we’re doing tests to determine how it performs”

“I assume it’s doing pathetically”

“Yes it is but I think I finally found a way to break it”

“And how is that NAME”?

“I think his training in the facility itself will be a very useful tool”

“How so?”

“ Because you’re not around, he’ll be more motivated to behave so he can get back to you”

“That does sound like it’ll work on the bitch”

“I’m glad you think so”

“I’ll let you get back to the bitch because I assume the tests will take some time”

“Okay, I’ll keep you updated. We ask that all dommes periodically send some used underwear in as a training and motivation tool. Maybe send in some from a date while he’s in”

I tried to use some of the training i had previously learned. I kneeled as they spoke to OWNER, but didn’t look at them. The cane swept dangerously close as a burning desire flowed within me to see her. But i couldn’t and this new doctor was the only link between me and her.

I had no option to wait, and wait I did.

“We like to get one final approval before putting on the uniform and escorting your property inside. It’s more for the slaves humiliation than anything”.

Desperate for some final retraction i yelled “please Mistress don’t let them do this”.

The doctor placed the phone on speaker as I heard Mistress say “of course I approve. And please give him a nice shock for that disrespect… sweetheart”.

The way she ended that sentence gave me pause, but only for a moment as the doctor’s gloved hand reached into the breast pocket of their jacket.

My scream ended as the phone call did, and the doctor sat back down at the desk, reached under and a buzzing noise sounded.

The door behind the desk opened somewhat and a long red lit hallway stretched down

“Come” they said simply, and led me down. We passed through 3 more doors, each opened by a swipe of their card. Eventually we arrived at the last door, where two tall, muscular women stood. “Hello Dr. , Is this the new one?” “Yeah, he needs processing at the highest security level. His chastity has yet to be applied, I’ll do it myself but I wanted to get him under guard first”

They walked through, with me stopping at the threshold. One of the women looked back, and the doctor snapped her fingers. They proceeded to drag me in front of them. The doctor looked at me and said “you’re already in, may as well follow us”

I kept walking.

Eventually we reached a wide open area. A chair with leather straps marked “chastity” stood in the middle, along with a rack holding a hot pink pair of underwear.

A sense of fear surged through me as i waited. The doctor again snapped their fingers and i was strapped into the chair.

I knew the belt was going on at that point, regardless of my wishes.

I looked at the doctor’s smiling face and most of my resistance evaporated.

The women stepped forward and affixed the bra on me. I looked down at the black letters stamped on the hot pink cups “PROPERTY OF SISSY ACADEMY. RETURN FOR CASH REWARD”

I looked at the doctor horrified and started to struggle. The women laughed and walked over to talk to the doctor privately.

They stepped forward and introduced the women to me and at that point everything changed

I started to realize the doctor may have a greater agenda for me than i thought. In my fear i didn’t recognize them, but they were two of OWNER’s friends. I had met them before and now felt even more humiliated.

They slowly began to strap me into the belt, and the doctor’s gloved hands seemed intent on making the attachment to the piercing very uncomfortable.

I breathed deep, trying to forget everything I had just gone through. It was no use.

Soon, the work was finished. I looked down. My entire groin was encased in smooth, pink metal with a number etched on. There was no visible lock. My cock felt encased but slightly free.

The doctor swiped a card over a slot in the waist, and there was a metallic click. Suddenly everything felt tighter and I groaned out slightly.

The Ladies laughed and released my straps.

The doctor snapped her finger and said “Come.”

With my head hung, I followed her as best I could in the dim light.

Suddenly after unlocking a few more doors, we entered a wide hallway. I looked around, frightened. Tall women were at either side, and there were several rooms with half open doors. I looked inside, half fearful of what I would see and half full of morbid curiosity.

There were traditional items there I had used before, St. Andrew’s crosses and such, but some that looked completely alien to me. I saw a fellow sub strapped to a table, his chest being filled by some sort of machine while a nurse watched on with a smile. I saw another one walking on a treadmill with extremely high heels. Then I saw a domme carefully attaching a sort of milking machine to a sub, with tubes running everywhere. “You’ll be here for a few hours yet, bitch” I heard.

I was afraid and shaking by the time she walked me into a room. It was bare, save for a double bunk bed and a toilet. There was a mirror bolted to the wall, with a sink and a box next to it.

The walls were painted light pink, and a single slat of window opened to a heavily screened patch of sky.

The doctor smiled at me and said “better get some sleep”. She walked away, and the door closed. The lock clicked. I lay in bed, the metal bottom of the chastity belt making it hard to get comfortable. I tried to remove the bra. It wouldn’t budge.

I tried to close my eyes and imagine I was next to OWNER, but the reality kept slamming me back every time I did. I thought of who else might share this room. I thought of what OWNER might be doing.

Eventually my emotional turmoil drained me, and though it went against every instinct in my head, I dropped off to sleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vsk17j/28f_25m_30f_bitchboi_academy_the_doctor_the_bitch