Part 2: A year later with the trans girl that melted my world. [MT]

Ok so almost a year ago to the day I had a real life sexual encounter with a gorgeous trans girl, I wrote the story here, you should read it and catch up.
I tried to tell that as close as it happened, I’m not one for embellishment.
After our first encounter, I only chatted with her a couple times here and there, I’ve gone through some huge changes in life, moved into a new house, took on a big work promotion and been very busy.
Out of the blue, she texted me last week, the first time since January when we exchanged happy new year texts with some emojis.

We hooked up again on the weekend.

Some quick notes if you don’t feel like reading what happened last time.
I fucked her while she was wearing a chastity cage, it was amazing for both of us but I will admit I thought the whole thing felt a little incomplete so to speak.
She had some sort of sub/dom thing going with a guy (Kevin) and I’ll admit after last time it was basically the reason I didn’t pursue whatever might have happened next.
So last Tuesday she texted me and asked if I wanted to have a beer, at first I didn’t really know if I was interested, I wasn’t really thrilled on the Kevin thing the first time around. Fuck it, I went for it, we met up for beers and apps on Wednesday after I finished work.
I almost forgot how cute she was and I’ll admit I was immediately wanting her again. Little bit of chit chat and bullshit later and we were just hanging out having fun, it was good and felt good.
She told me how the dom thing with Kevin lost its steam like 6 months ago, they haven’t spoken since and it did wonders for her self esteem. She also moved into a new place and coincidentally we are actually pretty close to each other.
The wind was picking up (Alberta summers lol), we called it a night and parted ways, leaving it open to possibly meeting up on the weekend.

Over the next couple days we sent sexy texts back and forth and yeah, I’ll admit it was all I could think about. I invited her over for Saturday night and we both knew what we wanted.

She showed up wearing a black bodysuit under jeans, the jeans were off almost instantly though she was all excited to show me she learned how to “tuck”.
It was wild man, I mean this was the definition of trap hahaha.
It’s amazing how naturally comfortable you can feel with someone when you know they’re on the same wants/needs level as you. I don’t know what it is about petite brunettes but god damn I was ready to fuck her and this time there was nothing in our way.
I plan to be very detailed about our night so I’m going to write part 3 next.



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