Platonic Friends 11 (fiction, 23M/23F/23F, Con, friends, roommates)

I sat there enjoying my sandwich that Emma supposedly made for me as a ‘*Thank you*’ while I heard muffled sounds coming from the living room as I imagined Emma chewing out Felicity for dropping the bomb as Felicity confessed her desire to *up* our relationship and Emma’s veiled desire for continued coitus.

I actually enjoyed the sandwich though I had never put mustard nor horseradish on a roast beef sandwich.  Nor had I ever used the bread she used to make the sandwich.

I lightly wondered if she actually *made* the sandwich or *bought* the sandwich that way.  Whichever way she **got** the sandwich I still enjoyed it.

After the sandwich I moved onto the chili and equally enjoyed the mixture though I did find it bland lacking a certain *kick*, but overall it was a welcomed sustenance.

And topping it off with the lemonade seemed to bring everything together.

Overall if the girls were to continue feeding me like this I would quickly become fat but as a one off it was definitely welcomed.

The muffled *conversation* continued well until I was done eating and was forced to don a pair of noise cancelling headphones just so I could finish my homework as I continued pounding out each assignment one after another focusing on the work and not what had just happened.

Once again time rolled on and finally I was able to finish off my work in a fair amount of time to where I looked at the time to see time had sped it’s way to nearly 6pm.

5:36pm to be exact.

I closed my laptop after submitting all my work and decided it’s best to go out and face both Felicity and Emma.

I walked out to the main area to find Emma sitting on the couch as she watched TV and finding Felicity missing from the room.

I looked around and spoke, “Is Felicity home?”

As soon as I spoke I watched as Emma jumped from her seat as she refrained from letting out a shrill as I clearly startled her.  She took a minute to collect herself before turning her head as she was probably holding her chest as she addressed me, “Yeah she’s in her room taking a *nap*.”

I rose my eyebrow and asked the obvious question, “Is that a *hint*?”

Emma got my question and smiled, “She didn’t say *when* to wake her or *how* to wake her if that’s what you’re asking.”

I mused the answer faintly nodding and walked around the couch to sit next to her and found she was still in the outfit she was wearing earlier, “Seeing how she’s offering a *new* dynamic to our relationship I guess I could go do that.”

Emma chuckled, “That she did.”

I looked at her, “Though that doesn’t explain **why** you’re still here.”

Emma froze as I continued, “Unless what Felicity told me is true that you’re offering to be my *sleeve*?”

Emma instantly turned beat red not saying anything.  I scooted over to her and ran my fingers through the back of her head and felt her body slightly tremble as she sharply inhaled.

I looked at her body as I made the movement and watched as her nipples instantly pushed against the fabric as I let my fingers flow through her hair until my hand was across her body and was resting on the sofa before I spoke, “Unless you want to tell me something *different*?”

I watched as Emma shuddered from the touch as she slowly breathed out and spoke, “Felicity is right.”

I raised my eyebrow thinking *How is she right?*

Emma looked at me, “You **do** know how to tease.”

My eyebrow remained raised thinking *I **meant** to rest my arm across you the whole ‘**gliding my hand through your hair**’ was an accident.*

Still I said nothing at my *mistake* letting her think it was *intentional* as she sighed and said, “Though I don’t really want to be your *sleeve*.”

She looked at me, “And I know I can’t compete with Felicity.”

I instantly thought *Ummmm…..yeah you can* but still remained silent.

Emma put her hand on my leg as she spoke, “So instead of *competing* **with** Felicity, I’m willing to offer the same *openness* until **you** decide you want to **up** our relationship to something more…..” she smiled at me but it seemed fake to me as there wasn’t any **real** emotion to the expression but continued without faltering in her voice, “monogamous.”


Was she offering a **relationship**?

And how in the fuck can **she** think she *can’t* compete with Felicity?

There were obvious outliers from her to Felicity.

I mean there was the obvious that Emma, like Felicity, was **easily** out of my league in the looks department.  Hell **BOTH** girls were ***EASILY*** out of my **fuck**ing league.

If I were to **grade** ***MY*** looks to theirs it was like a six point difference.  Like I said and BOTH girls admitted to….I wasn’t exactly a looker.  I was the guy you could *easily* miss in a crowd as there was **NOTHING** going for me….well excluding my eyes….and what was residing between my legs.

I wasn’t tall.

I wasn’t buff.

I wasn’t gifted with godly looks to rival or match their looks.

Both could ***easily*** snag a guy much much cuter than my short average looking scrawny ass.

Both had decent body’s though Felicity was more petite than Emma but Emma was still petite.  I mean yes Emma had more curves than Felicity but their body types were *nearly* similar.

As she said this I instantly wanted to pick her up, hoist her over my shoulder, take her to my room, throw her ass onto my bed, pull out a notebook, climb on top of her pinning her down and say ‘*Tell me **how** you think you’re not cute as you’re fucking **BLIND!!!***’

I resisted the temptation as I realized that was a cue for attention and me telling her she was wrong and instead spoke, “So **not** a *sleeve*?”

Emma smirked and slightly shook her head, “Not a *sleeve* no.  I would *prefer* being treated as a person instead of a *toy*.”

I mused the *wording* and nodded as I spoke, “So you would *prefer* if I treated you as a person?”

She nodded, “Yes.”

I leaned in and whispered, “So can I *tease* you in public?”

Emma shuddered and whimpered out, “Y-yes.”

I lightly nibbled on Emma’s ear to *test* out how far I can go expecting Emma to pull away but instead she simply moaned out and tilted her head away from me giving me more *skin*.

I let go of Emma’s ear as I *kissed* down lightly dragging my teeth along her neck causing her to lightly moan at the sensation.

Then I stopped and pulled away, causing Emma to breathe heavily as she looked at me through *lust filled eyes* almost glaring at me for *teasing* her as I spoke, “What?? **You** said I could *tease* you!”

Emma looked at me and I could tell I was pushing the *wrong* button at this moment as she growled, “*Yes*…”

I spoke with a smile, “**AND** I’m only *testing* out how ***far*** you’re willing to go.”

Emma looked at me and I could tell she was biting her tongue so as not to *chew* me out as I put my hand on her thigh, “Relax Emma I’m only *messing* with you.”

I could see she didn’t seem *relaxed* at that so I spoke, “How about this?”  I reached out and pulled on the *knot* on her shirt and lightly cursed as I made the *knot* tighter causing Emma to smirk at my foolishness but didn’t stop me from my *tug*.

I rolled my eyes and used both hands to undo the *knot* in her shirt and officially *freeing* her bound breasts in the shirt.  I reached underneath and grasped Emma’s right tit causing Emma to lightly moan out as I spoke, “You *help* me wake up Felicity and we’ll go to **dinner** and discuss **EACH** of your terms.”

Emma heavily as my hand went from **cupping** her boob to lightly trailing Emma’s nipple making her turn beat red but was looking at me intently.

I smiled as I leaned in and whispered into her ear, “If you’re **good** I *promise* to fuck you *ALL NIGHT* after we settle on our *new* relations.”

Emma whined out breathlessly, “Promise?”

I smiled as I pulled away, stood up and pulled down my pants showing Emma my now standing soldier causing her to stare at the object.  I smiled now that I knew Emma’s weak spot as I spoke, “Promise.”

I held my hand down, “Now come on.  I think Felicity needs a nice waking, don’t you?”

I smiled as the only thing Emma could was stare and barely nod as she accepted my hand.



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