The Fruit Roll-Up Orgy [Group] [Swapping]

The Fruit Roll-Up Orgy

There are many ways I expected my second night at our local swingers club to go. But the way it ended up was something beyond my wildest dreams, and I can’t keep it in anymore. Someone needs to know about the fruit roll-up orgy.

It was nearing eleven o’clock when me [22F] and my boyfriend Aaron [23M] finally pulled into a dark parking lot after driving through the forest that surrounds our city. The building next to us seemed innocent enough, with no obvious markers as to what it was or who it belonged to. Both of us, though, knew what we were about to get into once we went inside.

The warehouse-looking building was actually the local swinger club that we had explored for the first time a few months ago. The experience had been very fun (just a quick threesome, some casual conversation) but now we were back with a vengeance. Last time we were nervous; this time we came prepared. My purse was bulging with condoms, energy bars, and a bottle of rum. We planned to fuck until we literally dropped.

I got out of the car, my fur coat sliding out behind me. Underneath it I was wearing a deep blue dress that hit just high enough on my legs that you could see the slight hint of my lace panties beneath. I also had invested in thigh-high stockings and leather boots, just to complete the look: slutty, but leaving a little to the imagination. My boyfriend, similarly, had dressed up for the night; his muscled arms are covered in a tight fitting dress shirt, and his black slacks and shined shoes do him all the favors. All in all, we’re both feeling like two sexy young people ready to meet some interested parties. Make some friends. Do some things we can’t mention by the light of day.

We enter the club, put our things in a locker, take a moment to freshen up… and dive in.

The club looks like a modern art gallery crossed with a strip club. Huge sculptures coming off of the walls, angular leather couches, and stripper poles next to glory holes. The lighting is dim, but not dim enough to miss the plethora of people scattered around the club. Some are in dresses, some are in suits, and one girl is sporting a playboy bunny style one piece. I recognize her as the super bubbly girl I met last time I was here, Wendy. I wave, she waves back, and we both meet in the middle of the club. Talking with Wendy is great, as she has her finger on the pulse of the club at all times. She knows pretty much everyone, and it seems she makes it her personal mission to hook up interested parties. My boyfriend, knowing I’m safe with her, leaves to get us both drinks.

“So happy you guys came back!” Wendy says, pulling me into a warm hug. She is utterly stunning, but obviously busy tonight; her partner is there, and they’re courting a couple as we speak. But she still takes some time to catch up with me for a moment or two.

A few minutes in, Wendy’s eyes brighten and she calls out a girl who has just entered the room. I turn in the direction she’s looking, and my eyes instantly go wide. This was the first time I saw Olivia.

Olivia [20sF] is a slender brunette, with her hair cut in a sharp line that falls right at her jaw. Very executive, nearly intimidating. Her lips are pulled up in a smile that almost looked like a smirk. She’s wearing a tight black dress with no back, so I can see the slender curve of her spine when she turns around and waves to Wendy. When she walks over, I see her eyes narrow as she looks at me. Not in an unfriendly way; more like she was looking me up and down and judging what she saw. After a moment, she smiles again.

“Olivia,” she says, extending her hand out. I shake it. Her nails scratch over my palm as she pulls hers away.

A man [20sM] walks up behind her. He is lean, tall, and has short sandy-blonde hair. He reminds me vividly of Ned from the Try Guys, a show which my younger sister made me watch religiously with her over the summer only partially against my will. He’s exuding a kind of nerdy charm, and I instantly feel warm to him.

“Kris,” he says, shaking my hand in a firm grip. I enthusiastically shake back.

My boyfriend now has our drinks, and spots me across the room now surrounded by three very attractive people. He walks up just as I start chatting with Olivia about where we’re from. We do quick introductions, Wendy ducks out to go back to the couple she’s set her sights on, and my boyfriend shoots me a look that says everything. This is definitely a lead we’re both interested in pursuing.

We talk for a few minutes about the basics. Olivia almost seems eager to get to the good questions. “So, how’d you start?” she asks, motioning to both of us. “With all of this, I mean.”

“A friend,” I offer.

“My best friend,” Aaron continues. “You’d never have thought he was the type, but we brought it up one day, and now he won’t stop.”

Olivia laughs. Kris looks even more intrigued.

“So you’ve done stuff with two guys?” he says, smiling.

“Oh, a few times.” It’s an understatement. I’ve been having threesomes with two guys almost as much as regular sex, so it’s hard not to brag a little. They both offer me a high five at this point. We laugh and I accept them. My boyfriend looks beautifully proud.

Suddenly, another girl [20sF] walks up to the table. She’s a wiry brunette with wide eyes, and a purse clutched tightly in one hand. Compared to Olivia, she’s dressed far more for casual clubbing; shorts and a nice shirt, with strappy sandals on her feet. Olivia immediately moves to the other side of the table and gives her a long hug.

“This is Clara,” Olivia explains. “We know each other.”

I shake Clara’s hand. “Are you here on your own?”

“Nah,” she says, “my boyfriend Markus is over there somewhere, being pretty drunk.”

She points to a dark haired man [20sM] standing by the dance floor. He’s got scruff on his face and a mischievous look in his eye as he chats with another group. Definitely not as clean cut as Kris, but still well dressed and with a bit more roguish charm. By his dancing, you can tell he’s had more than a few. It was endearing.

Olivia asks me to continue talking. I explain that we’re very interested in meeting couples that are into this kind of thing. Both Olivia and Clara lean over a bit father across the table, smiling. I realize now that this is less of a casual convo, more of a spontaneous group interview. And they seemed to really like what I was selling.

“Oh, wait, before I forget-,” and suddenly, out of nowhere, Clara pulls out a fistful of fruit roll ups from her purse. Olivia and Kris cheer when they see them. My boyfriend and I look… confused.

“She told us she was bringing them,” Olivia tells me. “She’s the snack keeper.”

“I haven’t had one of those since middle school,” I comment. This is a lie. I ate a ton of these in college but I don’t want to be ashamed of it.

“Here.” Olivia holds out hers to me. I try to pull a piece off with my nails, but the things are like leather.

“Just… bite it,” she says.

She holds it up to my mouth. I catch the corner of it in my teeth and pull back, stretching it until it snaps and then licking excess stickiness off my lips. Once I’m finished, I suddenly realize that everyone at the table is looking at me. Intently.

Was this what did it for all of them? Because suddenly they’re in action mode. Olivia, Markus, and my boyfriend Aaron all leave to go to the bathroom and “freshen up.” Once they’re out of sight, Kris, the blonde, turns to me and says: “so we’re totally doing this, right?”

I blush. Clara notices and runs her hand down my arm, half in comfort, half almost in teasing.

“I mean…” I can’t believe this is happening. “If Aaron says yes…”

I trail off, trying to think of how to word it. I decide to keep it short and simple.

“I’m in.”

The two of them grin, and I know I’m done for.

A few moments later, the door to one of the private rooms swings shut behind all six of us.

Olivia pulls me onto the bed, which is a leather mattress covered in soft white sheets. Her boyfriend Kris slowly zips down the side of her dress, which falls off her almost instantly. My heart races when I see her tits, perky and slightly tanned, her nipples nearly slipping out of them from the angle she’s sitting at. Clara does the same.

I decide it’s time to get on their level. I motion to my own boyfriend, who moves behind me and takes off my dress. I’m left in my silk bra, lacy panties, and my thigh high stockings, legs splayed out across the bed.

Markus, in the first words he’s spoken to me yet, asks: “you’re leaving those on?”

“Is that okay?” I ask.

Both men nod almost furiously. I let out a sharp laugh that’s quickly stifled when Olivia reaches out and runs a hand over the top of my breasts.

“So soft…” she says quietly, running her fingers over my skin. I wonder if she can feel my heartbeat underneath. It’s pounding.

Our bras come off almost simultaneously. I lean in and catch one of her nipples in my mouth, swirling my tongue around it. I don’t say out loud that this is my first time doing this. I’m hoping that enthusiasm will get me somewhere, and by the breathy moans that slowly escape her lips, I think it’s working. Her skin tastes sweet and smells like vanilla; I can barely pull myself away from it. But then Clara crawls onto the bed and asks for a turn, so I lean back and let her.

We take turns on each other. At one point, I have a girl sucking on each of my breasts, and it makes me see stars. The boys seem to enjoy the show for a minute, but soon I can tell they’re all getting antsy. They start kissing at our necks, running their hands down our thighs. Suddenly, for just one moment, I have eight hands on me at once. The feeling of that alone nearly makes me fall apart.

“Take these off,” Kris says to his girlfriend, motioning to her panties. We all follow the leader. Three pairs of underwear hit the floor. It’s game on.

My boyfriend strips off the rest of his clothes. He’s already rock hard, but he doesn’t even move to touch himself. Instead he positions himself behind Olivia, bending down and licking deep into her pussy. I get to see her expression when he does it, and it’s fantastic. I know how good he is at doing this (I practically want to beg for it every night, it’s THAT good) and her wide eyes and huge smile tell me she feels the same way. She takes a moment to collect herself, then gets to work on Kris’s cock, sucking up and down his shaft.

Luckily I’m not idle for long. On the other side of the bed, Clara is sucking her boyfriend Markus’s cock, and her legs are spread wide. I decide that it’s literally now or never. I have to do this for the first time eventually, and I want to hear a girl moan on another mans cock as I do it to her. I bend down and begin slowly running my tongue over Clara’s clit. Her legs tense, then slowly relax as I try out different motions, trying to see what makes her legs seize up or open even wider. We’re in a sixty nine kind of position, so my own legs are wide open by her head. I didn’t expect her to try to handle both Markus’s cock and my pussy at once. What did surprise me was feeling fingers slowly working me open, and I look up to see Markus fingerfucking me like there’s no tomorrow.

I’ll admit it. I’m a loud fuck. These other two girls were very cute with their moans, but I literally had to shove my face into Clara’s pussy to keep my own noises from reaching an obscene volume. He’s really, really good at this. Twisting inside of me, hitting my clit over and over with his thumb- I am in bliss on both ends.

After a few moments, Clara and Markus pull back and start fucking; their attitude seems to be very much “we’d rather do our own thing but watch you guys.” So I roll back to the other side of the bed and rejoin my boyfriend and the other couple.

“Do I get a turn?” I say, motioning to Kris’s cock.

His face lights up. “Oh, absolutely.”

I can see he’s already plenty warmed up from Olivia, so I dive right in to what I do best. I slide his cock down my throat over and over again, feeling his hands twisting in my hair, listening to the sharp pants coming out of his mouth. I’m surprised how quickly he pulls me up and stares me dead in the eyes. I think I know what he wants to ask.

“We’ve…” he says, pausing to collect himself. “We’ve never done a full swap before.” He looks at Olivia. Olivia looks pointedly at the pile of condoms beside the bed. She gives him a little nod.

All of a sudden both of us girls are on our backs, facing opposite directions. Kris is over top of me, pressing into me, slowly, as if he wants me to feel every inch stretching me open. I have a clear view of my boyfriend Aaron doing the same thing to Olivia, whose legs are curled around his waist. She’s pulling him deep, I can tell by the way he gasps.

Am I a naturally competitive person? Maybe. So I pull both my legs up onto his shoulders, as high as they’ll go, and pull him in deep.

“Fuck me good,” I whisper into his ear.

That’s all it takes. Kris begins pounding into me, one hand wrapping around the base of my throat as he watches his own girlfriend get slammed with my boyfriend’s cock. Both of us are moaning messes. This gets turned up even more when we see and hear both Clara and Markus cumming as they watch us, collapsing in a heap nearby. Clara moves over to kiss me as I feel Kris’s hips begin pistoning rougher, more erratically- I know that means he’s cumming soon, whether he likes it or not. So I hook my ankles behind his neck and draw him in as deep as he can go, and-

Kris gives me one last solid thrust before he cums, his arms nearly giving out. When he looks at me, his eyes are sparkling, and we both take a breath of relief. Next to us, Olivia climbs off my boyfriend, leaning over to give hers a long kiss. We laugh, we hug. Just like that, the shows over.

Everyone dresses quickly but me and Aaron. We wait til everyone else has left, then collapse back onto the bed, kissing and petting and trying our best to slow down our racing hearts. Everything that happened was just so… surreal. Beyond what we had expected. It’s a memory that would last us a long time, both in and out of the bedroom. And neither of us regret it one bit.

This was our first orgy, but definitely not our last. And it wasn’t the only memory we made at the club that night… but that’s a story for another time. This was the story of the fruit roll up orgy where I lost two of my first times to two beautiful women. Til next time, folks!



  1. This story was fantastic. I can not wait to read more adventures from this place. My girlfriend and I will be fucking with this story on the mind later.

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