Hubby’s Biggest Humiliation 😳 True Story, Female Perspective, and Discussion [FM]

This is about my hubby’s most humiliating experience, one that he admitted to me and still drives him crazy. I’m going to write it from my perspective, but we’re here together composing it so we capture how he feels.

Several years be before he met me, my husband was in a long-term relationship with someone he met in college. They had a pretty solid relationship by all standards; however, the sex was very vanilla, mainly because he wasn’t confident enough to open up to her about his fantasies until about two years into the relationship. They had a long-distance relationship from about year-two on, and they lived about three hours from each other by train (in Europe at the time).

At about the 2.5 year point, he finally opened up to her about some of his fantasies. He brought up his hotwife/cuckold fantasy, that he was attracted to the idea of wearing a chastity cage, that he was interested in a FLR, and more… and he did it all in a really rash way due to his inexperience and just not understanding women as much as he does now. He didn’t slowly lead into it, testing the water, he poured it all out at once. It was no surprise that she was not into it AT ALL, she totally shut down and did not know what to think. They ended up talking about it multiple times, primarily because he wouldn’t let it go. Due to this, and other things, they butted heads for a month or two and then broke up… well, officially they were “on a break” but we all know how that goes.

After/during the break up she was pretty sad/depressed and she spent a lot of time partying with her best friends group from grad school, a mixed bag of girls and guys… there were 3 European guys, an American guy, and 5 European girls in their friends group that all studied together. At one of the house parties they threw to make her feel better, they had all been drinking and one of the girls asked for details about why the breakup/break happened. She totally opened up about everything…

She talked about how vanilla the relationship had been. She talked at length about how he had a cuckold / hotwife fantasy and how he even wanted her to put him in chastity and control him. She went on and on, telling them how he had bought a chastity cage and showed it to her shortly before the break up. She talked about how she couldn’t take him seriously when it came to sex after knowing that about him.

By this point, the entire friends group, guys and girls were listening, laughing and saying how crazy it was, and basically making fun of him to her… saying how it was good that she got rid of a pathetic loser and that she was better off after. They laughed about him being a cuck. They had known him through her for more than a year at this point and thought it was hilarious to hear all that she had to tell.

This alone was quite humiliating, but there’s more. About a month after that tell-all night at the house party, — they got back together — and stayed together… for almost TWO years!!!

Naturally, she stayed super close with that friends group as well. She never told him that she had been frustrated and drunk after the break up and had gone on a rant spilling all of his most personal and embarrassing fantasies to the whole group. She told her best friends not to tell, but it was hard to contain, as 8 people had been there to hear it, and some of them told their friends, and so on.

Due to this, for 8-10 months, they went to many functions together with the friends group and parts of it… parties, festivals, university events, etc. He had NO IDEA that they all knew. He later found out that they would joke about it behind his back, and would sometimes tease her about it as well. It became an inside joke in that friends group over that time… and he didn’t catch wind of it because, again, it was a long-distance relationship, so he was only there in person one or two weekends a month.

About 10 months after they had gotten back together, the whole friends group rented a cabin in the mountains to celebrate someone’s birthday. Both hubby and his then-girlfriend were invited. After a day of hiking, they came back and spent the evening drinking around the fireplace, listening to music, and playing a mix drinking games and board games. After a while, everyone was getting pretty tipsy and things shifted to more ‘interesting’ games like “Never Have I Ever” and such, and naturally since the group was 5 men and 5 women, many of the topics were of a sexual nature. Then, it happened: One of the men in the group, a tall and handsome Swedish guy, looked at him and said in an accent “Hey, are you familiar with the term ‘cuck’?” It was like the air went out of the room… people were looking at each other in disbelief that he said that, and also trying to play it off like nothing was out of place. Some were giggling, some were shocked. Hubby’s then-girlfriend was mortified.

At first he tried to play it off, trying to BS his way out of it… but he got an uneasy feeling about the awkward silence and some giggling in the rest of the group. He looked into his girlfriend’s eyes and from the both awkward and apologetic look on her face, he knew that they knew. They ALL knew. EVERYTHING. They had known for the last ten months about all of the fantasies that had made him feel too embarrassed to tell his girlfriend about for over two years.

A wave of pure humiliation washed over him, and he couldn’t hide it… in the brightly lit cabin he turned bright red and said he wanted to step out for a cigarette. Immediately upon hearing the door close, he heard roaring laughter combined with his girlfriend scolding the group for humiliating him like that.

He, being the submissive type that he is, didn’t even do well when he got mad at his ex for telling them everything. She still didn’t support his kink and was frustrated and humiliated for him. He had only gotten out “Hey wtf, I can’t believe you told…” and she cut him off saying “No! No, I don’t want to hear it! That’s what you get for being like that. You embarrass me.” They spent both nights in the cabin sexless and frustrated, and then went back to their towns after. Something that he didn’t tell his ex though, was that the whole ordeal turned him on immensely. He couldn’t explain it, but in a way it felt somehow freeing that his kink had been exposed and the humiliation turned him on while also causing him the traditional humiliation anxiety.

He dated that girl for another year, and then the relationship ended. He still is humiliated by it, but something about it is indescribable, that humiliating feeling is tied to his arousal and sexuality in a very strong way.

Closing/Discussion: So that’s the story of my husband’s biggest humiliation! We co-wrote this and it’s 100% true… would love to hear your thoughts and some discussion. Some topics might be: How do you feel humiliation plays into your hotwife/cuckold/other fantasy and dynamic? Do you have any experiences with friends learning about your kink? What about exes telling all? Is it healthy?


1 comment

  1. Bonus: Another true part of the story that hubby didn’t know about at the time of that cabin event really puts the cherry on top. I almost didn’t believe this, but I know my husband, I saw photos of the group, and it’s true. After this humiliating event and before the final break up between those two… after pressing his ex after discovering some suspicious activity, she admitted that she had slept with that Swedish guy when they were on their break!!! 😳 She also confessed that she had cheated and slept with him once or twice since they had gotten back together.

    This is my author’s take here, but WOW:

    So that meant that after the breakup and her tell-all moment, possibly even that same drunken night, she had been with that man as her rebound. He’s a tall, strong and attractive man, and she clearly was into him. He had just found out her boyfriend’s cuckold fantasies and mocked him about it to the friends group, then he took her to his bedroom and gave her the strong passionate sex she had been craving for months. He was the alpha she needed and I’m going to bet he totally rocked her world that night. He didn’t want anything serious, and over time my hubby and her made up and got back together; then, at the cabin party months later, he thought it would be funny to openly taunt him about it in front of her and the entire group. Yikes! 😱 Not only that, but she went back to him for more multiple times even after they got back together.

    This drove hubby wild, and was another case of humiliation combined with unbelievable arousal…. He was so turned on by it and still is to this day. The cheating wasn’t okay at the time, as even though he fantasized about something sharing her, this was totally behind the back. Nonetheless, thinking back on it still turns him on. Also, he didn’t have to tell me… I didn’t have any common contacts with that group because it was in another country before we knew each other. He actually brought this up when we were talking about our “hottest sexual experiences” from our past, which shows just how this humiliating experience really stuck with him. One of his most intense sexual experiences didn’t really involve any good sex at all, for him at least 😉

    Hubby’s now safe with me, and we’re both very kink positive. We tell each other everything about our past and present and we love exploring each other’s fantasies. That’s my happy ending 😘 Excited to see the discussion on this one.

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