A Dimitri Sandwich *Part 1* MMF Bi

This is approximately 96% true…

My partner Helena (F) and I are (and always have been) kinky
AF. How that’s defined has shifted over the years, but it’s resulted in a lot
of very, very fun experiences. Way back when, we were D(me)/s(her), but it’s
now more switchy, and were both bi in various ways.
A few months ago, the kids were away at their Dad’s for a
week, and we went out for a few beers – that was it, nothing planned or
intended beyond that. We headed off to one of our favourite pubs in town, which
plays the coolest fucking music and has the coolest landlord and crowd by
miles, which is the entire draw of the place. While it’s in the vicinity of
lots of queer-friendly and queer-focussed places, that’s not part of the draw,
but it is kinda relevant to the story! This is a very liberal area of a famously
liberal UK city, and I swear that the pub and area we were in is entirely cool
with the public behaviour I’m about to describe. Yes, it is fucking amazing,
and no, we’re never moving away.
We went in, had our usual mingle, chatted to regulars and
random folk (it’s that sort of pub), danced a bit (it was reggae and calypso
versions of Northern Soul tunes that night IIRC), and generally were in the
middle of having a great night to ourselves. I did notice Helena looking over
my shoulder as she chatted to me a few times though, which I noted, but didn’t
say anything about … she sometimes gets a bit distracted by cool girls (sharp
fringe/bangs, goth-ish or 50s style, tattoos, that sort of thing). I think it
was about the 3rd time she lost the thread of the conversation that
I laughed and looked over my shoulder to see if I could work out who she was
looking at.
Was it the woman with the top with transparent stripes and
clearly no bra? Maybe the one with the capri pants and bustier? No… OK, who’s
distracting you?
You see that guy who looks like a 90s throwback with the
floppy hair and trenchcoat…? Mid 20s?
The guy? OK, that’s cool – unusual, but cool! She never
gets stuck on guys!
This is our night and we never really pick people up in
pubs; we usually reserve that for the kink clubs and stuff, but she kept
glancing over at him (as did I, now that I knew who the temporary object of her
lust was for the evening. We had another beer, and danced some more, and
generally just leaned in to the night. At one point, we noticed him on the
dance floor – I was going to say beside us, but it’s a tiny place, so if you’re
on the dance area, you are beside us. I thought, fuckit, and said hi and
made some appreciative comments about his outfit, and he was right into
that, chatting away, admitting my shirt, telling us what a cute couple we were…
Oh Helena, I’m sorry.
I don’t think you’re his type!
We all danced together a bit, and he starts grooving with
Helena. She’s loving it, grinding against him, and I’m wondering if my Gaydar
needs recalibrated. We all chatted some more and he wandered off to the loo, so
I took my opportunity to have a chat with Helena …
You know the kids are away… She wasn’t interested in picking
someone up for herself, but I suggested that that wasn’t necessarily what we has
looking for.
Oh, you want to bring him home to play with him?
No, I don’t think that’s quite the trajectory either…
Yes, I think so.
You know that meme? With the hot couple (say Mads Mikkelsen
and Tilda Swinton) and the text that says “We saw you from across the bar and
we liked your vibe, can we buy you a drink…?” Yeah. That was us (if not as hot
or cool).
When he comes back, we introduce ourselves by name and he
(Dimitri, from the Urals) is delighted to make our acquaintance. We dance some
more, but with both of us grinding against him with a little more intent and
getting a positive reception, kinda confirming our assumptions. Helena isn’t
sure what to do next, so I lean over to him and ask him quietly in his ear if
it would be OK if I kissed him. His eyes popped open a bit more, and he glanced
around before kissing me on the lips. Not forceful, but keen. No tongue, but
plenty of enthusiasm. I looked over at Helena as I kissed him and I could see
the lust in her eyes.
I do believe tonight is about to take a fun turn…
I break the kiss after a few moments and tell him that I
think Helena might be getting a little jealous; he looks horrified and steps
away from me and starts apologising, so I put my arms around him, and assure
him that it’s not like that, and she’d probably quite like to kiss him the way
I just did. Why doesn’t he ask her…? His eyes light up a little and looks from
one of us to the other. Helena nods, and he approaches her to lean in for her
case. And then she plays her masterstroke. She puts her hand in the middle of
his chest and stops him. He’s confused and not sure what’s happening, but she
leans in and whispers to him that he’s welcome to play, but if he wants to play
with her, he has to ask. And then she might agree. He nods, still in shock, and
asks for permission to kiss her. She holds his eye for a moment before saying
‘Yes you can’ and then totally fucking taking charge of him. I can see that her
hand is inside his coat, gripping his shirt, that her teeth are grazing his
lips and that he is totally under her control. He’s flushed and like a rabbit
startled in the headlights. I do hope we’re about to give him a night that he’s
going to be proud to tell his friends about.
I think he’s on the hook, and I leave it to her to land him.
“We’re headed home in a moment. Would you like to join us
for a toke, a nightcap and see what happens?”
“Yes please, that would be amazing…”
“If we play, are you happy to play with both of us?”
“Fuck yes…”
“We sometimes play by strange rules. If something happens
and you want to stop, all you have to say is Safeguard. We’re not going to play
hard tonight, but we don’t want to push your comfort zone further than you’re
happy with. Is that OK?”
“Safeguard, OK…”
I’d ordered the Uber at the first ‘Yes.’
Five minutes later it pulled up and we went to climb in –
Helena and I usually get in the back, but this time she grabbed the shotgun
seat, commenting that she was sure we’d be able to entertain ourselves in the
back. Holy shit, I’m glad it’s only a 15 minute ride home or we’d have been in
trouble. As it pulled away, I put my hand on Dimitri’s thigh, he looked at me
and I looked at him and we were kissing, and this time it was much less
restrained. I turned towards him and took charge; leaning in, using my tongue,
putting my hand on his chest and stroking a nipple, which was met with an enthusiastic
gasp and moan. I run my hand up his thigh and feel his hot, hard cock under my
hand. Another groan of appreciation, and a happy twitch.
“Do you play nicely with all your friends, Dimitri? The boys
and the girls? Hmm?”
“Oh fuck yes, I like it all.”
“Oh good – so do we. And when you play with your friends, do
you like to fuck or be fucked, Dimitri?”
His cock twitches again in my hand.
“I like … to go with it.”
“Ah good. Fucking should be like jazz. Someone leads,
someone follows, but the leader isn’t always the leader. And in the depths of
your imagination, what you like to happen tonight? Should I massage your
prostate while Helena sucks your cock? Or maybe our lubed up cocks in Helena’s
hand while she wanks us? But no cumming without permission…”
He twitches again.
“Fuck, I’d like you to fuck me!”
“Is that it? I think we can take that as a given, but I’m
sure we can improve on it. She has a variety of cocks at her disposal, and I’ll
be very disappointed if at least one of us doesn’t get spitroasted. Does that sound
fun? Her pounding your arse with my cock in your mouth? Where would you want to
cum? In my mouth? Should I kiss you after? Or on my cock and I can use it for
lube to fuck you?”
He’s straining under my hand now.
“Not without permission…” Helena warns from the front. I’m
so tempted to take him over the edge and make him cum in his pants just so that
she has an opportunity to punish him (and likely me too), but I know we’re
nearly home, and when he cums for the first time, I want it to be with a
scream, not a suppressed whimper.
I lean in and kiss him again, tweaking his nipple harder
this time, and I’m sure I can smell precum off him (although in fairness, it
could just as easily be me…). I let my hand drift up to rest on his throat and
his breathing gets faster and shallower.
“Oh Dimitri, we’re really going to enjoy playing with you.”

I swear, I’d swap places with him in a heartbeat. To be 25 again and taken home by a clearly depraved, degenerate, queer couple would be a dream come true. We’re going to make sure it blows his mind.
The Uber pulls up at ours, and I can see the driver scowling
at me, which is entirely fair enough. He’s just had an outline lesson in how
pre-play negotiation works in kink, and I feel guilty enough to add a fat tip
to the bill. Helena hands me the house keys and tells me to go ahead and sort
drinks, roll a few joints and get the toy box and dressing up boxes out. Oh my.
I realise that while I’ve been bringing Dimitri to the edge for the last 15
minutes, she’s had time to sketch out some scenes in her head.
And this is one of the many, many reasons I love her.
I unlock the front door and I’m about to go in when she
stops me, “It’s been a while since I’ve cum in the back garden – I think I’ll
take Dimitri out the back as see how talented his tongue is. You go and get
things sorted and we’ll be in shortly. I’m fucking dripping down my legs, so I
don’t imagine we’ll be long.” And with that, she reaches under her dress, slips
her knickers off and hands them to me under my nose. Fuck me, she wasn’t joking.
There’s no way the passenger seat in that Uber is dry. “Slip into something entertaining,
and don’t be starting without us.”
“Come on, toyboy, I need someone to sit on”
And with that they disappeared through the side gate into
the garden.


Do I continue?

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vr8fvv/a_dimitri_sandwich_part_1_mmf_bi