Step Sister Corruption Part 290 – Day 146 Free Use Vacay Pt 34 Finished / Gabe goes to the hospital (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


We spent the rest of the *cruise* pretty much in our room from the time we left the islands and eventually got back to the states.

Sure we did venture out where I got an actual back massage or spent some time in an actual steam room to ‘*relax*’.

But other than the usual *perks* of the cruise Summer, Kel and myself pretty much lounged in our room simply slow fucking until we returned.  

And we did have Nadia with us for nearly the entire time as well.  She would excuse herself nearly every morning and *try* to go do something but it wasn’t long before she was knocking on our door and she got included in the long sessions of the day.

After the girl’s little episode, whatever it was, they wanted me to be careful when I fucked them and I would watch them wince when I fully entered them so we had resorted to using about half of me which took longer for them to get to my gooey center.  Which in turn turned the sessions into long slow fuck sessions.

The only one I could abuse was Nadia which she greatly received while Summer and Kel could only accepted half before they would start crying and hold their middles until their middles weren’t hurting.

I for myself felt a little off but that wasn’t until closer to being back stateside.

When we finally returned stateside and we said our goodbyes to Nadia along with exchanging numbers and what not is when I really felt off as I felt like I was getting winded rather easily but other than that I felt fine.

We barely made it to the airport before my *offness* increased to where I did my first puke into the closest trash can.

After wiping my mouth I was surprised that my offness had subsided and thought I felt like a million bucks attributing the throw up to the last breakfast on the cruise before we docked where I thought everything tasted funny but still ate the food.

It was possible that ‘breakfast’ may have been contaminated….or at least my breakfast was contaminated as the girl’s told me they felt fine.

We got on the airplane and I didn’t have any more issues…..until we landed that is.

My ‘*million bucks*’ idea was wrong and it wasn’t long before I was hot to the touch and sweating profusely.

I guess I scared both Summer and Kel to where my rapid change warranted a visit to the hospital.

Actually both Summer and Kel were already planning to go to the hospital….but more specifically they *were* going to go see Dr. Braxter and hope she might explain why their middles were so uncomfortable one moment with a dull pressure and the next when they get filled they double over in pain.

I could have guessed as to why they were uncomfortable one moment and the next doubled over but I didn’t voice my opinion because I wasn’t a doctor.

Now with me looking like I had run a thousand miles in the hottest place imaginable as I was running a fever and sweating so much I was nearly white…..whiter than normal.

And because I wasn’t really feeling well enough to convince Summer or Kel that my little episode would pass as I hated going to the hospital so I couldn’t do much but let them drive me to the hospital.

Plus when I nearly fainted after getting into Kel’s car after landing that pretty much sealed my fate.

Summer and Kel rushed me to the nearest hospital and we got to wait in the ER as both Summer and Kel had to drag my ass into the waiting room as I was too weak to actually do anything other than breathe and shiver as my core temperature felt like someone was playing with my dial making me cold one moment and the other I felt like I was being cooked alive while I could barely breathe.

I have no idea how long we sat in the ER but it was obviously long enough to where my mom showed up and was asking a million questions.  None of which I could answer because they all sounded too complex for me to answer.

Eventually I was taken back where I was asked to stand on a machine where I was weighed and measured which I barely accomplished without wanting to faint.  Then they took my temperature and heart rate.

Then I got to move to an actual bed in the ER while I waited for the ER doctor to see what was wrong with me.

The girls and my mom took turns to watch over me as only one person could be back with me until the doctor finally came to look at me.

The doctor asked nearly the same questions as my mother; *When did this happen?*, *How do you feel?*, *Can you tell me what you’re feeling?*.

Most of my answers were I don’t know, Sick and off.


It was the best I could do as I had no idea how I was feeling.

The doctor nodded and ordered blood and urine samples before anything else.

Then it was back to waiting while I was in and out of consciousness while my body fought whatever was attacking me.

At least I got a nice nap here and there and I barely felt the nurse get my blood but when it came time for a urine sample I couldn’t help as my bladder felt empty with nothing to give.

After I forced myself to drink enough water to where my bladder responded enough to where I could semi fill a cup we went back to the waiting game while they did their tests.

I got another nap where I felt like I was burning up and at the same time freezing my ass off so I was constantly moving the blanket on and off of me during my nap.

Eventually a nurse showed up with a clear bag and stated they needed to get me connected with an IV bag.

Once again I barely felt the prick of the needle as it entered into my arm but definitely felt the cold liquid hit my bloodstream making me wish I had more blankets.

I laid in the ER long enough to where the girls had done a full rotation until the doctor finally came back and he had Dr. Braxter in tow with him.

I blinked in confusion as to why Dr. Braxter would be here but looked at her and whispered, “Hey Doc?”

The ER doctor and Dr. Braxter went over the chart before Dr. Braxter looked at me and smiled, “Hello Mr. Newman.  How are you feeling?”

I looked at her and wanted to scream but simply hoarsely whispered, “Sick.”

Dr. Braxter nodded and spoke, “Looks like you have a nasty viral infection.  And since it’s viral there’s not much we can do beyond keeping you hydrated and hope it doesn’t get worse.”

She looked at me then at Summer, “We’re gonna have to admit him but since I’m his physician for you all’s experiment we’re gonna move him to one of *our* hospitals.”

Great, I was getting moved to a fertility clinic instead of a hospital.

Summer spoke, “When are you moving him?  And which clinic?”

Dr. Braxter smiled, “The same one where you all went for your change.  If you want you all can head over there and Gabe should meet you there shortly.”

Summer looked at Dr. Braxter, “Can I stay with him during transport?”

Dr. Braxter looked between us before she smiled, “Sure honey.”

Summer nodded, “You wait here Gabe while I tell Kelly and your mother that you’ll be moving.”

I looked at her and whispered, “Like I have a choice?”

Summer lightly chuckled at me before she sprinted off and I went back to looking at the ceiling.



I quickly told Kelly and Mrs. Michaels about Gabe’s condition and how he was going to be transported over to the same hospital where we all underwent our *changes*.  Plus I told them I was going to be with Gabe during the transfer to make sure that Dr. Braxter doesn’t do anything funny during Gabe’s transfer.

Sure she had helped us transition and gotten us each a nice fat paycheck for our troubles but I still didn’t wholeheartedly trust Dr. Braxter alone with Gabe.

Kelly nodded and was out the door probably getting in her car and racing over to the hospital to wait for us.

Their mom looked from Kelly to me after there was a cloud form of where Kelly used to be.

Mrs. Michaels, “What would you like me to do honey?”

I looked at their mom, “Nothing much to do now.  If you want we’ll contact you **if** things get serious.  For now I guess just go home.”

Mrs. Michaels looked from me to the door before she returned her attention to me, “Promise to keep me in the loop?”

I smiled and nodded.

I watched Mrs. Michaels gather her things before she eventually left before I went back to wait with Gabe as he was about to be transported to the same hospital where we underwent our transformation.

I walked back and caught Dr. Braxter just standing next to Gabe not doing anything.

She stood there just looking down at Gabe.  She wasn’t reading his chart or anything.

I looked at her thinking that something about her seemed off but I couldn’t quite figure it out.

I spoke, “Is everything ok?”

That seemed to snap her out of whatever before she looked up at me to smile, “Just waiting on you.”

I nodded and immediately sat down next to Gabe who was passed out and snoring though his body looked like it was sweating giving his body a nice glistened look almost like he had freshly had sex.

I was too concerned to actually make the connection nor did I notice anything was a miss.

I don’t think we had waited long before Dr. Braxter returned with two females and a rolling bed thingy. 

Dr. Braxter pointed to Gabe and spoke, “There he is and make sure Ms. Prior comes along as well.”

The two females nodded and walked into the tiny room in the ER as I stepped away.  They quickly unhooked Gabe from all the things he was connected to and unhooked the IV Bag that was connected to his arm as they laid the bag on him.  Then like he was a light sack of potatoes they moved him from the ER bed to the rolling bed thingy.

One of the females turned to me, “Follow us Ms. Prior.”

I nodded and had to nearly speed walk to keep up with the two females who were rolling Gabe out of the ER through some halls and out into the night where an emergency van was waiting.

They quickly lowered the rolling bed and once again lifted Gabe’s sleeping form into the vehicle like he was nothing into the vehicle until audible clicks were heard in the van.  

One of the females looked at me, “If you will Ms. Prior.”

I nodded and stepped into the emergency vehicle and moved all the way to the seat that the person indicated as one of them climbed into the cramped space, closed the door behind them, as the other smacked the doors and climbed into the van.

There we waited for only a moment before the van started to move and we were off.

The moment we started to move the lights in the van shut off the only things on were the machines inside the cabin giving off a low light as both I and the other female in the back hardly said anything.

I don’t know how long we were in the vehicle as it moved its way from the hospital we were at to the one we needed to be but I know it wasn’t extremely long.  Though it was long enough to where I was having a hard time staying awake myself.

I felt myself nod off until the vehicle stopped moving and I was jolted awake.

I felt the vehicle park and the person in the cabin with me quickly moved to open the doors as the driver had already moved out and was near the back as the person in the cabin jumped out.

Like they had done before they moved the bed thingy that Gabe was laying on like he was nothing but this time as the bed moved out of the vehicle the legs had lowered and locked into place.

The people quickly moved the bed and Gabe from the cold air into the hospital, apparently we needed to be at while I tried to move fast or I would lose them.  I quickly unbelted myself and almost dove out just to keep up with the people in uniforms.

I jogged just to catch up as they had already entered the building nearly twenty feet in front of me.

I quickly entered the building barely keeping up with the trained professionals as they checked in at the front desk and spoke in some type of code where Kelly was already sitting waiting for us.

Apparently the short speak was enough for the team to move Gabe and were already heading for the elevator and were gone before I had reached the desk.

I yelled at the fast paced uniformed females, “WAIT!!!”

I stopped at the front desk panting and looked at the nurse, “Where did they take him?”

I felt Kelly walk up as she put her hand on me, “They’re taking him up to his room.  They’ll let us know when he’ll be ready.”

Looks like Kelly already had been through with this.

Then I remembered that hospitals had guest times and we probably weren’t on the guest list.

I panted as I looked at Kelly, “Get Braxter on the phone to make sure we can get up there.”

Kelly didn’t see my apprehension but nodded and was about to pull out her cell to call Dr. Braxter as Dr. Braxter was already behind us as she waltzed into the building.

I looked behind me to see Dr. Braxter and still panting I spoke, “Where did they take him?”

Dr. Braxter didn’t seem perturbed nor phased by my question as she spoke, “Up to **your** room.”

I looked at her and blinked, completely confused.

Dr. Braxter walked up to the desk, “Is the room prepared?”

The nurse at the desk quickly nodded, “Yes Dr. Braxter.”

She obviously nodded, “Good.”

She turned to address us but the nurse at the desk spoke, “Ma’am they can’t be here this late at night.  Our visiting hours are over.”

Dr. Braxter turned to address the nurse, “Oh?”

She turned to address the nurse, “These **two** will also need to be observed as they are also my patients hence **why** I called for **that** particular room.”

The nurse uttered, “Oh!”

Dr. Braxter smiled and turned around to address us, “Come on you two.”

And she started walking away.

I blinked and looked at Kelly who shrugged towards me as she turned to follow Dr. Braxter.

I lightly growled before I started to move and was following behind Dr. Braxter, happy her momentum was easier to keep up with compared to the uniformed females who whisked Gabe away that I doubt even a professional runner could keep up with.

I don’t know why they moved so quickly as it didn’t look like Gabe was in any danger….maybe drugged as he pretty much slept through them moving his body from one bed to another and then moving him into the cold.  Through everything he remained asleep.

The uniformed females didn’t seem urgent like they were trying to save his life but moved like every second counted.

Guess if I were a…..what are they called???  EMT???

If I were an EMT I would move fast too like they had.

I sighed as I followed Dr. Braxter until we entered an elevator and rode the elevator up to the 11th floor.

We exited onto the 11th floor and I kept a close bead on Dr. Braxter remaining close on her heels without saying much.  My breath had caught up while we rode the elevator.

We moved from the elevator and down a hall before we got to room 1123 and walked in to see Gabe laying on the bed still passed out and two adjoining beds.

As soon as I saw the beds it clicked as to what Dr. Braxter was up to.

I looked at her, “So you think we need these beds?”

Dr. Braxter shrugged as she spoke, “I don’t know.  You tell me.  Is there anything wrong with your bodies that **I** need to check out?”

I looked over at Kelly to see she was blushing and not looking directly at Dr. Braxter and was even avoiding my eye contact.

I sighed and looked at Dr. Braxter as I spoke, “I guess.”

Dr. Braxter raised her eyebrow at me, “Hmmm.”

I looked over at Gabe who was still passed out before I returned my attention to Dr. Braxter, “Well…..Kelly and I have been having some discomfort but it’s nothing too big.”

Dr. Braxter mused as she spoke, “Why don’t **I** be the judge of that.”

I sighed, “Fine.”

Dr. Braxter smiled as she nodded, “Well then if you would be so kind as to strip, get in bed and tell me what you all have noticed we can start diagnosing.”

I nodded though I felt my face getting flush.

I turned and jumped on the bed closest to Gabe and began to slip off my shoes.

