Step Sister Corruption Part 291 – Day 146 Gabe goes to the hospital pt 2 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

Author’s Note – This particular segment I knew needed to be addressed as I had outlined my character’s bodies were changing though I never exactly knew how or what I wanted to outline or highlight as their bodies continued to change.  

I reached out to a fellow author u/Teososta and we bounced ideas that could work for their ‘changes’ to progress.  The hospital arch is that exchange of ideas.  

So Thank you u/Teososta for your valued input as I would be struck trying to figure out appropriate changes that are somewhat believable and still hold true to the story line and I hope what we discussed is outlined and stays true within the realm of semi believable that I created in this series.    



Dr Braxter didn’t have to listen to our *issues* for very long as she quickly moved up to me, “I’m going to put some pressure on your middle.  You tell me when it gets uncomfortable.  Ok?”

I nodded as she looked down at my middle and pushed right below my belly button.  

I didn’t feel anything other than the *pressure* was on the edge.   

I looked at Dr. Braxter and shook my head.  

She smiled and moved her hands lower and lower until she was at my groin above my pussy and pushed.  

My uncomfortable pressure that I had been dealing with for the last few days went from uncomfortable to unbearable as my back straightened and I was seeing stars in my vision.  

Dr Braxter released her pressure and I looked at her and saw she had a smile on her face.  

I spoke through gritted teeth, “What?”

Dr Braxter smiled as she spoke, “I think I know what’s going on.  Hold on let me grab something.”

Dr Braxter walked out while I looked at Kelly who just looked at me then I looked at the drugged and snoring Gabe.  

The longer Dr Braxter was gone the more I got worried.  

And when she wheeled in this big ass contraption my fear didn’t abate one little bit.  

I spoke nervously, “What’s that?”

She smiled, “An ultrasound.”

An ultrasound?

Wait don’t they use these machines typically when someone is…. Pregnant?

Am I pregnant?

I looked at Kelly who more than likely went through the same line of thinking as I could see she was visibly sweating.  

I looked at Dr Braxter, “Wait are you telling me that I’m *pregnant*?”

Dr Braxter started to laugh as she spoke, “No.”

She plugged in the device as she set the machine next to me.  

She pulled out a tube and pushed out a fat blob of gel on the wand.  

She looked at me, “This is going to be cold.”


She pressed the wand where she pushed before she left and she wasn’t kidding it was cold.  She moved the wand around while paying attention to the screen that only she could tell while I watched at this black and white screen.  

Obviously Dr Braxter found what she was looking for as she spoke, “You Ms Prior are full.”


How am I full?

Full of what?

I looked at her confused as she looked at me and smiled, “Your ovaries honey.  They’re full.”

I blinked.  

Dr Braxter laughed a chortle at my obvious lack of knowledge before she spoke, “I’ll have you and Ms Michaels prepped for extraction in the morning.”

I looked at her starting to get concerned, “Well if I’m full won’t I burst?”

Dr Braxter looked at me and smiled, “Honey you’ll have to have **a lot** more for them to burst.  Ovaries are quite flexible.  But if you want I’ll have some pain meds brought in to tide you over until the morning.”

I looked at her, “Why not now?”

This time Dr Braxter’s smile was warm as she spoke, “We just have a skeleton crew at the moment.  So I don’t have the people needed to extract your eggs right now.”

I was about to object but she added, “You’re not in any real danger so you’ll be fine.”

I pouted as I folded my arms over my breasts and sighed, “Fine.”

I looked at her, “But I’ll take the pain meds if they’re still available?”

Dr Braxter smiled and nodded as she looked between me and Kelly, “Anything else?”

Kelly quickly spoke, “What about me?  Am I full and not pregnant?”

Dr Braxter turned to Kelly and I couldn’t see Dr. Braxter’s face but heard her speak, “Well let’s see.”

She used the wand and moved it along Kelly’s pelvic region until she got was she looking for and spoke, “Yep your full too.”

I watched Dr Braxter address Kelly, “Not pregnant.”

Well at least that explained why both Kelly and I went through the pain and was feeling uncomfortable pressure for so long…our ovaries were screaming at us that they were full.  

Dr Braxter spoke, “Anything else?”

I looked over at Kelly who was looking at me as I nodded.  

Kelly took in a deep breath and addressed Dr Braxter, “I think my breasts got heavier.”

I saw Dr. Braxter look at Kelly for a moment before she spoke, “Care to elaborate on that?  What do you mean when you say ‘heavier’?”

I watched as Kelly blushed and was flustered for a moment before she spoke, “I don’t know they just feel heavier.”

I heard Dr. Braxter muse out loud for a moment obvious thinking of possible reasons why Kelly’s breasts *felt* heavy.

I watched her look at Kelly, “Have you per chance noticed any ‘stains’?”


Why would Kelly be staining?

I looked at Kelly who thought about it before she shook her head.

Dr. Braxter continued, “How about your nipples have they gotten larger or fatter?”

I watched as Kelly blushed as she nodded.

Dr. Braxter mused for a moment before she spoke, “Mind if I do something Ms Michaels?”

Kelly looked at Dr. Braxter, “What are you going to do?”

Dr. Braxter smiled, “I’m going to shine a light in your breasts to confirm my suspicion.  That’s all.”

I watched as Kelly bit her lip but nodded.

Then Dr. Braxter walked up to Kelly and bent down as I watched her pull out a mini flashlight and shove it against Kelly’s breast before turning it on.  

Dr. Braxter looked for a few moments before she spoke out loud, “Well I don’t think you’re producing milk….yet.”

Kelly nearly screamed, “I’m producing **WHAT**?”

Dr. Braxter spoke calmly, “Milk but not yet.”

Kelly blinked, “How?”

I watched as Dr. Braxter smiled, “That should be **my** question.”

She stepped back to address us, “So why don’t you tell me *how* this happened.”

She continued and remained calm as she spoke, “What all did you do over the last few days?”

I looked over at Kelly who was still questioning the new information that Dr. Braxter dropped on her as she slowly looked down at her breasts.

I would look at Gabe but he was audibly snoring.

I sighed as I answered Dr. Braxter, “We went on a vacation.”

Dr. Braxter smiled, “Good for you honey.  Where did you go?”

I shrugged, “We went on a cruise.”

Dr. Braxter nodded and spoke calmly, “And where did this ‘cruise’ take you?”

I looked at her, “I didn’t go on the islands the only person that did was,” I pointed over to the snoring form, “him.”

Dr. Braxter looked over at Gabe before she addressed us, “And how long were you all on this ‘cruise’?”

I shrugged, “About a week give or take.  We only returned late this afternoon.”

Dr. Braxter nodded, “Uh huh.  And last question……did you all keep up on the vitamins and supplements that I prescribed to you all?”

I quickly shut up as we hadn’t because of flight regulations.  We didn’t pack any of the supplements or vitamins because we were afraid that whoever checks our baggage would comb through our luggage and take any and all vitamins and liquids.  And I was right as whoever searched my luggage did take my shampoo.

I think the only liquids we were able to keep was the stuff that Gabe picked up that he put in his backpack and showed that none of the containers were opened so I think they let him slide.

Which reminds me the milk that he bought was still in his backpack.  Might have to check on that when we get released to make sure it doesn’t expire.  I would say something about refrigeration but with his backpack sitting in Kelly’s car and the fact it was still snowing outside and how cold it was I don’t think we have to worry about refrigeration…..ok maybe freezing.

One thing at a time.

I looked at Dr. Braxter and spoke, “Up until the cruise yes but as soon as we left not really.”

Dr. Braxter nodded and spoke, “In **that** case I think we will need, in addition to your egg retrieval, we will need to run some tests.  Before I leave I will have that ordered so it is ready in the morning.”

I blinked, “Why would we need to run tests?”

Dr. Braxter smiled, “Because **Those** vitamins and supplements were *meant* to help keep your body’s regular so your changes aren’t too taxing as they pull nutrients to be normal.  Seeing how you all **stopped** taking those vitamins and supplements I need to see what all is going on.”

I frowned and didn’t say anything.

She spoke, “Is there anything else I should know?”

I grumbled, “Not really.”

She looked from me to Kelly who also kept quiet, letting the quiet hang in the air while I fought back from saying too much.  Plus I was getting tired after the excitement of Gabe passing out and throwing up once we got back I felt like I needed sleep.

She eventually nodded, “All right then.  I will order those tests for the morning.  In the meantime get some sleep.”

She left and within a few moments two nurses came in with a small cup and a styrofoam cup in her hands.  One walked up to me and the other to Kelly.

I looked down at the proffered cups and found three pills in the clear small cup and in the other was ice water.

I looked at the pills suspiciously.

The nurse in front of me spoke, “Two are pain meds and the other is a sleeping pill.  Dr. Braxter thought the sleeping agent might help.”

I sighed and nodded as I took the clear cup slamming my head back as I took the pills in the cup.  Then I took the cup of ice water to take a pull from the cup as the water helped swallow the pills.

Then I proceeded to gulp down the water until there was nothing left.

The nurse took both cups and left.  The last one turned off the remaining lights, putting the room in near darkness.

I looked over at Kelly, “I guess this is good night.”

I saw Kelly’s form nod before she laid down and tossed to her side.

I for myself laid down on the bed pulling the blanket over my near nude form.

It wasn’t long before sleep took me and I was out.

