New Homework – Chapter 2

The school nurse continued, “As you all know, recently, the new curriculum were put in effect. This new curriculum is mostly about the health class, this class.”

“This new curriculum might feel strange to some of you, but I assure you, at the end of the year you will thank me” She switched to the next slide, showing a list of partners. “Most of the assignments will be of a sexual nature, and you will need a partner for most of them”

“Some of you may have had sex already, and some of you are still virgin’s. I will now read the partners aloud” She started reading, and once she got to the last pair, they already knew they were paired. “And finally, Jane and John”

“As we don’t have much time, I will quickly go over the homework, and give you your assignments. Now, these assignments and homework are very important. You will need to do these, as they account for 80% of your grade.”

“Your first homework assignment, wich will need to be turned in this Friday, is to masturbate together. Yes, you heard me right. You will need to sit opposite of each other, and masturbate, while watching the other masturbate. You can do this wherever, at home, or wherever you like. You will need to film you masturbating together, and the film has to be at least 2 minutes. Bonus points if one or both of you cum in the video. You have to comment on the others masturbation, and give comments wich they can improve upon”

“Now, there has been posted a link on google classroom, to a video about masturbation. While you watch that for the rest of class, I will be handing out bags with equipment and toys”

*A little shorter of a chapter this time, but I hope you liked it! Please leave feedback in the comments!*
