New Homework – Chapter 1

*Quick info and disclaimers: First of all, this is set in norway. All characters are 18+ and are in their last year of Norwegian high school, all 18, approaching 19.*

It was a beautiful Monday of spring, around April. John was walking to school, alongside his friend Jane. They were walking along the road, where most of the snow had melted, but there were still some snow left, as here up north it could take quite some time to melt, and sometimes it could even snow in April.

Jane was wearing tight black leggings and a blue fleece jacket over her white t-shirt. She had long flowing blonde hair, flowing nicely along her back, to around 10 cm below her shoulders. She had a quite petite body, her boobs were a small c, big d. She had a beautiful bubble but, small and firm, but still amazing looking. Her legs were skinny, and quite short. She herself infact was quite short, around 5 foot 4. She was quite shy, and a little bit insecure about her body.

John was the class nerd, generally liked by his classmates. He was the de facto IT support of his class, and he often had to help his classmates with their computers. He was wearing a loose t shirt and some jeans, he had not bothered comb his semi long, brown, almost black hair, it flowing in natural folds along his head and forehead. John worked out quite a lot, often together with his friend Jane, and both were quite fit, John having developed some nice muscles.

They had known each other since kindergarten, and had shared interests, both playing in the same DnD group.

They were talking about starting up a new campaign, just the two of them, John offering to be the DM. Jane was thinking of playing a Dragonborn Druid, and they were talking about her character.

By the time they had gotten to discussing the world setting, they had arrived at school, and not long after the bell rang with a familiar tone indicating that class was starting, their first class this Monday was the health class, wich would be their first health class since Christmas break.

They dropped off their stuff in their lockers and walked to class together.

Once they arrived at the health classroom, they walked in and sat down at their desks. The rest of the class was already there, waiting for the teacher, wich was in this case, the school nurse.

Once the school nurse arrived, she plugged in her laptop and pulled up a presentation.

The first slide was a picture of a dick penetrating a pussy, along with the caption “New sex education, according to the new LK-20 national curriculum»

*Thought I’d leave a bit of a cliffhanger to end the first chapter

This is my first time writing erotica, and I’d love your feedback in the comments!*



  1. It’s a good but tame start, here’s looking forward to future chapters!

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