I am having the best sex of my life with my situationship partner [FM]

Long time lurker, first time poster. This post is a long overdue spill of pent up sex and emotion so I’m sorry in advance if it’s unreadable and extremely long.

We met on Tinder. I wasn’t really sure how I felt about him at first, and while usually I’m someone who wastes no time to find out sexual compatibility, it took a few dates before we even kissed. It’s been a weird span of months trying to figure out who and what we are to each other but I’d like to think we’re finally hitting our groove with boundaries that work for us. All this back and forth / trial and error / hit or miss / crazy bullshit to figure out the healthiest approach has been worth it because we both can safely say we’re having the best sex of our lives right now. God, it’s so good that my vibrator doesn’t feel the same anymore.

Early on when we were still going on dates figuring out if we were relationship material for one another (spoiler: we are not), I remember sharing that I really didn’t like my body and I think he took that as his cue to remind me how physically attracted he was to me every time I see him. Little ol’ 5”3’ me. Me, with my black shoulder length hair, thin Asian eyes, and wide hips that make my ass bigger than it needs to be.

With my usual type being a tanned short king, he’s pretty far removed as a 6’2” brunette half Asian guy who burns easily in the sun but I still stare at his long fingers in public daydreaming about them sliding under my thin underwear. Or running along the sides of my body before finding my already hard nipples through the cups of my bra.

We’ve hit that sweet spot in the where we know each other’s bodies so well that it’s kind of a perfect, infinite loop. Sex with him is just too good and I’m left a puddle of a person after finishing multiple times with one sleepover.

A few weeks ago, he texts me a simple “What are you doing tonight?” and I immediately feel my pants get hot. He’s been so focused at work lately that he hasn’t been the one to text first in a while. It was early in the night, maybe like 7pm, and I was getting drinks with a friend before a concert. One text from him though and I can see a future where I cancel the rest of the night to hop back into bed with him.

“I’m actually out going to a concert later. Should be done around 10:30 or 11 though if you want a visitor.”

“Ahhhhh I do want a visitor… but I also want sleep lol text me when it’s over”

God, I swear there’s nothing more attractive than someone being honest and direct. I’m already getting excited but my friend and I start heading to the venue to check out the openers. The show was actually a ton of fun and I was riding the music high while texting him that the show was over. He texts back pretty quickly and I’m off to his apartment immediately after saying goodbye to my friend.

A quick ride later, and I’m opening his apartment door propped open for a late night visitor. I walk through the apartment, not sure if his roommate is home tonight, and head into his room before semi-whispering a soft hello to him, running my hands along one of his shoulders before kissing him. He asks about the concert and how I’ve been. I complain about some work drama.

I’m still talking about something when I pull to undo the drawstrings of my pants. I swear his eyes change immediately and I can feel his eyes on me as I try to nonchalantly take my pants off and ask for a sleep shirt. He motions to a folded pile of shirts and before I can take off my shirt, he hooks his arm around my waist and drags me down to his bed with him. His voice is breathy when he says “I can’t wait anymore, Anna.” God, fuck me in any way you want.

I land on top of his body and it’s like a referee whistled and told us to play ball. Lips everywhere. My hands are wrapped up in his hair. He grips my hips to grind my already soaked underwear against his already hard cock.

He kisses that small area under my ear and reminds me, “You have no idea how much you turn me on.” I can only groan and grind a little harder, my mind absolutely spinning.

I already know he loves it when I only use my hips to position him to slide effortlessly inside me. I wanted to tease him a little though so with both our underwear still on, I move my hips around so the head is right at the entrance… and I slowly bounce. Just enough that he can literally feel only his head get enveloped by my warm and wet underwear.

Moaning in my ear about how wet I am was enough praise that I couldn’t stop. He lifts my chest off his so he can see what I’m doing, his eyes darting back and forth between my face and his now-wet dick undulating right at the entrance. Such a tease haha.

You know when something is so good that you can’t stop but you know if you could literally stop, you could have something even better? We stayed like this for so long, aching for actual sex but not wanting to stop.

He starts rubbing his thumb on my clit and that’s the final straw. I jump off to rip off my underwear and he’s peeling his off. I crawl back over his body and he grabs my hips with one of his hands to stop me from finally submerging his dick inside me. And he starts rubbing my clit again. Oh my god, my eyes clamp shut and I’m immediately at the foot of coming.

He doesn’t stop even when I’m gasping for air or when I kiss him so deeply that I forget my own name. My knees, on either side of his hips start shaking and I actually squirt all over his stomach. And other than a quick expletive from his mouth, his fingers still keep going until I finish one more time.Before I have to chance to apologize for getting his whole stomach wet, he runs his fingertips along his stomach and whispered, “Oh my god this is so fucking hot.” Alright, I’ll keep my apology to myself.

And now I can’t help but to position his dick and sit entirely on it. And even though he’s laying down, his torso still buckled like something kicked him in he balls. To be teased for a while and then receive everything you wanted in only half a second can that for you.

I bounce up and down, kissing his neck and raking my hands through his hair, with the sole purpose of hearing him say “Anna, wait, no” because he doesn’t want to cum yet. I slow down a few times after hearing the magic words because I don’t want it to end just yet either.

I swear I’ve only ever cum at the same time as my partner two times in my life, and this lucky story is one of them.

With every time he wanted to go slower, I would take a few more seconds to actually slow down and I could see his anguished face trying to keep himself in the game.

He asked me to get off and I immediately position myself with my face into the pillow. I know there are a few tattoos that he likes to look at in this position haha. What I didn’t expect was for him to reach around and rub my clit while he pounded me into the mattress. It was like a 0-to-100 jolt straight to my clit and it only took maybe 10 seconds before I started coming. I could feel my legs brace and my walls squeeze against his dick.

“Fuck Ann-“ and he immediately starts unloading inside me, pushing his whole body into mine so he can bury it deep.He rolls over next to me to catch his breath and it’s just silence other than our heavy breathing. We kiss a few more times in our post-finish stupor, and fast forward to today when I’m still wondering if anything will top that feeling.

We’ve met a few times since then and while none of them have ended in coming at the same time, I still can’t believe how into it I am. Thanks for listening to me vent.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vnykgb/i_am_having_the_best_sex_of_my_life_with_my


  1. Fantastic writing!!!! I was squirming reading the whole time!! And who tf cares if it’s a situationship – you’ll remember and cherish this sex for-ev-er. Please write more!

  2. Echoing u/aluckystriker – very well written! Saving for future reference. Please write more!

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