Cheating with my New Neighbor’s Daughter | 22: Last Meet [male pov][older man][younger woman][age difference][neighbors daughter][cheating][drama][series][slow build][SFW][emotional]

***|Monday, day after the camping trip***

I got out of the bathroom then got quickly dressed for work today. It’s a bit late now than my usual work time, but I figured an hour of extra sleep was something I needed after long hours of drive last night.

I walked downstairs where I found Charlotte, Liz, Charlie and Chloe sharing the dining table over some breakfast.

“Ooh, someone slept in too long,” Liz teased me.

I smiled at her annoyingly—not in the mood for her little games.

“Don’t you really want to skip work today, honey? You must be tired from all the drive yesterday,” Charlotte asked me before feeding Chloe a small piece of banana pancake.

“I have a lot of appointments today. I’ll manage,” I answered sitting beside Charlie.

“Okay, if you say so. Just try to get home early if you can,” she smiled.

I smiled back, “Sure,” though I was having doubts in my mind as I did.

Charlotte was in a bad mood the entire time we were on the road back home. She sat quietly as my shotgun while the kids and Paige chatted in the back. I felt she wanted me to know she’s not okay by giving me a cold shoulder, which I understood but didn’t do anything with because I no longer have the energy to once we got home.

I was guessing she’s starting to have suspicions on Paige after us staying too long inside a locked shed—add to that the mark on my neck. Though I was quite sure she didn’t see or hear anything, the way she acted after that implicated that she’s now–at least–on a high alert.

With that said, I didn’t expect her to act so thoughtful and sound so sweet like she was doing now. So, it’s either something’s really off or I’m just overthinking.

“Since Trent’s already here, I’m gonna tell you guys something. Don’t worry I won’t take much of your time,” Liz spoke propping her hands on the table like we’re in a business meeting.

I started eating my breakfast while Charlotte uttered, “Sure, Lizzie. What is it?”

“As you guys know I’m leaving this Friday, right? For my friend’s wedding, yeah?” Liz started and, honestly, I was so out of touch with her I have no idea what she’s talking about.

“Yeah,” Charlotte nodded while chewing food.

“So, my bestie, Angela, was supposed to be my date for Justin’s wedding but something happened she’s not gonna be able to go,” Liz carried on showing this theatrically sad expression of hers.

“Is Angela okay? What happened?” Charlotte worriedly asked while I apathetically continued with my breakfast.

“Yeah, she’s fine. Nothing to worry. Just some conflict of schedule with a family event she can’t miss. So, with that, I’m inviting you my dear sister to join me as my date. What do you think? No hard feelings Trent, I can only invite one and it’s just that sisters first,” she asked Charlotte before giving me a subtle wink.

“I mean, I’d like that but wouldn’t the wedding be on Sunday? Your flight’s on Friday and that earliest I could get back would be Tuesday? That’s, what, 5 days? I don’t think I can be out for that long,” Charlotte explained glancing at me to probably get my approval or denial.

“Oh, come on. You deserve that 5 days of nothing but fun. It’s just 5 days. Besides, that’s our last shot to bond as sisters before I go back to our hometown. I’m sure Trent and Charlie would understand, right?” Liz rubbed Charlotte’s arm before looking at me and Charlie.

“Yeah, mom. I’ll take care of dad and Chloe,” Charlie muttered with pancakes still in his mouth.

I patted his head while Charlotte and Liz praised him.

Liz then suggested, “You guys could hire a babysitter for when Trent’s at work.”

“Yeah, but I don’t think we could get a good one in less than 4 days,” Charlotte doubted.

“Teacher Paige! Can she be our babysitter, mom? Maybe I could have a sleepover with Hailey and Jake too!” Charlie suggested enthusiastically with his hand raised up in the air.

“No,” Charlotte sternly spoke before drinking most of her coffee.

Charlie frowned asking, “But why?”

Charlotte seemingly went a little softer when she explained, “She’s busy with teaching other kids how to swim, Charlie. I don’t think she has time to babysit.”

“But dad will talk to her. I’m sure she will say yes, right dad?” Charlie turned to ask me with puppy eyes.

“I, uh, yeah, I could talk to her if your mom wants,” I told him patting him on the shoulder.

“I’ll find a babysitter. If I can’t find one, I’m not going, Liz,” Charlotte muttered steely before continuing with her breakfast in silence.

– – –

“Call me when you get this,” I hit send to Paige while I sat inside my car on the way to the clinic as I waited by a red light.

I thought I need to at least warn her about Charlotte’s suspicion or maybe tell her we should be more careful or maybe take a break. I don’t know—it just felt like I need to do something.

A message notification then rang as soon as I placed my phone on the passenger seat.

It’s a message from Liz saying, “What’s with Charlotte getting heated with Paige all of a sudden? She sounded so jealous. You sleeping with that girl or what?”

“Shit,” I grunted tossing my phone to the seat again before hitting my steering wheel with my fists in frustration.

Another message came in and I checked to see Liz again, “Don’t worry. Just my hunch and I haven’t talked to Charlotte about it. I won’t mention Paige to her in any way just say, ‘please Liz’. I could be wrong but who knows, right?”

“Psycho,” I muttered under my breath as I accelerated the car as soon as the lights turned green.

I sat for a few minutes in my car at the clinic’s parking lot contemplating whether or not I should reply to Liz and play her game.

In my mind, I refused to do what she wants because that would mean I’m confirming she’s right. On the other hand, I don’t want to piss her off ‘cause I know how her words can affect Charlotte. That bitch can brainwash her sister in a snap.

I was so deep in my thoughts I almost jumped after hearing my phone ringing. It’s Paige.

“Hi, good morning,” she greeted in a soft sweet voice.

I breathed heavily trying to release my frustration before I say anything to her. She sounded so happy and I don’t want to ruin her day by being rude–even accidentally.

“Good morning, baby. Did you sleep well?” I greeted her.

“Yeah, it’s good and I just woke up. And, uh, I dreamt of you,” she muttered while I imagined her cheeks getting rosy from it.

“Oh, really? What was I, rather we, doing then?” I smirked adjusting my position to get more comfortable.

“Hmm, not much,” she paused for bit before continuing, “It was, um, in our home, I guess? We both just got home—you from work and I’m from school—and we’re kind of getting into each other’s nerves.”

“Hmm, I see, go on,” I muttered with a smile on my face.

“And then we started screaming at each other ‘cause we’re both exhausted and we don’t have food for dinner yet. I was acting up by not saying what I wanted to eat when you kept asking me so you could just order somewhere,” she continued sounding so passionate.

“Well, I mean, that sounds realistic to me,” I teased her.

She chuckled before saying, “Yeah, that’s the only time I’d act up though.”

“What happened next?” I asked feeling butterflies in my stomach again.

“So then you just decided on your own and while we waited for the food to arrive you got really annoyed with me so you pulled me by the jaw and kissed me roughly. And I mean, rough,” she spoke with hesitation at first.

“Hmm, did it end with the kiss?” I asked biting my lip after.

“No, of course not. We fucked,” she then uttered as a matter of factly.

I chuckled before saying, “Alright, alright. As much as I’d like to hear every detail, I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’m outside the clinic in my car and I’m literally about to go meet my patients before you called. You’re not gonna get me all worked up.”

“Okay, but I’m gonna say I woke up so wet down here just because of that dream. You have no idea what I felt when I saw your text to call you,” she spoke in a sultry morning voice definitely to arouse me.

“Oh come on, baby. Don’t say that, I can’t go to work with a boner,” I pleaded.

She giggled before asking, “Wait though, you’re at work? I thought you’d take today as a day off? Are you not tired from yesterday?”

“I am. But I can’t cancel appointments—too many,” I uttered.

“I see. I’m not gonna hold you any longer. Oh wait, I forgot to ask why you want me to call you. Do you want to tell me something?” She asked with a hint of worry in her voice.

“I, uh, I’ll just call you again later, baby. Maybe tonight before I leave work,” I muttered noticing the time in my car screen.

– – –

My last patient before lunch break just left the clinic. I sat there in my office not having an appetite for some food. I wasn’t even in my best mind when I conducted those exams with my patients earlier.

Besides being physically exhausted, I’ve been constantly thinking about what Miles said about me hurting Paige.

With everything seemed to be slowly falling apart around us, I wondered if I’ll be able to protect her from it.

I realized I was being selfish for not worrying enough about how Paige would be affected once everyone learned about us sleeping together. I, myself, have always been ready to accept the consequences right from the start, but there’s a chance Paige might not be and I was oblivious of it.

I then heard my phone going off for a second then a missed call from Paige.

I buried my face onto my hands and breathed deeply asking myself over and over again—what should I do?

She then texted me saying, “Have you had your lunch? I just got off a client and I’m at the town mall nearby. Can I bring lunch to your clinic?”

“No. Just wait for me there,” I replied with my hands cold from nervousness thinking if what I’m about to do would be the best for us.

I then got out of my office telling Monica I’ll be back in an hour or so.

After around 15 minutes, I’ve arrived at the mall parking lot.

I wanted to avoid getting Paige and I seen together in a public place so I just messaged her to come by the parking lot and after a few minutes, I saw her walking her way to my car.

She got in as shotgun while breathing heavily as if she just went for a jog, “Hey.”

I stared at her for a second, feeling an unfamiliar pain in my chest. In silence, I intertwined my fingers with hers and kissed her hand.

A drop of tear fell from my eye to her hand instantly turning her face from excited to frightened.

“No,” she muttered, her voice trembling.

I looked at her with pleading eyes when she spoke again, more sure this time, “No.”

Tears began rolling down her cheeks as she stared at me.

“Please, don’t do this to me,” she wept putting her hand on her chest as if to stop her heart from crushing.

I swallowed a huge lump in my throat before trying my hardest to say these words to her, “We might have to end this here.”

“But why? What happened? We were okay just a few hours ago. What did I do?” She asked in between whimpers.

She’s right. We were okay. We are okay. I don’t know why I’m telling her this. I haven’t even thought of it through, but it felt like it was the right thing to do.

“I’ll get this straight, okay? You didn’t do anything. And that’s the point. I can’t let you get into this mess with me. I know we only have a few days left before everything gets out. This feels like my last chance to save you. We might stop it from happening if we just get back the way before we met each other. I’ll be a better husband to my wife. Summer break’s over sooner than you know, you’ll go to college and forget me eventually. Do you understand?” I explained before wiping a tear off her cheek.

“But shouldn’t I be the one making that decision? If I want out? What if I don’t? Hell, I don’t! I’m here because I want to be here. I need to be here. I don’t want to forget you, ever. I don’t need to be saved. I just need you, please. We don’t to have stop it from happening, we just have to get through it. Don’t do this me, Trent, please,” she pleaded holding onto my hand before bowing down to beg.

I felt a shot of pain in my chest as I watched her crumbling in front of me because of me. I feared of hurting her so much but I didn’t realize I’d be hurting her whatever I decision I make.

“Talk to me, please, I beg you. I’m not leaving, did you hear me? I’m not doing it. I can’t do it. I’m already in love with you, Trent. We can talk this out. Whatever it was that happened that made you think it’s the end, we could sort that out. And if not, it’s okay, we’ll face it together. I love you, please don’t push me away,” she muttered gripping tightly to my hands with her eyes staring intently at my soul.

She said it. The one thing I’ve been scared of ever since the beginning. The fact that I am madly in love with her too made it even harder than it should be. I have been planning of the best way to tell it to her, but not right now and probably not ever, not when I’m convincing her to get herself out of trouble.


`Don’t worry this isn’t the end lol`

Next chapter within the next few days stay tuned ;*



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