This being sore shit is for the birds.
This morning, after Gabe grumbled something about liquids and food before leaving, for some odd reason I awoke to an indescribable pain like someone had worked my insides with a metal bat.
It was the only way I could describe the pain as it resonated from my middle and radiating out until I was left completely and utterly sore.
Now normally I’m used to being sore after many *many* work outs….and some days I shouldn’t be walking….or moving as I had, more than once, worked a muscle beyond its normal capacity.
And it appears that I wasn’t the only one who went through the same pain as Summer mimicked my wish to simply curl up and die.
Then the bitch bolted to the bathroom slamming the door behind her instantly pissing me off.
Or at least I thought she locked the door behind her but it appears that she simply closed it as she bolted in.
After the flub was discovered I bolted into the bathroom to find her sitting on the toilet audibly pissing into the toilet loudly and making my need to follow suit worse I made the only decision presentable…..I mimicked Gabe by pissing in the shower as I tried to hold myself up.
After we both emptied our respective bladder’s we pretty much went to bed and lounged in the room watching TV while whatever happened to us was over while we groaned what was happening…..whatever happened.
I still have no idea what happened or what was happening.
All I knew was it *felt like* my boobs were growing again which made me oh so ecstatic.
See my sarcasm in my statement.
But growing wasn’t the right word that I was *feeling*……more……what’s the word I’m looking for……heavy.
More than once I excused myself from our marathon watching of a series that Summer had talked me into starting from the beginning so I could excuse myself without missing much.
Each time I excused myself to the bathroom to check out my tits just to make sure they hadn’t grown but each time finding them to still be their large ass melon’s….just semi heavy. And feeling denser than normal.
But I didn’t see anything concerning like extra veins popping out of my semi tanned skin.
The only thing that looked odd on my big ass breasts was that my nipples looked larger….and maybe sticking out more.
Though I wasn’t entirely sure if my nipples were really bigger or not.
It’s not like I measure the damn things on a constant basis or anything like that.
And I really didn’t want to play with the damn things as it would cause me to only get horny and without Gabe around made the act kind of pointless.
I mean I could play with my body and have fun with Summer as a substitute but honestly I was too sore to even think about it.
That wasn’t the only thing that *felt* odd going on in my body.
My insides, mainly below my belly button, felt completely and utterly sore. But after my fifth excuse to check out if my tits had grown most of the soreness down there had subsided and now felt like an uncomfortable pressure.
The pressure wasn’t really painful or anything….just….well uncomfortable. It wasn’t sore….I mean it was but I’m used to being sore.
Then there my *new* ability….my overly wet pussy.
When I went to check on my tits to confirm they were larger I had to, more than once, wipe my accumulated pussy juice’s that seemed to never stop leaking.
That’s when I noticed that my pussy lip’s looked…..well…..fat.
That’s the best way I knew how to describe what I noticed after my little episode earlier.
I dared not *test* anything out.
After my fifth *excuse* to check out my tits….and my light clean up, I dared not put any pressure into my clean up, I gathered the courage to ask Summer if she was going through the same things as me.
I paused the TV and looked at Summer, “Hey Summer.”
She looked at me, a like irritated that I paused the show as it was obvious she into the show, “What’s up?”
I blushed, “Is…uuummmmm….your midsection sore?”
She looked at me for a moment but I could tell she was checking her internal body before she focused on me, “Sort of but not really.”
I spoke, “Is it more of an uncomfortable pressure?”
She checked again before nodding obviously not connecting the dots.
I continued, “Does your breasts feel large or heavy?”
She pulled the cover away to look at her own chest before she pulled it down to address me, “I don’t think so.”
I looked at her, “They don’t feel heavy?”
I watched her reach under and lift her own smaller than mine breasts before dropping them before she looked at me and shook her head, “Not really.”
Then she looked at me quizzically, “Why? Are your’s heavy?”
I felt my face get flush but didn’t feel like I was blushing as I looked at her, “I think so.”
She looked at me then down at my chest as if she was trying to gauge if my suspicion was correct.
She looked up at me, “They look the same to me.”
She reached out and I was happy she grabbed on top of the blanket but still the little friction I felt as she grabbed and lifted was enough to shoot an electric current from my nipple to my pussy and back up.
I had to refrain from moaning as I felt her lift my breast and did a slight up and down movement with my breast in her hand.
I bit down on my lip before I felt Summer let go of my breast as she spoke, “It doesn’t feel heavy. At least not heavier than normal….I think.”
I breathed in and out a few times to stabilize myself as that slight movement was enough to start churning up my passion and making me really *really* horny.
I ignored the fact that I knew my pussy was already dripping and making my previous clean up job non existent.
Eventually I was able to get myself under control….if only barely.
I looked at Summer and tried to remain focused on my line of questioning, “Don’t you find it odd that *we* **both** experienced the same pain?”
Summer looked at me and shrugged, “Yeah I guess.”
I continued, “And aside from my imagination of my breasts don’t you find it odd that we both more or less feel off?”
Summer thought about what had happened before shaking her head, “Not really.”
I sighed as I was trying to connect the dots as to **why** this happening but like her I wasn’t finding a commonality.
I mean *if* Gabe had been right there with us doubled over in pain then *maybe* we could link what was happening.
Maybe I was just going crazy.
I looked at Summer and smiled, “I might be going crazy then.“
Summer lightly chuckled, “Yeah maybe.”
She turned her attention to the TV, “Now press play. I want to see what happens next.”
We sat around long enough to where my stomach was growling something fierce and most of my *imagined* changes began to subside.
I still felt like my insides between my belly button and crotch still felt uncomfortable but now it was more of a dull pressure that I still could feel though it was completely manageable now.
My *Imagined* heaviness in my tits began to fade to almost nothing but I can still swear they *felt* heavier. Same thing goes as I can still swear my nipples had become fatter and longer though at they moment they *looked* normal….well as normal as they could be.
My *imagined* fat pussy still looked and felt like my lips had become plumper that was hiding my labia and everything more easily. Though if it were true that my pussy lips had indeed become fatter the only plus I have found at the moment was my *leaking* issue had lessen though not by much.
Enough time had gone by that my stomach was growling something fierce and the time since Gabe had left was noticeable to where I wished he was back.
I looked over at Summer after my stomach had growled loud enough to where it sounded like a small predatory cat was in the room growling. I spoke, “You hungry?”
Before Summer could answer I heard an echo growl resonating from Summer that made her lightly hold her middle as the growl continued for a few seconds before she looked at me and nodded while speaking, “God Yes!”
I smiled and leaned over to where our cell phones were laying and grabbed both of our phones so we could login to the cruises app and order room service.
I handed Summer her phone as she smiled at me and spoke, “Thanks Kelly.”
I smiled and nodded, “Don’t mention it.”
Both of us had logged into the cruises app and I pulled up the room service and started to peruse the items as each item I looked at just made my growling stomach just growl louder as my mouth watered at the items.
I wanted to select just about everything they had so I could pig out until I was laying on the bed holding my stomach with the remains of my *choices* were littered around me as I had a smile on my face. That was my *want* but I ended up simply selecting an alfredo pasta, turkey club with extra bacon and as a dessert I selected a slice of the chocolate silk mousse pie. For my drink I ordered half a case of water. Then because I knew Gabe would need it I ordered a case of electrolyte juice.
I blinked as I stared at the screen that my order would take 40 minutes before it would be brought up then remembered that my phone still had me registered with my old room number and not seeing a way to change my room number I promptly hit the customer service number to have my order changed from my old room to our new penthouse suite.
I looked over and saw that Summer had to do the same thing as we both had the same problem.
Both of us only waited for a few moments before a service rep answered our call and we were able to change our order from our old room to our new room though I was slightly irritated that they took Summer’s call first before mine but whatever.
About an hour later our food showed up and we pretty much pounced on the food like a pack of rabid dogs. If Gabe was around we *might* have been more feminine about our eating but he wasn’t here as we mimicked his propensity to shovel food into our mouths like we were heathens.
Then after that I was fat and happy while we went back to lounging around on the bed watching the Vampire Chronicles that Summer was completely fascinated by.
A couple more hours of binge watching Vampire Chronicles when I noticed that the sun was beginning to set and I started to get worried as Gabe had left hours ago to tour the island that our cruise had docked with. And he still hadn’t returned…..or texted…..nothing.
Normally I wouldn’t worry too much about Gabe going off to do his own thing as he normally comes home and we *usually* have some type of fun.
But we aren’t home now were we?
We were miles away from home and on a ship with even more miles away from home.
I felt my anxiety beginning to grow as Gabe hadn’t returned from an unknown island.
I was beginning to get worried and thinking that I should have gone with him to make sure he was alright….if it weren’t for whatever happened had happened.
I was about to look over at Summer to voice my concern or you know maybe use my cellular device to call him when I caught his scent.
At first I thought I was going crazy that I was smelling him though he wasn’t definitely in the room but within minutes I heard the door’s security device chime and in walked Gabe….closely followed by Nadia.
I had a double sense of emotions that flooded my mind all at once.
First I was happy and ecstatic that Gabe was finally back in the room with us.
And secondly the one person I didn’t want back in the room was with him….Nadia.
Granted Nadia was a preferred choice over Dillion or the other two girl’s from last night. A night that even I seem to be able to fully remember.
After Gabe brought me to my fourth orgasm I didn’t care…besides my mind had fried by then after the long day of having my body used as much as it did. I was officially done by the time Gabe took me last night.
And I really couldn’t be overly jealous of Nadia as I was beginning to like and appreciate my new enhanced body to where I didn’t feel self conscious….ok I still felt self conscious but not as much….anymore.
And if I’m being completely honest Nadia doesn’t rub me the wrong way anymore. At least not as much as compared to when I first met her.
Besides Gabe was back and I was completely relieved when he walked back in the room.
Then I got a look at him and instantly grew concerned but Summer beat me to the punch as she spoke, “You alright Gabe?”
Gabe looked like he was completely drunk….and his body glistened like he had ran a marathon.
Gabe stumbled into the room like his body was completely rubber as he spoke, “Just need some liquids.”
He quickly found the two cases of electrolytes, apparently when *we* ordered room service earlier both Summer and I ordered a case of electrolyte fluids just for Gabe, sitting on the counter and immediately opened one of the cases to retrieve his first can. He quickly opened the can and proceeded to pound it. Then another…..and another. After the fifth can and a loud belch he finally looked at us with a sigh, “Ah much better.”
It appeared that was what he needed because his drunken appearance began to fade away as his movement slowly returned to normal.
He looked at us, “How are you two?”
I looked at him with a smile, “Better now that you’re back.”
He smiled at us and I felt like his smile was only for me making my insides want to turn into goo.
I felt a certain part of my body agree with my sentiment as I felt a fat blob slowly escape me. I only realized the *leaking* as I felt it travel down wetting my taint and my ass crack as it was super warm as it traveled down and onto the bed.
Summer spoke, “Where have you been?”
He looked at Summer, “touring the island just like I told you I would.”
I looked over at Summer and saw she didn’t entirely believe him as she spoke, “All day?”
He laughed, “Not all day no. But the last couple of hours I’ve been touring the island.”
He looked over at Nadia, “Didn’t we Nadia?”
I looked over at Nadia to see she looked normal to me though she had on a bag on her back but the moment she was addressed she spoke in her thick accent, “Yes we did.”
Gabe laughed, “There she was my witness.”
He walked up to Nadia and retrieved the bag on her back, “I even got us some goodies from the island.”
That perked me up as while Gabe was away the captain announced that after today we would be spending another half day on this island before we headed back to the mainland and our cruise was officially over.
I kind of wanted to check out the sites and see the island but wasn’t really expecting for me to be bed ridden on the day we landed on the island. Plus I was a little upset I didn’t get to spend the day with Gabe.
Maybe if I’m feeling better tomorrow maybe *we* or Gabe and **I** go out to the island and maybe check out the island…..maybe *fuck* out in the open like a beach.
I watched as Gabe walked over to Nadia and pulled out a glass container as he spoke, “I got us some ‘*Life Milk*’ that one of the islands produces that we can try.”
I instantly got turned off on the milk as I’m not a ‘big’ milk person. I’m not lactose and tolerant or anything, just not a big milk person.
Ice cream…sure.
Chocolate….yes please.
But milk? I’ll go for something else preferably Almond Milk or Oat Milk.
Summer said, “Oookkkk….”
He pulled out two more glass containers each a different color as he spoke, “They had regular, chocolate, banana, strawberry, and even orange creme.”
He had pulled out five different jars of milk.
I didn’t see the point as most of those flavors you could find at *any* store so I didn’t see why *these* milks would be any different.
He pulled out a few small glass containers, “And I got us some liquid aphrodisiac that apparently another island produces. Thought we could give them a try.”
Summer spoke, “Why did you get that when we have Lilith’s?”
Gabe smiled and shrugged, “Sounded cool….and was told it’s more powerful.”
I watched as Summer raised an eyebrow as she spoke, “Can it be consumed?”
Obviously Summer was already planning something with the unique liquid that had no label on it.
Gabe shrugged, “I think so. They didn’t tell me to not consume it when I purchased it.”
Summer mused but remained quiet for a moment before she spoke, “Anything else?”
Gabe looked at Nadia and back at the bag before he looked at us and shook his head.
Summer sighed, “Ok you bought us some goodies.”
Gabe smiled, “That’s right.”
Summer looked at him trying to remain emotionless as she obviously was going to ask the next question, “So what all did you do when you left to ‘*tour*’ the island?”
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vmedsu/step_sister_corruption_part_288_day_141_free_use
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