Stay at my side Ch. 10 [M/F] [Friends] [massage] [accidentally aroused]

Chapter 10: You are different

[Chapter 1]( [Chapter 9](

“Matt?” I was currently brushing my teeth when I heard Casey’s Voice. “Would it be okay if we stay for another night?” I had expected it. Their parents read their messages that they would stay here and didn’t even answer. Of course, we would make two nights out of this. I don’t think that it would be right to force her to go back to this place and probably get even more traumatized, and even if she could go home… Everyone liked spending time with their best friend, right?

“Of course, my mum will return on Tuesday and dad in maybe three weeks. We have enough beds but I don’t think that we’ll need them.” Casey smiled. “Thank you. I’ll pay you back one day.” spit into the sink and put my toothbrush away. I stepped behind Casey, who now grabbed her own toothbrush, and placed my hands on her shoulders. “You don’t have to.” I gently massaged her shoulders. She had put her hair in a ponytail which made it way easier to access her shoulders. She still wore my hoodie which also covered her butt. With the shorts, it almost looked like she didn’t wear anything except the hoodie.

Her muscles were really tensed up due to the stress of the last few days, and I could see a look of relief on her face in the mirror, as I massaged her shoulders. It felt good to make her happy. I didn’t even need her to thank me. After she was finished brushing her teeth, we stayed in this position and she closed her eyes. I moved from her shoulders to her neck and she let out a moan of relief. After a while, she turned around and laid a hand on my chest. “We should go to the bedroom.” I knew she did that on purpose, so I decided to play along: “What’s your plan, my dear.” We grinned a little and then went into my bedroom. She laid down on my mattress, stomach downwards, and looked at me. “I’m yours, do what you want.” It felt good to hear her joking again. I sat down next to her and started massaging her again.

After some time, she took the sweater in her hands and pulled it up to her shoulders. Her slim back was free now. She still wasn’t wearing a bra and I could see the small white stripe, where her skin was less tanned. I firmly placed my hands on her upper back and stroked her skin a little. Her skin felt smooth and I could really enjoy doing this. I wandered to her side and then to her waist. I looked to her head, which laid sideways on the pillow. Her eyes were closed and she had a smile on her lips. She looked so peaceful as if nothing bad had ever happened to her.

“Can you massage my legs?” I almost thought that Casey had fallen asleep but she seemed to be awake. Without a word I moved my hands from her back to her feet and started caressing them. Casey started laughing. “Stop, I’m ticklish there.” I shortly thought about it but decided to be nice this time and moved to her ankles. I guessed her muscles would be really sore because of her run and it would probably hurt if I really started massaging them, so I decided to gently stroke her legs. After a while a applied a little pressure, not enough to hurt her but enough to count as massaging. I switched from her calves to her lower thighs. I tried to focus on her legs but I couldn’t get around noticing that her shorts were loose enough to let me see a little part of her butt cheeks.

I shouldn’t think about things like this. Casey probably wouldn’t even mind but I didn’t want any sexual thoughts distorting my feelings for her. The circumstance that I was massaging her thighs didn’t make it much easier and it was the second not even 24 hours that I got a boner because of Casey. I closed my eyes and tried to clear my mind. I was able to move my thoughts away from her body but it would probably have been better if I’d failed this…

“Matt?” My thoughts went back to Casey and what I was doing. I looked at my hands. Because I totally ignored what I was doing, I had moved up a little and my hand laid now partly on the upper part of her inner thigh. Casey had turned her head and was looking at me. Her cheeks were a little red and she had a look on her face I couldn’t interpret, but I was sure it wasn’t a good one.

I quickly pulled my hands away. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” What had I done? This had been way too close and this right after accidentally kissed? She already had enough problems. I was the last one close to her, who didn’t cause her problems and I had to stay like this. For her and for us.

I was a little surprised when Casey took my hands. She had turned around and now set in front of me. “What do you mean? I didn’t react like this because of you. Well, I did but I’m not mad or anything. Don’t worry.” She gave me a little smile and I never had felt such relief in my entire life. For a moment I thought I had ruined something, but Casey still seemed to enjoy being near me and even held my hands. “I’m not sure why this has happened, but it felt weird… not a negative one but an unknown feeling, you know?” She looked at me as if I knew what she meant by that. “So, when I touched your inner thigh it felt different from a normal massage?” She nodded and rested her forehead against my chin. “The only thing comparable was the feelings I had when we… kissed.” I tried to ban a certain thought from my mind, but it didn’t work. I hated to admit it, but: “If I didn’t know you I would probably say that you were aroused but…” She interrupted me. “Why just if you didn’t know me?” I knew the answer but I couldn’t say that I couldn’t imagine my best friend being aroused by me. Instead, I said: “You seem so innocent.”

“Just because I’ve never done anything sexual before doesn’t mean that I can’t be aroused.” She argued. “Of course, you did something sexual before. Even the thing last night was a little bit in this direction and everything you do alone at home also counts.” I just realized what I just said. We never had talked about something like masturbation but everyone did it, right? “I… don’t do things alone at home.” She looked at me as if she just had admitted to a crime. Even though I would have guessed something different I knew she wasn’t lying. This girl never has had any sexual feelings except for two accidents with me.

“I trust you, Matt, more than anyone else. You know me better than anyone else. Please tell me what’s going on with me.” She had a begging tone in her voice and I couldn’t resist the urge to hug her. “It’s normal, you just can’t control it because it’s new.” She wasn’t satisfied. “Why does it happen when you touch me?” I tried to give her an answer even though I knew that her real question was another: “Well, there are some zones that make you aroused when you get touched there and I guess the inner thigh is one of them.” She knew I tried to dodge the question “That’s not what I meant. If someone else touched me there I would be uncomfortable. Why does it feel different when YOU touch me?”



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