The Accidental Dick Pic [Masturbation] [Femdom] [MF]

Yes, sending out dick pics is one of the worlds most favorite past times. You take a picture of your rock hard dick, in the right angle to make him look as big as anyhow possible and you sent it off to god knows where. And yes, I sent out some of them too. But I never ever sent out one without being asked to do so. Except, once, one of my dick pics accidentally got sent to the wrong person. It was totally my fault.

It all happened about three years ago. 32 year old me was sexting with some 25 year old girl I hooked up with a couple of times. She sent me nudes, I sent her nudes, then, when we had time, we met up to fuck each others brains out. It worked perfectly fine for some time. No, nothing long term came out of it, we only had our fun together.

One night I fucked up. I took the next to perfect picture of my rock hard cock. I was planing to send it to the girl I mentioned above, but it accidentally went someplace else. To woman around 52 I knew from work. Or better said, that I worked for. She was one of the higher ups in the company I that employed me back then. I had her number in my phone because I once had the honor to drive her around town for a few days, because her driver called in sick.

She was definitely the sort of woman you don’t fuck with. She was smart. She was a tough nut. She could be very charismatic. She had more than just some authority when she needed it. She was a real leader. A person respected and feared by nearly everyone in the company and beyond. And I sent her a dick pic. Fuck. I was screwed.

I tried to undo my error as soon as I realized what I had done. But it was too late, the picture was already on her phone. She had already seen it. But no reaction came back. At least not on that unfortunate evening. Before falling asleep I was praying that nothing would come out of it: Please don’t let her kill me. But my prayers were unheard.

The next day on my way to work I had some bad feeling in my guts. You know, the sort of feeling that tells you that something bad will happen. At work I tried to behave as normal as anyhow possible: I had some chit chat with my workmates, I typed some numbers onto some digital spread sheet, I took some phone calls. I did the stuff a corporate drone does all day long.

But then, it was in the early afternoon, my office manager approached me: “I have no clue what you have done. I have no clue what you have fucked up. But management just called for you. Head up to her office now.”

I let out a deep breath. Anxiety hit in. My legs resisted to move for a minute, then I went on my journey up. My workmates tried to cheer me up on my way out: “You’ll survive. She isn’t that bad. She can’t kill you.”

I thanked them, but I felt like a prisoner on his way towards the electric chair. I was really afraid. My body was trembling. But I bit my teeth together. Over to the elevator. Up to the highest floor. Getting out. Walking straight forward. While trying to look as relaxed, as cool as anyhow possible.

When I arrived at her office I told her male secretary that I was there. He pointed towards a bench next to a wall: “She will have time for you soon. Just sit down and wait. Can I bring you some coffee or a glass of water?”

I declined his offer. In a very polite way. I just sat there, waiting. Waiting for my punishment. Hoping that I won’t loose my job. Not that I liked my job, but finding work, was and is a tricky thing to do.

Time stood still. It felt like an eternity until she called me into her office. I got really nervous. I was counting seconds to pass time. My hands were shaking. Then finally, the moment came, her secretary told me to go in. He even opened the door for me. A thick sound proof door. Lots of secret stuff must be going on in her office.

After entering, she signaled me to take place on the chair in front of her gigantic desk. She was finishing a phone call, then she diverted her whole attention towards me. She took her phone, swiped through it, until she had my dick pic on the screen. Then she stood up, walked around the table – she was wearing some suit and some high heels – and placed herself next to the chair. Then she ordered me to stand up.

I was on my feet within a few seconds. I jumped out of the chair. Then she showed my the picture I sent her. A next to perfect picture of my own rock hard cock. She asked with a very pissed off, but demanding voice: “What is that?”

“A picture of my dick.”

She kept on going, sounding even more annoyed: “And why is that one my phone?”

“It was an accident. I wanted to sent the picture to some girl I am seeing.”

Her voice got even harsher: “So you are one of those stupid morons who sends out dick pics to some random women?”

Now she was really mad. I tried to defend myself: “No, she asks me for them. It is some game we got up and running: I send her some nudes, she sends me some nudes back. Foreplay, sort of.”

She calmed down a little. Some of the someone gets killed pretty soon tension left the room. She kept on going, with a more relaxed, slightly curious expression on her face: “Is that even your dick?”

I told her that it was mine. She didn’t believe me. She told me that I should prove to her that it was mine. I should prove to her, that I was man enough to sent out a pic of my own dick. I asked her how? All she answered me was: “Drop your pants. Now.”

Without hesitating, without thinking for a single second, I dropped my pants and my underwear. I exposed my limp dick. A little smile appeared on her face. Then she compared him to my rock hard dick on my phone. She used her commanding voice again: “You can’t compare apples to eggs, can’t you? Make him hard.”

A shiver drove through my body. She just asked me to jerk off my cock while she was watching. I asked her if I heard right. She confirmed it. I did as ordered. I jerked off my dick. Please get hard. Please get really damn fucking hard. But I struggled. I was nervous. She stood next to me. Impatient. Tipping with one of her feet: “I am waiting.”

I jerked off like a maniac. I even squeezed my balls. I finally got a hard one. My rock hard dick was pointing straight away from me. Finally. Now she had a real smile on her face. She compared my boner with the picture on my phone again: “Yes, you sent out pictures of your own dick. Shot out of an angle to make something look bigger, but it is yours. Now, relieve yourself.”

I couldn’t believe what I had heard. Has she really just told me to jerk off? I asked back. She confirmed what she had said. And she got impatient again: “I am waiting.”

So I began to jerk off again. My hand was sliding up and down my dick. While she was watching. My other hand was squeezing my balls. A moan or two escaped my throat. I jerked off faster. It felt awesome. I worked myself towards an orgasm. Eyes closed. One more thrust. My balls emptied themselves onto one of my hands. I tried to catch every last drop of it. Just don’t make a mess. It might make her even angrier.

When she saw that I was done, that my balls had emptied themselves, she again had a smile on her face. And she again used her commanding voice: “Now, eat it. Be a good boy. Clean up after yourself.”

I struggled to eat my own cum. She got angry. Her face froze. Her eyes were stabbing me. She really intimidated me. She kept on looking at me. I knew that I was fucked if I didn’t eat my own spunk. So I cleaned off my own cum of my hand. I swallowed every last drop of it.
Now a huge smile appeared on her face. She called me her good boy again. Then she allowed me to pull my pants and my underwear up again. She dismissed me: “Until then. I will call you in again soon. Now, back to work.”

When I left her office, her secretary smiled at me. He had an “I know exactly what happened in there” smile on his face. I greeted him while walking by. Then I went back down on my floor, to deal with my workmates. On my way down I made up a story to tell them.

But they already had a story. She already sent a message to the office manager. Clearing my name. Telling them that it was nothing but an extra ordinary hearing to find out about the working conditions in our office. She was clearly playing on another level than I was. So I went back to work. Doing total pointless corporate office stuff. Until she called me into her office again.


1 comment

  1. Should have done a ‘drop the mic’ move and let the cum drip on her desk. But nice story.

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