The curious incident during the Spirit Squad practice session [18MF+] [accidental sex]

Helen, high school senior, on the cusp of graduation, and the Templeton High School Spirit Squad Captain, surveys her team. Six squad members plus herself, none cool enough to be cheerleaders, musical enough for marching band, or coordinated enough for field sports. But they are here, they are eager, and they are her team. And that is what matters.

“You’ve done good,” she says, pacing before them, “Waving flags and carrying banners and dancing.” They are in uniform, form-fitting leotard body suits, black with blue stripes and white stars. “We are a small team, but we are mighty, and the school sees that.” She stops, turns, heads the opposite direction.

“Which is why,” she continues, “We have been given the special opportunity to lead school spirit at next week’s assembly.” She lets that sink in, hears the murmurs of excitement. “I know!” she grins, eyes sparkling, “Us! Not the Cheerleaders or the Pep team or the Band. Spirit Squad!”

“So what are we going to do?” says Mia, her best friend since second grade and unofficial Spirit Squad second in command, “They’ve already seen our ‘Everybody Wants to Rule the World’ routine, and that’s the best we’ve got!” Mia is a quiet girl, a redhead, who always earns straight A’s.

“True, true,” Helen says, tucking her wavy golden hair behind her ear, “It’s a beautiful act, very dynamic, but we can’t be a one-trick-pony. We need something new.”

Ben, the sole boy on the squad, narrows his gaze. “You already have something in mind, don’t you?” He’s tall and lean, with muscular arms and a messy mop of blond hair, and more commonly found around the theater geeks, even though he can’t act his way out of cardboard box.

Helen grins. “You know me well. I certainly do. It’s a new dance set to ‘Take My Breath Away,’ and it’ll require more choreography than usual, and practice, practice, practice.” She looks at her squad seriously. “Tell me now if you’re not up for it.”

The squad regards her in silence.

“Excellent!” Helen claps, “Let’s begin.”

Forty-five minutes later, the team is sweaty and exhausted, morale waning.

“It’s just not going to work,” Tracy says, her black hair pulled into a ponytail, “Ben’s strong, but he can’t lift all of us at once.”

“He’s not supposed to,” Helen rolls her eyes, barely containing her exasperation, “I told you, he’s faking it, you’re supposed to lift yourselves. Get back into formation and try again.”

Tracy protests, “Helen, sorry, but no. It doesn’t work. And I’m tired. Let’s go home. Find another way tomorrow.”

Helen grits her teeth. “Ben, can you keep going?”

He wipes his brow, considers. “Yes. For now.”

“Then let’s try again, Tracy, girls.” Helen gestures at her squad.

“No,” Tracy says.

This level of defiance is unheard of on Spirit Squad, but Helen is not unprepared for insubordination. “Yes.”

Tracy stamps her foot. “No.”

Helen’s eyebrows flare and her mouth opens, but before she can speak, Mia steps in. “Helen, wait, I have an idea.”

She grits her teeth, turns to her friend. “What?”

“Why don’t you take Tracy’s spot — wait, hear me out — just for a demonstration or two, show us all what you have in mind. Because, honestly, I’m not quite understanding either.”

Helen looks between the team members. Weariness, frustration, and fatigue, but a glimmer of hope that Mia’s suggestion will hold. Her gazes make it to Ben, who shrugs, “Cool with me.”

“Fine,” Helen acquiesces, “Let’s do it. Cue the music, from ‘through the hourglass I saw you.’”

The team arranges itself, the song plays, and they start dancing. Ben drops to the ground, rolls over, and the others gather around. Helen takes Tracy’s position as Ben pretends to lift all the girls into the air at once, and it looks like, unlike Tracy, she’s pulling it off.

But it’s a difficult pose, and her grip slips, and the formation implodes. The girls tumble, thumping to the ground. Mia just misses Ben’s head. Fiona, a quiet, serious girl, lands on his chest. And Helen, at the rear, onto his lap.

“Oof!” he grunts.

“Sorry, Ben,” Helen says, determination clenching her jaw, “Again!”

With suppressed groans, the squad gets back into position, tries again. And again it falls apart. Mia falls towards his head again, at the last instant splitting her legs so as not to knee him in the mouth, but as a result giving him a face-full of crotch. His eyes open wide in surprise. Helen ends up straddling his hips, but Fiona lands last, slamming into his belly.

“Augh!” he cries out, curling into a ball. This sends the girls on top of him rebounding off one another, grinding into him. They untangle themselves, standing up. None of the team are impolite enough to announce that Ben is now sporting an erection.

Although, in Helen’s case, she simply does not notice. Because, despite their bodysuit uniforms not hiding Ben’s bulge at the best of times, so equally laid bare are the shapes and sizes of all various butts and breasts of the Spirit Squad, and Helen believes ogling would only distract her, so she has trained herself to no longer do so.

This is why, when she again apologizes to Ben and directs the team, “One more time, I know we’re close!” there are a few suppressed giggles and exchanged glances among the squad members as they continue as their captain instructs.

Ben, for his part, is aware that he is popping wood, but naively hopes that by ignoring this fact, nobody else will notice, and the erection will subside on its own. This is aspirational at best, for just as the sudden arrival of Mia’s crotch on his face accompanied by her surprised-but-also-curious expression hinted at a new avenue of intrigue, and the simultaneous meeting of Helen’s hips and his, and their subsequent rubbing together, reminded him of the reason he joined the Spirit Squad in the first place — that is, Helen and her tight ass — drew a distinct physiological response in the state of blood flow to his penis, so to were the gathered girls, except Helen, intimately aware at all times of said status of Ben’s penis, seeing as the cute-but-awkward boy’s willingness to don the revealing squad uniform had sparked considerable interest in joining Spirit Squad among their specific social circles. Essentially, apart from Helen, everyone on the team had joined with the express intent of gawking at someone they found attractive.

As the team gets back into position, there is a certain level of nervous energy in the air. The dance moves, which on some level are always sexual in nature, have taken on a rather more sharply erotic weight. Tracy’s pressing ‘play’ on the music is not done with the same absence of thought as in prior instances, but now is performed rather deliberately, with a keen interest in observing the events that the words ‘if only for today, I am unafraid’ will bring.

The lyrics are sang, and the dancers move, but as before, the formation fails. Tracy’s jaw drops as the moment far surpasses its potential. Mia ends up once again with her crotch pressed against Ben’s face, specifically his mouth. Fiona, behind her, manages to avoid injury to Ben, but only by grabbing onto Mia, inadvertently shoving the redhead girl further into Ben’s face, and grabbing her not inconsiderable breasts in the process.

But the coup de grace comes from Helen, who manages not only to land straddling Ben’s hips, but to have done so in a way that his erection pushes through the accumulated layers of thin clothing and up into her sex. Tracy’s surprise at witnessing this sight pales in comparison to Helen’s at experiencing it. She has found herself not only penetrated for the first time in her life — by Ben — but also, in her near-exhausted, physically strained state, nearly overcome with pleasure by the act.

Ben, who has never before been inside a girl but is aware that something singular is happening to his manhood, lets loose a low moan. While its owner is unaware, his penis understands and reacts in accordance to its new surroundings, surging into full erection.

Helen knows something unusual has happened, that not only is this not the dance move she planned, but that it has gone terribly awry, and instructs her body to lift itself off of Ben’s burgeoning shaft. But as she makes the attempt, her heat rises rapidly, welcoming Ben in, and she finds herself shuddering in pleasure, not wanting to remove herself, and in fact slipping and taking him in deeper.

At the same moment, Mia finds heat blooming between her legs, the accidental rubbing of Ben’s face against her sex being the most anyone besides herself has ever touched her there. It is unlike her to swear, and reports of her doing so are rare, yet at this moment she pants, “Fuck.”

Astonished beyond all reason, Tracy has difficulty believing what she’s seeing. “What the fuck!?” she yells, because what else is there that could be said?

Tracy’s exclamation alerts the other Spirit Squad members that something noteworthy has occurred, and they scramble to see for themselves. And what they see, they have no words for.

In stunned silence they watch Helen blush as she impales herself on her teammate’s erection, Mia roll her head back in ecstasy on Ben’s mouth, and Fiona scramble to free herself from this mess but only inadvertently hold Mia in place. They watch Ben, who until now has had little agency in these interactions — he has kept his hips still and only worked his mouth in vain attempts at speech — as he turns into an active participant, not fully grasping what is happening to him, but aware enough to grab Helen’s hips, guide his thrusts to keep pace with hers, and grind his jaw against Mia’s crotch in a way that makes the fabric of her leotard grow damp.

None of the three, having much of any prior sexual experience, are capable of not being overwhelmed by this abrupt delivery of sexual gratification, and are quick to near its culmination.

Mia surmounts the peak first, Ben’s inadvertent oral pleasure making her squirm in delight, throwing herself back into Fiona, in whose arms she rides the first climax she’s ever received from someone other than her own self.

Helen, perhaps spurred by witnessing her best friend experience orgasm, feels the electric tingle of her own bliss build up and surge out. She squeals, driving herself onto Ben’s cock with reckless abandon and no concern for who’s watching or anything beyond her own pleasure. The climax curls her toes, squeezes her legs, twitches her shoulders, and she buckles, collapsing onto Fiona’s back.

Last but certainly not least, Ben grunts, bucks, and cums, his load sieving through the gathered fabric and spurts up and through his uniform.

As the trio catch their breath, Fiona frees herself, and with a panicked voice shouts, “What the hell just happened?” Her and Tanya exchange glances of pure shock. “Oh my god, I cannot–” she doesn’t finish her sentence, but there’s nothing really to say.

Helen and Mia are likewise studying each other, communicating without language the way only old friends can.

Ben sits up, bewildered, eyeing the mess of his uniform. He mutters, “Nobody’s ever going to believe me.”

The following week, the Templeton High School Spirit Squad leads school spirit at the assembly using the old ‘Everybody Wants to Rule the World’ routine, and in the high strata cliques that decide such things, judgment is passed that, while they’ve seen that act before, the Spirit Squad performs it with more cohesion and camaraderie than they’ve previously witnessed. In other words, Spirit Squad is now ‘cool.’

Despite their new-found success, the squad disbands shortly thereafter. When asked why, the members are curiously tight-lipped, which only serves to spark speculation and rumor.


1 comment

  1. If you like this story, I’ve got a lot more gathered on this free blog:

    I’ve been posting about one story a week to reddit for a couple years now, but the subreddit I was posting on (/r/sexystories) is now defunct, so unfortunately those posts are no longer available.

    I may repost some of them to this subreddit, TBD.

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