
Mia had just finished her night shift at the hospital she only had a short walk home so didn’t want to waste her money phoning a taxi. As she’s walking home it started to rain, getting wet and cold she decided to take a short cut that took her through a small park with little lighting and through a dark tunnel. She didn’t like the idea of taking this route but she was wet, cold and tired and just wanted to be home.

As she’s walking along the path towards the tunnel she notices a black van. She stops in her tracks as she find it creepy and doesn’t know whether to continue. She hears a cracking sound behind her, sounded like someone was stepping on broken glass.
She turned around quickly, her heart rate increasing as she becomes more nervous but couldn’t see anything.

Then out of nowhere she is grabbed from behind. Panicked she begins to kick and scream but the man is too strong for her and has her arms pinned to her side.
Before she can shout for help the man puts a white rag over her face.

“Shhh just breath it in, don’t fight it” the man says to her.

Still trying to fight off the man as she knows she is being chloroformed. She knows at any moment she will pass out.
She tries to fight it but every second goes by she can feel the chloroform kicking in and she’s getting dizzier and dizzier.
After a minute or so she can no longer fight it, her vision becomes blurry and with and eye roll and a soft groan she falls unconscious.

“No you are mine” the man says

“I’ve been planning this for a long time and now we can have some fun”

He lifts her up and cradle carries her, her legs and head dangling from his arms.
He places her into the back of his van, ties her up by her feet and hands and drives off into the night…… to be continued.
