[MF] Call it fate, Karma, or Destiny – the universe wanted me to have sex with her

*Once upon a time, I almost had a threesome.*

Some of my first stories were about Christine. We dated for a year, and it was a crazy, sex-fueled year. We burned out hot and fast and when it was over, we both crashed. It was a whole thing.

One day near the end of the relationship Christine turned her phone to me and showed me a picture of her friend. “Hey, B, do you think Sonia is hot?”

*This, gentlemen, is what’s usually called a “trap”.*

I hummed and hawed and avoided answering. Christine looked at me disapprovingly. “Look, all I want to know is if you’d fuck her.”

“Christine, why are you asking me this?” I said, trying to get out of answering.

“Because I think fucking her together would be fun, and also I’m 90% sure she’d be down.”

*Yeah, ok, in that case I would absolutely fuck your friend.*

Christine had to do a lot more work to convince me that she was genuine, but a week later I was sitting across a table from Sonia at a coffee shop, seeing if we liked each other enough to bang my girlfriend. Sonia was funny and charming and really, really cute. She giggled a lot, which contrasted with Christine’s cackles in a fun way. We got on well, and concluded that sure, we’d be open to doing something special for Christine.

We never actually had that threesome, because Christine and I flamed out shortly thereafter. And I thought I would never see Sonia again…

*But if that were true, I wouldn’t be writing this story for you today.*

Years passed, and I found myself at a music festival with a couple of friends. And lo and behold, who was in front of me in line for the beer tent than Sonia.

I recognized her but at first didn’t place where I knew her from. So in my half-drunk half-high stupor, I tapped her on the shoulder. “Hi, sorry,” I said. “I know this is random, but you look really familiar and I don’t want to be a bother but do I know you?”

She gave me a puzzled once-over and then her face lit up in a grin. “Holy shit! B, it’s me, Sonia!” Everything clicked into place as she gripped me in a huge hug.

“Sonia! Damn! Is Christine here too –“

“No, she’s not,” Sonia replied, grinning at me. I inwardly sighed with relief – I absolutely didn’t want to bump into my ex just then. Sonia, on the other hand, was a sight for sore eyes.

We made a little more small-talk and then waved good-bye after getting our respective drinks. Except, even in the middle of huge crowds, we kept bumping into each other.

*Call it fate, call it Karma, call it what you want. The universe wanted me to have sex with this girl.*

We started spotting each other across crowds, waving at each other. We asked who we wanted to see and planned rendezvous to bump into each other. Our friends didn’t want to see the same gigs as us? Cool, we went together.

*We rocked the fuck out to Run the Jewels.*

At first I thought it was just the crush of people in the crowd. And then I thought it was just an accident. But the more we hung out the more it was undeniable – Sonia was finding excuses to get touchy. And when I finally put my arms around her, she leaned back into me. And when I started to hug her closer, she ground her tight ass against me.

Later on we both got even touchier, and she’d move one of my hands up against her chest and my other lower down…

“I have some drinks at my campsite, do you wanna come with?” I asked her after a gig during which we were practically on top of each other. She smiled and nodded at me.

*I think it was SZA.*

I headed for my cooler, but she took my hand and led me straight into the tent. She drew me down on top of her and I didn’t need telling twice, pressing her down against the air mattress and kissing her as hard as I could. Her hands grabbed on to me and held me close.

It was sweltering in that tent, and we were already sprayed with water and honestly probably other things, too. Our bodies stuck together the moment our clothes came off, although Sonia kept her tie-dye headband on.

“Get inside of me,” Sonia said, and I tried to shush her because, well, we were in a tent in the middle of a crowded campground and she wasn’t being quiet. “Oh come on, who gives a shit?”

I shrugged and got the rest of her clothes off. And when I slid into her we both let out long, satisfied moans. We moved slowly, my head still fuzzy. Sonia grabbed me and held me close, our skin sticking. I was in heaven and savouring the moment as best I could as she wrapped her long, cinnamon-coloured legs around me.

“Is this good?” I asked her.

“You could go faster,” she gasped.

“Just faster?”

“Harder too, please.”

I left her and flipped her over, lying back on top of her and slamming into her from behind. My arms held her prone as I plunged into her wet pussy, my thighs smacking against her tight ass.

“Oh, God,” Sonia moaned out. Each thrust caused another exclamation to burst from her. “Jesus. Fuck. Holy. Shit. God. Damn. Holy. Fuck.”

I grunted above her, adding what I could to the cacophony. “Your pussy is so fucking tight,” I growled in her ear from above her. “Fuck Sonia, you’re so tight. Do you like my dick?”

You feel so fucking good inside of me!” Sonia cried.

I heard laughter outside of the tent. “Damn girl, get some!” an unknown voice called out. Sonia moaned appreciatively in reply.

I was getting close, and I could feel my load building. I pulled out in the nick of time, my cock resting on and glazing her ass before collapsing beside her. The heat and exertion were working on me and my head was dizzy.

“That was really good,” Sonia said, nuzzling up to me. “I’m glad I bumped into you.”

We cleaned up and met our friends at the last show of the night, both flushed and wearing the biggest post-fuck grins in the world.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vhhrcp/mf_call_it_fate_karma_or_destiny_the_universe