Dream Stone Driver [tg][preg][MF]

My first time posting here. If you want to read more like it, check me out on [DeviantArt](https://www.deviantart.com/blairhannon).

(edit: I have no idea why only a single line got pasted. Sorry about that.)

The first instance of a dream stone meteor hitting was about five years ago in western Africa. That first incident caused a massive stir in the world as fantastical things began to occur in that area. Locals that discovered the meteor suddenly had their lives changed forever in numerous inexplicable ways.

Some people suddenly became very wealthy. Others regained their youth. It was as if all of their dreams came true, hence the name dream stone.

At the moment though, the area directly surrounding the impact site of the meteor is a ghost town. Not a single human lives close to the dream stone and more people try to move away from that area all the time.

Dream stone is an apt name as nightmares began to pour out of the stone as well. Nightmares of losing their wealth, youth or even lives began to manifest just as quickly as their initial dreams gave those things to them. Formless, nameless monsters brought from the depths of people’s dreams began to ravage the area, leaving piles of ruined dreams.

That doesn’t mean that people have completely abandoned dream stone. Intrepid or foolish explorers still go to that zone in search of pure dream stone. There have also been several other meteors that have struck various parts of the world. With the knowledge of what happened with the first meteor, authorities know how to manage such events more carefully so that more nightmares don’t appear.

Riley doesn’t know a thing about how to handle dream stone. He’s just a delivery driver for one of the local pizza joints. A guy who’s just scraping by on shoddy tips is definitely not someone who’s come in contact with dream stone before.

Pretty much the only people that get to deal with that stuff are incredibly lucky or incredibly rich or a part of the government doing research. Riley is none of those things, so he just works day to day delivering pizzas.

At the moment, he is standing in the break room at the back of the pizza joint. It’s late at night and there aren’t that many orders coming in. Inside the store there are only three people. Him, a co-worker who is trying to clean up, and the owner of the store.

The owner is saying, “She’s amazing. Just the other day she got a new outfit that really shows off her figure. Of course, I’m not going to show you though. She said it’s for my eyes only.”

The coworker says tiredly, “Boss, that’s great and all, but I don’t really care about your pregnant wife.”

The owner says, “You’re just jealous. Not everyone can handle such a big and beautiful wife as her.”

“I’m sure she is, boss. I’m so jealous,” the coworker says sarcastically.

While the boss and his coworker bicker about what makes a beautiful woman, Riley scrolls through his phone. He thinks to himself, ‘Great. Yet another pregnant woman getting a free life just for being pregnant. When’s the next order coming?’

Riley’s thoughts are answered as the phone rings. The coworker sighs heavily, stops his cleaning and picks up the phone.

Several minutes later, Riley is rolling down a country road with a warm pizza in the passenger seat of his car.

The one solace of this awful job is not having to deal with anybody while delivering other than the occasional bad driver. He can deal with that though.

Riley drives slowly so that he doesn’t have to go back to the store any faster than he needs to. It does help that the house he’s delivering to is a decent distance away from the small town he lives in.

He sighs to himself while thinking, ‘Am I ever going to get out of this fucking town? I wish I could just go to some city and find a hot guy to take care of me. It worked for my sisters. Why can’t their be a rich gay guy who’ll take care of me?’

Those thoughts and more bounce around Riley’s mind as he reaches the house. It’s a small and kind of rundown house with a very overgrown path. It barely looks habitable if not for the lights on inside. Riley drags himself out of his car and up the path.

The customer requested it to be left on the porch so he does. He knocks on the door and promptly gets back in his car and leaves. This is extremely typical so he doesn’t feel bad about leaving without seeing who he’s delivering to. It’s probably just some old person anyway. Everybody young either smokes two packs of cigarettes a day and gets stuck in that town or they leave for somewhere better.

On the slow and dark trip back to the store, a purple dot appears in the sky. Riley, interested by the phenomena, pulls to the side of the road and turns off his lights. The dot continues to grow, and grow, and grow. The dot suddenly turns into a streak as something moving incredibly fast slams into the ground about a mile away from where Riley is parked.

The entire car shakes as the meteor impacts the Earth. The entire area is lit up as if it’s a purple daytime before sinking back into the dark colors of the night.

Riley breathes heavily at the thought of getting hit by that meteor. It might have if he didn’t stop where he did.

He quickly turns the key and growls his old car back to life. Cautiously, Riley approaches the impact site of the meteor. It’s a short distance away from the road that he’s on which is now cracked all over. It wasn’t in great condition before, but that impact completely ruined it.

Riley pulls off in the field near the impact site and gets out of the car. He’s seen the pictures and videos on social media. Some part of him wanted to believe that they were all fake, but each step closer confirms it more and more. That was a dream stone meteor, and it’s right in front of him.

It’s not as big as some of the ones that he’s seen on the news, but it’s still a significant amount.

He stands stunned at the top of the crater for a moment before jumping into action. He will probably never have a chance like this again in his lifetime. He slides and stumbles down the small crater towards the gently glowing rock.

He tentatively touches it and finds that it’s surprisingly cool. He loads his arms up with as much of the stone that he can. Once he can’t carry anymore, he scurries back to his car and dumps it into the trunk.

He scrounges for any kind of container that he can find so that he can grab more on the next trip. He manages to find a few discarded grocery store bags that will do the trick.

Riley is only able to manage two trips before he begins to hear sirens.

Not wanting to get caught, Riley jams the key in the ignition and floors it away.

Once he’s confident that he’s not being followed, he slows down to a crawl. It’s at that moment he realizes just how out of breath he is. He pulls over to catch his breath.

A loud ringing noise fills the car causing Riley to jump out of his skin. He quickly realizes that it is his phone ringing wildly.

He pulls it out and sees that his boss is calling him. Reluctantly, he answers the phone. He answers with a simple, “Hello?”

The boss on the other end sounds very annoyed, “Riley, I don’t know what’s happening but the power has gone out. Don’t even bother coming back to the shop.”

Riley puts on a surprised voice, “Oh, ok. It was getting pretty close to closing time anyway. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

The boss grumbles, “Yeah, sure. See you tomorrow.” Then he promptly hangs up the phone without saying anything else.

Riley leans back in his chair and just breathes. He can still hear the sirens in the distance but they don’t seem to be getting any closer. He doesn’t want to risk it though. He takes the long way back home avoiding the crash site as widely as he can.

It takes an extra 30 minutes, but he does eventually make it back to his shoebox apartment. Double checking to make sure that nobody is watching him, Riley gathers the dream stone and locks himself in his apartment.

With an assortment of gently glowing purple stones on his table, Riley isn’t sure what to do next. The secrets of how to use dream stone at a guarded secret so that people aren’t able to get exactly what they want. It’s a kind of safety measure to make stealing them less desirable.

It clearly doesn’t work very much.

Riley says to himself, “Fuck it. It’s called dream stone after all. I’m just going to sleep with it and see if that works.”

He gathers it all again and climbs into bed with it. It feels ridiculous, but he doesn’t care. He couldn’t even be bothered to get changed or cleaned up at all. He just really wanted the dream stone to work.

Riley desperately tries to think only of gaining immense wealth. He struggles to push out any of the other intrusive thoughts in his mind.

Unfortunately, trying not to think about something just causes you to think about it more. His thoughts wander to the earlier conversation he overheard about the boss’s pregnant wife and then to his sisters who are living good lives with wealthy husbands and then to his own jealousy of those women who can succeed in life just by spreading her legs for the right man. He wants to spread his legs for the right man too, why can’t it be so easy for him.

A gentle ringing alarm echoes through a spacious room. Riley stirs awake at the noise. She lifts one graceful arm out of her covers and grabs the phone off her nightstand.

She pulls it closer to turn off the alarm. Staring at the too bright screen, she sees that the time is 10am. She thinks that she could probably sleep for another hour, but she is getting pretty hungry and should move soon.

She pushes herself upwards with all her might to heft her huge body to an upright position. The sudden movement causes a flurry of excitement deep within her belly.

She rubs it gently and coos, “Now, now. I’m sure you all are hungry. Let’s get you some food.”

Then a confused look comes over Riley’s face. She had said such an odd thing as if it was a daily occurrence. It’s also a little strange that she is so suddenly pregnant, but it somehow makes sense to her.

Riley rubs her head trying to figure out this dilemma when a familiar(?) voice calls out, “Mrs. Silverman? Are you awake?”

Riley is slow to respond as she is still pondering her situation. She does eventually say, “Yes I am. You can come in, Meghan.”

Meghan? Who is Meghan? How do I know Meghan? These thoughts and more inundate Riley’s mind.

The door to Riley’s bedroom softly swings open and an immaculately dressed woman enters the room. Riley knows that she is here to help her get ready for the day.

Meghan asks, “Did you sleep well, Mrs. Silverman?”

Riley tilts her head curiously, “I think so. I feel like something is a bit off though.”

Meghan pulls a phone out of her pocket and readies it, “Do I need to call for the doctor?”

Riley quickly waves off the all too quick assistance from her loyal assistant, “No, no. Nothing like that. It’s more like a weird dream than anything.” That word dream sticks in Riley’s mind. For some reason, that word seems important. Riley continues, “It’s not that important. If I figure it out I’ll tell you. For now, could you get my robe? I don’t feel like getting dressed at the moment.”

Meghan puts her phone away and says, “Certainly.”

Riley hoists herself to her feet. She has to adjust herself to make sure that she doesn’t get carried down the ground by her weight.

Stretching out in front of her is a large belly that Riley knows is full of her husband’s babies. The doctor’s aren’t quite sure how many babies are in there since they keep finding more that were hidden behind their siblings. She is nearly 7 months along.

Meghan has retrieved a large flowing robe out of a nearby closet. There are numerous similar robes within the closet, but Meghan grabbed a light blue which matches the color of Riley’s pale blue eyes. With a practiced movement, Meghan wraps the robe around Riley to cover her most private areas. A good portion of her body is still on display and that is by design. Riley is particularly proud of her belly and really likes to show it off to her husband.

Riley, guided by her hunger, waddles towards the kitchen and sits in her usual seat. She always eats breakfast in that chair, she eats lunch on the couch and she eats dinner in the dining room with her husband every day. Riley still isn’t sure how she knows all of those things, but it feels as if she has known them all along.

Meghan quickly whips up a simple breakfast consisting of eggs and toast and places it in front of Riley. Riley thinks to herself, ‘Wow. That’s a lot more food than I usually eat. I hope I can finish it.’ As she picks up her fork she freezes and thinks, ‘Wait, no. This is how much I have to eat. All these babies need a lot of food after all. What is wrong with me today?’

Meghan notices Riley pause and asks, “Is there something wrong with the food, Mrs. Silverman?”

Riley shakes her head and says distractedly, “No, I’m just trying to think about my dream. The food looks delicious as always.” A rumbling in her stomach that didn’t come from her babies forces her to focus on her food rather than her thoughts. Meghan keeps a watchful eye out the entire time Riley eats.

Once she finishes, Riley goes to lounge on the couch in the living room as she usually does. On the way she asks Meghan, “Are there any plans today?”

Meghan pulls her phone out again and looks through it carefully. A moment later she responds, “The only special thing on the schedule is Mr. Silverman wished to order pizza for dinner tonight.”

Riley immediately gets a sour look on her face. She says, “Ugh. Anything but pizza. I don’t want to think about pizza right now.” She’s not quite sure why she is feeling such an aversion to pizza, but she can’t deny that it doesn’t sound appealing in the slightest.

Meghan looks surprised, “I thought you were looking forward to the pizza today, Mrs. Silverman.”

She thinks to herself, ‘That’s right. I was looking forward to it. Deon said that he found a quaint looking local pizza place that he wanted to try. It sounded so good when he mentioned it before.’ All this thinking is starting to give her a small headache so she says, “I must really be in a mood today. I’m going to lie on the couch and try to figure out what is bothering me so much.”

Meghan nods and says, “Alright, Mrs. Silverman. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me. I will inform Mr. Silverman that you don’t want pizza today.” She looks nervous, but there’s nothing that she can really do to help Riley at the moment.

Riley shakes her head and says, “Please don’t. I know that he was looking forward to it even more than I was. He should be able to enjoy it at least.” With that, Riley sits down on the couch with a solid thump. She sinks deeply into the soft cushions and does her best to relax.

It doesn’t take long for her to scoot all the way to the back to the particularly long couch and then tip over on her side into a pile of pillows. This has quickly become her normal position for most of the day as it takes most of the strain off her body from lugging around her massive belly. She’s excited to see just how big her belly is going to get in the last two months of her pregnancy, but she does admit that it puts a lot of strain on her body. The short walk that she makes from her bed to the kitchen and then to the couch about all she can handle for one morning.

She doesn’t care that her boobs are very clearly spilling out her robe. Her clothing is more of a formality to say that she isn’t walking around the house naked all day.

Riley simply lays on her side trying to think of exactly what is causing her distress. Her hand traces large circles across the smooth skin of her belly. It’s comforting but somehow simultaneously familiar and alien. Riley’s consciousness fades slowly causing her hand to slide slower and slower until it eventually stops.

Riley blinks awake in his bed. Directly in front of his face is a gently glowing purple rock. He rolls onto his back and thinks how ridiculous it is that he thought this plan would work. Clearly nothing changed since he is looking at the same shitty ceiling of his apartment.

He sits upright causing the rocks to shift position. It’s at this moment that he realizes that he didn’t eat dinner since he was busy with work. His stomach rumbles loudly causing Riley to say loudly, “Meghan, can you get me some food?”

Riley pauses.

“Who the hell is Megahn?” Riley says while scratching his head. Riley hasn’t known a Meghan for six years since he graduated from high school. He certainly was never close enough with any of the Meghan he knew to ask for food as soon as he woke up. It’s almost like he was asking a girlfriend for food.

Riley shudders at the thought of having a girlfriend. That’s a road he’s walked down before and decided that it wasn’t for him.

Still confused, Riley stands while avoiding the rocks strewn across his bed. He almost instinctively leans back as if he’s carrying something heavy in front of him that he needs to balance. He isn’t even aware of him correcting his posture to a more upright position as his body realizes that it doesn’t need to do that.

Riley whips together a bowl of cereal to tide him over until the morning since he doesn’t feel like making anything. He looks out the window to see that the sky outside is still pitch black. He doesn’t know what time it is, but he does know that he hasn’t been asleep for very long.

He leans back in his chair and lets out a big sigh. For some reason, a name pops into his head. Deon. Riley doesn’t know any Deon’s, but he does feel like he should. Maybe there was a character named Deon in a show that he watched. His sleep-deprived brain can’t figure out who it is though.

Realizing that he’s not going to get anywhere by thinking about it, Riley finishes his cereal quickly. He mutters, “Maybe I’ll just have breadsticks later. It’s been a while since I’ve had any.” This time, Riley doesn’t realize that he said anything weird.

Riley throws his dirty bowl in the sink which is already full of other dirty dishes. He shuffles back to his room slowly while yawning.

He sees the pile of rocks in his bed and decides that it’s fine. He’s slept in worse conditions before and he doesn’t feel like fixing it. The only thing that he does before climbing back in bed is to strip off all his clothes. His apartment feels unbearably warm despite it still being the dead of night.

Riley climbs back into bed with his assortment of stolen dream stones. It doesn’t take very long for him to pass out.

Riley feels a gentle shaking on her shoulder. Her eyes blink open slowly to see that Meghan is the one waking her up.

Meghan asks, “Mrs. Silverman, would you like lunch now?”

Riley rubs her eyes sleepily and says, “That sounds good.” While Meghan prepares to bring her lunch over, Riley forces herself to an upright position. She looks around her home while thinking that she went to bed somewhere else and woke up here. The image of a moldy, crumbling ceiling appears in her mind.

Meghan rolls a small cart over with a large plate on top. It’s at the perfect height for it to sit right above Riley’s belly while she sits on the couch. This makes it really convenient for her to eat from.

Riley says carefully, “I think I’m starting to figure out what was going on earlier.”

Meghan responds curiously, “Please tell. I was worried about you earlier.”

Riley smiles and says, “I know. I think I just had a weird dream. I don’t remember much of it, but I do remember waking up in a horribly awful apartment like I used to live in before I met Deon.”

Meghan nods, “I can imagine that would put you in a bad mood. You’ve told me a little bit about that apartment.”

Riley continues, “Yeah, that place would have blown over a light breeze. I’m glad I didn’t have to live there for long.” She chuckles slightly, “You know, I was really desperate for money back then. My family decided that I didn’t need any more help so they cut me off. I applied for just about every job I could find. The one I almost got hired for before I met Deon was for a pizza place.”

“How strange. I can only imagine that that dream, or rather nightmare, might be what was happening this morning,” Meghan says calmly, feeling very relieved to have a better idea of what was causing Riley’s mood.

Riley reminisces, “I can’t believe it’s already been a year since then. Deon and I may have gotten married really quickly, but I don’t regret a thing.”

Meghan nods, “I’m very happy for you, Mrs. Silverman. If you need anything else, just let me know.” She walks away and lets Riley eat her lunch in peace.

Riley adjusts her robe to cover herself a bit more appropriately and digs into the delicious lunch in front of her.

Riley also feels relieved having figured out a bit more of what is going on with her. She certainly doesn’t think very much of her life before marrying Deon because it is relatively unpleasant. When she really thinks about it, most of her problems at the time related to her family.

Being the youngest of three sisters, Riley’s life consisted of nothing but hand-me-downs. It’s like her parents stopped caring about taking care of her and just decided that she didn’t need anything of her own. Getting to go shopping for clothes that her sisters hadn’t worn to shred was a privilege rather than a regular thing.

They also expected far more of her than either of her sisters. Neither of her sisters did very well in school and spent most of their time goofing around with boys. Their parents didn’t mind that though and on more than one occasion said that they could fail as long as they catch a boy that can pay for them. Riley didn’t get that same treatment though. With numerous insults against her looks and personality, they expected her to be absolutely perfect in school. Their so-called justification was that she could never get a boyfriend worth anything compared to her sisters.

Remembering those awful memories, even in a dream, would put anyone into a bad mood. She’s feel a bit silly taking her anger out on pizza, but she couldn’t help it. She decides that it is probably best if she tries to enjoy the pizza that Deon brings home later. She used to really like pizza, so it feels like a bit of a happy memory amongst the deluge of negative ones.

While Riley is eating her lunch, she flips on the TV to watch the news. The report that is happening is about a dream stone meteor crash landing not too far away from their current location. In fact, it’s right outside Riley’s hometown. The reporter goes on to say that a majority of the high-quality dream stone was already gone from the scene by the time authorities arrive. He follows it up with a desperate call for the person to bring the dream stones to authorities for a reward before anything bad happens.

Riley thinks to herself, “That doesn’t sound like a bad deal. I have no idea how to use that stuff anyways.” She continues to eat while she ponders that thought. She thinks that she’s had some dream stone recently, but can’t remember anything about it. The only solution she can think of is that it was part of her dream. It wasn’t completely accurate to her reality so it isn’t surprising that she would dream of dream stone. Anything to get her out of that situation.

She eventually finishes her lunch and goes back to her usual position on the couch. The only thing that she has left to do for the rest of the day is relax and wait for her husband to come back home. At some point, Meghan comes by and takes the cart away to wash her plate.

While she casually scrolls through her phone and occasionally glances at the TV, thoughts of her dream continue to surface. She can’t help but be surprised at how realistic the dream was. More and more details become clear to her.

Living in that tiny, dirty apartment while trying to survive off tips from delivering pizzas. It’s definitely the life that she would have had if she hadn’t met Deon. There is one thing that she doesn’t quite understand though.

In her dream, she distinctly remembers looking down and seeing a penis. She’s not surprised that she wasn’t pregnant in her dream, but she is surprised that she thought of her as a man in her dream. In a way that makes more sense since her parents would say that they preferred girls over boys. If Riley had been a guy, that would explain her awful treatment compared to her sisters.

The hours pass slowly as Riley waits for Deon. Eventually 6pm rolls around and one of the garage doors opens. Meghan puts down the cloth she was dusting with and walks into the garage. Riley hoists herself to her feet and makes her way slowly to the table.

Meghan, followed by Deon, enters the house with a few small pizzas, boxes of bread sticks, and 2 liters of pop. It’s very different from their usual classy meals, but it is a nice change of pace.

Deon says happily, “Hi honey. I’m home.” Deon is a quite tall man wearing a tailored suit that fits him perfectly. He has shoulder length dark brown hair that he keeps in very good condition. His face is chiseled without a single scar on it. Riley knows that underneath those clothes of his is a display of well toned muscles.

Riley begins to subconsciously drool at both the smell of pizza and the sight of Deon. She quickly wipes her lips and says, “Welcome home dear.”

Deon quickly sets the pizzas in his arm down on the table and approaches Riley. Gently wrapping his arms around his wife, Deon plants a big kiss directly on Riley’s lips. Her heart flutters like a newlywed causing her to lean into the kiss even deeper.

Meghan watches their daily exchange with a tinge of annoyance. This is practically a daily thing and she isn’t sure how long it’s going to go on. She clears her throat to get their attention and says, “If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to call. I will leave you both to your pizza now.”

Deon, with an embarrassed look on his face says, “Yes, thank you Meghan.”

Riley pulls Deon back in for more kisses while Meghan just shakes her head. The overly flirtatious couple don’t even notice her leaving through the garage where her own car is parked.

Eventually Deon has to pull Riley away and say, “Babe, we really should eat before it gets cold.”

Riley says in a sultry voice, “Aww. I thought that I was already enjoying my dinner. Deep-dish Deon.” She runs her hand across Deon’s shirt and feels his abs.

Deon replies in a deep voice, “That’s for dessert. You’ll have to wait a little bit for that.”

Riley’s ears perk up in excitement. She breaks away from Deon and moves to her seat while saying, “Then we better hurry. I’m getting really hungry.”

Deon obliges and sits down next to Riley. He opens up the various boxes of pizza and hands a plate to Riley. She reaches out and grabs a few slices. Deon looks at how saucy the slices are and decides, “I’m going to change into something more casual. I would hate to get this suit dirty. You don’t need to wait on me.”

Riley waves Deon goodbye as he walks towards their bedroom. She begins to dig into a slice of pizza before stopping. Some part of her knows that she’s never eaten this particular pizza before, but it feels strangely familiar. There is just something about it that feels normal, as if she’s eaten it many times before.

She turns one of the boxes to see the logo and shudders slightly as she recognizes the logo. It’s the same store that she nearly began driving for when she met Deon.

Deon walks back in to see that Riley has only eaten a single bite of her pizza and is staring at the logo of the box. He asks gently, “Are you alright, Riley? Meghan said that you were a bit strange today.”

Riley nods and gestures for Deon to sit back down next to her. She rests her head on his shoulder and says, “I had a bad dream last night that is still bothering me. I was back in that old apartment of mine except I didn’t meet you. It has really scared me that all this might disappear. Like, this is all a dream that I’m going to wake up from.”

Deon wraps his arm around Riley’s shoulder and says, “Riley, you don’t have to worry about a thing. I promise that you’ll never have to go back to that apartment. I promise that I will always be there for you and our family. I wish that I could help you in your dreams, but I know that I can help you here.”

Deon’s words are comforting. Her fears slowly melt away as her husband assures her that everything will be alright. Small fears linger in the back of her mind, but she does feel better.

The couple eventually make it around to eating the pizza that they were both looking forward to. Despite Riley’s concerns, it truly is delicious.

Full of pizza, Riley and Deon make their way to bed. Riley really wants her dessert and isn’t willing to wait until later. Grabbing Deon’s t-shirt, Riley leads the way to their bedroom.

Riley flings off the robe she has been wearing all day to the floor giving Deon a good look at every massive curve of his beautiful wife. With a small amount of effort, Riley climbs into their bed on her hands and knees. Her belly hangs low enough the rest on the bed giving merciful comfort to her back.

She gives her ass a little shake sending ripples through her soft body. She says quietly, “I’m ready for my dessert now.”

Deon replies while disrobing, “I’m happy to oblige. I see my own dessert is ready as well.”

Moments later, Deon is completely nude and completely hard. His dick stands erect and ready to bury itself into Riley’s awaiting pussy. He grabs two big handfuls of behind, lines himself up and pushes slowly and forcefully.

Riley immediately begins to moan as she feels her insides get pushed to the side to accommodate her man’s massive dick. With him completely inside her, he pauses for a moment. Riley wants him to hurry up so she shakes her body a bit more. She feels his dick tense at the sudden stimulation.

He knows exactly what that means. It means that he’s being too careful.

To fix that, he begins to be a lot less careful. His hips begin to move at high speeds without any warning. He grunts with effort on each thrust as he uses every inch he has. Their thighs clap together with each thrust causing Riley’s entire body to jiggle.

A second clapping sound can be heard after their thighs. Both of them know that it’s Riley’s enormous breasts swinging and hitting against her belly. Like huge meaty pendulums, her breasts keep the rhythm of their sex.

The thoughts of Riley’s old, shitty apartment are pushed out of her mind with each thrust. The memories of her previous unfortunate life are left in the dust as thoughts of love and pleasure fill her mind.

She doesn’t want any other kind of life. She was always jealous of her sisters growing up and now she had everything they had and more. A better, richer husband, a nicer house and an even bigger belly as a sign of their love. She had beat them at their own game and was loving every moment of it.

Both Deon and Riley feel their excitement building to a near dangerous level. Deon grunts, “Fuck. I’m so close.”

Riley shouts back, “Do it. Fuck me harder.”

Deon puts his everything into it. Several seconds later, he grabs her thighs tightly and pulls himself as deeply into her as he possibly can. Riley feels a warmth fill her belly as he releases deep inside her.

The couple remains locked in pleasure in that position. Moments then seconds pass and neither wants to let go of that feeling.

Eventually Riley has to admit that her arms are about to go out. She slides forward and to the side causing Deon’s dick to slide out of her. Deon eventually slides into bed next to his wife.

They don’t need any words. They’re just as close or even closer than the day they got married. Riley simply sticks her lips out asking for a kiss before they fall into a blissful sleep.

Riley stands before a gently glowing purple mirror. Her/his reflection in the mirror shows two overlapping people.

One is a scrawny, unkempt man with short hair. The other is a buxom woman with a huge pregnant belly.

Riley knows both of these people. They are both him/her. Riley looks down to see both bodies overlapped as well.

Riley says, “I need to decide, don’t I.” Both voices speak in unison. “There really isn’t a decision though. Goodbye, Riley.”

The male Riley raises a hand independently of the female Riley. With one swift punch, the mirror as well as the male Riley shatter into a thousand pieces.

A gentle ringing alarm echoes through a spacious room.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vh4xhk/dream_stone_driver_tgpregmf