My 41[F] and my husband’s 39[M] introduction to swinging with our nearly next door neighbors [MFMF]

*All politics aside…*

This past election season someone was at our door asking questions about the upcoming election. My husband answered the door, but as soon as he realized her reason, he quickly called me downstairs. Now, I LOVE to talk about politics (local only), so I enjoyed the candor. We chatted effortlessly for 30+ minutes, we found like twelve things we had in common, I showed her my new e-scooter and we exchanged phone numbers so that after the election was over, we could celebrate our party’s successes.

Election happened – our political party was successful and I messaged her expressing my interest in getting together for a drink to celebrate. This all transpired BEFORE we started swinging. I considered her a new friend and she was a neighbor – literally less than a five minute walk from our house.

*Fast forward to January*

The end of January my husband and I decided to take the plunge and we created an account on a swinger’s site. It was a bold new era for us – lots of feelings. And in the beginning, it was so much perusing of profiles. And then, I saw her. Yes, my neighbor. I couldn’t even believe it – but yet, I could. She exudes all those swinger attributes I have come to really enjoy, open, easy to be around, and just fun. I had not really interacted with her partner, I saw him once, but it was winter he was all bundled up and carrying a large TV into their house. I wouldn’t have been able to pick him out of a line up. But now, I got take a closer look of nearly naked photos on their profile.

I immediately showed my husband their profile and he was in disbelief and in the next moment, I text messaged her and said, “Hey girl, we need to get together”. Shortly after that we had a plan to have appetizers and drinks at their house. She set the stage, knowing we hadn’t had a kiddo-free night in a while said we would talk about adult things only and in this order: politics, drugs, religion, and sex.

*Swinger Mentors*

We showed up at their house – I felt like I held this crazy secret that I didn’t know how to expose. I was thankful that we had a conversation agenda – and having the topic of sex at the end gave time for the liquid courage to kick in! They are super gracious hosts. They introduced us to a yummy new drink – which now every time I have this drink it brings me back to kissing him! The drink is The Last Word – try it, you won’t be disappointed.

I was super fucking shy about this secret. I am not sure I would have said anything – but my husband somehow brought it up and now they know – we are NOT vanilla friends. But we were so new – like had not had ANY experiences yet. So we spent the rest of the night talking about everything. They were so patient, descriptive, and willing to walk us through their experiences and pitfalls they have encountered. We stayed up until 1 am – and at that point, we agreed to create a 4-way chat and we planned a first play date. When I think about how all this has transpired, I am still in shock. How did we end up befriending such a fun sexy couple – just a few doors down? We scheduled a Monday morning – 8 am playdate. They cooked us breakfast and introduced us to the wonderful world of swinging and did so in the most caring, respectful, and fucking mind-blowing way!

– ***Highlights of Moments with Our Neighbors –***

*Monday Morning Massage*

Our first play date (soft swap), set under the guise that it was going to be a massage appointment for me turned out to have the most erotic scene of my life that I did not actually see. One of the aspects of our play is it has so many moments of total group play. Being the focus in a group of four is amazing – the sensory input of six hands on your body with the sole purpose of giving pleasure – it is beyond divine.

This scene started with me face down on the massage table – I got a very soft and sensual massage. Eventually, he asked me to turn over. When I did, our partners got much more interested in the play that was about to begin. As he oiled up my chest, my husband walked over and stood at the head of the massage table. He started rubbing his cock over my very generously-oiled breasts. My husband asked how to take off the head rest. With the headrest removed, my head was dangling at the perfect angle. With my husband’s cock in my mouth and his cock rubbing my breasts – I felt so wonderfully sexy. This was my first clue that I like being the center of attention. After a bit, they started switching and taking turns on who got my mouth or my breasts. I knew she was near, but I didn’t know until later, she was at the foot of the massage table practically straddled over my feet watching all of this and playing with herself while she enjoyed the scene.

*Backseat Makeout Session*

We went on a double-date to a karaoke event. We were all dressed up and feeling good – and planned to play after doing karaoke for a bit. We all rode in our car, I drove on the way there and my husband drove on the way home. I feel like he and I could make a Swinger “Emotions” chart – so far the emotions are “Frisky”, “Wet”, “Mysterious”, and “Bold”. He said he was feeling frisky this night – I would even say exceptionally so!

On the way home as we were sitting in the backseat, we started getting a little handsy. I had a dress on that revealed my strappy bra and really kind of showed off my breasts…I guess I was feeling a little “bold”! We had about a 30-minute drive back to our house and we kissed, groped, and teased the whole way home. I think we may have distracted the driver on occasion with his periodic glances in the rearview mirror – and I think my husband was envious because he did not use the same opportunity on the way to the venue. When we finally got to taking our clothes off to play – my husband was stunned with how drenched my panties were! I felt so much like a teenager making out in the back of the car – the heightened lusty feelings make me feel so alive.

*The Pantry and the Audience*

Recently, we set up an evening appetizer and drink night. They brought the drinks and I put together the appetizers. Prior to the start of the evening, she mentioned she was only up for a PG night, but would love to watch if any of us wanted to get our “naughty” on. Prior experience has shown that I am TERRIBLE at PG nights – I have to very consciously keep my hands to myself, haha – I mean like, I need to SIT on them! I did not mention whether or not I was up for naughty, but noticed that he responded with a devil emoji.

They arrived with yummy drinks and it was so fun to catch up on everything going on in our lives. Earlier in the day I had been fantasizing about having friends over and one by one taking the men that were there to the office, garage, or pantry and giving blow jobs – and I shared this fantasy with my husband. So naturally, that fantasy was on my mind – but I’m so reserved! True to form though, I cannot keep my hands to myself, and I offered to give him a back massage.

We all continued to chat, though I got quite a bit quieter. My mind was on overdrive though. I wanted, well, maybe even needed to get this fantasy of mine into action. It shifted a little though because I know that she was interested in watching and my husband LOVES to watch, so as I was massaging his back, neck, and shoulders I had a direct view to the pantry and thinking about us playing in their while our partners watched.

My handsy nature (and the yummy cocktails) must have had an impact on everyone, because she suddenly had her shirt off asking opinions on her very lovely bra. She always has the most amazing lingerie – I don’t think I’ve seen the same thing twice yet! Her bra was a raspberry color and fit her amazingly and she wanted us all to touch, explore, and confirm her assessment of the bra’s fit. And we all did – excitedly. She also has the most gorgeously thick hair, and I love to run my hands through it – so I took some time to do that too and then I let my husband have a turn.

Then I was standing next to him, our bodies were pressed together while we watched my husband explore her lingerie. He is much taller than me and I whispered that I had a fun idea and I wanted to get his input on. He did not hear me. When I went to get his attention, my hand knocked over a glass and it went crashing to the floor – shattering. Shit. I felt like I just ruined the moment – but I was wrong.

As a team we all picked up the glass, swept, and got all the small fragments. I went into the panty to put the broom away – and then I just waited (I figured nobody would notice if I ended up standing in there for 5 minutes, so I just patiently waited). He came in to throw away the small bits of glass and found me in the pantry, he said “hello there”. We started kissing. I told him that I wanted to give him a blow job in the pantry and I wanted to know if he was interested in my idea. He quickly agreed to my suggestion. My husband noticing what was occurring came and closed the pantry door. I told him if he was willing, I wanted them to watch – he said he’d open the door when he was ready.

I forgot to mention that when we were exploring her bra, there was a comparison request – so my shirt was also off. I had a green strappy bra and black floral pants. And I was kneeling in my pantry giving a very erotic blow job. Soon after he was undressed, he opened the door back up and out of the corner of my eye I saw our partners move their chairs so that they were facing the pantry. I really enjoyed this – the giving, the taboo-ness of being in my pantry, and being watched. Later upon reflection, I also realized that I was incredibly more aroused because I REALLY wanted this. I thought about it during the day and because he is not particularly an instigator, I put the scene into action – ME. I wanted it enough, that I had to say it, I had to ask for it.

I enjoyed his cock in my mouth until my legs practically fell asleep. He helped me up and I asked him if I should grab some condoms – he nodded in a shy kind of way I thought. If giving a blow job in the pantry wasn’t taboo enough, getting fucked against my washing machine certainly was! This fantasy was perfect. I was so wet, so excited, and enjoying every moment.

My husband told me later that my moaning was more erotic than ever!



  1. These are the kind of stories I wanna see more of in this subreddit. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Great story!

    The four of you are lucky and so are the rest of us.

  3. That was a really wholesome story of exploration. Consent and communication <3

    Sounds like you guys are enjoying the experience. Hope you have even more fun. Excited for more stories :3

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