A Sexual Chronicle chapter 3 [MF] (Exhibitionist/Voyeur)

[Chapter 1](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/vbugjd/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_1/)

[Chapter 2](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/ve20v0/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_2/)

I don’t think I flagged for a minute in the time we were waiting for Sarah to arrive. Katie went to the toilet at one point and I could help noticing that when she came back, the pubic wedge that had overlapped the ropes before was now perfectly lined up inside them. My girlfriend had evidently decided that if there was to be a show, it needed to be a good one.

As the minutes wore on, the confidence that had made Katie tidy her bush waned, and I felt myself growing nervous as well. Sure, I’d set this afternoon in motion, but it had gone so much further than I had ever expected. I thought about sensible, adult stuff like if my relationship with Katie and if both of our relationships with Sarah would be different after we displayed ourselves to her naked and post-coital. I also worried about childish stuff, like if she’d like the look of my dick, if it would compare to other men she’d been with, even if she’d laugh at me. A naked woman, especially one with Katie’s body, had a kind of universal appeal, even to people not into girls. A naked man – a surprise penis – suddenly appearing in front of you tended to have more of a shock factor, even a funniness to it. Unless you’re super ripped (and while I take care of myself, I certainly am not), men just don’t get appreciated the same way.

A knock reverberated through the room. Katie answered, hiding behind the door and peeking around the side as she cracked it open. I thought it would have been hotter if she just pulled it over and showed her friend everything at once like she didn’t give a damn about her tits, bush and cunt being ogled, but better this than flashing a neighbour, or an Uber Eats guy who got the wrong apartment.

“Oh my god!” Sarah’s voice squeaked as she abruptly pushed through the opening. Katie, taken off-guard by her friend’s eagerness, shrank away, holding an arm across her breasts and twisting her hips so her thigh concealed the vital core of her pubic area (if nothing else). “You’re really doing it! I thought you were joking when I saw your message!” She was practically bouncing with excitement. “Stop being shy, lemme see.”

Katie sighed and relaxed her posture. She was letting Sarah get a good, long look at her nipples and bush, not just the incidental glances they’d have picked up in the past. “It’s a little silly, I know. I didn’t think it’d go this far. If you want me to actually put something on I can…”

“No fucking way! You look so hot, I love the ropes. Give me a pose!”

Katie twisted to face me and raised one knee and both hands, doing kind of a Charlie’s Angels thing. I appreciated the way her tits bounced from the momentum of the turn. When I managed to tear my eyes off them, I could see on her face that Sarah’s enthusiasm was proving infectious and more importantly, she was enjoying this.

“That’s great, now a sexy one,” Sarah egged her on.

My wonderful girlfriend considered the request for a moment, then turned to face her best friend. She went to her knees, thighs apart, and arched her back a little, reaching both arms up to muss up her hair. There’s something so exposing about raising your hands about your head when you’re naked. Even if you weren’t using them to cover yourself to begin with, the knowledge that they’re so far away from the vulnerable points, that you wouldn’t even feel the need to be ready to cover them, elevates the whole experience. Also, girls raising their arms up does magical things to their tits.

I couldn’t see it from my vantage point on the couch, but I knew from the placement of Katie’s legs that Sarah was getting her first real look at her best friend’s pussy. It wouldn’t quite be spread open, but there would be no hiding the engorged labia and protruding clit between the crotch ropes.

Katie flicked her head this way and the other, giving Sarah a few different angles and producing wonderful jiggles as she moved.

“Work it!” Sarah said, “work it, girl! Holy fuck you’re sexy! Hey, do I get to take a photo?” She pulled her phone out, raising her eyebrows.

“Nooo!” Katie nearly fell over trying to get to a place to cover herself. “This is between us, Sarah. Between. Us. And Captain Perv over there. No pictures.”

“Aw come on, you’ve helped me workshop my nudes,” Sarah laughed. (This was news to me, and the implications made my dick twitch.) But she finally noticed me. “Hey, Captain Perv.”

Her eyes met mine for a fraction of a second before they dropped to my waist. She stared, but she was grinning, so I felt like it was probably alright. After Katie’s little show, I was at full mast and visibly throbbing, cock and balls all on display through the front of my pants. It might have been my eyes playing tricks on me (or just wishful thinking) but it looked like she was even starting to drool.

This was my girlfriend’s best friend! A girl so off-limits I’d always stopped myself from even considering her. And now I was dick-out and hard in front of her, not just with Katie’s blessing, but at her insistence. How were we going to look each other in the eye when next time we hung out? There was nothing I had left to hide from her.

“Hey, Sarah.” I winked, making no effort to hide how happy I was with her reaction.

“Well isn’t this a new side of you?” she asked, keeping her eyes shamelessly low. “Did I catch you in the middle of something?” She made a jerking off motion with her fist, even though the implication had been perfectly obvious without it. “I don’t blame ya, with the view in here today.”

“Not exactly, actually. Kat said as long as she was wearing what I laid out for her, my outfit was open pants so she could see my reaction. She’s cool enough with you not to dress up…” Katie rolled her eyes, knowing I’d been the one to push her into being naked for Sarah “…so I didn’t change my getup either.”

“Dirty girl!” Sarah cried at Katie. “You’re as bad as he is. You guys make such a kinky couple, I love it!”

She stood there grinning, letting her eyes roam freely and hungrily from me to Katie and back again, taking in all the details she could of our nudity. I reclined on the couch, folding my hands behind my head and letting my boner speak for itself. I looked back, of course. Sarah was a pretty girl – I’d always thought so – but like I said, for Katie’s sake I’d always kept from looking to long at her under a sexual lens. But fuck it, she was staring at my dick. I figured I was allowed to notice she was on the thicker side of my girlfriend, with curves in all the places you want them to be. Where Katie’s boobs are large proportionate to her frame, Sarah’s are just large, and that colourful blouse with the low neckline was hard pressed to contain them. Her shorts were small and high-waisted, showing a lot of leg. There was an anime tattoo on one supple thigh, and another one on the opposite side’s upper arm. Strawberry blonde hair fell to a touch below chin length in a cute bob and her lips were large and wet – “dick sucking lips” I believe is the term.

“Did you bring my game?” Katie asked, snapping us both out of our trances.

“Oh yeah, almost forgot, what with all the sexiness.” I detected a breathiness to Sarah’s speech, like she was feeling a little hot under the hood from what she was seeing. I liked where this was going.

Sarah took the game from her back and Katie moved to return it to its place. We keep our games in the bottom of the TV unit, down near the floor. I expected Katie to crouch, but she surprised everyone by bending at the waist, showing me and Sarah her bare ass cheeks, ropes running through the crack, with her pussy completely exposed and obviously wet between the backs of her thighs. My breath caught in my throat. I’d been catching her bending and stretching in all kinds of ways all day, but it wasn’t close to getting old.

Sarah dropped onto the couch next to me and cheered. “Work it, you beautiful slut!”

Katie giggled and played with his, wiggling her hips back and forth as she made a show of finding the right place on the shelf for her game. It was a mesmerising display. Almost like I was hypnotised, I felt my hand move of its own accord to my dick and start to stroke. Sarah noticed, and she watched me work, grinning away.

“I know guys who’d kill for this kind of relationship,” she admitted to me as I pumped. “Hell, I wouldn’t mind something like this myself, if I could find a girl on Kat’s level. How’d you pull it off?”

I could have told her the truth, that this was a one-off experiment that had already gone leagues further than either of us could’ve expected it to. But Sarah was assuming it was a lifestyle thing. I liked the idea of it as a lifestyle thing. And I already told you my hand was around my dick by that point, right? I definitely wasn’t thinking with my uppermost head.

“Well it’s all contextual, isn’t it?” I asked, bullshitting fast and hard. “A bikini would show an obscene amount of skin for going out to a fancy dinner, but it would make you fully dressed for the beach or a pool. We just take it a step further. When it’s people she trusts, like you and me, Katie’s fully dressed in…” I took a breath as she turned back around, showing her front and slinking toward us “…a pair of glasses and a few well-placed ropes. She doesn’t have to give a fuck what parts of her we see, or even if we see how turned on she is.”

Katie’s chest was heaving and she had that full-body blush going again. She dripped. Another gamble had paid off. She was as all in on this scenario as I was.

She leaned forward, tits dangling, and pulled my hand off my cock. “Dirty boy,” she cooed, licking her lips. “We’ve got company. Don’t you know it’s rude to wank yourself while there’s people around.”

“I can’t help it,” I breathed. “It’s too hard, I have to do something. Do I have any other options?”

“Hm,” she said, placing one finger under her lip like she was actually thinking about it. She dropped to her knees and swallowed my cock in one smooth moment. Sarah’s jaw fell. I would have gawked too, but a spasm of pleasure took control of my face. Katie bobbed up and down over my lap, when drew back to lick just the tip, then swallowed me again. Her fingertips danced on my balls and shaft. She did it like a pro. But it wasn’t just her physical talent, it was her choice to do this with Sarah – obstinately just a friend, from whom our sex life should be private – watching every moment.

I glanced to Sarah, thinking some eye contact while her best friend’s lips were wrapped around my cock would be hot, and was surprised to find she’d drawn her legs up onto the couch and parted them. Her hand was moving quickly, massaging the crotch of those tight little shots. She was watching Katie closely, but glanced at me and smiled. I grinned back in ecstasy. Her breathing was quick and shallow.

“You guys don’t mind, right? I mean, I figured, with all of this.”

“Not at all,” I managed to get out.

“If we’re making you feel good,” Katie purred, letting her hands do all the work for a moment, “do what you gotta do. It’s only fair.”

I concurred. “It’s only natural to need to get off when something turns you on. No big deal. Those are the rules we’ve been playing by. No shame, no secrets, nothing to hide.”

“Fuck it,” Sarah said, and jumped up quickly, throwing her shorts to her ankles in the same motion and kicking them off alongside her shoes as she plopped back down. She had a pair of small black panties on underneath, semi-sheer around the waist and over the ass, but disappointingly opaque on the crotch. Man, I’d been hoping I might see my first non-porn new pussy since Katie and I got together, but it looked like I’d waiting at least a little longer. If nothing else, the transparency on the front came far enough down her pubis that I was now sure Sarah shaved or waxed herself completely. It felt like such an intimate thing to know, considering our relationship up to this point.

Sarah masturbated in earnest now, using two hands to knead and pinch and work her pussy through the fabric. It looked like the material was doing its fair share of the work to get her off, since she didn’t pull it aside at all. Or maybe she just wasn’t ready to give it all away for me yet, the tease.

A tremor ran through my body. The magic Katie worked with her mouth and the show Sarah was putting on were too much for me. I’m only a man, after all. “I’m close,” I warned the room.

Sarah worked faster. “Where’re you gonna finish?”

I glanced between her and Katie. This was a new intimacy barrier going down for them, too. Sure, they’d glimpsed parts of each other’s bodies before, and definitely, they’d discussed their sex lives with each other, but the full frontal was new. The chance to see Katie in a totally sexual light was new. The techniques she used and the way her cheeks puffed up when she had a mouthful of cock was a private, personal thing never before shared. What else could I show Sarah of Katie?

I sat up and put my hands on Katie’s shoulders, moving her gently back. She made no objections, her eyes and mouth hungry, one of her hands falling between her legs. I took my cock, soaked with spit and running with precum and rubbed it along her face, smearing fluids. She let her tongue slip between her lips to taste it again as it went past her mouth. She’d set the pace of the blowjob, maintaining complete control, but now she was going to show Sarah something more submissive. I started jerking off not over but into her face, using the softness of her cheeks and wet texture of her extended tongue to stimulate the tip while I went hard on the shaft. My orgasm thundered in quickly and I angled my dick up slightly at the last moment for the best coverage.

An extra-stimulating scenario sure does make a difference. I’d rarely cum that much in my life, let alone in my second load of the day. Thick ropes of white liquid sprayed over Katie’s face, glasses and hair, soaking her from top to chin. Some went in her mouth. Most didn’t. The last few drops, which came as I staggered back toward the couch to ride out my climax, fell short and spotted her collar and tits instead.

“Oh my god,” Sarah breathed. I couldn’t tell if she was impressed or if she was cumming too.

“Bet you never thought you’d watch your best friend get a whole facefull of cum, did you?” I asked. Short of Katie’s O-face, what sexual secrets could possibly be left between the two friends?

“No, never,” she gasped.

Katie stared at us, dripping, one hand still wriggling between her thighs. Her mouth was open in a wide O and that was partly because she was lapping at the moving drops of cum that tickled her lips on their way down, but I also read surprise in the expression, like my words had made her realise exactly what side of herself she’d just shown her best friend. She looked like she was about to say something, but Sarah got in first.

“But I’d always really hoped!” she said, finishing her thought. “Here, let’s get you cleaned up.”

She abandoned her masturbation and slid off the couch kneeling by Katie’s side. With her glasses all cum-smudged, I don’t think Katie saw the next bit coming. Sarah leaned in and licked her cheek, wiping up as much fluid as she could with a long, slow stroke of the tongue. She finished off the right cheek with two more big licks, then did the left one.


“Shh, let me help.”

Sarah licked my girlfriend’s chin and lips while I watched. Katie purred and opened her mouth, the inside of which was still full of the liquid she’d caught and lapped up after the fact. She extended her tongue like she’d done for me while I was jerking it, whiteness still shining on its surface. Sarah licked that too, up and down, and then drawing it into her own mouth to suck on. It wasn’t a traditional kiss – their lips never quite touched – but something even more erotic.

Sarah moved onto Katie’s neck, where a good deal of cum had dripped by now, then to her breasts, where she spent a long time despite how little had actually landed there.

“C’mere you,” Katie said, gesturing to me. I got up, expecting more fun, but all she did was grab my shirt and wipe her glasses clean with it.

“That’s gross,” I said, looking at the shiny stain.

“You’ll just have to take it off then.” I grinned at her and threw it over my head. She inspected her glasses. “Oops, bit more.” She wiped this bit on my shorts. I pulled them and my briefs off without complaint. I’m not dumb enough to miss a hint like that. Sarah, now the only person in the apartment who could remotely be called clothed, even with her pants still off, looked up from Katie’s tit and nodded approvingly at my now-fully naked form, making sure to ogle the torso and thighs she hadn’t seen before. Considering I was back in a state of unimpressive post-coital flaccidity, I really appreciated that.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vgddy4/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_3_mf