An Old Flame, New Friend. (Real) [M/FF]

It’s 1am. For the first time I have nothing to do. Deciding that I don’t want my night to end I go through my phone. Scrolling down the list of texts, mostly groupchats, until finally I found the number I was looking for. I haven’t hung out with her in a while. I text her and she told me to come over, I said I’ll be over by 1:30. It’s 1:10 and as I’m getting into an Uber I get a direct message on Instagram. My heart starts racing. It reads your name and it says come over right now. My heart sank because you were the only girl, at the time, to make me feel anything close to intimacy. Our times were great. But things ended so poorly. I message you back that I can’t tonight but tomorrow for sure. I can almost feel the disappointment in your message.

Needless to say I was absent minded with my current situation. All I could think about was tomorrow, as well as everything we used to do. The long talks, longer sex, the way you take my hand have you feel me inside you, when we would stare at our selves in the mirror. With all that on my mind I paid no attention to the girl I was with. She could tell I wasn’t in my normal headspace. I finished and left, I could tell she was disappointed, I still feel bad to this day. We’re still friends but I haven’t made an attempt since that night.

The next night gets here. I go to the address, still saved in my phone, I order the car and I’m on my way I direct message that I’m on my way (at this point I was still blocked in your phone). You message me back okay, I could tell you’re still annoyed with me, however I’m sure I could get back on your good side before the night ends. I finally arrive and I message you I’m outside. You message me back, asking if I was at the right place, since you moved months ago. I laughed and said I was at your old place. Lucky me you only moved across the street. I get up to your place and knock on the door. You look annoyed, you give me an awkward laugh and tell me that you can’t believe you’re doing this. I walk in and see the familiar furniture, same TV, same kitchen setup, same couch and same dining table but a new roommate sitting at the head of it. Her back was turned, but when she turned around and I saw her face and smile I was instantly smittened. I managed to hide it well and playfully flirt with her. Amazing and piercingly blue eyes, a body sculpted by a divine artist, my mind was racing. After our conversation halted you pull me into your room.

I look around marveling that it’s a new place but nothing has changed. I talk about how much I missed this mirror and how I always looked better in it. I have been working out quite a bit and have gotten bigger since the last time you saw. You brought it up and I just smiled. I tell you some things have changed but most things about me never do. You roll your eyes. I tell you that I still think about you all the time and you don’t believe me, I list off all the things I was thinking about yesterday and finally got the first smile of the night. You tell me that I was the last guy you’ve been with. I smirk and ask how many girls. To my surprise you smile and say one. You start telling me about your roommate and how you two have been experimenting. I try to contain the bad thoughts in my head. You show me polaroids that you and her took and I can’t believe how excited I feel myself getting, but if I know I can’t appear too excited about something like this. I’m sick of talking. I pull you by your hip, straight into me, move my hand to your face and kiss you. You hold my hand on your face after you pull away. You look up at me and ask me why I am the way I am. I apologize and tell you I haven’t changed. You look down still holding my hand. I use the other hand to lift your cheek and kiss you again. You grab my shirt, breathe heavier, pause and tell me that you’ve missed me. I kiss your neck and whisper in your ear that I should’ve never left you.

With incredible hunger in your voice you tell me to take my shirt off. I pull it off revealing myself to you. I reach for your shirt, strip it off, unhook your bra and let it fall as I lift you up and throw you down on the bed. I get on top of you, you feel my body heat against you, I want you so badly. Ireach down under your shorts to rub you through your panties as I kiss the newly exposed skin, from touching I could tell you were thinking something similar. I take your shorts and panties off. Slide my fingers teasing your entrance. You hold onto my shoulders tight and you let out a load moan. As if on cue your door opens and your roomate walks in.


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