[F]eeling it out with a [F]riend

Me: recently turned 30 year old bi woman with a tendency toward shyness in public

Her: a 26 year old bold young woman with a true spirit for adventure.

We met at a photography class through our local arts center. She caught my eye the moment she walked into the room. Shoulder length red hair with green eyes and an incredibly fit body. The jeans she wore seemed to be literally painted on her legs.

For a moment, I thought that she had caught me staring, but I quickly averted my eyes when she looked my way. Either she didn’t mind or she didn’t notice because next thing I knew she was settling into the seat next to me.

The scent of her perfume immediately filled my nostrils. I usually find most perfumes overbearing and offensive, but her’s was subtle and floral, an enticing and inviting aroma that seemed to brighten up the space around her.

I fought the urge to scoot my chair closer to hers, to bathe the intoxicating aura that she was exuding.

Instead, as the rest of the class settled into their seats, I mustered a small amount of confidence and turn towards her, extending my hand.

“Hi, I’m Kaitlyn” I said.

“Hi, Kaitlyn,” She responded, smiling. “I am Heather. Nice to meet you.”

As our hands grasped, I could feel my heart quicken and and a pleasant warmth spreading from where our skin met. I had to fight the blush rising in my neck as we caught each other’s eyes.


A couple of months passed and I still had no clue which way Heather leaned sexually. We had worked together on a couple of photo projects for the class and had eventually exchanged numbers and had gone out to grab coffee and drinks and a few lunches together. But the topic of romantic partners had never come up.

It struck me as a little strange. Most new female friends I’ve made over the years usually drop a “my boyfriend says….” or a “oh my ex was the same way” type comments or would at least inquire into my own romantic life. But Heather never did. I assumed that maybe she was just single and hadn’t ever really had any noteworthy boyfriends. But there was a side of me that was praying that this might be a sign that she might be into women… or even into me.

Thoughts like this made it hard to be around her sometimes. I was afraid that my hopes would show on my face and give me away, that she would get weirded out by a look that lingered too long and I would lose my new friend. Pretty much the standard queer fears…

With all these doubts and concerns occupying my thoughts, it took her making the first move for anything to happen.


We had met up to go for a little photo hike up in the hills above town. We wanted to catch a photo of the town bathed in the pre-sunset golden hour light so we left about an hour or so after work. We walked for a while on the trails above town, before settling on a flat little patch of grass to set up our tripods and lay out a blanket.

It was a perfect spring afternoon. The air was still cool with the last breath of winter, but sitting in the light of the sun I could feel my skin and clothes soaking in its warmth.

We spent a bit setting up the cameras. Adjusting and clicking away, looking at the results on the back and tweaking the settings to try and capture the image we had set out for. Once we were satisfied, we left the cameras and settled back onto the blanket, munching on some snacks and discussing the movement of the clouds and the prospects of a quality sunset.

We decided it was worth it to wait and see, so I lay down and relaxed, closing my eyes and trying to soak in the last rays of sun hitting the hillside.

Just as I felt my thoughts drifting towards the question of Heather’s sexual orientation and what the moment could be if I knew for sure she was gay, I felt a slight brush of my open palm.

I opened my eyes and saw Heather staring down at me, her expression a mix of questioning and longing. Her fingers brushed from my palm up to the inside of my forearm, sending nearly ticklish tingles up my arm and down my spine. I shivered. There was no question now.

“Kaitlyn” She breathed, and there was definitely lust in her voice. “Do you know just how beautiful you are?”

As I looked into her eyes, I could feel my heart beat quicken, it felt like it was threatening to burst through my chest. I was suddenly fully aware of the flowery, sweet scent of her perfume and breathed in deeply, relaxing in her presence and showing through my comfort, that what she was doing was just fine by me.

“You know I think the same thing about you, right?” I said, hearing the slight nervous tremble in my voice.

“I had an inkling.” She said, smirking slightly.

And then she was kissing me. She brought her face down to mine and I pushed mine up to meet her, straining my neck as our lips met. The world seemed to melt around me. My mind was entirely focused on the feeling of her soft lips against mine, her hands moving up my sides, brushing the sides of my breasts as she circled around to my back and pulled me towards her.

I pushed myself up to a more comfortable position and grasped one hand behind her supple neck as my tongue flirted with hers, dancing playfully in and out of each other’s mouths. There was nothing else in the world for me except for her. I ran a hand through her beautiful red hair as the other made its way to her waist, wanting to pull her in so close that our bodies became one.

Her soft skin felt amazing in my hands, I felt a strong desire to explore every inch of her body with my finger tips, to find every nook and cranny, to discover every point on her amazing figure that made her breathe deeper with pleasure.

I had almost lost track of where her hands were on me when I felt an intense warmth spreading from my hips. I moaned softly in her ear as her hands made their way down my inner thigh, briefly brushing my pussy with the side of her hand.

It was then that i realized just how wet i was getting.

Her hand made its way back up my legs before settling on my bare stomach, the tips of her fingers poised at the top of my jeans. She pulled back and looked me deep in the eyes.

“Is this ok?” She asked, concernedly.

It was great of her to ask, but there was no question about it. I responded by nodding firmly and pulling her back into a deep kiss. Her hand firmly pushing under the waist of my jeans and down my waist until it finally settled on my aching pussy.

I gasped as her touch met me. Pulling away from the kiss as the pleasure spread through my hips, sending shivers and warmth throughout my body.

Her fingers were skilled and soon she was spreading my lips with two fingers, while deftly teasing and softly rubbing my clit with another, meeting the bucking of my hips with corresponding pressure, allowing me to twist with pleasure, but also holding me in place. She would periodically slow down, rubbing soft deliberate circles with all three fingers, and occasionally drifting one down to where i was dripping to spread my wetness and keep her fingers slick with my juices.

I was absolutely powerless to her touch. I only found firm ground by staring deep into her eyes as she played with me. Seeing the satisfaction she was getting from the arousal she was commanding with her fingers. Looking at me as if I was a shiny new toy placed on this earth for her enjoyment.

I was still staring into her eyes when I felt the climax coming. My legs tensed and shook and my hips began to writhe with increased deliberation. She knew what was happening and expertly kept her strokes consistent a deliberate, knowing any change might kill the orgasm threatening to consume my body.

And then it hit.

I let out a massive exclaim of pleasure that I was sure had echoed throughout the entire valley as wave after wave of warm satisfaction coursed through my body. My skin tingling and every nerve fully engaged, feeling everything and nothing all at once. My mind was full of fireworks as I gave myself over to Heather completely. Absolute love and trust consuming me. And just just when I thought it was ending, her fingers entered me.

Hypersensitive to every touch, I nearly screamed. I had gone off the waterfall only to find a bigger drop on the other side. I gripped every inch of her skin that I could find and dug my nails in as a bigger and more intense climax swallowed my soul. My body was now completely lost to me. My toes curled and my legs trembled as I gave myself over to it. Looking while no longer seeing, as the orgasm began to finally recede, replaced with a deep sense contentment and fulfillment and love.

It may have just been longing, lust or whatever you want to call it. But when I lay on that hillside, under a spectacular sunset, with Heather’s hand resting gentling on my pulsing and still sensitive vagina, I felt the closest thing to love I think I ever had in my life to that point.

I was eager to return the favor.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vdttyu/feeling_it_out_with_a_friend


  1. This was so beautifully written! I almost fell in love with her too 🥲

  2. That was delightful, I loved your descriptions. Very sensual. Thank you for sharing your photography adventure. :>

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